Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Chapter 12: Melina

She’s seen enough. Well and truly. The Tarnished she’s chosen as her Champion, for as capable as he’s proven to be so far, is a complete lech! Melina is still bodiless at the moment, but she feels as though her cheeks are burning with the strength of a thousand suns! What even is this?!
At least with the warrior woman, there had been something of an excuse. Her Tarnished had been… jumped, for lack of a better word. He had been on task and had just completed the first true step in their advance towards the foot of the Erdtree by managing to take Godrick’s Great Rune for himself. Twas more than any other Tarnished could have said to have done in quite some time, was it not?
And so, it was no surprise to Melina, once she’d had time to think on it, that Nepheli Loux had taken the opportunity, in the heat of the battle’s aftermath, to claim some small part of her champion’s glory for herself. Indeed, the female warrior had been smitten with Melina’s Tarnished, and how could she truly expect anything less from a wench so… lacking in Grace.
As well, the way her Tarnished had accepted Nepheli into his arms and embraced her was… admirable in a way. Twas always nice, to throw a dog a bone so to speak, hm? And so, Melina had set it aside. She had… overcome her own moment of jealousy and concern and allowed the act to pass her by. Certainly, twas not as if her Tarnished had had any further issue after the fact.
No, rather… he’d made his way to Roundtable Hold at last, and while he’d met up with several of the women he’d interacted with and saved in Limgrave, as well as a new face in the form of the Deathbed Companion, he had not done anything untoward with any of them. Not even with said Deathbed Companion, though Melina would have to keep a close eye on that one. Twas obvious to her gaze, if not to her Tarnished’s, that Fia had gotten quite a lot of vitality from his… hug.
Nor had he engaged in further coital acts with the warrior known as Nepheli Loux. No, while they’d spoken briefly, she had simply given him a token that might just help him in the battles ahead, a talisman scavenged from Stormveil Castle, and then continued on her way.
And so, Melina’s Tarnished had made his way into Liurnia by the Lakes and begun the next leg of his journey to the foot of the Erdtree. All seemed to be going well enough. In fact, Melina had been quite thrilled at the end result of her Tarnished stopping and getting distracted by yet another damsel in distress. The girl from Volcano Manor, ‘Rya’… Melina cared not for her true nature. Inhuman though she might be, she had no designs of harm or hinder towards Melina’s Tarnished.
As a matter of fact, when her Tarnished had returned the girl’s necklace, Rya had been most helpful indeed, by explaining an alternate path up onto Altus Plateau. Why, the Tarnished did not even need to continue scrounging about for the missing halves of the Dectus Medallion! No, he could instead bypass the Grand Lift of Dectus entirely and make his way to Leyndell even faster than Melina had anticipated.
… He did not, of course. Instead, though Melina KNEW he had heard the information from the girl’s lips, he’d continued on his journey deeper into Liurnia by the Lakes, and instead of going further North, he had made his way into the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
Melina knew she could not begrudge her Tarnished his distractions. Their pact was one sided in its nature, and he was making progress on her request, regardless of her personal feelings on some of his… priorities. But still, she couldn’t help but wonder what he was up to, as he’d ascended to the highest spires of Raya Lucaria, and made his way to the Grand Library where Queen Rennala of the Full Moon had been confined by her own students.
Did he mean to fight her? Melina had metaphorically wrinkled her nose at the thought. Queen Rennala was… addled. All knew it. The loss of her husband, the ruin of each of her children… it had all proven too much for the woman. Once the greatest sorceress in all of Caria, she was now a shadow of her former self. What was even the point, of attacking a cripple in her dotage?
But of course, Melina did not consider it her place to contradict or take her Tarnished to task, and so she had not stepped in. She almost wished she had at this point. Because far from fighting her, what her Champion had actually done was MUCH worse.
Melina can’t help the shiver that runs through her discorporate body, as her Tarnished waves goodbye to the Queen and her… sweetings. Having just finished a veritable orgy with the lot of them, her Tarnished leaves the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria with a content smile on his lips. Because he’s a lecher. But unfortunately, he’s all she has.
Honestly though! Walking into the Grand Library practically naked?! Embracing the Queen of the Full Moon and kissing her?! For a moment, Melina had assumed the Tarnished lost! But then she’d realized… Rennala, with her Great Rune of the Unborn, had seen the same thing Melina had. She’d seen the Tarnished’s Perfection.
Knowing that, it was almost understandable, what had happened next. ALMOST understandable. Seething, Melina watches as her Tarnished settles down at a Site of Grace, as underdressed as he had been following his fight with the Fell Omen. Tch, except the battle he’d had with Margit, and the ‘battle’ he’d had with the Queen of the Full Moon were two VERY different beasts indeed.
Before she has a chance to truly examine her feelings and think logically about her course of action, Melina finds herself materializing on impulse next to the Tarnished at the Site of Grace. Falling to her knees, clutching angrily at her cloak, she tries to contain her emotions, even as the Tarnished gives her a smile and nod in greeting.
Then, she does something she wouldn’t normally do. She lies. Oh, keeping information about herself back is fine, and she’s doing quite a lot of that. Lies by omission, essentially. But this, what she’s doing right now? Tis a flat out lie.
“Spoken echoes of Queen Marika linger here. Shall I share them with you?”
Twas certainly not true. There was nothing of Queen Marika in the Academy of Raya Lucaria. But her Tarnished shouldn’t know that. So then, why was he giving her this knowing smile, like he knew she was deceiving him and saw right through her act? Melina bristles, but before she can explode at the Tarnished, he just nods his assent, gesturing for her to go on.
… He knew she was lying, but was humoring her anyways? Melina’s face colors and she finds herself suddenly regretting taking a corporeal form here. Perhaps she was hasty. And yet… ah, she had to follow through now, didn’t she? The reason she’d chosen to lie… because Queen Marika’s words were the better way to say what she wanted to say, then if she tried to say it herself.
“In Marika’s own words then. I declare mine intent, to search the depths of the Golden Order. Through understanding of the proper way, our faith, our grace, is increased. Those blissful early days of blind belief are long past. My comrades; why must ye falter?
They were Queen Marika’s words, spoken to those in the Golden Order who would have preferred to remain blind to the truth of their loyalty, to the truth of the Greater Will that reigned over them all, even She Who Was Eternal. But they were also applicable to this situation, here and now. Or so Melina felt. Her Tarnished sat before her, having promised to take her to the foot of the Erdtree… naked, after having an orgy with a Queen and her bastard get.
What was Melina supposed to think? Why did her chosen champion falter so? She had need of him, and yet he was here, dealing with these… these trivalti-!
Melina’s eye widen, as her Tarnished’s lips find her own. He’d leaned forward, while she was deep in thought and captured her mouth, kissing her in a surprisingly tender fashion, especially after what she’d witnessed with the Loux girl and with the Queen and her sweetings. Her Tarnished was quite the… vigorous lover, but here and now, he’s gentle and kind as he kisses her lips before pulling back with that same smile on his face.
Flushing, Melina clenches down on her cloak for a moment longer with her hands… before shucking it off entirely.
“Twould seem I have n-no choice. I must keep apace, my Tarnished. Tis unseemly, this idea that I cannot keep my Champion… satisfied.”
As she speaks, she untwines her top once more, exposing her breasts to the Tarnished’s eyes. This time however, she goes even further, pulling off her dress entirely, and displaying her womanly form in all of its naked glory, as she splays her legs apart for him, right there at the Site of Lost Grace.
“Do with me as you will, dear Tarnished. I can offer no guidance; I cannot turn runes to strength for you. My purpose was lost to me long ago… and without you, I will never reclaim it. So, p-please…”
She doesn’t finish her request, but in the end, she doesn’t need to. The Tarnished moves in and… has his way with her. That, of course, is a gross oversimplification. Indeed, it could even be described as a gross misinterpretation. Melina has built up this moment in her head, if she’s being honest. The kindling maiden believed she knew what to expect, given what she’d seen take place between her Tarnished and Nepheli Loux, and then between him and the Queen of Caria.
He is a degenerate sort, her Tarnished. A depraved, debauched individual. He will seize hold of her and treat her roughly, for that is his nature as a man when a woman such as she has offered herself. At least, that’s what Melina is expecting. What she gets… is the exact opposite.
He does take hold of her, but with a gentleness that surprises her. His lips go back to her own and caress her mouth. There is no tongue, not at first, just the brushing of lips against lips as he lays her back on a bed made of her own cloak and dress. Her splayed legs offer him a place to fit himself, but rather than lunge forward and thrust into her like some animal, he is slow and methodical.
His hands start on her arms, but slowly move across her body. They touch her chest, gently and delicately massaging the mounds of flesh found there, before going further still to her abdomen. In the end, one hand remains on her breast… the other disappears down between her legs. Melina can only gasp, as fingers dance across her folds. She can only groan, as his mouth slides off of her own and down her neck.
Arching her back instinctively, she shivers when her Tarnished dips a digit into her core, pushing past her lower lips and scooping some of her gathering nectar straight from within her. All the while, his mast is nowhere to be seen… but she knows its there, and her hands… her hands have been idle long enough.
As her Tarnished’s mouth moves from neck to bust, his lips closing around the nipple that is not currently covered by one of his large hands, Melina slips her own hands up between them both, reaching for the loincloth he’d put back on after his… engagement with Rennala and her imperfect daughters.
She wonders, briefly, if her Tarnished is acting so kind and tender because he is not yet recovered from that experience. After all, for all that she knows his potential is fully realized, no one’s stamina is endless, right?
Well, she’s in for quite the surprise, as she tugs his loincloth aside and lays her hands on a shaft that is just as hard, thick, and throbbing as it was when she initially put him betwixt her breasts that time ago. Flushing, Melina looks down past the Tarnished’s mouth and hand and takes in his sizable member. If he does have a limit to his stamina, twas not found in the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria. No, rather… he’s more than ready to go another round, isn’t he?
… Best to get it over with, lest this foreplay drive her mad with lust. She must keep her head on her shoulders. This… all of this is just a transaction, in the end. No more, no less. She cannot afford to have actual feelings for her Tarnished, after all. It will only make the fulfillment of her true purpose all the harder.
And so, she brings him closer to her, and as she draws upon his member, he removes his fingers from her core, allowing her to press his phallus into place in their stead. Melina’s breath hitches, and the kindling maiden quivers as she’s slowly spread apart by his… sizable girth. But then, this was the man who’d satisfied the Queen of the Full Moon. Was she not expecting him to feel huge inside of her?
Shuddering, Melina realizes that her Tarnished has stopped, holding himself still. He’s letting her get used to him… but that’s not conducive to getting this over with.
“G-Go on, my Tarnished. C-Claim my body…”
‘For you can never have my soul’ is left unsaid. Melina whimpers, as he begins to move inside of her, pushing deeper in for a moment, before slowly drawing himself back out. And then in… and out. He’s gentle as he makes love to her, and Melina can’t do anything more than cling to him, her chest quivering between them, her body shaking.

Tch, she was expecting him to be rough with her, like he was with Nepheli. Or… enthusiastic and domineering, as he was with Queen Rennala and her sweetings. Instead, he takes his time. He’s certainly inside of her, there is that, but there’s nothing fast paced, nothing painful. Melina feels him filling her up again and again, but it’s at an almost languid pace.
She very nearly asks him to go harder, to go faster. But the words catch in her throat. If she asks for such a thing, is she not condoning… all of this? No, rather, she has indeed condoned this, but there’s a difference between condoning… and participating. Ah, her mind is a mess. Her thoughts muddled. She just… she cannot be seen enjoying this TOO much. She cannot be seen actively seeking out more from her Tarnished.
No, this much is fine, even if it leaves a part of her unfulfilled. Not all of her though. Her body still reacts to the Tarnished’s lovemaking. Even moving slowly and carefully inside of her, his technique is impeccable. He truly is a degenerate lecher, to be able to draw pleasure from even her bodiless, burning existence. Shuddering beneath him, Melina’s eye closes shut for a moment as she lets out a loud exhale, sighing with her release.
In return, the Tarnished comes to his own release as well, and paints her insides with his ejaculate. It’s embarrassing, and she finds her face aflame in embarrassment, even as he pulls away from her, brushing some hair out of her face. As he runs a hand along her cheek in a caress that she finds herself leaning into for all of a moment, Melina suddenly startles, remembering where she is, who she is, and what she’s supposed to be doing.
“E-Enough. That is enough, Tarnished.”
He immediately ceases touching her, and she almost calls him back in response… but no. Gathering up her clothes, Melina spares her Tarnished one final glance… and then dematerializes. Surely with this, she had satisfied him for the time being. As it was… she did not think she could afford to appear before him any time soon. Not when her mind was so muddled, her emotions in tumult. She knew what she wanted; she was sure of it.
And yet… and yet…


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