Make your face white with moonlight [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 03

Bai Yue could hear the guilty conscience of the system, but the expression on his face was calm.

"It's okay, although the situation is not good, but at least the royal family is still orthodox now."

"...But, this is not ancient times, and there is no such thing as the supremacy of imperial power." The system was afraid that he would think too lightly, and couldn't help reminding, "Not only are the aristocratic families eyeing, even the polls show that after the death of the crown prince, all but the most At the beginning of the mourning period, the royal family’s support rate was relatively high, but then it went down all the way, and most people worried that in the face of the insect swarm, a royal family without strong sentinels would not be able to bear the heavy responsibility.”

Bai Yue chuckled: "Yes, the imperial power is not supreme, but the sentinels are supreme."

He said this with some irony.

As a person who comes from a world where the basic spiritual power of the whole people is the same and the development direction is uncertain, he really can't understand that 10% of the people are superior, and the rest of the people are destined to be excluded from leaders and important positions. outside world.

After being silent for a while, after absorbing the system's news and the memory of the original owner, Bai Yue saw that it was still early, and walked out of the bedroom to the emperor's bedroom.


After being allowed to enter, Bai Yue held a teacup in one hand, and pushed open the somewhat thick gold-encrusted gate with the other, and stepped inside.

It was already evening at this time, but the lights in the room were not turned on, and the light was dim.The emperor was standing by the window, half of his face was darkened by the blood-red afterglow outside the window.

Bai Yue glanced over his eyebrows, and saw the deep lines at the end of the eyes of this man who was less than [-] years old - in this case, he was still standing on the tip of his tail, and he couldn't hide his heavy fatigue.

The pain of bereavement, as well as the turbulent situation, made this once brave sentinel look old.

I don't know if it's the remaining emotions of the original owner, but seeing his appearance, Bai Yue only felt a heavy heart, as if he was falling from a shot put.

The young man walked over with the teacup in his hand, and stopped three steps away from the emperor: "Father...Dad, drink some calming tea. You haven't slept much these two days."

The emperor came back to his senses, turned his head and looked at him, with a tired look in his eyes: "Put it on the table, I'll drink it later."

"Dad." The boy gritted his teeth, as if avoiding something, but finally blurted out, "It's been three months! You can't be so disrespectful to your body anymore!"

The emperor was silent and did not speak.

Bai Yue stared back at him without the slightest bit of timidity, clenched his fists on both sides of his body, but his voice unknowingly became hoarse: "I don't have a brother anymore...The queen mother left early....I only have you. "

In the end, he was dumbfounded.

The emperor's vicissitudes of life finally showed a wave of waves, and quickly stopped: "Go to sleep."

"If you don't sleep, I won't sleep either."

The young man stood stubbornly beside him, with a straight body, like a tall and straight poplar.The emperor was a little dazed.Before he knew it, his favorite youngest son had grown up to this age.

— But in his eyes, he was still a child.

He didn't want him to know the ups and downs outside.

"Be obedient and go to sleep." His tone became more serious, but his son still didn't move.

"I'm not a child. ——Are those families struggling again? Are they threatening you with military power?"

"none of your business."

"I am your son, the prince of the empire!" said the young man, with a certain forbearance in his voice.

"I don't want to live in a vacuum and watch you face so many troubles. I don't want to be kept in the dark like a fool and can only watch you busy. I want to help you and take my responsibility."

The boy's depressed voice echoed in the quiet room.

The emperor was stunned, looking at his son who had always been doted on, he didn't know whether to be relieved or sad for a moment.

Such words are like the tone of his proud and outstanding eldest son.But it came from the mouth of this young man who had always been regarded as a child by himself.

——In just a few months, he grew up all of a sudden.

After a long time, the emperor sighed softly: "Yes, you are the prince of the empire." There was a certain sense of sadness in that tone.

He couldn't keep the kid safe from the elements forever.The boy in front of him is his only living child, the prince of the empire... perhaps, he is also the future emperor. ——If this turmoil can calm down.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

The emperor finally settled down.

"Go to the study, we father and son have a good chat."

"So, the main voice is that they want to find a sentinel from the royal family to be the crown prince? Those aristocratic families want to control the next emperor?"

The emperor analyzed the current situation to Bai Yue, and Bai Yue listened carefully.The information given by the system and the memory of the original owner are a bit barren in terms of politics. Now that someone has explained it in detail, he has a lot more understanding of the current situation.

"Not only that." The emperor sighed, "Now the royal family is in a weak position, and many people... all open their mouths, wanting to go further. ——especially the Yan family."

"How does the emperor want to deal with it?"

The emperor's face became heavy again: "I can only bargain, take one step at a time, and stabilize them first. No matter what, I will not allow my successor to be a puppet manipulated by these aristocratic families." He glanced at the white Yue, the love that belonged to the father and the seriousness that belonged to the monarch intertwined in his eyes: "Now it is said that it is the royal family, but in fact it is only our father and son. To me, as long as I can ensure that you live well, what are those interests? It’s not that the empire can’t be allowed to fall into the hands of these people, it’s okay for me to abdicate and let Xian.”

Bai Yue's heart warmed when he heard it, and he sighed again.

——This loving father’s heart is really touching, but there are no eggs under the overturned nest. This is an undeniable truth through the ages.If one follows the world line, the emperor dies in the end, and Bai Yue can only end up at the mercy of others.

Bai Yue looked at the tired blue and black under the emperor's eyes, hesitated for a moment, then spoke slowly, and said his previous plan:

"Father, in the final analysis, those most powerful families rely on military power." These days, those who try to test the royal family with different methods are all those who have soldiers and generals in their hands.The most typical one is the Yan family, which has the strongest 3S sentinel in the empire at present, and the sentinel fighters who have grown by leaps and bounds under the training of Gu Zhaomi's various exclusive medicines.

"—If our Royal Legion is stronger than them, how can we be restrained by them?"

There was a youthful spirit in the boy's tone.

The emperor listened, but shook his head with a wry smile.The kid is a guide with a sentinel brother on top.Since I was a child, I didn't train him very much in politics, so I made him say such naive words.

"Gu Zhaomi's potion is only available to the First Legion of the Yan family, or sold to other legions at a high price - and has also adopted a blockade strategy against the royal family. In just a few years, sentries with some ability have flocked to the First Legion Yes, after entering, the strength has improved faster than other legions. And we..."

The emperor sighed.

"Not many sentries are willing to join the Royal Legion. In recent years, the recruits are mainly ordinary people, and the proportion of sentries has dropped to the lowest among the five major legions. What about the proportion of sentries in the First Legion? It's higher than 50%. Royal Royal, said It sounds good, it’s just a bigger family, not to mention that the Yan family is thriving now, if the power accumulated by the royal family over the years is still there, the Yan family may be able to force the palace now.”

Isn't it forcing the palace?

Bai Yue looked at the emperor, agreeing with the ruler's eyes in his heart.In less than three years, when the Yan family felt that they were fully prepared, they unabashedly pulled the royal family down.

This world is very martial because of the huge threat of the Zerg. Just looking at how the system of the royal family can be preserved in the interstellar era, and the lofty status of the sentinels, we can see how prevalent elitism is.

So when Yan Lu seized the throne with 3S strength, he didn't encounter much opposition.After two more victories, people forgot about his black spots of stealing the throne, attacking the capital star, and cleaning the top of the empire.

Perhaps the original "Bai Yue" hated Yan Lu and Gu Zhaomi for usurping his family's power.However, in Bai Yue's view, with this country's military-oriented elitism, the royal family will have to face this sooner or later.Wasn't the founding emperor of the year not played out?It is a daydream to want to maintain the dominance of Poison Vegetable forever.

As for the current predicament of the royal family, if it is led away by the thoughts of this world, unless a royal sentinel suddenly appears, it will be impossible to solve it.

That being the case, it is better to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot.

"Father, the Royal Legion has an advantage that no other legion has."


The emperor was taken aback.He didn't think the Royal Legion had any advantage at all.

"Ordinary people." Bai Yue smiled, "You also said that the proportion of sentries is the lowest. In general, there are no guides in the army, so don't they have the most ordinary people?"

The emperor was suddenly discouraged.

"Bai Yue! This is not the time to joke around."

"I'm not joking with you either."

"Ordinary people! Tell me what's the use of ordinary people! If a sentry dies, the Quantum Beast can kill dozens of ordinary people!"

"But ordinary people make up 90 percent of the country's population. If you have their support, you have the country's support."

The emperor sneered.In his opinion, this child is still too naive.

Didn't anyone think about going over and enlisting the support of ordinary people?have!more than one!But what's the use?Ordinary people may be able to protest or cheer to express their opposition and support for you, but when it comes to real kung fu, who is not a strong sentinel?Later, even ordinary people recognized it themselves. When the bug swarm came, they had to be protected by sentries. What face would they have to fight with sentries?

The emperor waved his hand, looking dispirited, a little disappointed by his son's political naivety.

But Bai Yue didn't leave.

"What if I told you that I can think of a way for ordinary people to have half the force of an A-level sentinel, perhaps not as good as a sentinel?"

The emperor was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was talking about. He raised his head and stared at him in disbelief: "What did you say? Half of the A-level sentinel?" That was already a weakened B-level sentinel!

Don't look at the A-level sentinels who can't hold a single move against SSS sentries like Yan Lu, but they are still rare among the population of the entire country.According to the latest statistics, there are just over 5 sentinels of S-level and above in the empire, and there are only less than one million sentinels of A-level in this country with a population of tens of billions.The number of a million may seem large, but if it is put into a population of tens of billions, it is one in a million, one in ten thousand chance.

The sentinel system is an out-and-out pyramid structure. The higher you go, the fewer people there are, and the greater the gap in strength between levels.

The emperor really couldn't believe that an ordinary person, an ordinary person who can only reach five D-level sentries, can be promoted to a level close to B-level.

You must know that below A level is the level of most sentinels.

However, Bai Yue nodded affirmatively to him, and then added: "But not everyone, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled are definitely not enough. Those who need to be strong and strong are probably [-]% of ordinary people. Well, but their Mental power will not be as unstable as Sentry."

Bai Yue, who has received all the memories of the original owner, is very familiar with the body structure of people in this world.

In his opinion, sentries and guides are people who develop additional spiritual power in high-dimensional space, but the development direction is different, one is to develop towards the value of force, and the other is to develop towards the direction of spiritual power.But the ordinary people here are no different from the people in his original world.

——Since there is no difference, then it is easy to handle.

The living environment of people in his world is also quite harsh. Although there are no Zerg, there are powerful star beasts-these beasts evolve or mutate very fast.

Small animals that are genetically stable and can be raised safely are rare.What kind of cats and dogs in the ancient blue star era, hehe, today is still a cute little creature with a baby voice, and in two months it will be a beast that can smash glass with one paw.

How do ordinary people like them live?

Isn't he desperately researching various medicines to improve human physique and mental strength, and even developing technology that can compile some genes related to physique and health?

By the time of Bai Yue, these technologies had basically matured.Although because of the rapid mutation rate of climate and animals, each generation of researchers dare not relax and continue their research.

Baiyue became famous because he improved a drug that stimulates the body's physique, reducing the incidence of side effects to less than 0.1%.

Bai Yue was planning to make this potion and use it in the Royal Army.

——At that time, those ordinary people who seem to have no sense of existence and account for 90% of the population, who would dare to say that they have no influence on the situation?

Those ordinary people who seem to have given up and accepted that the sentinel guides are over them, are they really resigned to their fate?

Bai Yue hooked the corners of his mouth - in the feudal era, there were still people who could call princes and generals rather kind.

He said it easily and simply, but for the emperor, it was completely subverting the concept.

"Improving the physical fitness of ordinary people to the level of a B-level sentinel can also stabilize the mental strength? Son, are you serious?"

"Of course it's true. In fact, I've been thinking about this direction for the past few years, and it's only recently that I've come up with results—of course, I still need to do some actual experiments, but the data simulation deduction is no longer a problem. The subsequent process safety requirements will be very high, maybe It will take a while."

Bai Yue said it confidently, but in fact, the original owner has not had any achievements in medicine in the past few years.

Gu Zhaomi's unexpected birth and his deliberate comparison with him put tremendous psychological pressure on this young man who has been a genius among geniuses since he was a child.

Especially after "Nirvana" was "invented" by Bai Yue, everyone on Xingwang saw his jokes and jokes about his bad character. Now that his ex-fiancé has been reborn in Nirvana and has a lifelong promise with an even more amazing pharmacist, he deserves to be compared to a scumbag None left.

In such an environment and state, "Bai Yue" became less and less confident in potions, and it had been two years since he made innovative potions last time.

Now Bai Yue interprets this period of time as preparation and dormancy for a new research direction.

The emperor believed it.He didn't think his son would make such a big joke, but he was immersed in astonishment and couldn't speak for a long time.

"...if, if ordinary people can reach the level of Sentry..."

I am afraid that the concept of this world will be subverted.

The ruler's hands on the table trembled slightly.He realized that what was about to unfold before him was a new history full of challenges and full of infinite possibilities.

As a sentinel, he has enjoyed a superior status for hundreds of years, and he understands what this change means.If his eldest son is still there, he may be more conservative out of interest.Now, however, the royal family has hit rock bottom.

Then it can only be broken and then erected.

So, he finally stared closely at the young son with a confident face: "Start the clinical trial. You can tell me if you need anything, and you can tell me who you need as an assistant. That is——be sure to keep it secret. I'll find someone to discuss this right away, and your task is to..."

"Make this potion and prove that it can really change ordinary people."

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