Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-25 Negotiations

Unfortunately Yui had to stop playing with the Magical Girl for a time being, she left her with Miyu, who had already visibly improved her skills in a visible way the previous day. Apparently she liked it, which was pleasing Yui, who thought she would soon be testing her skills in person and can't wait to do so, especially seeing that Miyu herself is now interested in her in another, more adult, way.

She had to start negotiations with TransMagica, which Yui herself suggested by writing in her message the place and time that would come soon, and Yui is now using her double to watch everything from a safe distance from which she can react to anything if her guests want to do something undesirable.

Yui has written in her message that they will get the message from her and that they will be able to present one to her, something Yui is sure that they will do because they will not leave their companion at the mercy of the enemy, where they cannot help her or know what is happening to her so to get her back they can pay a high price.

The meeting place would be the roof of the building, next to the park in the centre of the city, where Yui sent a demon that resembled a raven but was bigger, with slightly purple-coloured feathers, dark shiny dark eyes and a crystal beak, which of course was amethyst, holding a coiled note in its claws, its function was only to send messages, so she didn't give him any combat capabilities, so all it could really do was fly fast.

She has set up several buildings further away so that she does not have to wait too long for the messenger or risk it being followed to find her where she is hiding, and where is she holding Aqua, which Yui does not want to allow, so if she had to sacrifice her double to confuse her opponents ultimately she is willing, remembering the whole event, by the connection that connects her to her real body, which is currently at her home resting from the questioning that she received from the authorities.

After the whole event at school, Yui pretended for a few hours that she was unconscious, which was aided by the fact that she used her double to practically turn off her real body, making it look like it was asleep, and thus she was moved to the nursing room where her body was checked for injuries and when she finally woke up she had to be checked for any trauma as well as contacting her family.

However, before she was released, she was questioned by an officer from TransMagica, which was quite easy with her poker face and quite conceivable excuse about her being knocked out by a wolf, thus not being aware of anything that was happening all this time, which will probably make Argent happy, but she is to report to the doctor for more in-depth examinations.

Now however, she threw all unnecessary thoughts out of her head because she noticed that two figures were approaching the location she had chosen, one was Argent looking around trying to find anything that Yui mentioned and finally saw a little demon standing on the edge of the building, next to her there was a man in a black and grey battle suit who had his eyes covered.


Argent flew in with the commander of TransMagica's squad, who responded to the emergency call of attack on the school, who was with her by order of command, while his squad was now hidden in the area just in case things went wrong and to cover Argent, whom command did not want to let go alone, especially as she lost to the Witch, with whom they would negotiate.

The Magical Girl herself did not think that the Witch would do anything unpleasant, especially as she had many moments where she could kidnap or injure her companion as well as her, she did not think that her aim was to destroy them, just as the Witch told her, Argent thought that she only wanted to have fun and play with them.

It did not take her long to get permission because TransMagica is not so proud that they will not agree to negotiate with the enemy for a ransom for the captive and to tell the truth they are willing to pay quite a lot, but whether they really agree to the Witch's conditions depends on how feasible they are, so hopefully Argent can negotiate satisfactory terms.

However, Argent was not at all worried about the price they would have to pay to get Aqua back from the Witch because she is pretty sure of what she had to go through yesterday, or rather still going through, after all she herself still remembers the hospitality she felt yesterday and still feels in her ass, not to mention that after she finally went home, the plug as well as the syrup that remained in her ass was left in until she got home where she sat in the bath for a long time getting the liquid out of her ass. 

She was even happy, something she would not admit, that she got this plug, because the amount of syrup that would flow out without any problem would be able to soak through her shorts, thus showing everything that happened to her, or rather what the Witch forced her to go through, and Argent was sure that she would die of shame never being able to show herself to her friends again, even now this thought makes her face turn a bit red.

But Argent rejected these thoughts, knowing that she could not complain without knowing what this Witch could have done to a girl she had in her possession for over a day. So she approached the raven, who remained in place only sticking out its leg in which she held a piece of paper rolled up in a tube, which the Magical Girl took, rolled up and read aloud. 

"The time with Aqua was quite pleasant, so I will give her to you with a heartbreak for the hundred demonic cores measuring 6-7 centimetres that you so eagerly collect. From your beloved Witch." The voice of the Agent during the reading was getting more and more shocked because her price was quite severe, not impossible but still quite high. However, she saw some more text on the bottom of the page. "Ps. Magica Girl is also invited to tea and have a nice time with me in my garden under a beautiful moon."

"This is an expensive but acceptable proposition." Said the boy who stood by her ignoring the last line of the text from the letter, focusing on Witch conditions, which he thought were not the worst, at least better than he expected.

"So Alpha, if we agree, we should strike a deal now."

"Yes." The boy who was called Alpha nodded, his name was of course a alias because he also did not want to give his identity to an enemy who plays with people for fun.

"So how do we answer?" Argent asked this question uncertainly in the direction of the demon, not expecting him to understand it, but to her surprise he pointed his wing to the side where after a few meters there was a pencil with notebook, probably left here earlier, but Argent wondered why the demon wasn't standing next to it in the first place, but she concluded that it didn't matter, the truth was that the demon had landed with the notebook a little bit on the side before beacuse it wanted to eat a bug.

Argent wrote in the notebook, "We agree to your terms." She pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to a raven who grabbed it with his claws and then flew away towards another building where he stopped on its roof, where Argent was able to see the figure of the woman, guessing that it was the Witch, Alpha needed to use the function of his goggles to be able to see the girl with black-amethyst hair that he read about in reports.

A raven flew back to them quickly to give the Witch's answer, which Argent read out loud again to also inform Alpha who was on her side. "Let's meet tomorrow afternoon in the park, let your butler be a gentleman and carry all the heavy ransom so that a sweet girl like you doesn't have to struggle."

"I intended from the beginning." In a small whisper, Alpha said, slightly annoyed which Argent could only barely hear and therefore could only laugh nervously when she imagined him in the butler's outfit and how much it would fit him. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing. If everything is settled, we should get going, write a report, and prepare for tomorrow." Argent changed the subject quickly and, to her delight, Alpha did not go into the cause of her laughing, he just nodded and turned around showing that he is ready to go back to base in any moment.

"Let's go then." Agent said, having loosened up and happy that everything went smoothly, she remembered what the Witch proposed in her message and for some reason she had a bad feeling that it wasn't just a joke to stir her.


Aqua was now in a bathhause in an underground dungeon where she was brought in to get rid of all the sticky liquids on her whole body, she sat in warm water that had the perfect temperature and this was the first time she could relax since she was locked in that dungeon. The last time she was here she wasn't able to enjoy herself because the Witch was fingering her all the way through the bath while Aqua was tied up thus she had to be washed by them, which obviously ended up with something more.

The bathhause, like the dungeon itself, was lined with a dark stone which was polished and therefore smooth, so that one could not bother to hurt oneself, on sharp edges, it also had a pattern where the grey stone formed images of flowers and leaves, not to mention that the floor was somehow warmed. The room itself was quite large in width and even larger in length to such an extent that it needed pilars in the centre, which itself was beautifully carved with forest designs, going to a ceiling that was carved to resemble tree crowns, it in itself was quite high, giving the effect of being under the big trees.

This room was so big that Aqua wondered how deep it was underground because she couldn't hear anything from the surface, but she didn't even think about escaping because there was a mana block effect throughout the whole dungeon and she was constantly watched by a driad who had orders to fuck her every time she made trouble, she found out about it personally.

But now she doesn't have to worry about anything, she will use the little freedom she has and sit in the water as long as she can ... "Ahhh" Somebody in her moment of weakness, when she let go her guard down, grabbed her tits and started to squeeze them, focusing on the nipples, which immediately became hard, showing what her body was thinking about.

"I''m back~!" The Witch said half singing, straight into Aqua's ear, whose body twitched, hearing her voice, and the girl herself now had a murderous gaze, which she wanted to throw towards the Witch but couldn't because she was held tight enough to not be able to do anything. "I have a happy and sad message for you, which you want to hear first?"

"The one that saddens you most." Said Aqua constantly trying to free herself from the Witch's embrace.

"So unfortunately I'll give you back tomorrow and we won't be able to play anymore," The Witch said with noticeable sadness in her voice, but Aqua did not care, glad to finally get out of this hell, but the Witch's next words, which were spoken in a sweet voice, left her in desperation. "So until then we have to make sure that you do not forget me, right? We will carve this pleasure into your body. Ha ha ha..."

In this moment, the Witch let go of Aqua, who was still in shock and jumped on her knees, where girl could finally see that the Witch was completely naked, apparently already aroused, to this sight the Magical Girl couldn't stop herself getting a little excited.

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