Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

94. Fiery duel

A cold sweat prickled at Kai’s nape.

He’d been living a lie as Azan ever since he got here, and even if he hadn’t done the best job at it, he knew it’d worked to an extent.

One of the few reasons it had worked well was that Kai hadn't met anyone from Arzan’s family. The closest thing he’d to deal with when it came to people who knew Arzan was Killian— the man who was a Knight and didn’t pay enough heed to things that didn’t concern him majorly.

He had only seen Arzan from a distance and hadn't been close to him.

On the other hand, even if Arzan and Edrian hadn’t been close like Killian mentioned, it was clear as daylight that Edrian knew Arzan better than anyone else he had met till now. They were brothers after all.

Kai stared back into the emerald eyes boring into him. The man's stare was intense as if he was looking into his soul rather than his face. He ignored the uncomfortable feeling prickling at his skin.

A smile crept across his lips as he finally spoke. “I didn't expect to see you so soon after receiving the letter,” he managed to talk in an unwavering tone.

Edrian’s lips curved into a knowing smirk. “I wanted to meet you after the duel, but it was too interesting for me to ignore it and since I was here already, I decided to come meet you. It seems you’ve grown quite well in the time I haven't seen you, enough to tangle with a count’s son."

Kai kept his composure, showing no changes on his face. “It was actually him who provoked me.”

Edrian chuckled, a low, alarming sound. "And you responded as a Kellius should. But remember, we are of a Duke’s lineage. Our strength lies not just in our blades, but in our minds. We choose our battles carefully. If our ancestors hadn't picked their battles, we both wouldn't be standing here today.”

His words made Kai lose for words.

What is he trying to tell? Is he trying to warn me about Reyk? Not go against him… No, wait. This doesn't seem to be about Reyk.

Nodding slowly, Kai forced a calm exterior. "I can handle the beast wave," he said steadily, finally understanding what Edrian was talking about.

The latter’s eyes narrowed. "Even without the kingdom’s backing?" His voice was laced with disbelief. "Word of your little rejection has spread like wildfire, you know. I never thought I’d see the day when you’d challenge a prince. Many people have been spreading your words and although they seem to exaggerate it, you going against a prince is still true, right?"

Kai shrugged, a nonchalant mask slipping into place. “It is true. I didn't wish for it, but I have gotten over the habit of letting people trample over me."

Edrian nodded, a flicker of something dangerous passing through his eyes. Kai couldn’t hold on to what exactly was going through his mind, but the next few words that flew from his lips gave him all the answers he needed.

"It seems so. But it’s not the beast wave or the prince I’m worried about. It’s our older brother, Lucian."

“Did you come here to do your bidding?” Kai asked point-blank, getting tired of the conversation.

The emotions that ran through Edrian’s facial expressions shut down like a silent snow, cold and something unfamiliar. A scowl etched on his face.

Guess not then.

“The day circumstances forced me to work for Lucian, I will slice my own neck.” He frowned, hatred flickering through his eyes. “I know that our relationship hasn’t been the best, but I came here as a brother, though a half-brother, and you haven’t tried to plunge a knife through my throat or send mercenaries after me." His voice was low, a deadly calm in his tone. "You were always my favourite ‘cause of that."

Kai opened his mouth to retort, but a sharp clang cut through the air.

Looking back, he saw Reyk already descending the grand staircase through the window, a cocky grin plastered on his face.

"Give me a moment," Kai said to Edrian, his eyes fixed on his opponent.

Edrian’s gaze followed Kai, a cryptic expression on his face. "Might take more than a moment," he replied, his voice low.

Kai shook his head. “No, it won’t.”

With a final glance at his brother, he turned and descended into the arena. His mind raised Edrian’s words, the warning against his brother… and questions on what it could be about came back in waves but— he didn’t have time to think too deeply about it.

Because right now, there was an urgent matter in the form of a man clad in armour standing across him with an arrogant look on his face, his head held high as he waved to the crowd.

The crowd roared at that and as Kai stepped into the centre of the ring, the roars magnified, but there were also a lot of sneers and scorns among them. It seemed like Reyk had a lot of support and it wasn't just from the nobles.

Even the commoners seemed to like him and Kai saw quite a few banners among the stands containing his family's crest.

"So, you didn’t run away after all," Reyk sneered, his voice carrying through the stadium and bringing Kai's attention back to him. “I was prepared to entertain the crowd with a few of the spells I have learned recently if you have acted the same way as in childhood. It seems like growing up has made you more foolish.”

That earned a few loud laughs from different corners of the arena. It really seemed like the crowd was patiently waiting for him to humiliate Kai.

Kai returned his gaze, his expression impassive. "I don’t see an opponent worth running from," he replied with a smile.

The crowd went silent at that and he saw a few smirks, having not expected him to retort back.

Reyk's nose scrunched him in anger and his face went red. "We’ll see about that," he growled, his body tense, ready to pounce.

As Kai took one step ahead, his gaze swept across the stands.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through him as he spotted familiar faces. Magus Veridia, Jasper and a few other Mages sat in the highest stands that seemed to be made specifically for nobility. Even Klan and Jacks were among the spectators, their eyes locked on him.

He moved his eyes around and saw Prince Eldric sitting at another stand, surrounded by the nobles he had seen at the ball. A smirk played on his lips as he talked to the nobles around him, clearly anticipating the battle.

He even saw Leopold there and when their eyes met, he waved at him.

It seemed to be the truth that Reyk had gone around inviting nobles. They expected a good show and although it wouldn't go as they expected, Kai was going to give them one.

A referee stepped forward, raising his hand to quiet the murmuring crowd, his voice echoed through the stadium when he spoke.

"Attention! Before we begin, let me remind you of the rules. No killing. No leaving the arena boundaries. Any use of forbidden techniques will result in immediate disqualification. You can use weapons and artefacts."

The crowd murmurs in acknowledgement as the referee continues, "The duel will conclude when one side is unable to continue or surrender. Now, to determine who makes the first move, we will have a coin toss."

Before the referee could produce a coin, Reyk stepped forward, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"No need for that. Let him go first."

Kai returned the smile, a cold glint in his eyes. He knew the arrogant guy would regret those words, but he wasn't going to say no to it.

“Since that's the case, begin!”

The referee stepped outside the main ring and the duel finally began.

Without hesitation, Kai lifted his hand and flickered his wrist. He wanted to end the duel as soon as it began. A spell structure formed on his hands instantly and he saw a trace of surprise in Reyk's eyes at the speed of it.

But he gave him no time to move.

An arrow, tipped with a fiery essence, materialised in his hand. With lightning-fast speed, he released the arrow. The projectile, a streak of crimson light, shot towards Reyk, leaving a trail of burning air when it did.

Reyk's eyes widened in disbelief.

Kai made sure that the arrow drew faster than anything he had anticipated. But the man had brought things to supplement his strength.

With a flick of his wrist, a ring on his finger emitted a blinding light, forming a translucent shield around him. The arrow impacted the shield, sending ripples across its surface.

But the shield held, absorbing the impact.

Kai's eyebrows rose slightly. It seemed like Reyk had put in a good amount of money on that ring, but it wasn't anything that would make him falter.

He unleashed more arrows in a matter of seconds.

Each arrow struck the same spot on the shield, weakening it with every hit as Reyk got pushed back. The crowd roared as the shield, which Reyk thought was a symbol of invincibility, began to crack under the relentless assault.

Reyk yelled in frustration as his shield shattered, breaking into pieces around him. He took a few steps back and looked at his hands in shock.

Without hesitation, he unleashed his counterattack. A red spell structure bloomed on his hands, taking a few seconds more than Kai.

“[Blazing Whip]!” He yelled, pushing forth his intent.

Long, fiery whips of fire erupted from his hands, lashing out at Kai.

But with practised agility, Kai moved around the fiery tendrils, avoiding the attacks and finally halting completely unharmed.

"Impressive little tricks," Kai taunted, his voice carrying over the roar of the crowd. "But not enough to win this."

With a dramatic flourish, Kai raised his hands and put his hand on the ground as a spell structure formed. He muttered an inaudible chant as streaks of mana moved.

The ground beneath them erupted the next second.

Chunks of scorched earth rose, forming a colossal, fiery hand that reached for the sky.

Reyk, recognizing the danger, leapt backwards, his eyes wide with shock. By how pale his face looked, he had recognised that Kai's spells were far more powerful than this. Both of them had fire affinities and although he was using common second-circle spells, their power and speed far surpassed his.

As Reyk landed, he retaliated with a barrage of flame lances, aiming to destroy the molten earthen construct. The spell seemed to be one of his main ones as he was far more quick with the casting.

But Kai had anticipated his move.

The fiery hand, impervious to Reyk's attacks, broke down under the lances and rained down a torrent of flames, engulfing his opponent in a fiery inferno.

Desperate, Reyk erected a wall of flame to protect himself, but Kai's onslaught was relentless. The two walls of fire collided, creating a blinding explosion of light and heat.

The crowd gasped and it all went silent.

Kai moved back to dodge the explosion, but his opponent wasn't so lucky. Without the shield's protection, Reyk was a sitting duck in a fiery inferno.

Panic etched itself onto his face as the flames licked at his exposed skin, his armour not being able to protect him completely.

Kai moved with predatory grace, closing the distance between them.

"Do you yield?" Kai asked, his voice cutting through the roar of the flames.

Reyk's eyes, filled with terror, refused to meet Kai's gaze. "Never," he spat, his voice barely audible over the crackling fire. Pride, a stubborn and foolish companion, kept him from admitting defeat. His desperation fueled another spell, but his trembling hands betrayed his fear and nervousness.

Kai shook his head, a mixture of pity and contempt in his eyes. "You would live longer if you knew when to quit."

With a swift motion, he launched a powerful kick, connecting with Reyk's midsection.

The force of the blow sent Reyk flying backwards, disrupting the concentration needed to maintain his spell. The spell collapsed, leaving him vulnerable.

A barrage of flaming arrows followed, striking Reyk's shoulders and thighs through the scorched armour.

Pain erupted through his body, his senses overwhelmed by the agony as he cried in pain.

In a final move, Kai walked towards Reyk in swift steps, grabbed him by the collar and threw him against the arena wall.

Reyk's body slumped to the ground, unconscious.

A heavy silence descended upon the arena. The crowd was stunned, their previous cheers replaced by a collective gasp at the scene they had just watched.

It hadn't even taken five minutes for the duel to end and the winner was a Mage they had never seen in the arena before.

“This was as easy as I expected,” he muttered, giving one last look to Reyk. He wasn't dead, but it would take a while for his injuries to heal.

Kai's gaze swept across the stands, momentarily locking eyes with Veridia. Her face didn't show any emotions, but her eyes were another matter. Next to her, Jasper's face was pale and he seemed like he wanted to drag himself to the arena grounds to check up on Reyk.

Klan and Jacks looked at him in awe and before Kai could turn to look at the prince's reaction, the referee's voice broke the silence.

“And the winner is… Baron Arzan Kellius!”


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