Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 135: Testing Begins

Currently, I am gathered with all the others who wish to test to join the academy. The opening ceremony was about to start, and the picture of the CG scene within Magical Love was now in front of me. The Dean, Gerald Forthson, was standing up on stage with his hands behind his back, looking out over all the testees. He looked across the sea of young hopefuls and began to speak. 


"Young Ladies and Gentlemen, You have all gathered here today in order to join my Golden Wings Magical Academy. A place where young hopefuls will be able to train their skills and grow more powerful, and become leaders of our time. As you all know, strength means everything. With great strength, you could start your own kingdom or travel the vast world without being unhindered. What you decided to do with your strength is up to you. But before you can reach the pinnacle, you must first serve your kingdom. When you graduate, based on your honors and merits while in the academy, you may become a general and command a vast army, or you could be one of the foot soldiers. 

"We do not promise what you can become in the future. This has nothing to do with us. It is on you to grow stronger and hone your skills until no one can beat you. Although we could let anyone in so that they can train, it has been our tradition to select the cream of the crop. The reason being is once you step through the academy's gates, your life is your own. You could walk through it to be killed on the spot. Although we do split the groups based on years as the new arrivals, I have seen many who would step through the gate and kill the first person. They see. 

"Although we do allow this, this does not mean you can go on a slaughter. For each person you kill without reason, you will receive a demerit. Upon ten demerits, you will be kicked out of the academy. And a word of warning, if you kill someone and are found out, the academy will not hesitate to notify the family of the deceased." Dean Forthson's gaze swept over the crowd, and once he saw a bit of fear in the students' eyes, he nodded his head. Although the Academy was set up in this way, it allowed for his students to grow stronger. The country needed strong individuals to ward off the countries so they would not invade.

"I think I have said enough. From this moment on, the testing will begin." Dean Forthson clicked his fingers, and a barrier was formed around everyone present. A sly smile formed on his lips as he rose into the air. "The first test is about to begin."

One by one, each youth within the barrier began to disappear. 


When I saw the barrier go up, I instinctively grabbed both Able's and Alissa's hands tightly and placed a barrier around us. I had no idea what was going to happen until I saw people disappearing one after the other. Before I knew what was going on, both Able and Alissa disappeared from my side, and I was in a completely different area. 

"A forests?" I looked around, and nothing but trees were in front of me. I could hear the calls of monsters all around me. But one thing I did notice was that there was a blue barrier surrounding my immediate location. 

"You have all been transported to the forest near the academy. The first test is to see how well you fare against monsters. Each location has over a thousand monsters. You must kill at least ten monsters by yourself within twenty four hours. Do not be afraid to try to push yourself to the limits. There is an academy teacher watching over each of you." Dean Forthson's voice could be heard reverberating through the air. 

"I did not expect the test to be different this year. I guess they do change it every year, making it harder and harder." I stretched my arms and looked up at the sky. The barrier around me lifted to reveal another barrier that was much bigger. I could only guess that this was the way the academy sectioned off each test area.  "I guess I should find a home base first and then go out and hunt. I just hope the others are okay. I am not worried so much about Able, but Alissa's skills are all based on debuffing."

At the thoughts of Alissa's debuffing, I felt a shiver run down my spine. The last time I sparred against her, I felt so weak after that she completely took advantage of my inability to push her away. Although I will say it did feel nice, but still!  "Ahh! What am I thinking!?" I couldn't help but rub my head, trying to push out my impure thoughts. Able and Alissa have really made me into some kind of pervert. 


At the sound of the noise, I turned to see a spider tiger stepping out of the bush. Yes, you heard right a spider tiger. It was a spider type creature as big as a tiger with tiger stripes along its furry body. It had eight legs with actual paws. It was basically a tiger in the shape of a spider. Luckily it was not like the spider monsters I saw before or I would have probably peed myself. I drew my sword and readied myself. I didn't plan to use magic in this fight. I wanted to see how far along my swords skills have gotten.

---AN: Just, so you all know. I will be alternating this novel with a few of my other novels, so it will be getting updated more. I apologize for the long wait. I have been concentrating on my two newest novels The Trinity System and Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System. ---

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