Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Chapter 45: Malenia, Milena

She’s mortified, of course. Horribly embarrassed. But she doesn’t dare take it back. Laying there, staring up at the Tarnished, Malenia admits to herself that this is what she wants. Her feelings towards this man have been in flux ever since he showed up at the Haligtree, breaking up the monotony of her long, seemingly endless vigil.
Back then, it had been easy to take out all of the anger and sorrow over her missing brother out on him. Or at least, it had seemed like it would be easy. Then, he’d handed her ass to her. Malenia, Blade of Miquella, had lost. She should have died then and there. A vessel for the Scarlet Rot like her did not deserve mercy.
But he’d shown it anyways and gone even further beyond that. At some point, Malenia could admit it. Given time to process all that had happened as they’d made their way back to the Haligtree from Mohg’s vile palace beneath the earth, Malenia had come to realize she had developed feelings for the silent, nameless Tarnished who had made such an explosive entrance into her life.
Of course, she’d not thought she would ever act upon those feelings. Even with her brother’s needle buried in her flesh, she was still infected. The Scarlet Rot was contained, but only temporarily. Nothing could happen between her and this Tarnished, because she was still not truly safe to be with. In the end, they would never last.
But then he’d brought her here. And whatever he’d done, whatever this place beyond time was, he’d fixed her. He’d done what her brother could not… nay, rather, he’d completed Miquella’s work. Malenia would not trivialize the efforts of her beloved twin… but there was no denying that it was the Tarnished who had finished the job.
With her body restored, watching him ride the corpse of that two-headed dragon down to the arena floor had been the final straw. Malenia’s core had clenched with need, and before she could stop herself, she’d spoken her mind. Not just her mind, but her heart and soul as well. In that moment, the demigod knew exactly what she wanted.
Slowly, pushing herself up from her sprawled position, Malenia turns over onto her knees. Discarding her helmet and armor, pulling her dress off, the triple amputee exposes her naked flesh. No longer riddled with the Rot, no longer writhing with infection or disease… she is healed for the first time in her entire life. Her body, what is left of it as her limbs have not regrown, is blemish-free.
With pale, smooth skin covering every inch of her naked form, Malenia plants her prosthetic on the ground before her and reaches back with her flesh and blood hand to spread her thighs apart, dragging her flesh aside to reveal her glistening, dripping core to his eyes. She’s aware of the other watching them both but dismisses her as unimportant. All that matters in this moment, is Him.
“Please, Sweet Tarnished… take me.”
If he rejects her here, Malenia isn’t sure what she will do. Luckily, she need not fret about that. Her second request is answered much quicker than the first, now that it’s obvious she’s serious. Striding forward, the Tarnished discards his blades and his armor. He moves into position behind her, descending to his knees as well right there on the arena floor.
Malenia’s breath hitches, as large, masculine hands filled with strength that she knows firsthand grasp onto her buttocks from behind. She gasps, as his sizable mast comes up to prod her at the entrance of her sex. He is as ready for her as she is for him. Good. That is… good. She-
He thrusts forward, and Malenia’s thoughts go on the fritz. She was a virgin. Until now. As he begins to do precisely as she asked and take her, Malenia can’t help the whimpering moan that leaves her lips. All her life, she has been beset by Rot. All her life, she has been untouchable, cursed and infested. There was no intimacy for one such as her. Even Miquella could not hold her too often, lest the Rot force him into an earlier than usual Rebirth.
She was… so lonely. Perhaps that’s why the tears come, as she claws at the ground before her, crying out from the feel of the Tarnished, plundering her depths from behind. Big, watery tears that fall from her face into the dusty stone before her, her head hanging low, her red locks obscuring her face. She trembles with emotion, feeling not just the physical aspect, but… everything catching up to her.
She was Malenia the Severed. She was Malenia, Blade of Miquella. She was the unwilling Goddess of Rot, involuntary in spreading its Will. But in this moment? In this moment, she is merely a woman. A woman, being taken for the first time by a man.
“P-Please… h-harder! D-Don’t… don’t s-stop!”
She gets a grunt from her Sweet Tarnished in response. He leans forward, and his hands go from her hips to her chest as he mounts her, wrapping himself around her body. Malenia cries out, as he grabs and squeezes her breasts. Until now, they’d been covered in calcification. Every aspect of her that might have been considered beautiful, ruined by the Rot. Even her red hair had merely become synonymous with the Scarlet Rot that so embodied her.
Now though, she is clean. Purified. The only indications that she was ever even infected in the first place are her three prosthetic limbs and the needle tucked into her flesh, even now consuming the last vestiges of disease from her flesh.
Her breasts have never been so sensitive. Her body, never more responsive. It’s only now, in its absence, that Malenia realizes just how MUCH the Rot took from her. The pain, a constant all her life, had dulled her senses, until she felt nothing but agony. And even that, dulled.
Now? Now that the agony is gone and her body healed, Malenia is feeling all of it. As his hands squeeze her breasts, she cries out. As his fingers find and pull at her nipples, she mewls. As his long, girthy, throbbing ‘blade’ punches deep into her core, she shudders and experiences what must be ecstasy and bliss.
The tears fall faster, as Malenia’s eyes begin to roll back in her head. Her jaw drops open, and a sonorous sort of wailing emits from her open mouth. She wants… more. She doesn’t deserve it though. She doesn’t dare ask or even beg for it. After all, how much damage had she done to the world? How much harm had she enacted with the Rot whispering in her ear? How-?
Before her self-recriminations can continue, the Tarnished suddenly reaches up and grabs a fistful of her bright red hair. Malenia gasps, as he yanks her head back, forcing her spine to arch for him with his immense and incredible strength. She finds herself twisted around, and a moment later, his lips are on her lips. Her eyes, no longer calcified over, go wide as she stares at him in wonder.
In those eyes, in the gaze of her Sweet Tarnished, Malenia is surprised to find absolution. Forgiveness. Even… acceptance. She blinks, and moans into his mouth. He’s taking her like a mad man, thrusting away at an ever increasing pace that is in turn driving Malenia absolutely wild. But at the same time, he’s also kissing her like… like a l-lover. And she’s kissing him back.
Is this what it is, to be loved by a man? Is this what it is, to be appreciated as a woman? The demigod had never even considered it could be this good. She hadn’t thought it would ever be possible, for one such as her. And yet, here she was, giving her virginity to her Sweet Tarnished, deep in the storm beyond time itself.
At first, she tries to buck her hips back against his thrusting member. But he’s soon taking her too fast and too hard for Malenia to do anything but hold on for dear life. With her prosthetic still planted on the ground, her one flesh and blood hand has reached back, fisting itself in her lover’s hair as he does the same to her, the two of them kissing like there’s no tomorrow.
And who’s to say there will be? Nothing is certain… and so Malenia welcomes this moment to experience something new, even as it drives her absolutely wild, even as the strength is seeped from her body with every passing moment. For someone who has lived with the Bad and so very little of the Good for so long, Malenia had never put much stock in the phrase ‘too much of a good thing’.

Truth be told, she still didn’t. But… admittedly, as the Tarnished finally seeds her, filling her with his essence, the Blade of Miquella experiences an odd thing… she’s too tired to keep her eyes open. Too drained, to keep going. The pleasure overwhelms her in a way the pain could not. The ecstasy drowns her in a way the agony never could.
Malenia passes out as he pulls out of her, she slumps forward onto the cool stone and her consciousness fades as an ocean of bliss does what a lifetime of pain could not and completely overcomes her senses.
She could only stare, as her Tarnished fucked yet another demigod. Did he have no shame? Ah, who was she kidding? Of course he didn’t, heh. And now he has her smiling. D-Damn it all… he’d had it all planned out, all along.
Malenia the Severed slumps forward in a rather… embarrassing position, face down in the stone with her arms splayed out along her body and her ass raised high in the air. She has become a slowly leaking monument to the Tarnished’s conquest. Melina just shakes her head and steadily makes her way over to her champion. He does not try to stop her, as she pushes him onto his back and mounts him right then and there.
Moving her dress aside, she wastes no time in grabbing hold of his shaft and inserting it inside of her. Even after plowing a demigod senseless, he’s still hard, still fully erect, and the kindling maiden makes use of that now, filling herself with his meat. Of course, even as she begins to ride him, his hands come up and take ahold of her wrists. He pushes her hands behind her back and Melina doesn’t hesitate to obey, clasping her arms together.
She might not be tied up with rope, but she won’t be letting her hands come out from behind her back any time soon. Blushing a little bit at how easy she finds it to fall back into their old dynamic, Melina gives her Tarnished a tentative, hesitant smile.
“… I’m sorry for doubting you, all this time. Sorry for not believing in you. I’m sor-mmph!”
With her restraining herself, his hands come back around to the front of her, running along her sides. But as she starts to apologize, he reaches up and covers her mouth with one of his hands, shaking his head and then pulling her down for a searing kiss. All the while, she continues to ride his member, bouncing herself up and down on his shaft.
When they pull apart for air after a moment longer, Melina stares down at him with her one open eye and after a beat, chuckles.
“You do not want my apologies. Even now, you prove to be understanding to a fault, my Tarnished.”
He just grins at her. Melina, for her part, leans further forward and lays her head upon his chest, turning to the side so she’s resting her cheek against the burns across his flesh. Said burns are still there, of course. He will ALWAYS be marked by what the Three Fingers did to him. However, he is no longer Marked, and that is where all the difference lies.
The Frenzied Flame had no hold on her Tarnished’s mind, body, or soul. It could no longer use him to burn the world to cinder. He was free of its influence, and looking back, it was now obvious that this had always been his plan.
“… You’re still a demonstrable fool, my Tarnished. Wasting so much time and effort on me. Surely you must know. Surely you understand what I am.”
She lifts her head then, looking at him. Even now, her hands remain clasped behind her back, even now she continues to ride him. It gives her some desperately needed comfort, to follow his unspoken instructions, to place herself in his hands. By now, she’s convinced he is the only one capable of wielding her properly. Even if he hadn’t wielded her how SHE thought was proper.
Her Tarnished nods, gaze solemn as he confirms that he knew more than she ever could have guessed. Melina bites back an incredulous laugh, sighing and shaking her head.
“Then you know that this was my purpose. I am a kindling maiden, Brave Tarnished. I am MEANT to burn up. It is the only use for one such as me. And now you’ve taken it from me. What am I to do now?”
His hands had, at some point, moved to her breasts. As he’d groped and squeezed them through her dress, Melina had leaned into his touch. Now, he moves them back to her head again, cradling her face as he brings her in for another kiss. This one is tender, slow, loving. No words are exchanged, and yet, Melina understands his meaning well enough by the time they pull away.
“Live for myself, is that it? Live for the moment?”
She considers it briefly, before shaking her head.
“No. I am yours, Tarnished. I live for you and you alone. I swear my existence to you and you alone. I will see you become Elden Lord, or I will die trying. That… that has not and cannot change. Merely the date by which I am due to expire has changed.”
He looks sorrowful that that is her choice, but also accepting… resigned, even. It’s then that Melina breaks her own grip on her arms. Her hands come out from behind her back, and she slaps them down onto her Tarnished’s chest as she surges forward and kisses him again. That gets a grunt out of him, especially when she picks up the pace down below, riding him even harder, even faster. His hands go to her hips and arrest her motion, but only to begin to thrust up into her from below in turn, pounding into her core at a much harder and faster pace.
The Erdtree burns, but Melina yet lives. She never anticipated reaching this point when she initially set out on this journey. Even finding out that her chosen champion had no true need of her or her ability to turn runes into strength. The thought that she might actually survive her destined death had finally crossed her mind after he’d taken the Frenzied Flame upon himself to save her, but even then, she hadn’t let herself believe it.
Now though? It was all but over. There wasn’t much left to do now. Her Tarnished WOULD reform the Elden Ring. He WOULD sit upon the Elden Throne. He WOULD become Elden Lord. No matter who still thought to stand in their way, Melina would make sure of it. He’d usurped her previous purpose. If he wanted her to find a new one, he could not bemoan when she chose for it to be him and the pursuit of his goals, now could he?
Her voice splits the air in a cry, as he spills his essence within her. As he fills her up, Melina rests upon his chest, panting heavily and swearing to herself that no matter what, she would be his tool. Until the very end.


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