Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Chapter 35: Nepheli Loux

She’d thought she had everything she needed in Roundtable Hold, between her lover and the women that she’d decided to take under her wing. But apparently, the demigod slayer didn’t agree with her. It still felt somewhat surreal, and rather unreal besides… but here she was, stood in the throne room of Stormveil Castle once more.
The last time she’d been here had been just outside in the courtyard, when she and her fellow warrior had faced off against Godrick the Grafted. And then, indeed, they’d come in here and… well, desecrated the inhuman monster’s throne as his blood had still been wet upon the cobblestone. Nepheli didn’t regret any of that, to be sure. Not even now, given her new position.
It started with him bringing her the Stormhawk King’s ashes. She hadn’t been sure what to think of the gift at first. She was no Spirit-Tuner. She could not feel the presence of spirits, nor could she see them. However, in the ashes that her lover had gifted to her, she could smell an ancient storm. It had… roused her from her momentary contentment. Reminded her of who she truly was. Nepheli Loux. Warrior.
And then this man had come around. Kenneth Haight. He was a somewhat self-important sort of man, wasn’t he? He had a bit of an officious air to him, at least by Nepheli’s first impression. But you didn’t survive in the Lands Between by being an idiot. And when Kenneth had begun to tell her about the ‘capable chap’ who had helped him reclaim Fort Haight, and how the ‘bright young Tarnished’ had proven so very helpful that he was able to begin the search for a new Lord of Limgrave, Nepheli couldn’t deny it… her interest was piqued.
Her knowledge of Limgrave’s ancient history was admittedly spotty at best. She’d known more about the present than the past, when she’d first found herself in Stormveil Castle. The Grafted and his soldiers had been in need of killing, and Nepheli was good at that, at the very least. It had been one of the last times she’d felt good about working for her father, in fact. Taking down Godrick’s soldiers, assisting her fellow Tarnished in battle against the Lord of all that was Golden himself… yes, she’d been proud of her accomplishments, quite proud indeed.
But Nepheli knew enough to know that a Storm Lord once ruled over the lands of Limgrave, long ago. She knew enough to know that this Storm Lord was a mighty force, and that Limgrave had long had cause to regret losing that sovereign. And she knew enough to know she was no Queen, no Royalty.
And yet, Kenneth Haight had seemed sure of it, when he’d approached her. It was a point in the blond blowhard’s favor, she supposed. Despite his pompous attitude, despite his officious air, Lord Haight was quite certain that HE was not fit to be Lord of Limgrave. That it was not his place to rule over all the lands that the Storm Lord had once ruled over.
No… he claimed that that was to be her. That SHE was the only one fit to be Lady of Limgrave. To say Nepheli had been shocked would be an understatement. And yet, in spite of everything, Kenneth’s words had resonated with her on a deep, personal level, somewhere within her very soul. She’d known, in her heart of hearts, the moment he spoke, that this was what she had to do.
But… how could she possibly leave behind her duties at Roundtable Hold? How could she justify abandoning the others, when she knew Lord Ofnir was just waiting for an excuse? The most obvious answer to the dilemma would have seemed to be to take them all with her. Roderika, Rya, Irina and her father Edgar… bringing them all to Stormveil Castle would have made the most sense.
But Roderika would not go. Rather, Nepheli hadn’t even asked the blonde Spirit Tuner, in all honesty. Because she knew what her answer would be. Roderika would be apologetic, and even try to tell Nepheli not to worry about her, but she would refuse to leave the Hold and more specifically, Master Hewg, behind. As much as Roderika loved the man they both had shared their hearts with, she also felt a deep connection to Master Hewg.
And of course, Master Hewg could not leave Roundtable Hold, prisoner that he was. And so, Nepheli was left at an impasse. And currently, her only solution had been to straddle the line, and keep a foot in both worlds. She would not and could not make her position here in Limgrave permanent until something in Roundtable Hold changed. Instead, she would travel between the Hold and Stormveil Castle. Meanwhile Edgar held down the fort back at the Hold for her and kept her father from getting too big for his britches, and Kenneth in turn held down the fort here in Limgrave, when she couldn’t be around.
It was a delicate balancing act, to be sure, but Nepheli knew in her heart of hearts that this was what she had to do. And it was only confirmed, when the familiar face of her lover stepped through the door and into the throne room. She had not invited him here, had not even sent word to let him know what was happening, for she had not wanted to bother him.
And yet… here he was, all the same. A smile steals across her face, as he looks upon her with an approving grin. Of course, before he can step forward to speak with her, Kenneth steps in, the blond blowhard practically running over the Tarnished with his words.
“Aha! Nice to see you after so long! Safe and sound I take it, yes? Good, yes. Well, as you can see, I have indeed petitioned a new ruler for the lands of Limgrave. Lady Nepheli here is strong of character and just of heart. Well worthy of the burden of Limgrave’s lineage, I’m sure you agree. Such is the sincere opinion of I, Kenneth Haight, no less!”
The man pauses to take a breath, and Nepheli almost manages to step in, but Kenneth, of course, isn’t done just yet.
“For the time being, of course, I share command of the castle with my Lady. But! I plan on returning to my fort afterwards. At which time, I assure you, I will be able to fulfill my old promise and raise you to the glory of knighthood. I hope it is just as wonderful as you imagine it to be. Just be patient a little while longer, alright?”
Hm, she suppose that explained why Kenneth was rushing so damn fast to get the words out. The man always tended to speak like he thought he was going to be slain at any moment and needed to get the last word in before it happened. However, he was especially talkative here and now. Still, it was confirmation that her lover and the Tarnished who Kenneth had gone on and on about helping him were one in the same.
Which meant that all of this was undoubtedly HIS fault. As he smiles at Kenneth, giving him a strong shoulder clap of comradery that very nearly takes the robed man off his feet, and then steps past the blond to move to her, Nepheli can’t help but grin.
“I suppose I have you to thank for this then. I remembered the vow I took when I first became a warrior, so many moons ago, thanks to you.”
Looking around the throne room, Nepheli lets out an explosive breath, her hands resting easily on the pommels of her axes. Comfortably, even.
“This land is much like the one from which I hail. The Grafted Lord and his monstrous acts blinded me to that fact, at first. But just because Godrick and his soldiers brought nothing but pain and misery, does not mean this land is forsaken, or forgotten.”
Straightening her back, Nepheli holds her head high, basking in the approving gaze of her lover.
“I will call upon the storm, to drive away the foulness that has settled on the winds.”
His smile turns into a grin, and he nods along with her, clearly quite happy. And she… she’s happy too. That doesn’t, however, mean that she’s just going to let him off the look.
“Some call me by the title of Lady now… but I remain the same woman underneath. Though I have now… abandoned my former guidance, I cannot express how much you’ve helped me.”
Her eyes flicker to Kenneth, and she raises a brow.
“You promised this Tarnished knighthood, Lord Haight?”
Startling at suddenly being addressed, as if he thought he wouldn’t be caught definitely listening in on the entire conversation, Kenneth straightens up and clears his throat.
“A-Ah, yes, my Lady! This was the one I spoke of to you. He helped to clear the rabble from Fort Haight. I promised once I had found a true and stalwart Lord of the proper lineage to take the reins of Limgrave and grant me the authority, that I would raise him to knighthood. Or, as is the case… a true and stalwart Lady, my Lady Loux.”
Nepheli nods, humming as she pretends to ponder this.
“… Alas, I fear that I must disabuse you of the notion of having this one serve under you, Lord Haight. He is, after all, the slayer of Godrick the Grafted… and my Chosen Consort.”
Kenneth’s eyes damn near pop out of his head at that, and for that alone it’s almost worth it. Though, Nepheli can’t deny being a little bit disappointed when she looks and sees her lover unsurprised by the way she’s claimed him. But hey, if she’s going to be stuck with being the Lady of Limgrave and all this damn responsibility, Nepheli doesn’t see why she shouldn’t be allowed to exercise some of the perks of the job as well!
A strange, cool shiver runs down her spine, as she plants her hands on her hips… but Nepheli stands firm. She is, after all, Nepheli Loux, Warrior. She will not back down. Not for nothing.
“Kenneth. Gostoc. Clear the room, please.”
Her eyes remain locked on her Tarnished lover’s amused gaze, even as Kenneth blinks and then blushes and makes some extra loud throat clearing noises before taking his leave. Meanwhile, Stormveil’s Gatekeeper, a sunken-faced tall fellow named Gostoc, slowly creeps up from the shadows where he’d been all but skulking behind the throne.
Nepheli doesn’t mind Gostoc’s… eccentricities. He’d served Godrick before they’d come along and slew the Grafted Lord, but far from by choice. She knew he wasn’t the most trustworthy sort, but he’d seemed almost despondent when she and Kenneth had come upon the Castle. As if he’d finally found freedom after Godrick’s death and didn’t know what to do with it. In the end, despite recognizing that his missing hand marked him as a known thief, Nepheli couldn’t help but take pity on him.
She’d give him enough rope to hang himself, but she wanted to believe he could still prove to be a productive member of the new Limgrave she and Kenneth were building together. And indeed, as he passes her by, she’s heartened by the words he whispers under his breath to her. They are cowardly, certainly, but they also have a hint of courage and care in them, that he would even attempt to warn her.
“… Please do be careful, milady. This one is mad. And dangerous. Took the front gate of the castle when it was still defended by dozens if not hundreds of Godrick’s troops. And slaughtered his way through all of them.”
His advice given, Gostoc gives the Tarnished he’s just warned her about a pained smile and incredibly respectful bow, before fleeing the throne room as well. Nepheli watches him go with a snort… and then flicks her gaze back to her lover.
“Well, Consort? Take me, if you dare.”
He definitely dares to take her, and on the throne too, of course. Not like last time though, where she knelt and clung to it for dear life as he took her from behind. This time, the throne belongs to Nepheli, so of course she has to sit upon it as her Consort claims her. Not that she’s really ‘sitting’ at this point. Her back is mostly in the seat of the throne, with her head and neck somewhat bent forward. The position would be uncomfortable, if not for the overwhelming pleasure being visited upon her by her Tarnished lover’s massive, throbbing cock.
Indeed, her legs are up in the air, draped over his shoulders. Her cunt is lifted up into the air as well, allowing him to plow down into her from above. Nepheli’s hands are on the arms of the throne, clinging to them for dear life. Meanwhile, HIS hands are on her arms, specifically on her wrists, pinning them in place as he slams home into her cunt again and again and again.
She’s supposed to be a Lady now, so she supposes she’s supposed to have classier and more ‘lady-like’ sex… but honestly? Fuck that? This is how they’d always fucked, and Nepheli Loux wouldn’t have it any other way. Indeed, she wasn’t entirely sure she could have enjoyed it any other way. Her taut, hard, warrior’s body only really grows soft under the constant pounding of her lover’s sizable member. Her chiseled, toned abs flex and tighten, her breasts bouncing.
Her voice is as loud as ever, spilling out of her lips and filling the throne room. In truth, Nepheli does feel a little bit of guilt there. Lord Ofnir is nowhere around here, so her raised voice is not to HIS detriment, not in this moment in this place. Truly, she can only hope that Kenneth and Gostoc actually left the area and went about their duties, rather than sticking around outside. Because if they did… they’re hearing everything.
Crying out again, Nepheli’s cunt clenches down hard around her lover’s pistoning prick. She shudders, as she feels him beginning to inflate, pulsating and throbbing even harder inside of her. He’s close, she can tell. Looking up into his eyes, Nepheli growls a lustful, guttural growl.
“D-Do it. Fucking DO IT!”
And so, he does. After a handful more pumps, he thrusts forward into her core one more time and fills her to the brim. Nepheli cries out, letting the sensation of his seed pumping into her depths wash over her. Heh, she hadn’t ever really considered it before… but as the Lady of Limgrave, she would need heirs, wouldn’t she? And who better, then the next Elden Lord?
Speaking of which… as things come to a close and begin to wind down, with him pulling out of her and her slowly straightening up on the throne, Nepheli bites her lower lip, crossing one leg over the other. A regal, lady-like pose one might say… but to her, its greatest value is in keeping her thighs clenched and her core sealed so that none of his valuable essence can escape her body.
“You should know, my Chosen Consort… should you become Elden Lord, I-I would gladly lighten your burden.”
He smiles at her at that and brushes a hair of sweaty hair out of her face before leaning in to give her a deep, passionate, loving kiss. Nepheli returns it, and even leans into it for a moment, her eyes drifting shut and her lips remaining parted and wanting more when he pulls back a beat later. Blushing in embarrassment, the new Lady of Stormveil Castle quickly tries to cover for her momentary lapse, even as she shifts on her throne.
“F-Farewell, fellow warrior. I will remain, to summon the storm. But your guidance, and your fight… lie elsewhere.”
He gives her a look, one that makes Nepheli blush even harder as it lets her know he sees right through her attempt to cover for her embarrassment. Still, she watches him leave with a smile of her own on her lips. Stormveil and all of Limgrave were hers… so long as she was willing to fight for them. But then, of course she was. Who was she if not Nepheli Loux, Warrior?


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