Magical Girl Revolution (Draft)

Ch 20.5: Barganing chip’s (Akari’s POV)

"Identify yourselves" Amy said in an imposing voice, I don't get to hear her like this often witch I find amusing.

"Bellatrix Earl" The blonde girl said, she was quite receptive to her situation but this isn't time to take pity on the enemy, I must continue to make myself be worth.

"You idiot!! you shouldn't give to the enemy's orders"  The green-haired girl said, she wasn't transformed since she was on a lab coat, but she still emitted a faint trace of aether, which indicated that she could use magic, From this exchange alone I get that Bellatrix is a dumb person.

"Well, I already know your name... Hui Kaku" I heard Amy say, I was in quite a shock that she knew the girl, but the Hui was as well, so I got confirmation that her name was in fact, Hui Kaku and that she was not that intelligent.

"Godammit, Do I really have to fight her!!" Hui was worried about Amy, it was a normal reaction, Amy doesn't notice it but for a 1-star Magical girl her strength is abnormal, she said that her aether pool was 'monstrous but I couldn't grasp how true those words were and on top of that she was good at martial arts, something that only a select few decide to even train for.

"Don't worry miss doctor I will protect you" Bellatrix put herself in front of Hui and unsheathed her sword, at least I could get that Bellatrix was someone with comradery, which was bad for our situation.

"We got no alternative, we must fight Bellatrix" Hui said while hiding behind Bellatrix, which was taller than her.

"Okay then let's do it" Amy clashed her fist together, a Magical girl wouldn't do that but it weirdly fits her, so I smile a bit although Amy doesn't notice it.

Bellatrix started running at us, I begin to move but I see her eyes, I saw Amy's reflection on them, she was determined to fight Amy first, I was a bit relieved since I'm weaker than both of them, I lock my eyes on Hui, she is now completely exposed and running away, I waved my wand around and sense the environment, I make some Peebles float and shoot them at Hui.

"Ow, stop that" Hui reproached, I didn't stop and continued to shoot, Hui shielded her eyes and glasses by crossing her arms in front of them, I continued to shoot, eventually I make the pebbles accumulate.

"Bind" The rocks encircle Hui and start to fasten, eventually she was tied, I began approaching her to punch her, She forces the rocks open and blocks, she is pushed into the ground, I started shooting again.

"I'll help you, Miss Hui!!" I hear Bellatrix say, Hui looks to the side, I start charging at her while she was distracted.

"Bella, Just focus on Amy at the moment I will de-" I cut her off with a punch, she noticed last second so I only hit her crossed arms, but she is thrown to the ground again.

I don't let Hui take a breather, I'm either throwing punches at her or shooting her down, I'm completely dominating the fight, I land a decisive blow on her flat chest and she is sent flying even further from Bellatrix, she begins taking something from below her lab coat bur is interrupted by a portal appearing between me and her.

 "What is happening?" I ask, A teddy bear exits the portal, it is colored brown and has dark plastic eyes, It's 6 feet tall, towering over me, I ready the nearby Pebbles when I see hui approach the teddy bear with all her might.

"Diffraction" Hui says as she touches the teddy bear, it is suddenly split into 7 copies of itself, each copy is a color from the rainbow, they are so bright it would be difficult not to spot them.

[That's a problem].

I start preparing to attack, I see that Amy and Bellatrix are coming to our destination, Bellatrix seemed a bit more distressed and conflicted than before.

"BELLA MAINTAIN HER OCCUPIED!!" Hui shouted at them, I look at the teddy bears, I get the knowledge that these types of devils are called 'Ted' so I go with that, I'm fighting it, the round pebbles don't work so instead I search for spiky ones, and begin to put more force into my magic, Hui is hiding behind them, so I make a row of stones connect to my wand.

"Beast tamer" I whip my wand, the stones are moved as if they were a whip, it reaches the Ted and destroys it, vanishing in a cloud of smoke, I see that Amy just impaled one, I remember that she told me that Devils have 'cores' and once destroyed the would die, so I begin throwing pebbles at the devils, it seems these devils are not that tough as I mowed them down with a barrage of pebbles.

"Don't think it will be easy for yo-" Hui suddenly was tied to the ground with rocks, I use that Amy had helped me, the ground began sliding Hui towards me, I don't see Amy directly but I get the feeling that she would want me to end this fight early, So I punch Hui to knock her out.

We won, I turned to Amy, but her hands were a bit bloody since she got cut from Bellatrix battle, she CUff Hui and Bellatrix with rocks, Bellatrix was conscious but didn't oppose Amy.

[Did she lose a duel honorably and accepted her fate?].

While I was pondering Another dark portal appeared, this time, A mysterious Silver haired girl wearing a colonel outfit with the coat hanging from her shoulders appeared, she inspected the situation, she gave an ominous feeling, she was quite interested in Amy, I used this opportunity to try and punch her, I Applied Telekinesis to my own body to fly straight at her, but she looks at me.


She just looks at me, I throw my punch, but she uses 2 portals to redirect my punch directly to my face, I get thrown to the ground and I cough, I did give it my all in that punch.

[Dammit I need to not be useless].

I slowly try to get up, but something pressed against my forehead, I look up and she a shotgun pointed straight at me.

[What, wait. wait. wait.].

I was in utter disbelief, I noticed that the military girl used portals, and she just had my life in her hands, the realization that I committed a single error and was going to pay with my life sunk in, I started to tremble and fell again the ground, the portal moved accordingly to keep the gun aimed at my brain.

[No please, don't kill me].

I was begging anyone to help me in that instant, every second felt like an hour, my life flashed before my eyes, I saw everything I had gone through as if my brain was trying to get anything helpful from my memories, but I only saw my useless memories.


My parents were never home, they were always on business trips or in important meetings in their jobs, I always wondered why would they do that, I eventually got to ask them the question, they said that it was because of money, I got the gist of how money worked but never understood why would they want more of it when I questioned them they only said 'Money can buy anything' was their answer. 

'Can money buy my parent's attention?', A question I asked my sister when I was little, she was hesitant to answer my question as if I touched on a sensitive topic, but I only really wanted to confirm what my parents told me, I never doubted them, but my sister answer contradicted them completely, I was never going to get my parents attention no matter how much money I got.

And so, I had to grow without anyone else besides my older sister, it was lonely to get home and not see anyone, only some food on the table and videogames, I always wondered how my parents only ever complimented me when I got good grades, so I started to focus on my studies, I approached it on a weird way, by asking questions since it was the only way I knew how, since my parents were never with me I couldn't get answers for basic questions like why was the sky blue, and so I never got told that asking the questions I asked could get misinterpreted.

My antics led to everyone being weirded out by my questions, who wouldn't? an annoying girl with good grades always asking questions as if she was testing you on how good you were, or maybe making fun of you by already knowing the answer, it wasn't my intention but is not that I can control how another look at me, but eventually I found something interesting.

"Is water wet?" I asked a new girl that entered our classroom, it was a dumb question, but maybe will this give my answer, but I don't expect anyone to answer this, I already asked a dozen of people and all of them ignored me or got annoyed.

"For something to be 'wet' it needs to be covered by water, if you believe that a liquid can be covered by itself then that would give you your answer" she gave me a completely reasonable answer while just looking at me, she wasn't weirded out, she just answered my question without any hint of ulterior motives.

This simple act led me to ask her more questions, no matter how dumb, obvious or complicated, she always answered with a great emphasis on details.

"Why does water boil?".

"Heat is kinetic energy, so once there's enough of it, it will make molecules of water not hold themselves as a liquid and become gaseous".

"Why does it boil at 100° C (212 °F)?".

"That's the threshold for it to become a gas, more heat will only make water boil faster, not hotter".

For some reason, she knew a lot of things before I even asked her, I was somewhat happy that she answered so carefully, even when she didn't get an answer she would investigate it and answer me the next day, I couldn't help but want to stay close to her, but my feelings don't come out good, I'm very afraid I will scare her, so instead I try to get her to study with me, but she keeps refusing me, her name was the first thing I investigated on my own without asking anyone previously, apparently, her name meant 'beloved', wich suited Amy well.

At the present time, I was on the verge of tears, I didn't want to die, my life wasn't exactly happy but it was enough to want to live for it.

"I don't recommend either of you to move" the military girl said, I stopped myself from crying from the fear that it would be counted as moving.

[I really messed up this one, I don't think we c-].

"O... ok, but you need to release Akari first" Amy said, I peeked at her, she was also frozen, but she was more worried than fearful.

"You don't seem to understand your situation at all, you will be the one to release those girls if you want a chance at getting your friend back," the military girl said, I can't get my thoughts through, I really made Amy negotiate with the enemy over how I handled the situation, Amy complied wholeheartedly.

[Please don't, You already got yourself cut because you fight Bellatrix, don't give up just because of me]

"Alright then" To my surprise, the gun slowly got drawn away, I was in shock when suddenly the ground began to move, when I took a look a was already next to Amy, after she looked at me to confirm that I was okay she looked at the military girl.

"I see, well then I'll take my leave"The military girl stepped into the portal and disappeared, I was frozen, I really undid not only Amy's effort and Aqua, but I also almost got myself killed for it, while I was thinking about it Amy suddenly hugged me.

[So warm, but why, I was useless].

"We should get back to Aqua" Amy said, I nodded.

[Amy must want to curse at me in solitude].

I followed Amy but we got stopped with some sort of in-the-moment paparazzi, I looked at them, they were taking photos of us without our permission and asking questions, all of their questions didn't really mean anything, I heard a little voice all the way in the back.

"Are you two dating?" I heard, it was not heard by anyone else, I couldn't help but get nervous.

[Me and Amy???? no we couldn't I already pester Amy too much so she wouldn't, she doesn't even like crowds].

The realization that I put Amy in a situation that she loudly said she hated, made my heart ache, I couldn't help but get teary-eyed, I felt some sort of warm breeze, it was aether sensing, and it was detecting Amy.

"I'm sorry but we do not have time for any of this" Amy suddenly made the crowd divide into two, I was surprised about it, before I could say anything.

"Let's go Enchantress" Amy took my hand and pulled me, we were now holding hands while leaving a crowd of people behind, we eventually got to a secluded area and untransformed, Amy's wounds were now hidden, I felt a bit bad.

[I hate this, I just made Amy do things she didn't like for my sake, but o feel so happy about it, I shouldn't feel happy].

"Thank you Amy" I say, the only thing that I could do right now was to be grateful about having Amy as a classmate and friend, she gave a thumb up while smiling, it was sweet, it lingered in my mind for some time.

"But why did you call me enchantress???" I asked because I needed to distract my mind with something, I expected Amy to say something about her habit of nicknaming everything.

"Uhhhh... you see I can't call you class rep since they could get a hint of current identity" she said.

[Oh, she even is thinking of me in times like this, she is such a good person!!].

"You could have called me Akari" I say, Amy is sometimes slow so I let her know that she could call me that in public.

"Ummm well... you see..." she muttered, I was a bit confused.

[Did I say something wrong?].

"It's a bit embarrassing to say your name" Amy said, a was surprised, she didn't say my name because she was embarrassed about it.

[What? does she hate that much, wait... No that doesn't make sense she gave up a lot for my sake, so why did she do that????...].

I was taken aback by the answer.

[The only other reason to be embarrassed by saying my name would be...].

The feelings of embarrassment washed over my body, could it be that Amy liked me more than she let me know? the thought made me smile involuntarily.

"I see" I Spoke on accident, but I couldn't get my mouth to move again since the image of Amy filled my head.

 The rest of the day I was observing Amy, I didn't put much attention to the plan or the list of points that the 2 of them put together, I was doing what Amy always told me when I annoyed her with studying.

"I'm just enjoying my life" I said while admiring the person I found beautiful, I thought about confessing right there, but I needed time to let sink in feelings to see if they were true, and to find a better occasion when I'm as admirable as her.

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