Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Chapter 26: Sorcerer Sellen

She’s known for quite a while that her days were numbered. Even with her true body imprisoned, Sellen had always believed it was only a matter of time before she was hunted down by those who would rather see her fully dead. Making plans to try and counteract that likely fate were made all the harder by her oh so limited reach.
And then the Tarnished had shown up. He was not like most of his kind, she’d learned that quite rapidly. He’d wanted nothing more than to learn at her feet, and took to her lessons as only a prodigy could. To say Sellen was impressed with him would be an understatement and a half. Indeed, when she’d started hearing rumors of his major accomplishments, she’d begun to realize just how lucky she was.
Slaying the Lord of Limgrave and claiming the weakest of the Demigod’s Great Runes was one thing. But then he’d gone on to accomplish even greater and acquire more shards of the Elden Ring than anyone had in quite a long time. And throughout it all, throughout his journey in the Lands Between, he hadn’t forgotten little ole her. He hadn’t abandoned his Teacher in all things Sorcery.
It started with him tracking down Azur. The Primeval Sorcerer Azur, to be exact. Once a grand master at the Academy of Raya Lucaria, he had been exiled, just like Sellen herself. Master Azur was a founding glintstone sorcerer at the Academy, as well as Sellen’s first teacher. He was also a stern judge of character, so to see a student of hers wielding his trademark sorcery, Comet Azur… it was something else.
For the first time in a long time, Sellen had felt pride well up in her chest. The Tarnished, for all that she had initially taken him for a bluntstone, was no waste of her time at all. And if Master Azur had thought him capable enough to share the Comet Azur sorcery with him… well, Sellen had decided she could entrust her secrets to the Tarnished as well.
And so, she had told him the truth. She had explained why exactly she was banished from Raya Lucaria in the first place.
“It was for attempting to restore the primeval current of glintstone sorcery, of course. You see, my student, I want glintstone sorceries that open our minds, unbound by terrestrial taboos. Not the toothless pedantry peddled by the Carian Royal Family. I want to reach beyond our limits, no matter what it costs us in return.”
She’d paused then, to gauge his reaction, but he had had the same interest as always writ across her face, and so she’d continued on… carefully.
“My apprentice. I presume nothing. Teacher and student are not bound to tread the same path. But hear me out, if you would. I need your assistance in restoring the primeval current of glintstone sorcery. Mayhap this could be a journey we undertake together?”
It was putting a lot of trust in the Tarnished, Sellen had known that at the time. She’d even held somethings back in the hopes that not all would be lost if her student balked in the face of what she was asking. But in the end… well, he’d smiled and nodded, giving her his agreement in that silent way of his. Sellen had been thrilled. Overjoyed, one might say. So happy, in fact, that she’d made a rather silly joke about how he must have had a fabulous teacher. A joke that she’d ultimately been embarrassed by when she revisited the conversation in her head later.
Still, she hadn’t told him all of her secrets, even then. First… first she’d had one more test for him.
A test he’d passed with flying colors, as if there could be any other outcome. The task she’d given him, to find Master Lusat in the same way he’d found Master Azur, had proven far from beyond her Tarnished student. Indeed, he’d succeeded in no time flat, returning to her with the Stars of Ruin Sorcery that the old master was so famed for.
And luckily for her that her student had worked so fast. Or rather, luckily for her that he had worked her into his schedule, she supposed. For as Sellen now knew from the gossip she’d overheard on the way here to the Academy, it was her student, HER Tarnished that had slain General Radahn at long last. The moment she had felt the shift in the planes, was the moment Sellen had known her time had become truly limited.
With Radahn dead, Witch-Hunter Jerren would come for her life. Of that, Sorcerer Sellen was absolutely certain. The old man would not rest until she was dead. And so yes, it was very fortunate that even as he was inadvertently letting loose the hounds on her, her student had managed to locate Lusat during his time in Caelid. And not only that, but had returned to her before it was too late.
She’d been a bit in a rush, after that. In the end, she’d been forced to put her trust in her apprentice and tell him of her true body on the Weeping Peninsula, so he could make the journey to her and save her life.
It would have been quite easy, if he were in fact a mole planted by the Witch Hunters, to end her then and there. After all, she had given him the location of her body. But instead, he had only helped, never hindered. He’d taken her primal glintstone at her request, and brought her to her NEW body, located… elsewhere.
Preceptor Seluvis was no one’s idea of a stalwart ally. Indeed, if it were not Sellen’s only option, she would never have worked with the man. Luckily, by the time her Tarnished placed her Primal Glintstone within the new body awaiting her in Seluvis’ hidden basement, the Preceptor was already dead, having overstepped his bounds so gravely that it warranted an execution at the hands of his own mistress.
It was quite fortunate. Not only had Ranni the Witch not bothered to clean up his basement, but Sellen did not have to contend with any unfortunate traps the Preceptor might have left in her new body that could have tied her to his will. It was entirely possible he might have been on the up and up, but Sellen very much doubted it. In the end, it was so much better that the creator of her new body, so young and full of vigor, was dead. And that any secret failsafes he’d left in her form were dead and gone with him.
She was, of course, quite appreciative of her Tarnished’s efforts. Her apprentice had come through for her, time and time again. She might have rewarded him then and there, if her work was not so far from being done. Alas, they were just getting started. The Academy awaited… and so did Witch Hunter Jerren.
Sellen, restored in youth and power, her Primal Glintstone nestled deep inside of her new body, would still have given herself no more than even odds of beating Jerren in a one on one fight. The old Witch-Hunter was simply too wily, too experienced, too strong. There was a reason she’d lived in fear of him for so long.
Luckily, she wasn’t forced to fight Jerren one on one. Her apprentice had come, one final time, arriving on the precipice of that confrontation… and with his help, the old man was no more, at last put to rest by their combined might.
Now, Sellen stands in the center of the Grand Library, staring around at all of the knowledge once lost to her, now once more at her fingertips. She can’t help but smile beneath her glintstone crown, as her loyal Tarnished approaches.
“Ah, my apprentice. You’ve saved my skin once again.”
He smiles fondly at her, but something in his eyes seems almost sad. Raising a brow, Sellen gestures about.
“Do you see this? The Queen of Caria is deposed. The Academy is ours.”
Indeed, Rennala rests off to the side, watching with dim eyes. When she’d arrived at the Academy of Raya Lucaria, Sellen had thought the Queen would be her true opponent. Surely, there was no way she would be able to take control of the Academy without one last bout of sorcery versus sorcery between her and Rennala, right? She’d been almost eager to exchange pointers with the Queen of the Full Moon.
Except… no. To Sellen’s shock and surprise, the Academy’s scholars had long since set aside the Last Queen of Caria themselves. They had locked her away in the Grand Library and had been running the school without the guidance of the Carian Royal Family for quite some time. It was like a dream come true… if that dream had been twisted into something of a nightmare.
Honestly, how foolish were they? To set aside the Queen was one thing and had always been Sellen’s ultimate goal. But to do so by locking her away in the LIBRARY?! The place where the vast majority of the Academy’s knowledge was stored?! And more than that… they’d set Rennala aside but had done nothing to bring back the Glintstone Masters that had been exiled by her and her family! Azur, Lusat… even Sellen herself, had received no invitation and no apology.
Well… never mind that now.
“With the bodies of Masters Azur and Lusat returned, the academy can finally hone the primeval current. So that we, fallen children of the stars, can beam with brilliance once again.”
She’s proud. Of course she’s proud. She smiles beneath her crown, her voice filled with warmth and affection as she gazes upon her Tarnished apprentice.
“My apprentice. Will you stay with us, here at the academy?”

Even as she asks, she knows his answer. She has, after all, kept abreast of his doings, has she not? His face is solemn and drawn, but Sellen just laughs and waves a hand airily.
“Oh, I know tis not possible. You have your own calling. To become the next Elden Lord. But…”
And here, Sellen surprises even herself. Reaching up, she takes hold of her glintstone crown and carefully removes it. Her face has been carefully sculpted to resemble her original features, from her younger days. Raven black hair, bright blue eyes, and a pretty enough set of features. Perhaps not the beauty of royalty, like the oh so gorgeous Queen watching silently from nearby, but Sellen likes to think she’s attractive enough.
Finally, she reveals herself in truth to her apprentice, and meets his eyes with her own for the first time without the mask of the heavy glintstone crown in her way. Stepping forward, Sellen places a hand upon her student’s chest.
“Do think of me, apprentice. Think of your teacher, on the eve of your crowning.”
Her lips curl up into something of a coy smile, the first one of this new body, and she chuckles throatily.
“You will always be my darling pupil. In fact, rest assured that I… nay, the entire academy, will happily swear allegiance to the new monarch. So please, my apprentice. Become Elden Lord.”
He smiles faintly at that, and yet his eyes are still so unbearably solemn. She doesn’t quite know why. She doesn’t understand what he has to be upset about. It’s possible he knew Witch Hunter Jerren, and siding with her over the old man hurt him in some way. Sellen considers asking for all of a moment before setting it aside. It’s not her business, and truth be told, she doesn’t want to know. Time… time will heal all wounds, as it’s said.
Time… and distraction, perhaps? Sellen’s breath quickens, as she considers what she might do to take her Tarnished’s mind off of whatever is plaguing it. Before they get into that though…
“Perhaps I’m jumping ahead… but I wish to give you a symbol of my allegiance, and the Academy’s.”
Pulling out the Glintstone Kris that she’d pilfered from the Academy’s vaults, she hands it to the Tarnished, smiling softly, pleased that he can see the expression on her face right now.
“Do you know what this is, my student? This Glintstone Kris was once presented to Leyndell by the Academy of Raya Lucaria, to celebrate their newfound peace. And yet, it ended up returned. I do so wonder why… but no matter. Now, it represents my pledge to you.”
Cocking her head to the side, Sellen’s smile widens.
“Do you recall, what I once told you? That glintstone is the amber of the cosmos, and sorcery is the study of the stars and the life therein. When you become Elden Lord, please illuminate me. Lay bare the secrets of life which course the Elden Ring. Next time… I will be your student.”
He takes the Glintstone Kris from her, as solemn as ever. Well, it’s now or never she supposes.
“Oh, and one last thing before you go…”
Quick as can be, feeling the dainty speed of her new body and the vigor of her newfound youth, Sellen darts forward, plants her hand back on her Tarnished’s chest, and leans up on her tip toes in order to give him a kiss. But not just a kiss… she quickly deepens it, kissing him further and plying his lips with her tongue.
When he returns the kiss, Sellen is overjoyed to say the least. When his hand goes to the small of her back to support her, the Sorcerer has no issue melting into his chest. A soft moan leaves her mouth, only to be swallowed up by his. This body… it’s perfect. No doubt, Preceptor Seluvis would have done terrible things to her if he’d still lived when she’d reached it. No doubt, her existence under his thumb would have been… taxing to say the least.
The doll maker was a monstrous sort, to be sure. But desperate times made for strange bedfellows, and Sellen would always choose poor accommodations and circumstances over a complete ending of all she was any day of the week. If she’d had to spend who knew how many years as Seluvis’ toy in exchange for escaping Jerren’s clutches… she would have taken that trade, reaching out and contacting the Preceptor as soon as she knew Jerren was free of his duties to Radahn and was coming for her.
But thankfully, that most unfortunate outcome had not come to pass. And it was all thanks to this man, this Tarnished before her. How could Sellen not want to reward him with all she had? The dagger was from the Academy, in truth. But this? This would be from her personally.
Bringing her hands to his shoulders, Sellen gently but firmly tries to push her student down to the ground. Unfortunately, he doesn’t go. His hands firm up on her hips, and she has to pull back for a moment, brow furrowing as he stares down at her in silence.
“Please, my apprentice. Allow me to do this for you. Allow me to show you just how grateful I am. Is it perhaps the location? The company, even? If you wish to retire to proper bedchambers, we-urk!”
One moment, she’s doing her level best to convince the Tarnished to let her bed him as he stares at her with a strange worry in his eyes, looking concerned for her. The next… the next, her entire existence is pain and agony. Her body is on fire… and also something else. Sellen chokes, her throat blocked up by something, words no longer possible.
She stumbles back from the Tarnished, though he does not let go of her completely. Still, even with him holding her at arm’s length, she’s able to look down at herself… at her new body, rippling and bulging in odd places. Her blue eyes widen in horror, as she realizes what’s happening. Even the Graven Witch… no, as someone who they called the Graven Witch, Sellen especially knows what the Academy considers a nightmare scenario, the reason that the primeval current is a forbidden research topic within the study of glintstone sorcery.
But… to make a School of Graven Mages, that most horrifying end of a number of sorcerer seeds… it took more than one. Hence a SCHOOL of MAGES. She was only one sorcerer. There was no reason this should be happening. There was no reason she should be transforming into this… into this grisly fate.
Unless… Seluvis’ betrayal came from beyond the grave. In a moment, smart as Sellen is, she’s able to put it together, even as her skin bulges outward more and more obscenely, even as the first traces of Glintstone Crowns begin to show across her new body. Of course Preceptor Seluvis would make sure that she could not escape him… not even in death. A failsafe to make sure she was dependent on him, one that would cause her body to transform within a certain allotment of time if he was not there to set the clock back and hold the change at bay.
She’d been so happy with her new form, so thrilled with her new body, and so sure that Seluvis’ death meant she had nothing to fear, that she’d charged forth with her goal of taking the Academy without securing her own self in the process.
And now here she was, becoming a hideous monster from which there was no return, right in front of her apprentice. She can’t even communicate with him, except to stare up into his eyes and plead with him to understand that this was not his doing.
Except, she’s expecting to see horror and shock in his gaze. Instead, he’s staring down at her with a grim sort of resolve. Sellen wants to ask what he’s doing, but she can’t speak, even as he scoops her up into his arms and starts walking. Her body is growing by the second. He won’t be able to hold her for long. Where… where is he taking her?
Her eyes are starting to bulge too. Her face is pure pain, as the transformation reaches from her blocked throat to her skull. And yet, Sellen can still see when they reach their ultimate destination naught but a dozen steps later. Indeed, one of the last things she sees, before her vision goes dark, is Rennala of the Full Moon looking down at her with a curiously intelligent expression of disdain on her regal face, as the Tarnished lays her at the Last Queen of Caria’s feet.


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