Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-21 Demonic Fight

 At Yui's shout, the demons threw themselves at the Magical Girls, but they were not thoughtless in their attacks as they divided into teams to deal with specific opponents with different powers. The knowledge of the girls skills was, of course, given to them by Yui, who wanted to make sure that her demons would fight a fairly even battle.

Eisst was mainly attacked by demons in masks, those with shields as well as one forest wolf, because she was the weakest of the opponents and therefore did not need stronger opponents to take care of her. The exact number of demons did not exceed ten, two shield type, six with masks and the aforementioned wolf.

Aqua got her share of demons in the form of the four remaining wolves, two demons in masks and also four shield bearers, who set themselves up in a defensive position with shields in front of them. Feeu, on the other hand, got all the stone bears and the four remaining shield bearers with two masked demons hiding behind the shields and the bears to find an opening in the Magical Girl defence.

Fenrir and the driad flew to help Yui fight Argent, which they intended to achieve via the driad who created a root bow with stone handle and ends with green string probably made of a very thin bundle of grass, the great wolf used the fog floating around him to extend his claws and fangs, which now took on a dark purple colour.

The demons, who now followed their respective targets, wanted to separate them so that they could not form a united front and the Witch intended to help them, so she used her mana to send a huge bullet towards the Magical Girls approaching her who, seeing the attack, thought they could easily avoid it by moving sideways...

However, once they had carried out the manoeuvre, the divded down into dozens of smaller ones pouring like rain on the Magical Girls, they were able to defend themselves against it with ease, using a barrier, but this did not change the fact that they had to stop, which gave the demons enough time to catch up to them.

So a battle began where, in a sudden demonic attack, Magical Girls were forcibly separated, more by Fenrir and the driad, so Feeu and Eisst were thrown away by the waving of a big black tail or the paw of a wolf, which was their own size, Aqua was able to defend herself against the thorny shots of the driad, but that did not change the fact that she was separated from her friends. Argent who was defending herself against another Witch attack was unable to help her companions at that moment

Argent, who wanted to help them, was then also attacked, but she managed to create a barrier in time to block before kick of driad and a big paw full of Fenrir's claws came, only being sent heavily towards Yui, with a barrier that was in a terrible state that, after a while, fell apart into millions of blurry pieces.

"So since everyone has a partner," The Witch said, apparently satisfied with how the situation developed, clapping her hands to draw attention. "Time to start dancing!"

With her words, the demons who stopped attacking for a moment to allow Magical Girls to listen to their lady, attacked again, not allowing any regrouping for the girls who were moving away from each other moment by moment, under the pressure of demons who did not even allow them to rest for a moment.

Yui herself was slowly moving towards the school. Unwilling to allow it, Argent attacked her with all her  might, she might have been effective if not for the fact that her opponents were not pushovers and so, in their struggle, a balance was created that shifted into Yui's favor moment by moment, making the Magical Girl nervous.

The Magical Girls battles with demons did not go well for them either because, although they were stronger than the demons themselves, their numbers and cooperation proved to be their greatest strength, which meant that the girls were not able to destroy demons one by one as usual, instead having to deal with opponents who protect each other.

Aqua, in her fight, had problems with the fact that her pressurised water drills were too slow to hit the agile wolves but too weak to break through the magically strengthened shields of the shield bearers, not to mention the masked demons who were quick to hide behind their comrades and did not go too far away from them so that the Magical Girl could not snipe them off.

The Demons were also not passive in attacking the girl whenever they had a chance, not letting her get away from them, being attacked by wolves from the flanks or from behind, where she defended herself using a water barrier created from the water sphere she created, as well as by shield users from the front, she had to defend herself with a barrier from the claws of the wolves along with the water lance she created, from the shield bearers, so as not to let them get close to the range of their swords, but at that time, the masked demons attacked her from the blind spots of her defence, where she was barely able to set up a purely magical barrier for protection.

She was being pushed against the wall, but was barely able to defend herself, even though her mana supplies were shrinking, she could see that small cracks were slowly appearing on the demons shields and small pieces of them began to fall off, which lifted her spirits as she now saw a way out of this situation. Her plan of action was simple, but now it was the best solution, she just wanted to hold out until she broke the shield of her opponents and then she would be able to finish them off by getting out of the encirclement.

Aqua sighed, however, quickly wiping the sweat forming on her forehead in the momentary break as it was clear that it would take her quite a long time, but she managed to look towards Argent to see that she and the Witch were approaching school.

At this time, Feeu was surrounded by a scarlet fire that mixed with her hair to create a charming image that could be mistaken for a fire element queen. However, this Magical Girl was not in as good a situation as one could have imagined as her fire could not deal with the demons around her or melt the stone shields, nor bodies of the demonic bears.

Her sword was effective, but it was also unable to destroy a demon in one fell swoop when she was crushing a shield, bouncing the blade or chopping up the stone skin of a bear. Another demon attacked her from behind, making it impossible for her to finish off her opponent, she was very annoyed by the camouflaged demons that jumped perfectly behind their comrades to try to hurt her, to which she could only react with a fast barrier composed of pure mana, because a flame one against such opponents was useless.

However, compared to Aqua, she had more room to breathe and sometimes she sent a magic bullet composed of fire to help Eisst, who had the most trouble with her demons, but was not able to fly up to her because the demons were not nice enough to just let her go.

She thought, however, that she would soon be able to defeat them because their weapons could only withstand so much before they were completely destroyed, and even bears, despite their great strength, are slow enough for Feeu to avoid their attacks or respond satisfactorily, but she knew that even a scratch from their claws would be very dangerous, thus her fight went on.

Eisst, who was the weakest of the Magical Girls, even though she was almost second rank, but only a beginner who was not as advanced as her colleagues, outside the ranks there was another way to illustrate the power of the magic user, these were the degrees of advancement in a given rank, and they were divided into three levels: beginner, advanced and ascending. Eisst herself was an ascending first rank, a degree in which you are comparable to a higher-ranking beginner, her colleagues were advanced and still had problems in the fight, so it was no surprise that she was losing badly.

She only had the power to manipulate ice and compared to Feeu who also had her magic sword or Aqua who was able to increase the pressure of her water significantly, she did not have the arsenal to face her pack of demons, so now she breathed deep in fatigue, with many torn spots on her clothes where you could see light wounds on her bare skin.

Surrounded from all sides, she was not even able to scratch the shields of the demons, let alone damage them, so her attitude was highly defensive, that is to say, she had on her fast-created ice armour, which was already very cracked, and her typical ice sword, which is practically destroyed, where only one more powerful attack would suffice to finish it off.

The wolf attacked her from behind, which she could barely avoid, but in this moment she was attacked by a demon with blades instead of the hands with which she dealt by blocking his attack with the blade, at which point it completely crumbled, allowing a chance to by attacked by shield bearer, which attacked at once with his two blades and having nowhere to retreat, Eisst created a barrier which failed and was pierced, the sword struck the girl's armour, destroying it in the process.

In this moment, when Eisst was exposed and could easily be finished, the wolf just hit her with its tail, sending her to the ground where it started to pin her using its own paws, so she could do nothing. Eisst in this moment felt helpless, pissed off, she wanted to fight to help her companions not be hopeless and this feeling awoke something in her, aided by the mana that came from the hope of the students at school who watched the fight.

Suddenly a blast of icy air fired out of her body creating a fog, immediately reducing the ambient temperature, drawing the attention of demons, and the Magical Girls, who just smiled returning to the fight without worrying anymore, then a sword emerged from the fog to attack the wolf whose leg was now slightly cracked from the frost, but this did not stop him from jumping back.

Eisst stood up emerging in her new form, now that she had risen to a higher rank in the fire of battle, her hair did not change but now had pins in the shape of ice flakes but the change was more spectacular in her face, her pupils were now in the shape of ice flakes and, more interestingly, both were an identical dark blue shape that better contrasted with the colour of her eyes which shone with a pale azure colour.

Her outfit now changed to look more like a kimono but still kept its proportions, a light blue kimono to the knees where it looked more like a skirt, and long loose sleeves, it had white symbols of ice flakes, on waist, instead of a corset, was a wide belt with the first layer of dark blue and then a layer of light blue cloth with was tied at the back, had blue and white bambo on it for the style, the look of gloves and stockings did not change visibly except that the cut matched the style and she had sandals on her feet.

However, the more significant change was her weapon, which was unique because it was a completely white katana with an icy blade and a strip of fabric coming from the back, which added grace and elegance to the blade, it seemed to be able cut through everything. Eisst smiled coolly, although inside she was happy that she would be able to help in the fight with her companions and once again took on a combat stance, although she wan now stronger, that does not change the fact that she is not able to defeat the demons in front of her, only able to defend herself, but at least no one will have to worry about her.

The fight of the Magical Girls continued in the same way their leader fought with the leader of the demons, the Witch stood before her without any scratch on her body, she was accompanied by two of the most powerful demons in her army that she brought here to challenge the Magical Girls.

"Hey, hey!" The Witch said waving her hand over her head towards Argent, who ignored her and didn't stop to watch the demons who hadn't made any sudden moves yet. "It looks like Eisst has a protagonist spirit in her. Say, should I be afraid as a terribly evil Witch?"

"No, why would you? She'll just freeze you and make you into a ice cube for drinks." Argent spoke with quite a bit of hostility in her voice, even when they weren't fighting too seriously, she couldn't back down to help her allies, because when she got too far away from the Witch, she moves towards the school in a slow flight, clearly telling the girl that she cannot leave her alone.

"Brrrr... So cold. Are you sure you're not the one who comands ice?" The Witch made a fake action of rubbing her shoulders to keep herself warm, still not breaking eye contact with Argent, then suddenly stopped to open her hands ito invite the girl. "Come here, I'll make you feel hot."

"No, I will just warm up by kicking your ass." Argent said, hiding her feelings under an unshakable mask, which displeased the Witch who wanted to see her blushing, but did not let it be known and implemented the next step of her plan.

"No fun with you, you know," She pushed out her cheeks in fake displeasure, but her gaze revealed that she had a purpose behind her actions, which alarmed Argent as she prepared for a sudden attack. "Well, if you don't want to play, I'll play with them."

"Fenrir!" The Witch called as she snapped her fingers and pointed behind her in the direction of the school. "Go boy!"

With these words, a large wolf fired from the spot and ran at high speed towards the school, surprised by this sudden turn of events, Argent decided to destroy the wolf in one attack before he could reach the students. This would create an opening in her defense, fully aware that this is what the Witch wants, she pointed with her spear and she fired a beam of light that engulfed the wolf... Or not because the Witch and the dryad stood in front of Argent to protect the wolf and were consumed by the light.

Wanting to continue the pursuit of the wolf, Argent moved towards it, but was stopped by a hail of low-powered magical projectiles which, of course, were sent by the Witch.

"Did you really think it would be that easy, my little Argent?" When the light from the attack finally disappeared, it revealed a large plum-leaf-shaped shield, in its center was a stone buckler from which branches grew to form a strong wall that only was wrapped with green leaves on the edges, shield then shrank as the branches returned to the stone buckler, now the shield was only the size of a knight's shield, where it had previously been over two meters high. From behind the shield appeared a dryad who now had a crossbow on her free hand instead of a bow and behind her stood the Witch nonchalantly.

"Now ready to play with me?"

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