Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-34 After the Fight

Sorry that there were no chapters for some time. New Year was worse than I expected and I didn't have time on the computer. What's worse, it will be possible that I will have trouble releasing new chapters for a while, so don't expect frequent releases. Of course, I'll try to realese new chapters as quickly as I can, but I'm can't promise anything. Anyway, now I am releasing a new chapter.


"Wait!" Argent shouted again, flying towards the portal where the Witch of Lust disappeared, but did not manage to make it before the portal closed itself by locking the door between the locations for good and for this reason Argent clenched her fist tightly, suppressing her raging emotions, not knowing that she had such feelings for this Witch.

She knew that she should not have worried about this Witch, but for some reason she was no longer able to do so, because she could no longer see her as an adversary of humanity and despite her less than moral behaviour, the fact that she could not see her as an enemy, she started to treat her as someone to be helped, or rather a jester who is not too dangerous but who was obsessed with Magical Girls and also with sex.

She also knew that Aqua would not agree with this estimate because she herself has had a bit of fun under the Witch and considers her to be just a big pervert who has to be murdered, or at least it seems so, but Argent has noticed that she does not have any trauma, or at least none of the associated with sex without permission. There was also a bit of fear in her eyes when she ever thought of an angry Witch.

Even now that the Witch was gone, Argent was still unable to throw out the image that was showing her with a pierced sword because, as she had apparently been fighting the Black Witch, who had been a nuisance to them for months and Argent was wondering what the Witch of Lust was really planning, because her acts only say that she is doing everything she wants to do even though there should have been some Etativi over her, who probably has a scheme behind it.

"It looks like the Witches had some kind of argument," Feeu said, constantly looking around to see some demon survivors who might have been hanging around somewhere still, but when she couldn't feel a thing, she finally relaxed and flew up to Argent, who was thinking deeply about something, pulling her out of those thoughts with her words. "This fight seems to have been quite serious, I believe that Etativi was here, I feel it."

 "Yes, and it looks like the Purple Witch has gone up in rank." Added Eisst, who flew up to Argent quickly when she checked the terrain herself, and was quietly followed by Aqua, who had a complicated facial expression having nothing to add. The Magic Girls were waiting for Argent to let her think and she turned to them with a serious face.

"From what it looks like, the Etativi have arguments in their ranks. There hasn't been anything serious about the self-fighting so far, so it's possible that something like a civil war can happen," Argen began to present how she sees this situation in a serious tone that did not shed light on the turmoil of her emotions and the uncertainty she felt towards the Witch of Lust. "In a moment, some troops will probably arrive here, so let's wait and use their communicator to inform the command about everything till then secure the area."

All of them nodded, scattering checking the area again looking for troublemakers, only this time much more carefully and by the way collecting the demonic cores they spotted, the rest will be left for the cleaning crew that is already on their way. During their search they had some time to think about the whole situation.

Feeu and Eisst, whose experience with the Witch of Lust was minimal for the time being, did not have much to think about, just thinking a little bit about Argent's overreaction, but they finally granted it to Argent's good character, while she sometimes behaves a little strange they thought it was only her goodnes and it would pass quickly.

Aqua on the other hand had some deeper thoughts about the Witch who was playing with her like simple toy and it was apparent that she was not fond of her, although now that she had time to think about this situation of her kidnapping, she realised that she had been treated better than if she had been trapped with other Witches. However this has not changed the fact that Aqua hates that Witch with passion and no one will tell her otherwise.

But now Aqua was a little bit touched because when she saw the Witch of Lust she got a little bit of a thrill which surprised her and made her nervous because her body still remembered what had happened to her in that dungeon, not to mention that it hadn't been long since she got out of there thus getting her excited whenever she ever thought of her, it made Aqua terribly angry as she wanted only to forget about it as soon as possible.

Luckily for her, her thoughts that started to turn slowly into a whirlwind from which she could not get out, she heard TransMagica cars approaching drawing her attention, freeing her from thoughts that would not take her anywhere. A whole unit came out of the cars and started to secure the area, and their commander, who was not Alpha this time, came up to Argent to hear what happened.


A girl with black eyes and dark eyes in a black outfit that resembled that of the military came out of the portal landing on her knees because suddenly she was pulled from the other side of the portal by a demon made of shadows, who was now standing motionless on the side waiting for further orders, like a machine without a will, just as she stood next to a big demon, easily counting more than a hundred or two of them with different shapes, though they all had a human-like figure at the base.

Immediately afterwards, from a similar portal that appeared next to her, the Etativi emerged, who was visibly angry which did not surprise her and even started to get her annoyed because he had too much pride, which really worked on her nerves, if it was not for the orders from the Etativi who commanded her she would have already dealt with him, really she can only take so much of his bullshit before she explodes in anger, ignoring her orders completely as if they did not exist.

"Damn it, this bitch thinks she can do whatever she wants as if she were equal to us!" Etativi started to have another tantrum and the girl could only turn her eyes tired of his complaining, with no intention of listening  she focused on something more productive, that is she went to eat something to think about the clash in peace.

"And they have artifacts! Where did these lowlifes get them from?! That they have the nerve to think they have the right to use something so powerful! Whoever the new Witch belongs to, he won't get away with messing with me!" His screams had no end, and the girl was glad he didn't start screaming at her, because she could really kill him out of annoyance.

So by closing the door to the kitchen, where there was also a small table, where she took a portion of the salad she made herself from a small fridge and started to eat in peace because the door was quite well sealed, so the Etativi screams were now just a noise for her that can easily be ignored. How pleased it was that this base was an old factory that was converted by her Etativi to be their base, full of magic circles to make sure that this location would not be discovered and at the same time it was quite close to the city, perfect for keeping demons.

While she was happy to chew on the salad that magically took all the stress out of her, she went through the whole fight with the Witches in her mind to know exactly why she had lost, because until now she thought that rank was all and even if someone has better skills than her, only someone of the same rank would be able to win with her but today someone was able to prove that she was wrong, she hated that she was so weak.

She bent her fork slightly, which she quickly fixed quickly by controlling her little outburst of hatred, knowing that it would give her nothing but a little insignificant satisfaction, she knew that it was her lack of experience, too much confidence in her victory and her irritation that caused her to lose, which she has to fix by training more as well as taking part in more fights.

She was sure that in her next fight with the Crimson Witch she would now win without any problem, knowing about her artefacts which took her by surprise, it would have been different if she had increased her rank but it was unlikely and so this posibility did not take part in her thoughts on a possible next fight with her of which she was certain as she had betrayed, joining forces with another Etativi that was part of her opposite faction, after all there were no factions in the Etativi that worked together.

It was not so easy with the Purple Witch because she thought she was a much more dangerous opponent, even without the artifacts, she would be dangerous and she would be a necessity to watch out for her, because an opponent who is not afraid to be pierced with a sword, even smiles while planning it, is terrifying even for her, which annoys her. She did not like the fact that she was even for a moment frightened by her, but even now she has a little shiver when she recalls her crazy smile and eyes, which only says how dangerous this Witch is.

"Yumi, are you here?" The girl's thoughts were interrupted by another Etativi who entered the kitchen, it had a female voice looking for Yumi who only nodded when she saw a plush cat with charming red stripes on its ears and dirty ruby eyes. "What happened? Tell me! This idiot just screams how you're not useful, or some bitches are finished, blah blah blah, so you tell me what is going on."

Yumi just sigh a little and then start explaining what happened during their mission.


Yui was now sitting on a bench created quickly by the wolf demons, she was now resting, as she had already healed from her wound, which was worse to heal than one might have thought, because the black mana of the Witch that remained in the wound was blocking and not allowing itself to be removed easily, so Vili had to help because Witches in general have worse healing skills than the Magical Girls, so they needed all the help they could get.

After Yui had been healed, they focused on Miyuu's wounds, which were much lighter, so they could be healed much more quickly to the delight of everyone and thus they quickly dealt with it. During this time, Yui sent her demon in a top-hat to take care of Miyu's house, which was left behind after she flew out of i, and in order to avoid detection, Yui gave him a belt made from a ribbon together with a crystal that contained her mana, so that ribbon would not disappear, which gave the demon a few hours to hide from detection if he did nothing crazy.

"Okay, I'm hungry, we're going to my house." Yui declared and then stood up to Vili indicating to her that she should create a portal because she did not want to go home on foot, to which Vili reacted with annoyance but agreed because Yui was clearly tired and would probably eventually force her to do so if she had to. So after the portal was created, they all went to Yui's house, where they changed back and Yui went from place to place to the kitchen and told Miyu to wash up.

Yui quickly made a light dinner, then she went to wash herself joining Miyu, after she gave her clothes for change after the bath they together sat at the table to eat, Vili on the side also started to eat her small portion which she got alone. Later Miyu and Yui had much fun.


"S-sorry, I have to go home." A girl who was barely an adult with brown hair and slightly purple eyes visibly altered by mana, tried to move away from man who was uncomfortably close to her by entering her private space, which apparently bothered her, the girl did not seem to be able to deal with it.

It was late in the evening and she wanted to come home quickly to make dinner, for her younger sisters, after she had to sit for a long time at work but, to her misfortune she was caught by a man who looked like a typical hoodlum, what worse there was no one near her to help her, so her situation was quite dreadful, which made her slightly afraid.

"Don't say that, you're going to come with me for..." A man raised his hand to touch the face of the retreating girl, thus wanting to stop her, but his hand was stopped by another who suddenly appeared and it belonged to a man in a mask who skillfully knocked the man down by sending him into a dark alley.

"W-what?" The girl didn't know what was going on and was surprised by a man in strange but elegant clothes, but she wasn't scared for some reason because the man in the top-hat had a gentleman's aura around him, which made her feel confused about him. "Thank you very much!"

She quickly shouted to the departing man to which he just picked up his top-hat slightly and waved his hand for goodbye, drowning in the darkness of the night to never be seen again, leaving behind only a grateful girl who quickly ran home to tell her sisters what had happened. They did not belive her at all.


The demon in the mask was running on the rooftops of the city in a way where it would not be noticed by anyone, in order to quickly get to the home of a friend of his mistress. His mission was very important and thus required his complete concentration, so his action were wierd and unrelated to his mission. Afterall he stopped his run when he saw some bandit who had clutched up to a young woman who was visibly coming back from shopping.

He helped her quickly and then returned to his mission in a hurry going to Miyu's house and this time nothing prevented him from doing so. The reason why he helped this girl was not so complicated and could be reduced to two main points: Firstly he is behaving like a gentleman because he was improved by his mistress with such intention and because the girl was sweet, his mistress likes sweet girls after all, and he will protect things his mistress like. 

He had nothing to do at Miyu's house as he was ordered to take care of it so he thought that it was proper to clean and tidy the whole house.

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