Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-14 Bonding with Miyu

 "So, Miyu, what will you do now?" Yui asked curiously, still stroking the girl, on the cheek, sitting on her knees, who is embracing her hand. She brought her hand to her chin, making a thinker pose, that looked sweet and then nodded at something.

"I want to stay with you." She answered by staring into Yui's eyes, who got a little embarrassed and needed a moment to formulate her thoughts. 

"Aren't you tired?" She decided to engage Miyu to find out more about her situation. Yui felt, from her slightly upset eyesight, that it wasn't exactly right in her home and she didn't want to leave her only friend, considering how she acted when offered a friendship. Yui decided to approach this gently.

"N-no" Miyu responded by sniffing, apparently lying, for which she got a light slap on the ass. She lied to her friend, so there must be some punishment. "Nnnn! ...I'm a little tired, but I can rest with you." She said, lightly leaning her head on Yui's chest, which was soft and comfortable for her. Apparently, she didn't want to say goodbye to her.

"So you want to spend the night at my place?" Yui continued to stroke Miyu.

"May I?" She whispered as if she was afraid of the answer and hugged Yui more and more. Yui, too, with her free hand, brought Miyu closer to her.

"Will no one be worried about you?" Yui continued asking, carefully examining Miyu's behaviour, who still did not look into her eyes.

"No." She quickly said, without any further emotion.

"In that case, fine." Finally, Yui agreed by getting up and putting down on the ground the delighted Miyu who quickly grasped her hand as if afraid that she would run away if she let go for a moment. Yui simply pulled her hand out of the hands of the girl who was very upset about it, then she reached over her waist and pulled her over to her side. Miyu, surprised, allowed herself to be pulled back without any resistance and looked questioningly at Yui, who began to walk, forcing her to march without even looking at her.

"We will walk, I'll ask you a few questions on the way." Miyu, just nodded at that. Just coming a little bit closer to Yui.

"So how did you become a Witch?" Yui asked her, curious about Miyu's situation, but also to get important information. No matter how sweet the girl next to her was, she was still a Witch, so she had contact with an unknown Etativi, with unknown intentions. She could not let this unknown into her home.

Yui does not know much about Vili, but from what she noticed when she talks about the Etativi, they do not have the best relationship. So she decided to approach the house slowly so that she could feel it and thus the Witch next to her. But judging by Miyu's character, she did not think there would be any problems. She was not afraid of her but of others standing above her.

"So, how do I say this?" She started out insecure."In the park when I was on a swing, a plush cat flew up to me and started talking to me."  She was talking in a very vague way, skipping some information. "He said something about anger, and if I did want to be a Witch." She looked at Yui and finished with a weak smile. "He said there are girls like me there who I can make friends with."

"So what? You found friends?" Yui tilted slightly over Miyu.

"No." She denied it. "They only gave me orders and didn't even talk to me." She got a little nervous. "They said that as a Witch, it was my job to fight against the world. They also gave me demons and told me to attack today." She squeezed her fist, and her eyes were filled with anger. "I was just taking the frustration out on enemy."

Yui stroke Miyu, calming her down and started thinking for a while. From what she heard, they used a girl who was lonely and had a lot of anger for some reason. Probably because of things at home, she now mentioned her frustration, slightly forgetting that she did not want to talk about it with Yui before. This permeation made Yui just want to hug the girl now.

"What about this cat?" Yui continued to get to know the situation of the girl who now had a complicated facial expression.

"He comes to my flat once every few days and checks my progress in magic. He said that if I become stronger and beat the Magic Girls, other Witches will accept me." Miyu said they scratched their cheeks and dressed a crooked smile. She didn't want Yui to find her odd, so she turned her face slightly.

"I understand. You don't have to worry about it now, you have me now." Yui hugged her by stopping her step and pressed her into her breast. Miyu hugged her joyfully, her mood fixed and began to radiate in joy, assured that Yui is different from other Witches. Yui, on the other hand, only seemed pleased, not to worry Miyu, because there was a murderous cold in her eyes, which would give a cold sweat to war veterans, even though it came from a young girl. "I will kill those pigs" thought Yui.

"Your family didn't notice anything?" She asked carelessly and Miyu's mood fell again. To remedy this, Yui didn't let her out of her grip and started to fly slowly so as not to stand still. Fortunately, it helped a little.

"I live alone. My aunt lives in the city centre." She started out not very loud and before Yui could ask why... "She said that my smile looks like my mother's and is just as nasty." Miyu hugged her harder, her eyes started to tear out of sadness this time. " I tried to stop smiling, it didn't help and it only made everyone leave me." She started crying in Yui's chest, which made her stop and started to calm her down.

Yui started to stroke Miyu with one hand and massage her back with the other, slowly and gently. She started whispering comforting words in her ear. "All right", "I'm with you", "I won't leave you". It took a few minutes but Yui managed to comfort Miyu, who now looked into her eyes with her reddish eyes. Yui shortened the ribbon and started using it to rub the girl's tears.

Finally, she kissed her forehead.

"Now we will be together forever. I will never leave you and I will never let anyone take you away." The calm words of Yui were a little bit easy on Miyu's head, who was enchanted by the beautiful smile that Yui gave her. She also smiled herself, more cheerfully than ever before. Yui then gave her a long hug and whispered to herself whispering so only she could hear. "I will slaughter that bitch like cattle." Her eyes were completely black.


They finally arrived at Yui's house, where they sneaked in unnoticed. Vili joined them a few minutes before the house and everything was explained to her, and she did not mind, she even enjoyed stealing the Witch from her former companions. 

Once they were in Yui's room, they made their change back. Revealing their real bodies together with their clothes and objects that they had with them during the transformation. Miyu now wore a dark blue school uniform and white knee socks but her hair remained crimson like her eyes. 

Yui, on the other hand, looked in the mirror and saw that now her eyes were half amethyst, which did not surprise her so much in the end. People will probably be a little surprised around her, but that should not bring the problem down, especially as one girl in her class has also recently undergone a colour change in her eyes, albeit in her case in a natural process. This was rare, but not completely unheard of.

"Want to wash up?" Yui asked, because she noticed that they were quite sweaty.

"Yes." Miyu answered, happy and excited to visit her first friend.

"Follow me, then." Yui took Miyu to the bathroom and started undressing, which surprised and embarrassed Miyu, who turned red like her hair, now she looked like a tomato. "What are you waiting for? Get undressed."

Already Yui, who wore sexy black underwear, approached the petrified Miyu and helped her undress or rather undressed her herself. Now both naked began to wash and clean themselves, washing their backs for each other, Yui held back and didn't touch Miyu before they entered the tub where Yui put Miyu on her lap.

Miyu was red all the time, but she did not hesitate even for a moment. After all, they are both girls, she thought in her innocence, for which Yui could only smile and hug naked Miyu. Yui was so enchanted by a sweet girl that she did not even think to take advantage of the situation.

Miyu got Yui's everyday clothes to walk around the house and which were a pair similar to the ones Yui wore and because they were comfortable, she also slept in them. These were clothes specifically matched to Miyu's colours, a sleeveless red T-shirt and short black sports shorts, which on Yui would fit tightly but on Miyuu were loose. In the wrong example that is Yui, she also did not wear underwear in order to be more happy by wearing the same thing, same way.

After bathing, they ate the meal prepared by Yui, which Miyu ate with a big smile on her face and increasingly radiated like the sun, which dazzled all of Yui's senses, burning out any dirty thoughts. She herself was happy that her cooking tasted so good to such a sweet girl.

They spent the rest of the day playing computer games as well as board games, Yui was eating up Miyu's sweet behaviour, who blushed when she saw all the figures and pictures in Yui's room. Miyu never forgot to cuddle up to Yui or sit on her lap or the other similar things.

When it was time for her to sleep, Yui invited Miyu to the bed and lay down with her covering them both with a blanket, hugging her firmly. Miyu, who was very tired, fell asleep in the blink of an eye, leaving Yui to look at her happy sleeping face. However, she also fell asleep quickly but not before the last little kiss on the cheek. She used the girl as a living pillow all night long.

At that time Vili was sitting forgotten next to a plush demon and only sighed.

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