Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

47. The Black Sheep (2)

Actra’s pronouncement hung in the air, heavy and unexpected.

Kai stared at him, a strangled laugh bubbling in his throat. Accompany him? The very idea was ludicrous.

“What do you mean?” Kai asked, unsure of what he heard.

Actra, his composure straight and calm at his statement, raised an eyebrow. “Are you surprised?” he inquired, a hint of amusement dancing in his green eyes.

Kai nodded, maintaining his own demeanour.

“Why would you want to go with us even though you’ve barely stepped outside your room? I remember when the mana weaver appeared, a few guards went to get you but you kicked them out saying that you can’t be bothered with it. Why now?”Kai looked at him with a neutral expression, not one part of him believed that Actra had any good intentions. He wanted to refuse straightaway, but he waited for the old Mage's next words.

“You are right about that, but it's not the same thing here. I also recently realised I haven't been acting well as your retainer. Spending my time on simply researching can become monotonous, so I wanted to join this expedition,” he said, eating up a piece of bread.

Kai struggled not to roll his eyes. Although he could accept that the research was monotonous, he knew Mages could stay holed up in their rooms for years. Ancient Mages he had read about were all about that and it was only in his time that they had avoided every kind of research and became more adventurers, trying to survive against the fiends.

Shaking that memory off, Kai simply shook his head, “Mage Actra, although I understand what you are saying, it still doesn't prompt me to agree to your request. You would be better off staying behind to prepare for any threats that might befall on the city when we are gone.”

Actra snorted at that, a bit of his facade dropping, but he still maintained his smile. “The city will have guards left behind to deal with it. It doesn't require me. Moreover, I also want to come for your safety.”

“My safety?”

“Yes, you might think coming out on top with a few bandits and a low grade necromancer is a big deal, but it's really not for a Mage. You have done well for yourself, but a Grade 4 larvae queen is an entirely different being. You might be able to deal with its children, but the queen itself would be an entity no Mage below 3rd circle can go against without losing their lives.”

Kai didn't argue. Actra's words did make sense since a Grade 4 monster was something entirely different, being able to command a small army. Among them, a larvae queen was a force to reckon with.

Even with his fighting experience and barrage of spells, he wasn't entirely confident of taking it on without leaving the guard's faith to their own hands.

At most, he would come out on top with a lot of casualties. Due to it, he was even desperately trying to make a breakthrough, but he wasn't there yet.

Maybe, it was sensing Kai's internal struggle, but Actra pushed on, “If you don't know, back in my days as a young Mage, I led an expedition into one of these nests, fighting off a Grade 3 heretical beetle myself. I am confident that among us I would be able to take on the queen much better.”

Kai raised an eyebrow, trying to find any deceit or exaggeration on his face, but there was nothing. Although he had a bit of information on Actra, he didn't know his fighting strength since he had never even seen him use a spell.

Still, it wasn't a far fetched notion.

Seeing that Kai wasn't going to say anything, Actra continued, “Think a bit about the guards you are bringing too. Everyone knows the last time you went on an expedition, almost half of the guards returned as corpses. No matter what, there would be unease with just you around. It wasn't one necromancer this time, it's a whole nest of monstrous insects.” Actra paused for a breath, trying to see any tremors behind his calm expression.

Finding nothing, he raised two fingers. “One Mage might be okay, but it's not enough to give a sense of security. Two Mages however, that's an entirely different tale.”

After saying that, Actra finished his breakfast with a flourish, pushing his plate away with a decisive click. "Don't worry, Arzan," he said, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Think about it. No need for a hasty decision. Consider it… my duty."

With that, he rose from the table, his robes swishing around him like a storm cloud. The weight of his presence lingered in the room even after he departed, leaving Kai to stare at the bread of conflicting emotions and a tactical dilemma.

Actra's offer hung in the air and he had no idea what to do with it. Kai was sure he wasn't offering to come for his security.

Instead, it was probably to keep an eye on him and gauge his abilities better. Also, to confirm the presence of Atheum in the mines.

Still, Kai felt conflicted, frowning as he finished his breakfast.


Kai stared at the book sitting in the library, the imprint of Actra's form still faintly visible in his mind. They had finished breakfast a while ago and he had walked into his study, intending to read more into golems when he found himself pondering over Actra’s words.

Over and over. In repetition.

If this was some other time, he wouldn’t have even let this man take over his worries, but now— with a huge expedition coming up, his mind was elsewhere.

Actra’s words were true. If anything, extra support would only bring them extra assurance. Yet, the logic of it clawed his skin— the hidden intentions behind Actra’s proposition was apparent.

Deciding that he needed to talk to someone about it, he pushed himself back from the table and immediately walked towards the grounds where Killian was putting the guards through their paces.

Due to Killian’s strict morning routine, Kai knew this was when he trained new Enforcers and soldiers. His personal spear training was scheduled for the evening.

Passing maids and a few guards, he entered the ground.

Spotting Killian, Kai strode towards him, trying to not show the frown etched on his face.

"Killian," he called out, his voice heavy with thought. As soon as he heard it he straightened, wiping sweat from his brow. “Have time for a word?"

Killian nodded immediately, following Kai to a secluded corner of the grounds. "What's the matter, Lord Arzan?" he asked, looking at him.

Kai hesitated, then blurted out, "Actra."

Killian's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Mage Actra? What about him?"

"His offer," Kai simply said. “What do you think about it?”

Killian took more than a second before speaking, “It makes sense. Two Mages are always better than one, especially facing something like a Grade 4 monster. I haven't fought something like that before, much less the guards who hardly even fight against goblins. Having another experienced Mage would certainly ease their hearts."

Kai scoffed. “I understand that, but doesn't it feel off? Actra didn't even help out during the weaver situation.”

Killian fell silent, his gaze dropping to the ground. "Well," he began slowly, seeming to choose his words carefully. "Perhaps a little. But Mage Actra is skilled from what I know. It would be rude to turn him down."

"Rude?" Kai chuckled a solemn sound. "Maybe. But sometimes you have to be."

Killian flinched slightly. "Right," he muttered. "Though, Mage Actra was close with you back in the day, wasn't he, Lord Arzan? I don't understand why you are on guard against him."

Kai’s face remained neutral. "He was," Kai lied. Maybe they were close, but he had no idea how close. "But things change."

Killian kept silent, clearly not understanding what was going on. He simply questioned after a point, “Is there something that I should know about Lord Arzan?”

“Yes, but it's not the time for it. Even if I want to reveal it, there's no proof,” Kai admitted. A part of him wanted to get Actra locked up, but not until he had sufficient proof and strength to defend against him. “For now, I simply want to know what you think of him being on the expedition?”

It was only after a minute that Killian spoke, looking like he was under a lot of pressure. “I believe it would be a lot of help. From what I know, Mage Actra definitely had experience with monsters and it would come in handy against the queen. I don't think anyone like him would try anything in the middle of a nest of larvae,” he said, taking a short pause to look at Kai's expression. “But if you think there's something wrong, then we are good to go on our own. I will trust your judgement. I don't think Mage Actra would take it to heart since he hardly leaves his room.”

Kai was about to nod in agreement when a glint sparked in his eyes.

He thought back to the last sentence Killian had said. Maybe, he had been looking at it wrong the entire time. He knew Actra was coming to keep an eye on him, but it was also an opportunity to finally get done with him as a threat.

If he didn't seize it now, he would be hard pressed.

"No," Kai announced, a sly smile playing on his lips. "He needs to come."

Killian stared at him, a bewildered frown creasing his forehead. "He… needs to come?"

"Exactly," Kai said, his voice brimming. "I have a plan."


A week later, horses whinnied impatiently, their leather tack gleaming with polish. A few guards fetched them from the stables. Packs bulged with supplies, carefully curated for the perils ahead and a tense excitement crackled in the air.

A few of the front-row guards, looking grim and determined, oversaw the final preparations under Killian’s supervision.

On the side, Ansel was talking to a guard, his voice pitched up in laughter due to a conversation that passed between them.

Feroy stood behind Killian as a deputy to help him straighten everything out before they leave.

Even the mercenaries seem to share a weird tension around them. They stood in a loose group, their weathered weapons glinting ominously. Raven was discussing things with Gorak, her eyes carefully scanning through the guards, while Finn and Finnigan were engaged with a few horses, feeding them grains.

Kai stood at the front, his spear in his hand. He was checking the sharp edges of the weapon Killian specifically chose for him.

Soon, he placed the butt of the weapon on the ground as it stood beside him. His eyes moved to the guards preparing the horses.

They should be ready soon enough.

As he stood there, he heard footsteps and turning his head, he saw a figure emerge from the direction of the manor house.

Actra, his robes billowing slightly in the breeze, approached with a confident stride. His wrinkly green eyes flickered across the assembled group, a hint of amusement playing on his lips.

"Made the right choice, Lord Arzan," he said. His eyes glinted like he knew Kai would let him come.

Once again, Kai pushed down the urge to roll his eyes at this man’s oblivious attitude. Behind that smile on his lips, Kai knew there was something.

But now was no time to think.

“Certainly made the right choice,” he repeated the same words, in a whisper, almost to himself.


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