Magical Girl Revolution (Draft)

Ch 5: Transformation shenanigans

"Yes!!" I pump my fist up in the air, excited by the idea of transforming, [Finally I get to do something fun from this magic girl ordeal].

"Oh, but how do I do that?"I look at Sauriel, waiting for instructions. [I mean It shouldn't be difficult right? or maybe it could be something as tedious as the contract? oh please let it be a normal cliché thing for once].

"Oh it's pretty simple" a smile creeps in my face, Sauriel jumps towards me, so I open my arms to catch it, once it lands I put it close to my chest for a safer grip.

"Say your transformation line".


"C'mon it's pretty simple" Sauriel is looking with anticipation.

"Sauriel, what is my transformation line?".

"I don't know, it's yours so you just need to say it".

[I mean I understand the concept, but how would I know it?].

"But I don't have one of those? I just became a Magical girl and technically only in name" I grab Sauriel by its shoulder and lift it up so we're at eye level, I stare at him [If put my feelings into my staring, maybe it will give me actually useful answers for once].

"That's true, but your transformation line is something heartfelt and unique to you, so just imagine what that would be and shout it".

[Mmm it sounds farfetched, but honestly, with everything that has happened so far it wouldn't surprise me that is that ambiguous, but I learn better by example so... ].

"I will try, but could you please give an example?, like what does Aquamarine say when she transforms" My question is half-serious.

[I really need an example, I just have no idea what could my phrase even be?]

And half-jokingly.

[I only heard Aquamarine twice, so her line must be something pretty cool, uh finally some real-life transformation phrase].

"If I remember correctly her phrase was 'Once the ice melts, the warm waves will welcome us open armed' ".

[Oh... if that phrase were a spice, it would be flour] I nod in agreement with myself.

[But now that I think about it, is kinda weird that her phrases and personality resemble ice, but her powers and outfit reference water].

"Well, I gave you an example, do you have anything to say?" Sauriel tilts its head.


"I meant the transformation phrase".

"Oh yeah I don't know, let me think for a bit".

[What I'm supposed to say?, her phrase is related to her powers, but this is my first time transforming, so how should I know? wait...] a sudden realization comes to mind.

[She must have been in the same situation before, so are powers related to your transformation phrase?] I start ⌈overthinking⌋ again as is common for me.

[I mean to wouldn't hurt to try].

With that theory in mind, I search in my brain for words to make a short, cool-sounding phrase that basically stated that I was an overpowered beast of a person, after not that much thought I came up with it, I know deep in my sane mind that is really cringy but that wasn't gonna stop me now, so evoke my inner chuunibyou so that I can at least roleplay this bit.

I shout while raising my head facing the park once again.

"Not even the gods can stop me from saving the helpless".

[Oh god it hurts just to say it, whatever, it's only a temporary measure, I will come up with a new one eventually!!!] I think because I need to at least feel a little better about myself by making an excuse.

My clothes start swindling as if a gust of wind just hit me, I start to feel warmth built up in my body starting from my heart, it extends quickly through my veins, reaching each of my muscles, the warmth feels nice, it showering me with a pleasant sensation that engulfs even the smallest cell in my body.

My body starts expelling the warmth emitting a faint glow, I feel as if I'm running out of air although I'm breathing fine, my body reacts instinctively and tries to absorb back some of the warmth, it succeeds after a couple of failed attempts, so I feel nice like before.

This process repeats a dozen times in the span of a few seconds. Now my body got accustomed to this sensation in a half a minute, the action of regaining warmth begins to be involuntary.

[Oh I get it, whatever this 'warmth' really is, it needs a process resembling respiration] with that assumption out of way, I feel like a have more vitality than before, it actually feels way better than I expected.

[Ok, The pain from earlier is worth it if I get to feel this way often].

I noticed that the warmth is now 'spilling' over, my body's faint glow grows in intensity and starts being blinding, my clothes get 'soaked' with the warmth, making them glow and somehow lighter, so even a small breeze makes them move.

My clothes start moving on their own, they are shapeshifting in order to make a magical outfit. [This is just f*cking awesome, I really get an A+ POV of a magical girl transforming] everything that is happening is overwhelming, but I just let myself go, enjoying every second of it.

My now glowing school uniform shapes closely to my skin, its nice silk-like sensation washes over my chest and neck, the top is shaped like a nice cream-colored halter top, so it leaves my shoulders exposed while covering my chest and wrapping around my neck, it also resembles a tabard since it reaches slightly above my knees, at the hip level it splits into four leaving me space to actually move, the split ends are in the shape of a triangle. 

There's a second layer of clothes, this one has a leather-like sensation, it's a light brown corset that perfectly 'protects' my breast keeping them from bouncing around [although my bra already does that and it has not changed at all], the corset has 4 black belts in the middle area, these are holding together the and it's decorated with a few black stripes, the corset also has a small pocket on the left, slightly below the waistline.

[Mmm, overall an 8/10, I like the top part a lot but it deviates from the usual formula the pocket is nice since I already modified my skirt so it has them].

My skirt straight up changes completely into flexible dark brown pants, they adjust perfectly to my figure, my pants are secured with a brown belt at my hips, although it goes over the tabard as well.

[Theese clothes are comfortable].

At last, my normal school shoes change, they start getting somewhat big and turn into a familiar shape.


They changed into black steel toe work boots, it looks extremely bizarre for a magical girl to have these, but they look its fine in this specific outfit, they are really comfortable and raise my height by a couple of centimeters. the cords are also black but the ends are made of aluminum so they shine a bit,

[It doesn't look bad, to be honest, but what the hell!!!, I don't even look like a magical girl, I just look like an adventurer of a generic RPG, ugh! , maybe this is divine retribution for defying the gods on my transformation phrase] I let out a loud sigh.

"Congratulations on your first transformation, how do you feel", Sauriel is looking at me attentively.

"I feel great but my clothes don't resemble any magical girl".

"I see..." Sauriel raises his ears and tails, he starts staring into my eyes.

"You don't have any intention of betraying me right?" Sauriel says in a suspicious tone.

"I just don't look cute, don't worry about it" I say in a disinterested tone.

[Just because I don't like it doesn't mean I will betray you stupid cat, learn some manners for once].

"Oh, maybe you didn't notice but your hair color also changed, now is a pretty brown color, I think you call it 'brunette' " I look to a nearby puddle of water to see my reflection.

[Oh good, my Black colored hair now is brown, another dark color].


[At this point I will never look cute, I don't even look that different].

I noticed that I have a hair clip, it's circle-shaped, it has a drawing of a smaller circle outline that is crossed by two lines that go a little over the outline.

[Another thing that isn't cute, it could at least be hearth shaped, well I still have things to do].

"Ok then" I look up, the fight between Aquamarine and the devils is still going, then I take a look at the water dome where the Kid is, i Let go of Sauriel so he lands on the ground.

"Time to finally lend a hand to those in need !" I clash my fist together.

[Ufff, that still lame and hurts like a thousand needles].

"Well said, Amy" Sauriel extends his wings.

[Don't patronize me dumb cat].

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