Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

67. Instinctual technique

Despite the city’s desperate straits that Kai had to manage and butt himself in— now and then, he hadn’t neglected his training.

The pale dawn mist clung to the training grounds, slowly disappearing under the first rays of the rising sun. The air was crisp but warming up gradually.

Usually, he would have been sparring with Killian or running laps around the ground, but there was a change in the routine today.

His spear was on the ground and his palm crackled with a tiny, swirling flame.

"Ready, Killian?" Kai's voice echoed across the training field. There was a hint of a challenging tone in his voice as he directly looked at Killian, who stood opposite him.

The knight’s eyebrows were knit together in deep focus. His lips formed a thin line as he awaited Kai’s attack.

It had been quite some time since Killian had awakened as an Enforcer and compared to others, he had done the best, slowly getting a hang of cultivating and learning how to enforce his body with mana.

His movements have gotten controlled and more precise than before and he even looked younger. A part of it had to do with the fact that the man rarely took breaks.

Whenever Kai would look for him, he would either be training, teaching, making rounds of the city or cultivating. Most of the time, it would be the last thing since according to him, it was an addiction that was improving his body.

Kai had let him be since it was one of the effects cultivation had on Enforcers. Unlike Mages, they could directly feel their bodies becoming stronger and faster day by day, gaining a sense of pleasure out of it.

He had never seen the man as a cultivation junkie, but he now looked every bit of it.

Today when they walked into the training ground, Killian had requested to do some movement training and Kai complied with it, wanting to know how fast he had gotten.

“Yes, Lord Arzan,” came Killian’s response.

Kai waited patiently, letting the heat in his palms and the anticipation build. All the while he shifted the flames back and forth between his two hands.

Killian’s eyes didn’t leave the fireball for even a second, not knowing when it would come his way.

Finally, after seconds had built into minutes, he caught Killian’s momentarily distracted gaze.

With a subtle motion of his wrist, Kai launched the fireball at him.

It arced through the air in a flaming trajectory, leaving a trail of scorched grass in its wake. Killian didn't flinch. Years of practised reflexes as a knight, honed further by training as an Enforcer, came into play. He took a single, measured step to the side, the fiery projectile passing harmlessly inches from his shoulder.

A gust of wind roared past him just as quickly. Kai, wasting no time, had followed up the fireball with a well-timed [Gust] spell. But Killian, anticipating this move, pivoted on his heel, the wind whipping past him like a disappointed breeze.

"Perhaps a bit more heat, Lord Arzan," Killian shrugged his shoulder with his hand. "And a touch more speed on those spells. We won't be facing campfire embers when the beast wave arrives."

Kai smirked.

The familiar routine eased the tension that had been building within him.

He channelled more mana, the fireball in his hand intensifying until it crackled with a fierce orange glow. This time, when he launched it, it was accompanied by a swirling vortex of wind, creating a miniature firestorm that hurtled towards Killian.

A flurry of activity replaced the single attacks.

Kai, his mind playing over and over Killian's challenge, wove a tapestry of fire and wind.

Bolts of fire rained down like meteors, each accompanied by a howling gust that threatened to knock Killian off his feet.

The knight dodged with a grace that belied his massive build. Spins, ducks, and last-second leaps became a blur as he navigated the onslaught.

"Impressive," Kai said with a grunt. Killian had certainly improved. "Your agility has improved by leaps. A few months back, I doubt you would have managed that."

Killian, panting slightly, grinned. It was at these rare moments in the practice grounds, high with adrenaline that Killian broke into a grin, sometimes full-blown laughter when he was challenged enough. His usual stoic mask disappeared at such times— the training ground seemed to be when he was mostly carefree and yet, serious in what he did.

As the training continued, Kai thought more and more about how Killian really suited being a battle junkie.

Kai let him take a breath and removed the spell structure from his palm. “How was that?”

"Still not enough, Lord Arzan. I feel like I can do more. I feel like pushing myself today!" Killian said and got to his feet from the crouched position.

When he stood up, bouncing from one foot to another, it was almost as if he hadn't dodged at least twenty attacks in a row. His energy was still palpable.

Fortunately for him, Kai had a lot of mana remaining and he doubted he needed it for the day. So with a shrug, Kai unleashed his final blow.

A dozen flaming arrows, conjured with a snap of his fingers, materialized in the air before streaking towards Killian like scorching asps.

The sheer volume of attacks was impossible to dodge conventionally. Killian, recognizing this, let out a grunt.

He dodged a few of them that came first, but with every second, more and more arrows rushed towards him, trapping him from moving.

Killian dived to the left, but the arrows chased him. He yelled, closing his eyes as one of the arrows stood inches away from hitting his forehead. It was just then something out of the ordinary happened.

Kai felt a rush of mana around him and in a blink, Killian vanished.

Caught off guard, he widened his eyes as the spot where Killian stood moments ago was now empty.

A beat later, a slightly singed Killian appeared beside him on the floor, a bewildered look on his face. His eyebrows were raised and his mouth gawked open like he couldn't believe what had just happened.


Kai took a few steps backwards.

"Whoa, what in the nine hells was that?" Killian exclaimed, brushing soot off his jerkin as he stood up immediately.

Kai stared at him, rethinking what just happened. The arrows vanished from the air as he looked around the ground before his eyes landed back on the bewildered knight.

If he was right, Killian had performed a sudden, almost teleportation-like manoeuvre.

"Did you… use a lightning technique?" Kai asked.

Killian frowned. "Lightning technique? What is that, Lord Arzan?”

Kai slapped his forehead, a mixture of amusement and exasperation washing over him.

He recalled the thick stack of notes he'd painstakingly compiled on Enforcer stages and abilities. "Killian," he said, patting the knight's shoulder gently, "Did you even read the notes I gave you?"

Killian sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I skimmed them…" he admitted.

Kai chuckled. "Right, then I hope you read through the important parts. As an Enforcer, you start learning techniques at the second stage. It is also the stage when you gain a deeper understanding of your elemental affinity. That little trick you just pulled? That seemed like [Lightning Step], a basic technique for Enforcers with an affinity for lightning."

Killian's jaw dropped. Kai could sense that the realisation was finally settling in. "[Lightning Step]?" he muttered, flexing his legs tentatively, looking down at them.

Before he could delve deeper into this ability he seemed to have discovered just now, Kai bombarded him with questions. "Have you been feeling… different lately, Killian? Any unusual sensations, or changes in your body?"

Killian frowned, looking like he was searching his memories. "There is this tingling feeling in my chest," he admitted. "A constant thrumming, almost like…" he paused, searching for the right words, "like a storm brewing inside me. It's been bothering me a bit, but it calms down when I'm training. That's why I even asked you to help me out with my movement training."

"A storm, huh?" Kai mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "And how do you feel about lightning? Any experiences that come to mind? From any battle or even your childhood?"

A flicker of memory sparked in Killian's eyes. "Rain," he said, a nostalgic smile gracing his lips. "I've always loved storms. There was one time when I was just a boy, I saw a bolt of lightning strike a tree right in front of me. It was terrifying, yes, but… also strangely beautiful. Never forget that image. It’d always come to my mind whenever I felt like I needed something to distract myself with."

A smile split Kai's face. "There you have it. That powerful memory, that connection you formed with lightning… must have subconsciously influenced your affinity. Lightning is a rare element, Killian, and a powerful one at that. It’ll do you well, I believe.”

Among the elements that Mages and Enforcers could use, few ones were far more offensive than others. Lightning was one of them and it was often an element Kai had liked.

For an Enforcer, not only it would give an extra edge in their attacks, but they would also be extremely fast.

The more he thought, the more the element seemed to suit Killian's fighting style.

As they continued their discussion, Kai gestured towards Killian's leg. "So, the vault you're currently cultivating… is it the ankle?"

Killian nodded. "Yes, Lord Arzan, that's the one."

"I see," Kai said. "The ankle vault focuses on agility and reflexes. Once you fully cultivate it, your [Lightning Step] will become like second nature, allowing you to react and manoeuvre with incredible speed."

Each vault corresponded to a different part of the body and developed in such a way that gave Enforcers a lot of freedom on how they wanted to cultivate them.

There was no set order— Enforcers were able to cultivate them according to their fighting style and desired build. It was all about optimization, maximizing the enforcer’s potential.

Kai had even heard of a few clans that would grow only a certain kind of build of Enforcers, letting them have an extremely strong band of warriors that would specialise in cultivating their vaults in a set order.

As he thought about Enforcer clans, a frown creased Killian's brow. "But how'd I do it, Lord Arzan? You yourself said you haven't given me any battle or defence techniques, only cultivation exercises."

Kai scratched his head as he thought back on the question. Since he had no idea about Enforcer techniques, he wasn't able to write them down. He had seen techniques in action, but he didn't know the principle behind them.

He only knew that Enforcers were able to use body techniques and synergize them with their elements. Most of these were passed down from every generation.

However, it wasn't as if there were no exceptions.

"Hmm, that's a good question. I believe it's innate. Enforcers are different from Mages. Mages are methodical, and all about intricate spells and formulas. You, on the other hand, are more like… instinctual warriors. Your techniques can manifest based on raw power and a deep understanding of your element."

"So, the thought of dodging your attacks, wanting to move like lightning itself… that triggered the spark?"

"Exactly." Kai snapped his fingers. "You focused on the feeling, the desire for speed, and your body responded. Now, the trick is to refine that instinct into a proper technique."

Killian paused a moment, probably thinking of what he had felt during the training and how he could work with it. "I can do that, Lord Arzan. I'll focus on that feeling, and develop a movement technique based on it. I would be able to get it with some practice hopefully."

Kai nodded, clapping Killian on the shoulder. "Practice you'll have, Killian. Just do as you said, focus on the feeling and develop a movement technique. It won’t be easy but since we will be on the move soon, you’ll get enough time to think about it.”

“On the move soon?” Killian immediately asked.

“We're leaving for the capital soon."

Killian looked at him with surprise in his eyes. "The capital, Lord Arzan? I thought you had no intention of going with the Archine Tower Mages?"

Kai smiled. “You thought I would ignore the summon letter of a group of Mages that are one of the most powerful and political forces in the kingdom. I don't think I would be able to stand against a Magus in my current stage. Those are entirely different beasts and could handle a dozen Actra on their own.”

“Forgive me, Lord Arzan. You’ve rarely listened to our suggestions in the past months. So, even this time, I thought you would be ignoring the summons.”

Kai winced internally. He wondered if he came across like that.

He quickly brushed the thought aside. “Actually," he said, his voice firm. “There's two reasons I want to go. Firstly, I need to get the Archine Tower off my back. I doubt they would take no for an answer, so I would meet their investigation and make sure they know what happened with Actra. We didn't send a report with any lies, so we should be good. Also, we need to inform the Kingdom of the Beast wave since we aren't getting any help in the region. I could do it while dealing with the investigation.”

“What's the second reason?” Killian asked.

“We need to get more resources for the beast wave.”

He raised an eyebrow. "Resources?"

"Indeed," Kai said, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "Malden will be getting a shipment of construction materials for the wall rebuilding. But manpower will be tight. Francis and I discussed hiring some skilled workers from the capital. Other than the construction work, I was going to look into a blacksmith and alchemist."

“Blacksmith?" Killian echoed. "But what about old man Jeb? He's been the castle blacksmith for years."

Kai sighed. "Jeb's a good man, Killian. But I've seen his work. He's excellent at repairs and basic weaponry. What I need is very different. Let's just say it requires a different skill set."

"And an alchemist?" Killian inquired, his brow furrowing further. “They are rare. I have only seen a few aside from you."

"Exactly, that's why we need to establish an alchemical workshop to attract more of them. Also, I need them before the beast wave hits. It'll give us a significant advantage in terms of potions and supplies."

Killian nodded in agreement, as his gaze drifted towards the distant horizon. "The Archine Tower is imposing, Lord Arzan. I don't know how that would go since Mages are mostly aloof, but from the way those two Mages acted, I don't think it would be a nice experience.”

Kai sighed and nodded. Even if the report they sent was true, some questions were going to be brought up as to how Kai had awakened and gotten so strong.

He would have to deal with those and he doubted the Mage culture liked reasonable conversations over needless aggression going by how the two apprentices have acted.

"Don't worry, Killian. We're not walking into this blind. I have a plan, and we'll deal with the Tower accordingly.”


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