Magical Girl Revolution (Draft)

Ch 7: Frozen Aquamarine

[Ok let's continue with my original plan, there's 1 objective left and that is to return the weapon, shouldn't take too long, c'mon you can do it Amy!! You need to remember that you're a magical girl, so I can do anything].

With my own words of encouragement, I straighten my stance and solidify my determination to not be only an observer in this battle.

"Sauriel I'm gonna start fighting, you might wanna hop off for now".

[Although Sauriel is dumb, I still don't want him to get hurt].

"You take me too lightly" Sauriel turns away from me, it looks like I hurt its pride, but it eventually does comply and jumps onto the ground, it spreads its wings and starts to fly away.

"Weird, you don't weigh a lot" Fake confidence is brimming from my body.

"Not really, you just got stronger" It says sarcastically, Sauriel caught on to the fact that I wanted to be praised, it sits at the entrance of the park.

"Hu~fu~fu" I chuckle a bit because I'm happy.

[Ok now time to limit test my body, I just need some of Sunshine's courage].

Sunshine is a Magical girl known to be courageous enough to never back down from a lost fight, and also too dumb to back down from said lost fight.

[Just need the courage part of her, Sauriel can have the dumb part since it fits him like a glove].

I look at my surroundings, the park is even more messed up than earlier, it has poorly cut down grass from Aquamarine's water blade's collateral damage, three also dented tin cans, broken glass, discomposed food, and sodas are splattered everywhere, the walls at the left and right side have taken a fair share of damage with the right one being cracked, most of the pollution seems to be on the left, the side where Aquamarines has been fighting.

After I have a good mental image of the terrain, something that intelligent shonen protagonists tend to do before every fight, I get to look at my objective, the Trashbag devil that's been slowly approaching me.

There we're 6 of those devils, now there's only one, 4 of them were taken down by Aquamarine via Water blade cutting one in half, a Water bullet piercing it making a hole in it, A barrage of frozen punches nailing it to the wall and a Water jet that eroded it.

[Quite the repertoire of cool moves, joke not intended, she's definitely a veteran magical girl].

As for the other 2, One of them got launched as a high-speed projectile at me and got fused into the wall on the right and the other one is approaching me, it is smaller than the one I encountered on the Alleyway.

[Well, Aquamarine's is cool, so I guess I will follow her in her footsteps, just need to gather my willpower and do something].

I gather a bit of my courage thanks to my memories of Sunshine, then I start running towards the trash bag devil as fast as I can without losing my breath. the trash devil notices this and starts looking at me while closing its mouth, I can't make out what it's trying to do.

[Well I got no experience in battle so I can't read my enemy's intention as much as I would like to].

The trash devil inflates its 'cheeks' and spits out a broken glass bottle, it's flying towards me at a high speed, I step aside while turning my torso to dodge the incoming projectile, It still grazes my clothes but the inertia of changing direction so suddenly makes me lose my footing, the devil spits another projectile, this time a  badly opened tin can, I decide to commit to dodging and jump to the left, I successfully dodge it but I fall onto the ground.

[Dammint, I'm not slow but still, my reaction times make me a perfect target for proyectiles].

The Trash devil is still at ramming speed, it's opening its mouth and many rows of teeth made from various hazardous materials start forming inside.

[Ok, that attack is simple enough, I don't know if my body is tougher because of being a magical girl, but I definitely don't wanna test it by being bitten].

I try to remember how Aquamarine fought these devils since it will probably be useful information.

[It seems like she took advantage of their naivety, they were smart enough to read her moves and attack accordingly, so they were prone to fall under simple tricks, still, she used mostly martial arts so guess I will copy those].

With that as my guide, I stand up on my feet and look at the devil dead in the eyes, I start to make my move, I crouch down as close to the ground that I can while looking up, I intentionally put my arms behind me, they're almost touching the grass on the ground, the devil notices and starts looking up while speeding up.

[Yes!!,I fooled it into thinking that I would jump!!!, now I need to prepare a perfect counter-attack, now what was the name of that kick? that I learned a while ago? ]

I can't help but feel excited since one of the things I love are good anime fights, and technically I'm living one, so I try to replicate it with my limited set of knowledge since I did take martial art classes once 5 years ago. The trash devil leaps towards me expecting me to hop in the air while I'm still on the ground.

[Once you're in the air you can't change direction moron].

I stand up and quickly jump to the right, out of the trajectory of the devil, I land on my left foot, I twist my body while spinning as hard as possible to my left, use my left leg as an anchor point while retracting my right leg, I'm gathering all the force I can with the momentum gained from spinning and my normal body strength, Once I was almost done spinning I see the trash devil again, it has moved enough to be beside me.

"Your time has come to an end!!!" I shout while extending my right leg with all the force I can muster.

[Direct hit].

I land a back kick on the right side of the devil, I can feel even through my boots the rustling of many materials like plastic, tin, and glass, many of them are shattering in the inside of its body, the sole of my boot is digging deeper into the devil piercing its 'skin', then I hit something hard, It makes my kick stop carving a path through its body, the force of the impact still sends the devil flying away, with a hole opened in its body it begins splatterings it's insides everywhere while rolling away.

[What destructive power I have... I only remembered that kick after seeing Aquamarine but it did more than expected].

I'm thinking of what happened, the kick took less than 2 seconds but felt like a good minute, The devil finally stopped rolling around from and it's starting to regain its composure, trash is spilling through the new hole I made.

[ it's still moving???]

I start feeling ripped off because that trashbag is more resistant than the ones I buy at the supermarket even though they're expensive.

"It seems like these things are way more durable than I expected," I say while looking at the devil, there's no one close enough to hear me.

[Protagonist talk even if there's no one to hear them, anyway what was that material that I hit?? I didn't feel like the normal trash that these guys are made of].

I put that topic aside since the trash devil still standing, I begin running towards it to deal a finishing blow, the devil also starts running at me, It's limping but it has considerable speed.

[Guess he's lighter with how much of its 'guts' got spilled].

We're running at each other without any intention of backing off, the devil is slowly shrinking in size since it's losing a lot of its contents while running, once we're a few meters apart it had reached my size.

"Now we're on equals standpoint, now you get what you deserve for making go through all of this" I'm spouting nonsensical stuff to further my determination.

Once I end my line, I focus on my legs and feet since I'm gonna need all the speed I can get, once my left feet touched the ground I poured my soul into that step, I push hard into the ground to get a lift up and repeat with my right feet, I'm forcing my legs to move past their limits to get as fast as possible to the devil, the sudden speed-up makes it hard to breathe, I ignore it and accelerate even further making my legs and feet hurt, I don't stop until I'm right in front of the devil, it's startled by my speed so it didn't have time to open its mouth.

"Eat this!!!" I shout while pulling my right leg back.

The devil begins to open its mouth to bite me, I move my right leg in an arch towards the devil, it impacts the lower 'jaw' before it can open its mouth, I continue moving my leg as far up as I can, the devil's teeth made of glass shatter and the tin cans get dented from the force of impact, once I leg reaches its stretching limit the devil gets launched a few meters up.

[I don't know if that finished it, gotta make sure to do a job right!!!].

I position myself where the devil is gonna fall, so 4 steps forward, before it hits the ground I grabbed it with my two arms, the devil's red eyes are out of focus but they're starting to look at me.

"Hello there" I smile at the devil, its body is now the size of a normal trash bag so it isn't intimidating.

I pull my arms to the side while grabbing tightly to the sides of the devil, it takes a lot of effort but eventually, I get my desired result.


My arms extend to the side while holding two pieces of grey plastic and a sprinkler, I had accomplished my objective of tearing the devil into 2, the trash spills in front of my feet, I checked to see if the bag or its content move or have sentience, after some poking around it doesn't seem to be the case.

[NICE] I thought.

"NICE" I shout.

 I jumped in the air many times while extending my arms and start celebrating my first confirmed subjugation of a devil.

"Hahahahaha" I laugh loudly.

[Good, now to see what was that material].

I searched through the pile of trash left behind, I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

[Mhmmm must have been my imagination].

I then turn to the Aquamarine's fight, she is in a better composure now that the sprinkler isn't wasting her energy, she then looks back at me


Aquamarine flashes a genuine small smile, before turning to face the bush devil.

[AHHHH so beautiful!!!!, I need to get a photo of her smiling and put it up in my bedroom!!!].

I'm smiling and giggling like a fool while walking towards her, the image of her smile is still imprinted in my brain, it was a smile that could kill if you were not prepared.

[Maybe that's the reason she doesn't smile].

I start speeding up, the bush devil is now enraged, the flowers are pointing at me and Aquamarine, while she is dodging the thorn projectiles and occasionally shooting water bullets at it.

[Gotta give her the weapon].

I get as a possibly can without being in the range of the thorns, since I get the idea that unlike the trash devil's projectiles, these thorns could pierce through me without a problem.

"AQUAMARINE!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs, I begin twisting my body to the right while pulling my right arm back, my right leg is anchoring me while I lift my left leg in the air, I'm holding the sprinkler with my right hand as hard as I can, Aquamarine parries a vine whip with a small ice shield pushing her back, then once she stops she looks at my direction.

"CATCH" I Untwist my body while throwing my weight forward, I use my left leg as a stopping point once it touches the ground, my torso stops twisting and moving forward but my arm still carries on with the momentum, once it reaches peak speed I let go of the sprinkler.

[GOOD THROW!!! finally, those softball practices come into play].

The sprinkler is traveling at an immense speed, the perfect throw in combination with the extra strength has made it so fast that it is a blur passing through the park, it's is still a long distance from em to Aquamarine, the bush devil notices it and it's following it with its flower, and it extends one of its vines to catch it.

[Wait I didn't think about that!!! C'mon be dumb and don't catch it You oversized bush].

Suddenly, Aquamarine propels herself from the ground up with a water jet stream, the devil tries to shoot her down with thorns and sharp leaves projectiles, Aquamarine makes a  huge water wall and freezes it in place, it intercepts the projectiles and starts falling, water from the earlier stream is floating behind her while following her movements, she plunges her hands into the water behind her, then she put her now water enveloped hands on the ice wall, she freezes that water so now her hands are glued to the ice wall.

[What is she planning to do with that ice wall???].

"Let the river overflow with the melted snow at the end of winter!! SHIELD BASH" The water behind her suddenly is shot at high pressure into the ice wall, It also hits her but she seems unaffected, the wall is being propelled at an immense speed, it crashes into the top half of the bush devil making it stumble at is pushing it back.

[WHAT??? So that was what she was doing???] I'm staring amazed at the scene, it is ripped straight out of manga.

The Water stream is reducing in strength with each second, The bush devil is burying many of its vines into the ground to stop it from being toppled, it works very well as it slows down, Aquamarine breaks off the barrier once the bush devil slows down enough, she does a backward flip to get away from the barrier, she crosses her arms midway, most of the water from the water jet became like thick ropes and bind the bush devil to the ground, the ropes then freeze completely, holding the bush devil in place.


The bush devil still has vines that are buried, so it uses them as whips while it's trying to get off the ice that is holding it down, Aquamarine uses the little water that is left over to push herself towards the bush devil.

[Ok now what??] I'm eating imaginary popcorn as I stare in awe, It is a battle of the mightiest.

Aquamarine lands on one of the vines that tried to attack her,  it seems that she is using water as a lubricant to start sliding along the vines, there are some oversized thorns on the vines but she just dodges them or cuts them with water blades, the vines try to shake her off but she just jumps to another vine and continues to slide, she is trying to get to the other side of the bush devil.

The Sprinkler is still in the air, but it's starting to fall, the bush devil has one of its vines ready to catch it, but Aquamarine is approaching quickly since she's using that same vine as a method of transportation, the sprinkler is almost at grabbing range of the vine, Aquamarine leaps into the air, then she does a roundhouse kick sending a water blade, she then snaps her fingers, the water turns into an ice blade, it cuts cleanly through the thick vine and it falls to the ground

[Nice!!] I jump a little just from how excited this is.

Aquamarine is approaching the thrown sprinkler, she extends her arm, the little bit of water that she had is shot towards the sprinkler.


From the bottom of the sprinkler, a spike appears, in the shape of a hook so it looks like a harpoon.

[So that's how it embeds itself in the ground].

Aquamarine is in grabbing range, but contrary to my expectation, she spins around her body and kicks the sprinkler into the ground, the sprinkler impacts the grounds cleanly, the bush devil is finally breaking the last of the ice ropes.



The sprinkler starts working and is pushing a considerable amount of water upwards, Aquamarine finally lands on the ground and faces the devil, it's no longer looking at me, instead, it has an absolute focus on her, it stars flailing its vines and shooting thorns, Aquamarine simply does a punching motion, it sends a bunch of water bullets made from the sprinklers water, then opens her hands, creating the ice walls, every projectile is blocked successfully.

[I wonder how hard that is?? I don't know magic so I don't even know how awesome this is].

The sprinkler's water is accumulating behind Aquamarine as a floating bubble, it is now the size of a car, the bush devil is retreating slowly while still shooting, Aquamarine catches the projectiles with more ice walls, 1, 2, 3, 4 she doesn't even bother to move her hands anymore.

[What even is the point of hand movements??].

If the bush devil had eyes it would look extremely nervous, it shaking a bit and it seems frustrated, it is starting to use its vines as literal whips, it tries to reach Aquamarine, she just throws a kick sending an ice blade, cutting through the vine, The bush devil starts using all of its available resources, it's whipping throwing thorns en even it's stopped retreating to try to run over Aquamarine.

Aquamarine stand on her grounds, she jumps in the air she does 4 kicks while in the air, the kicks send even bigger ice blades cutting through the vines, the thorns are being stoped with ice walls generated with automatically moving water bullets, Aquamarine lands on the ground and punches, it sends a water stream towards the bush devil, it tries to block the water.

"May the winter not have mercy on my enemies" she shouts.

The water jet Freezes in the shape of a large javelin, the javelin travels at a faster speed than the water, it pierces through the vines and hits the bush devil, it stumbles a bit, then the rest of the water jet hit it, the water starts freezing on the bush devils because of the javelin, it's only enough to cover a bit of the lower half, but it's now bounded to the ground, I'm too focused on the fight to notice that the accumulated water is now the size of 3 story building.

"Oh f*ck" I blurt it since that water wasn't there a few minutes ago.

[So that's what she was waiting for??].

The bush devil noticed me, then it sees the water that has accumulated, and it begins to retreat, but it's too late since the earlier attack made it stuck to the frozen ground, Aquamarine looks at the devil.

"MAY THE BODIES OF MY ENEMIES..." she shouts while racing her arms and pointing to the sky.

The large body of water is shot upwards at an immense speed, the sunlight passing through the water makes wavy patterns that are seen in the now obscured ground, the devil is now visible in fear. 

"FIND PEACE IN THE SNOW..."Aquamarine then throws her arm downwards, so is now pointing at the ground.

The body of suspended water starts falling, the bush devils try to move out the way but is still stuck to the ground, in a last-ditch effort it tries shielding itself with all its vines, it's useless, The body of the devil is crushed under the pressure of the water, soon enough is completely engulfed by the water, but still moving.

[It is sti-] before I can finish thinking I hear aquamarine

"ICE TOMB!!!".

The Water engulfing the bush devil freezes instantly, it doesn't even take a second before the devil is encased in solid, clear blue ice, I'm perplexed, I can't help but start walking away but I stumble and fall.

[How is that even humanly possible] I can't close my mouth out of fear and awe.

In the middle of Stanly park, at the beginning of summer on a Friday afternoon, a peculiar scene can be witnessed, the normal grassland was replaced by the sight of badly cut grass, littered trash like plastics, decomposing food, and shattered glass bottles, the wall of the park are cracked as if a car crashed into them, most shockingly, is cold.

In the left part, there's a giant block of clear ice the size of a 3 story building, the ice is so clear that you can see through it, the ice has a bush inside it, the bush has many beautiful purple flowers through its surface, and in the inside, you can make out some of its vines, the ice is completely encasing it, the condensed water around it making a thin white mist is come from the ice block while being swept away by the wind.

In front of it, a single figure stands, A beautiful blue-haired girl, her hair reaches her hips, her amber eyes conveying her cold nature, white and blue dress covering her body, the dress has water waves directly embroidered into it and a single starfish accessory is sitting atop her chest.

The figure is known as Katrina Isolde - The Frozen Aquamarine.

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