Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

80. Giving it back

A suffocating silence engulfed the room as Kai launched his final salvo.

He could feel his pulse everywhere as he became hyper-aware of his environment. A domineering aura clung to his shoulders, pushing him down on the ground.

Had he overplayed his hand?

Maybe… maybe not; questions rose to his mind. He'd anticipated a hostile interrogation, perhaps even a touch of physical intimidation, but Veridia's sheer presence was a force he hadn't expected.

Still, retreat wasn't an option.

Actra and by extension, the tower had clearly marked him for death. Whether Actra's demonic transformation was a desperate act or a preordained outcome, the fact remained— his accomplices, those who sanctioned his demise, resided within these very walls. Were they a rogue faction, harbouring secrets that shouldn’t be said? Or was the rot deeper, infecting the very core of the tower?

Kai couldn't sense any taint of dead mana, the signature of such dark magic, but that didn't guarantee its absence. Maybe there are practitioners in the tower?

Finally, the tension shattered as her presence left him.

Archon got to his feet, a half-formed spell crackling at his fingertips. But before the hostile magic could coalesce, Veridia intervened.

A wave of her hand, subtle yet obvious, sent a ripple through the air, dissolving the nascent spell and forcing the enraged Mage back into his seat.

Veridia's gaze, calm and collected the entire time, now glinted with a cold fury. The parchment beside Jasper, previously still, began to writhe and twist as if imbued with a life of its own, etching furious strokes in response to Kai's words.

"Accusations," she hissed, "are heavy and presumptuous. Do you have any idea of the weight you carry, young man? You are treading on dangerous ground, making claims that could bring the full censure of the tower upon your head."

Kai held her gaze unwavering, his own anger simmering beneath the surface. "I'm not accusing the tower, Just the one who seeks my demise. And I have proof."

Silence reigned once more as Veridia unfolded the letters, her expression unreadable.

Each rustle of the parchment echoed in the tense atmosphere. No names were mentioned, but the origin - the tower itself— was unmistakable. The contents were simple, giving Actra the task of eliminating Arzan and framing it as an accident. There were even details of how they were going to handle it and how since Arzan had lost out on the Duke's territory, he was powerless and the crown wouldn't bother with his death.

Veridia's expressions became more conflicted as she read.

Kai had not only survived the interrogation but had turned the tables, forcing the tower onto the defensive. The truth, a blessing in disguise, now hung precariously between them. The gamble, fraught with risk, had paid off— for now. But the true test was yet to come.

Why did Actra keep the letters? Whether out of arrogance or carelessness, mattered little now. These were his trump cards, and they'd landed with a resounding thud.

He did wonder if Veridia was simply going to burn them with a spell. It was an outcome he had thought of and had already prepared against. Other than making copies of these, he was also ready to block out any spell heading for the letters.

Even if he wasn't as strong as her, he was capable of blocking out one spell from her and rushing out with the letters.

Veridia's face, previously guarded, darkened as she finished reading. The other Mages, their earlier hostility replaced by unease, exchanged nervous glances. Kai watched them, hoping to ignite in his chest.

Veridia finally looked up from the letters. "I assure you," she stated, her voice taut. "I do not know this contract. Actra must have been acting of his own volition."

Kai's lips curled into a sceptical smile. "Someone in the tower knew. And that someone is still a Mage right in here."

He barely stopped himself from saying ‘Maybe in the room with us,’ and pressed on, pushing his advantage.

"The bigger issue," he continued, his voice rising slightly, "is that he transformed into a demon and attacked me. That warrants an investigation, wouldn't you agree? The church, the crown...they wouldn't take kindly to news of a demonic entity within the tower's ranks, especially when it targeted a noble." A pointed glance at the parchment writing everything down made him smile. "Speaking of the crown, I have an audience with the King in a few hours. I'm pretty sure he would be interested in this."

Archon, the one with the signet ring, let out a huff. "You speak a lot, boy," he growled, his voice laced with barely concealed menace. "Second circle Mages are wise to know their place. There's a time to speak and a time to be silent."

Kai met his glare head-on, his jaw set defiantly. "I'm not just a Mage. I'm also the son of a former Duke, a lord in my own right. Is that a threat? Because it can be interpreted either way."

The Archon visibly paled. Veridia, however, remained the most composed figure in the room. A hint of a smile played on her lips, a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Kai's insides churned with a nervous anticipation. From everything he had learned from Malden and Killian, Mages and nobility didn't have the best of harmony and were often against each other with nobility trying to use them for their power and Mages not wanting to be dragged around.

The crown hung in the middle, balancing both sides. The church was the third participant in this game of power struggles with them not having a lot of power, but having the biggest reach with most people following one religion.

If it really got out that the tower was housing a demonic creature with potentially more of them present inside it, it would be the biggest scandal of the century. Especially one amidst a struggle for succession for the next king.

Once he actually thought about it, Kai realised he might have the power to change the whole outcome of the succession simply by talking about this scandal. Obviously, he didn't have any plans for it right now, but it was his best move to drag it as much as he could.

Silence stretched, thick and heavy, before Veridia finally spoke. "My visit here," she began, her voice low and measured, "has proven to be more… enlightening than anticipated."

Kai's heart hammered against his ribs. Was this a good sign, or was she simply toying with him?

Veridia continued, her gaze moving over the documents on the table. "The evidence you've provided," she stated, "while unconventional, is… adequate. It paints a clear picture of Actra as a criminal who acted in his interests, working with a connection within the tower for his personal gain."

Relief washed over Kai, a wave so powerful it nearly knocked him off balance. They weren't dismissing his claims entirely.

"The tower will conduct its own investigation," she went on, "into Actra's activities, including finding the individual he corresponded with. Additionally, we will compensate you for the inconvenience and risk you've endured."

A flicker of surprise crossed Kai's face. It was moving smoother than he had expected.

"However," Veridia added, her voice firm. "We require a detailed report from you regarding the demonic entity you encountered. It's crucial for our own investigation. And for you to not speak about it until we finish our investigations."

The two other Mages bristled at her words, but Kai barely noticed. This was a far better outcome than he'd dared to hope for. With a sigh of relief, he straightened in his chair.

By the looks of it, they didn't want him to swear an oath to stay quiet, so he didn't have a reason to say no.

"Of course," he readily agreed, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "I would be happy to provide a detailed report. Though, I would hope this investigation doesn't require another trip all the way to the capital. And if it does," he added, a glint in his eyes. "Perhaps the tower representatives will be more courteous this time around."

A tense silence hung in the air before Veridia, to his surprise, chuckled softly. "Courtesy," she mused, "is a concept we can certainly discuss at a later date. But for now, Mage Arzan," she said, inclining her head slightly. "Consider this matter settled."

Kai rose from his chair.

He may have walked into the lion's den, but he'd emerged not just unscathed, but with a cautious truce forged. The game was far from over, but for now, he'd played his hand skillfully, forcing the tower to acknowledge the darkness that festered within its walls.

He wondered if he should take charge and talk about aiding the defence against the beast wave, but decided not to do it. He had other plans for it and even if he was going to get some aid from them, he didn't want to overdo them since it would come with his own problems.

A satisfied smirk played on Kai's lips as Veridia subtly promised to ensure the other Mages learned a valuable lesson about courtesy. Gathering his evidence back into his robe, he prepared to make his exit.

Just as he was about to ask for his leave, Veridia's emerald eyes twinkled with an unexpected glint. "There's one loose thread to discuss, Mage Arzan," she said.

Kai's heart skipped a beat. Had she seen through his potion? "What do you mean?" he managed to ask, feigning ignorance.

"Your awakening as a Mage," Veridia stated, her gaze unwavering. "Our records show you were deemed incapable during the standard testing conducted by your family due to mana vein blockage. And if I'm not mistaken, this awakening happened quite recently."

Kai cursed inwardly. They had a database. Or maybe a report on him specifically, detailing his failed test. "Indeed," he admitted, schooling his features into a mask of nonchalance. "Fortunately, I was able to come into my inheritance recently."

This inheritance excuse, the same one he'd heard from Actra, felt flimsy, but it was all he had. Fortunately, any kind of Mage inheritances were a personal matter historically and he won't be asked too much about it. "Part of this inheritance," he continued, his voice firm, "addressed my… issues and allowed me to manifest my powers. It was a personal matter," he added pointedly, "and I wouldn't be comfortable discussing the specifics. It is fine for you to know that it helped me take my first steps as a Mage… I already had years of knowledge from books— my interest isn’t new in the magical arts, you see. Thanks to that, I was able to progress fast and enter the second circle in just a few months."

He kept a keen eye on the Mages as he spoke. As expected, their reactions were a mixed bag. Both Archon and Jasper's eyes widened in envy, a flicker of longing crossing their features. Even Veridia's stoic facade faltered for a moment, a hint of greed glinting in her emerald depths.

This inheritance. What exactly was it? Kai had questioned Killian about it, his supposed guardian retainer, but the knight remained clueless. Yet, these Mages knew. And the hunger in their eyes spoke volumes of the power this supposed inheritance held.

Suddenly, the interrogation room felt less like a trial and more like a den of treasure hunters scenting a hidden fortune. Kai, for the first time, felt uneasy for a different reason.

Veridia's curt nod confirmed Kai's suspicions. His explanation, while shaky, had been enough for now. A smile, devoid of warmth, spread across her face. "Excellent," she said, her voice laced with something that he couldn't decipher. "Compensation for your troubles will be arranged. However, there is the matter of procedure as a newly awakened Mage."

Kai braced himself for whatever was to come. From Klan and Jacks, he knew the procedure and if she asked him to study in the tower, he was going to reject it, citing his noble duties.

Veridia seemed to anticipate his resistance. "As a newly awakened Mage," she continued, her voice smooth as silk. "The Ascension exam is a mandatory formality. It wouldn't take long, and upon successful completion, you'd be a registered Mage of the tower."

Kai nodded, not liking where it was going. "I appreciate the offer," he countered, his voice firm. "But I have a city to run. Time is a precious commodity for me."

"As a noble," she countered. "Your presence wouldn't be required full-time. You'd manage your territory, contribute to the tower in times of crisis, and perhaps attend classes and get a master of your own free will if you like. Self-taught Mages rarely do great and even if you have done well till now, your progress will become slower and harder with time."

“I don't think I would like to select a master.”

“An inheritance, no matter how potent, can't replace proper training. You'd be wise to consider it."

“I will think of it.”

He didn't try to drag the conversation, but Veridia still mentioned about the responsibilities that would come with being a tower Mage alongside the benefits to his reputation. Kai didn't care much about the benefits, but he did wince at the fact that he would have to go to war if it ever came up.

Though, he would have to go either way since he was a noble. Escaping a war was probably the best way to lose favour with the crown and the people.

“I would give the exam,” he said after she finished her explanation. He doubted he had a way here since it was mandatory for every Mage within the kingdom to register, but at least he would be able to leverage his worth as a noble to ignore most of the things going on in the tower. “I do have one request. Could you give me access to the library? I would like to study before the exam.”

Veridia chuckled. "Of course. A temporary pass, for now, a permanent one after your registration."

With a curt nod, he turned to leave.

Just as he reached the door, Veridia's voice stopped him cold. "Your mother," she said, her tone laced with a strange mixture of curiosity and something akin to pity, "would be proud that you were able to access her inheritance. The tower only had a handful of magus and she was a special one even among those."

Kai froze upon hearing that.


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