Make your face white with moonlight [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 22

Early in the morning, when the citizens of the Morning Glory Empire sleepily got up from their beds and turned on their optical brains to check the time or morning news, they were scared by the important notifications that automatically popped up, and the sleepy bugs flew away. it's -

【Report!Yan Changsong, Yan Lu, Yan xx... and other suspects have been criminally detained on suspicion of treason and crimes against humanity! 】

"What's the matter? Is it the way I got up wrong? From Marshal Yan down, the Yan family has been taken over by one pot?"

"I suspect that I'm dreaming. That's the Yan family, the top wealthy and most powerful family. This must be fake news."

"The detention is good. The Yan family, who abused their power to help Gu Zhaomi dominate, should have gone in long ago."

"Is the one on the top a primary school chicken? Don't talk nonsense about things that haven't been hammered."

"What the hell?! Treason and anti-humanity... such a big crime? Didn't you just go to the border to resist the bug swarm?"

"At the risk of the water meter, Mimi quietly doubts, not the royal family... You know. The power of the Yan family in recent years... It is normal for other families including the royal family to treat them as thorns in the flesh. Taking advantage of the royal family and the I'm not surprised that the second prince's approval rating has broken the charts recently to clean them up."

"Hearing this makes me chill. Even if the royal family benefits ordinary people, they can't do whatever they want, right? It's terrible. The Yan family has helped the empire resist countless times of insect swarms. Now it's really chilling to kill the donkey."

"Don't talk nonsense before, okay? Have you read the news seriously? It is said that there is evidence that it is related to this bug infestation, and the police will hold a press conference today. If you don't make rumors or spread rumors, you will die if you don't let your imagination run wild. ?”


Even though it was working hours, a high-rise building of comments was quickly built under the news.Everyone was paying attention to what was going on, some were simply shocked by this big move, some had conspiracy theories, and some began to analyze what happened to the Yan family based on this very short news.

Representatives of the major legions and several major families are having talks at the moment, and Bai Yue is among them.They had already started planning for the Yan family's attack when the worm tide ended and Shi Chen discovered that the situation of this wave of worms was different.

After the victory, they did not act immediately. They waited until the Yan family thought that their plan had failed and that there was no major problem, and most of the First Legion had returned to the border before they started arresting people.

However, people are caught, but they have not let go.

The top officials of the Yan family were arrested, and most of the other important figures were controlled, but after all, it is a huge family with a flourishing branch, and there are always people scattered in every corner of the network.

Moreover, if the key figures are captured, how will the army under them react?Even if someone is sent out to take over, after all, the Yan family has been in charge of the First Legion for several centuries, if people loyal to them make a mutiny, they may not be able to control it in time.

Among the several senior sentinels and officers who were sent to appease and take over the First Legion, apart from the most trusted general in front of the Royal Legion, he was the one with the highest rank. He could be said to be the second in command of this trip. .If the general mainly relied on prestige and military rank to convince those soldiers, Shi Chen, the young and powerful 2S sentry, mainly convinced them with the momentum and strength of the sentry, and directly integrated the team and suppressed the assassins.

This action lasted for a long time, and it was not until the main figures of the Yan family on the side of the imperial capital were convicted, that the side finally came to an end, but this is all for later.

On the day when a group of people from the Yan family were killed in one pot, the public security bureau, the royal family, and major families held a joint press conference, which was so loud that it shocked the whole country.

The evidence of Yan's family and Gu Zhaomi using medicine to induce insect infestation was listed one by one. In addition, some suspects' confessions confirmed that this act was to subvert the royal family and ascend to power.

——It is worth mentioning that among these confessions, Gu Zhaomi's is still the most detailed.And he not only told the details of this matter, but also revealed the inside story of many evil things that the Yan family had done before.

Because he began to make a long confession almost as soon as the police questioned him, and he spoke in great detail and depth without any psychological offensive.

"How many benefits have the Yan family gained because of me in recent years? However, when something happened to me, they couldn't wait to get rid of me. The old man Yan Changsong (Marshal Yan) kept saying that I harmed their whole family, and Yan Lu directly forcibly cut off the communication between us." Combination marks. Now my mental strength has dropped to A-, and there are countless hidden injuries. It stands to reason that the party who is forcibly released will suffer more damage. One who manages my life, and even deliberately tried to make me suffer more..."

"Even if I committed a crime, what right do they have to step on me to cleanse me? I want to see what happens to them!"

Gu Zhaomi also seemed to know what the police suspected, and explained with a sneer, during which there were a lot of curses on the Yan family, especially Yan Lu.

This formerly famous guide who was sought after and admired by people wherever he went, and was once considered the "sentry's dream lover", "model guide", and "peerless genius pharmacist", now does not look like he was shining in the past at all. Instead, his complexion was pale and swollen because of the situation and the loss of the lifting of the mark. The deep blue and black under his eyes showed his haggardness, and the almost crazy look in his eyes was even more daunting.

With the help of Gu Zhaomi, who brought out the black material of the Yan family, the crimes of the Yan family members have been recorded in a thick book, which can be said to be too numerous to book.

When the police used these confessions to try to get Yan Lu and others to confess, they refused to admit it at first, but they were dumbfounded when the personal evidence of Gu Zhaomi and the physical evidence corresponding to his confession were presented.

And in a vengeful manner, all kinds of projects that Gu Zhaomi participated in were wiped out.

The dogs on both sides bit the dog's hair, and finally their files were as thick as an encyclopedia.

Because there are too many crimes, even if only the summary version was read at the press conference, the spokesperson had to read it for more than half an hour.The grotesque twists and turns of its content and the seriousness and horror of the crimes have made many people even begin to doubt its authenticity.

This press conference is a holographic live broadcast and also has interactive content.The host noticed that there were more and more doubts in the comments, such as "So many crimes are piled on the Yan family, I really believe more and more that they are just killing the donkey", "The Yan family is just brainless, I can't wait to put these things at once." The war hero is nailed to the pillar of shame", and he quickly reported the problem to the person in charge.

The person in charge contacted the police and Gu Zhaomi's lawyer, and after the suspect Gu Zhaomi expressed his willingness, he released excerpts from his interrogation records.

Seeing Gu Zhaomi viciously revealing that the Yan family used his potion to induce a swarm of insects, intending to let the swarm of insects sweep the Imperial Capital Star and then play the role of "savior" himself, the skeptical citizens were furious.

Except for a very small number of gangsters with intracranial diseases, even the consistent skeptics or the former die-hard supporters of the Yan family and Gu Zhaomi can no longer have the slightest sympathy and support for this family.

Maybe they don't have any support for the royal family, and they have no feeling for political changes, but no one can bear the safety of their lives and property being treated as insignificant by the other party, and they even want to ruin their family first, and then suddenly appear." Save" them so that they may be grateful!

Just thinking about the consequences of their vicious schemes succeeding makes one shudder!

"Go to hell! Smelly family!"

"The accusation of anti-humanity is true! Zerg, that's Zerg. I didn't believe it at first. After all, the Yan family has been fighting on the front line for generations. How could they not know the danger of Zerg? But I was too naive." , underestimating how evil a human heart can be..."

"My cousin is a company commander of the Second Legion. He died in this bug swarm, and our family is still in grief. If this is a natural disaster, we are suffering and proud of our cousin , but now, you tell me that his death is only because of a group of inhuman animal politicians?!"

"I used to like Yan Lu and Gu Zhaomi so much, but now I hate them so much. The meaning of the strongest sentinel is to protect your people, not to reflect a privileged status! Gu Zhaomi is a liar, and he also helps others to abuse others. A vicious family like the family provides the potion to attract the swarm! For the first time in my life, I feel that there is no death penalty, it is really uncomfortable, I really hope that they will be tortured and die in extreme pain."


Yan Lu and Gu Zhaomi were sentenced to 679 years and 792 years in prison for multiple crimes, without parole or commutation.These two formerly glorious names have been nailed to the pillar of shame, and people will look at them with disgust and scold them with hatred as soon as they are mentioned.Even the much-talked-about and never-ending love between them became a laughing stock in the final ending where the mark was lifted, each other desperately revealed the bottom line, and they wanted each other to be punished harder than themselves.

The royal family, on the other hand, is in full swing.With the "brilliant" potion sold at a low price and given priority to ordinary citizens and children with high contribution, Bai Yue's reputation reached its peak. People who once believed that the royal family would inevitably decline expressed their optimism for him to succeed the next emperor.

Although the First Legion was divided up by several major legions after the fall of the Yan family, the royal family played the biggest role during this period and ate the biggest piece of cake.Not to mention the undisguised relationship with Bai Yue when the second army was promoted to lieutenant general and was sure to be the next commander of the army.

Those who are well-informed know that the royal family is about to rise.

On the one hand, the aristocratic family is happy that the ambitious Yan family has fallen, and on the other hand, they are worried that the thriving royal family will become a new "dragon" after "defeating the dragon".

However, after the chaos caused by the Yan family dissipated over time and everything was back on track, the emperor and the second prince Bai Yue actually made a proposal at the five-year national conference—to change the imperial system to a republic after the current emperor leaves office. Cancel the existence of "royalty"!

As soon as the news came out, both the aristocratic family and the citizens were dumbfounded.

The emperor is basically the treasurer now, so Bai Yue has to come forward to deal with overwhelming problems and countless media flocking to him.

"...The imperial system was first established based on the superior sentinel guide system. The sentinel enjoyed a higher status because of its powerful strength and ability to deal with the Zerg. The founding emperor solved the largest bug tide in human history and united the entire nation. The heroic sentinel of the founding of the country was recognized as the emperor... But nowadays, the physique of ordinary people can be steadily improved through medicine, and I believe that after the "brilliance" has been introduced, research results in this direction will continue to appear, and gradually Eliminate the huge gap in combat power between ordinary people and Sentinels..."

"Then, in this case, the privileges of sentinels and the inequality in the current system of the empire will become history, and the existence of the royal family will also go against the trend of the times. For the progress and development of the empire, from me, I Expresses the hope that this backward regime will end here..."

His speech is played in every classroom, office, square...Everyone was moved by the recognized "next emperor" who chose to give up his power to complete the development of the country.

A sunspot who firmly believed that this was the beginning of royal poison-dish after the fall of the Yan family deleted all his previous speeches, and wrote on the top of his personal space:

"I have always believed that Buyu Baiyue is an extremely shrewd egoist. He has a genius professional knowledge of pharmaceuticals, and at the same time has a keen sense of politics. He is good at mobilizing and using public opinion. I thought that the reality would eventually face those who boasted His brainless fan confirmed that he will go to the supreme Iron Throne, but I didn't expect to be beaten in the face. This is a great reformer with pious scientific pursuits and supreme patriotic enthusiasm. He cleared the darkness, just to let The empire embraces the dawn."

In the end, this sentence was widely reprinted and became popular.In the following time—until thousands of years later, people continued to use it to describe Bai Yue.

A national treasure pharmacy master possessed an identity and talent that everyone envied and envied when he was young, and invented the most dazzling pharmacy in the millennium - "brilliance", thus changing the entire human social structure.

However, what makes him famous in history is not his status, or even his unparalleled talent, but his love and selflessness for the country.

At the moment when he could sit on the greatest privilege of the entire empire by taking one step forward, he chose to retreat, and he and his partner, great military strategist, social activist, and philanthropist chose to give up all public duties at the same time.This couple has been working hard to improve the social status of ordinary people all their lives. Their great achievements in this regard have even surpassed their scientific research achievements as national treasure-level pharmacists and military commanders and mech combatants. - things come true.

——They swept away the darkness, just to let the empire embrace the dawn.

"Drip—congratulations to the host for completing the task! The rating is excellent! Points 500000!"

After Bai Yue and Shi Chen had been together for a lifetime and walked hand in hand to the end of their lives, Bai Yue felt that not long after he closed his eyes, he heard the cheerful voice of the Jin-Jiang system.

"The host's first task is the highest level of scoring, even though it is a novice task, it is still very good!" The system chattered happily, "Yan Lu and Gu Zhaomi were punished, the royal family was not overthrown, but maintained the hearts of the people. High status... why are you so good, host?!"

Bai Yue looked at the golden balls flying wildly, and smiled: "Maybe because my system is relatively useless, so I have to be better."

A weeping expression appeared on the spherical entity of the system.

Bai Yue reached out to pat it helplessly, and then asked, "I remember you said that if the task reaches an excellent level or above, you can exchange for the 'good fortune bag' produced by Zhenren Weiyun, and take away the soul of Shichen?"

"Yes!" The system displayed a light screen, "Does the host confirm the purchase?"

Among the dazzling array of exchange rewards on the light screen, Bai Yue directly found the "Fortune Bag". The required points were a little more than 19 points. With his points, it was more than enough, so he bought it immediately, and with the help of the system, he could extract the aliens of this mission world. The soul fragment, confirm it is the time, and then take it away.

"Then, host, we are ready to open the next world."

After feeling dizzy for a while, when he opened his eyes again, Bai Yue was already in a spacious and bright room with a complex and elegant style unique to the Middle Ages.

"It seems that this time I will pretend to be a magic stick."

After receiving the world's development track and the current time mark, Bai Yue complained about the Jinjiang system in his mind.

This world is a standard Western fantasy background world, complete with mages, knights, the Church of Light, and the Temple of Darkness, and the stories that happen in this world are also very routine-the protagonist, Claude, is an orphan and a dark god who has fallen. The last descendants on the continent.He carried the sealed dark bloodline but was regarded as a waste wood with no magic power. He grew up suffering all kinds of hardships since he was a child, until an accidental bloodline seal was opened and he suddenly awakened.

He cleaned up those who had bullied him, disguised dark magic power as water magic power through secret methods, concealed his identity and went to the most famous academy on the mainland to study, met the protagonist Gong Aldea, and the two joined hands to kill monsters and enemies, and both became stronger , to the pinnacle of life.

Of course, in this process, it is indispensable to discover various conspiracies, defeat all kinds of evil forces, tear off the so-called "decent people" who are pious, and finally save the mainland, become famous all over the world, and reap flowers, applause, praise and faith.

According to the routine, the final boss is of course the Pope of the Illuminati Church, who looks kind and kind, but is actually dressed like a beast, and the righteous one is undoubtedly the protagonist who has been "suppressed for thousands of years" and "almost disappeared". Represents the side of the dark forces.

Bai Yue's current identity, the holy son of one of the seventh branches of the Bright Church, the protagonist Gong Aldea who was a bamboo horse when he was young, and Ludwig who had some ambiguous feelings at the beginning, undoubtedly belong to the " A member of a group of people like a beast in clothes and hats.

Yu Gong, he is a "duplicate" running dog of the Guangming Church, and Yu Yu, who dares to occupy a place in the heart of the protagonist's man, is of course a small boss who cannot be avoided in the story, destined to use his own blood and The unwillingness and annoyance before dying come to sacrifice the bravery and kindness of the protagonist Shou-Claude, as well as the true love between him and Aldia.

"If the world line is not distorted, Ludwig should stand out among the seven holy sons and become the next pope of the Church of Light, and Aldia will be his loyal guardian knight."

System S1017 muttered in Bai Yue's—now Ludwig's—mind, "It's a pity that under the intervention of foreign wills, the dark church that should have been gradually disappearing has regained its vitality. The early death of the pope who left a mark on the world changed the whole future."

Although Claude did discover some dark sides of the Church of Light along the way, this cannot be denied, but a series of actions after him set off a hundred years of turmoil and war, breaking the tranquility of the entire continent.

If his actions can finally bring about a new and improved ending, that's all. But the Dark Church is listed as a heresy and hunted down for thousands of years, it's not just as simple as the Light Church's exclusion of dissidents.

The cultivation of dark magic power uses resentment, hatred, undead and blood as materials, and it can be controlled when the protagonist is set off against the banner of the Church of Light. After that, the Church of Darkness revives and gradually flourishes. Slowly, this kind of negative emotions and even The power with the huge demand for bones is going out of control, and the whole continent will be plunged into a nightmare.

There are two tasks for Bai Yue. The first is to reverse the tragic death of Ludwig, and the second is to prevent Claude from restoring the Dark Church, and to bring as much light to the entire continent as possible.

——It seems that Ludwig is really as bright and pure as the education he received. In the last resentment he left, there is only unwillingness to die, and more to the church and the mainland The status quo is heartbroken, and there is no obsession with revenge for the two protagonists, Claude and Aldia.

The timing for Bai Yue to come here was not good.

At this time, the protagonist Claude is already studying at the most prestigious Academy of the Holy Rose in the entire continent, and has an unexplained but ready entanglement with Aldia.

Aldia is the son of the Grand Duke of Bigland, one of the seven principalities in this continent. He has shown extraordinary magical talents since he was a child. genius.

The two have known each other since childhood, and gradually developed a deep friendship.Even Aldia had some youthful feelings towards the gentle and holy Ludwig.

However, after he went to study at the Holy Rose Academy in the Beckett Empire and met Claude, this kind of intention seemed not so good.

Aldia was deeply shocked by Claude's strength and bravery, and his steadfastness of never betraying his companions.And the things that Claude told him happened in every corner of the continent also made the young heir of the principality start to question and dissatisfy with the Church of Light that he had loved since childhood, and even gave birth to "this is just the most despicable person in the skin of kindness." It’s just an organization of activities” thinking.

At first, he was taken aback by this idea, but slowly, seeing more and more things with Claude, this idea slowly took root in his heart.And Ludwig... Aldea thought of the boy who always had a smile that made people feel good, and he couldn't help but start to doubt: Is he really as beautiful as he looks?Or just like this decaying church, is there endless darkness hidden under the bright skin?

"Claude's 'brainwashing package' is really powerful."

Ludwig, who learned about the current situation of the protagonist Gongshou through the system, clicked his tongue lightly.

To be honest, as a society in the feudal era, of course, some dark incidents of bullying men and women can be found at any time on this continent, but this is a problem with the background of the entire era and system, but Claude has the ability Convince Aldea and his other buddies - or rather followers - that this is the sin of the evil Church of Illuminati.

However, at present, Aldia is only fond of Claude, and what will truly turn everything into love is an event that will happen soon.

It was time for the five-yearly Holy Son report. Ludwig came to the Central Holy See of the Bektor Empire, and also took this opportunity to visit his friend Aldia who was studying in the Bektor Empire.

Although Aldia no longer trusted and liked Ludwig under Claude's "brainwashing bag" offensive, but the friendship for many years is still there, so he had a good chat with him and introduced Claude to him. .

As a holy son who was born with a strong talent for bright magic power, even though Claude hid it well, Ludwig still felt a sense of disobedience.

He expressed his worries and doubts to Aldia in private, and Aldia, who had discovered something wrong with Claude, would inevitably be a little shaken.After he was vague in front of Ludwig, he went back to question some of the doubts that Claude had found before.

On the one hand, Claude, who is growing in love with Aldi, is worried about his identity being exposed, and on the other hand, he is angry that Aldia cares too much about Ludwig—otherwise, why would he come to question himself as soon as he met Ludwig? , got angry and quarreled with Aldia, and left the academy for a walk.

As the protagonist, Claude's luck is extraordinary. He can find secret clues even if he walks casually. He discovered a temple relic left by a sealed dark church. By chance, he leapfrogged to the next level with the help of the spiritual essence in the secret realm. .

His advancement was too grand, even with treasures to cover it up, he couldn't fully cover it up, and a trace of darkness leaked out.On the site of the central Holy See of the Guangming Church, how can this be hidden from the church?

Felix, who was presumed to be the next pope, searched and finally found Claude who came out of the ruins, but was killed by Claude who was holding the artifact and the beast, but also injured the latter.

Felix was the pope's most valued disciple. His death caused an uproar in the church, and the Holy See declared martial law.Aldia has been worried for a long time during the past few days when Claude disappeared. She recognized her own mind and decided to never leave Claude no matter who he is.

Seeing the martial law, Aldia, who guessed Claude's identity somewhat, found Ludwig, and relied on the friendship between the two to set up some defenses of the Holy See.

Ludwig is not a fool either. He has always felt that Claude's aura is against him. Seeing Aldia's ambiguity, he secretly recorded Aldia's trajectory by using the unique divine pursuit technique in light magic. Following a lot of hard work, Aldea finally found Claude.

Because of his friendship with Aldia for more than ten years, Ludwig did not report to the Holy See nor did he secretly attack, but directly appeared in front of the two of them, and advised Aldia not to get dizzy and go the wrong way—— The dark aura that couldn't be concealed after the stage and the relics of Felix that had not been processed clearly indicated that there was something wrong with Claude.

He hoped that Aldia would hand over Claude to the Holy See, and promised that he would try his best to intercede with the Holy See and give Claude a light sentence.

Aldia has realized that she likes Claude these days, how can she listen?Seeing that Ludwig could not be persuaded to let Claude go, he and Claude decided to join forces to kill Ludwig.

However, as one of the Seven Sons, Ludwig is proficient in light magic, and he has many good things about him.Claude was injured and unable to use the artifact, and the infant beast also ran out of energy after killing Felix.He and Aldia failed to beat Ludwig two-on-one, but was seriously injured by Ludwig.

Seeing that her sweetheart was seriously injured, Aldia was heartbroken, and desperately used the only high-level teleportation spirit array in her hand to run away. Before leaving, she said harshly to Ludwig—"I have known you for more than ten years, but I don't know You are such a person, I was really blind at the time. From now on, we will cut off our friendship. Sooner or later, I will work with Claude to completely destroy you, the lackey of the church, and the evil Church of Light behind you!"

Ludwig: ...? ? ?

Claude killed someone, right?You two started it, right?Am I a church dog?Didn’t you always want to join the Holy See when you were a child?It was because of the incompatibility of mana talent that he couldn't get what he wanted.

But no matter how much Ludwig couldn't figure it out, this time he broke with his friend completely.Aldia raised his love for Claude to the level of true love during this crisis, and then the two went hand in hand until they became legends in the mainland.

As for Ludwig, there is no doubt that after the strength of the two people increased greatly, he was killed, and his death was still very miserable-he died of being burned out of his soul by Claude's ghostly fire.

At the moment when Bai Yue crossed over, there was a continuously rippling platinum circle of light floating in front of this body, which showed the figures of two people——

It was the time when Ludwig used God Pursuit to track Aldea and found Claude!

The young man pondered for a while, then twitched the corners of his mouth, and extinguished the aperture casually.

The system was stunned: "Sub, host...? Why do you..."

"Why didn't I chase after him?" Now Ludwig of course knew what he wanted to ask, and smiled, "Why should I chase after him? Fight those two people? Then go back to the old routine?"

S1017 choked.

"Now after the twists and turns, those two people are at the most emotional time. Aldia loves Claude so much that he won't listen to what others say. I passed by, and the development of the matter is nothing more than a fight, Aldia spoke harshly, and they ran away. It has no meaning other than letting me brush up the hatred between the two of them, and by the way, enhance their relationship of sharing weal and woe."

Ludwig walked up to the mirror as he spoke.

As the holy son of the Holy See of the Principality of Bigland, one of the seven branches of the Holy See of Light, Ludwig's position in the Central Holy See is also quite good.In addition to the Pope, the seven cardinals, and the twelve bishops, there are the seven holy sons. Of course, his room is also spacious, bright, and meticulous.

Let’s just say that this one-person-high mirror, in this era far away from industrialization, can reflect people in every detail. The gold-plated frame is wrapped with golden vines, decorated with exquisite roses, and a touch of magic power surrounds it. It is truly a masterpiece created by magic and ingenuity.

The young man in the mirror has platinum-blond short hair, fair skin, a graceful chin, lips as charming as rose petals, and a pair of clear blue pupils that reflect the blue sea and sky, with light waves and Peaceful and pure.

Facing the mirror, he tidied up the cumbersome robes of the Son of God, and the young man walked out of his room at a leisurely pace.

"What are you going to do, host?"

S1017 kept asking questions in his mind.

"1017, do you know what all the tough young villains who are capable of occupying a lot of the protagonist's time and energy have in common?"


"That's the deep background." Ludwig responded to it in his mind with a smile, "As a qualified man who has been entangled with the protagonist for half his life, of course I have to make good use of the trait of 'there is someone behind me, and I don't worry about it'. "

System: ... the man who has been entangled with the protagonist for half his life?Host, is your statement really okay?And don't you want to say this kind of looking for a backer so confidently and without blushing!

Of course Ludwig didn't blush.

Compared with Claude, who has the aura of the protagonist and is unbeatable, he doubts that he will be difficult to compete in terms of luck or talent.Which protagonist didn't rely on the favor of the foreign will to make rapid progress, be called an evildoer, survive from the near death, and discover the treasures of heaven and earth at every turn?He would be stupid if he relied on himself to fight against the opponent.

Therefore, the young man confidently thought about how to take advantage of the power of the Holy See to walk towards the center of the Holy See with a clear goal.

"Your Highness, Son of God." Along the way, there were constantly maids and servants bowing their knees or touching their chests with one hand to salute him, and the young men nodded back with warm smiles.His face was as bright and clean as if the God of Light had kissed him, and his demeanor was so pleasant that one couldn't help but quietly followed that figure with his eyes after he passed by.

The young man walked all the way to the center of the entire Holy See, which is the power center of the Bright Holy See. Only the Pope and the seven cardinals can enter and leave at will.The two knights with their handles outside the heavy gate both stepped forward to salute, but at the same time blocked the entrance behind them.

Ludwig smiled at the two of them and nodded: "Is Cardinal Heyman here? Ludwig asks to see you."

According to memory, the seven cardinals and the seven holy sons of the Holy See correspond to the branches of the Holy See in the seven principalities outside the continental Beckett Empire.

As the holy son of the Principality of Bigland, Ludwig listened to the teachings of Cardinal Heyman of the Principality of Bigland all the year round, and was valued by the other party as his own child.So at this time, if you want to borrow strength, this kind-hearted old man who is very indulgent to the son he brought up is of course the best choice.

"Please allow me to go in and make an announcement. Your Highness the Son will wait a moment."

A knight walked into the hall after saluting, and returned to his seat with a message inside.The rules of the Holy See are extremely strict, and the scope of everyone's activities is limited according to their status.Obviously, this knight can only move around the door, and if he goes inside, he will be notified layer by layer.

After a while, the people inside invited Ludwig inside.

Enter the main hall and walk all the way to the place where Cardinal Heyman lives under the guidance of the waiter.Entering, the old man with snow-white hair and beard was sitting in the living room reading a book. When he saw him come in, he took a gold leaf and put it in the book, with a loving smile on his face:

"My child, please sit down."

"Grandpa Hyman, you haven't visited for a few days, how are you?"

There was intimacy in Ludwig's tone, and undisguised admiration and intimacy in his eyes.In fact, according to the relationship between the two positions, such greetings are obviously far from the etiquette of the Holy See, but Ludwig was brought up by the other party, and the real feelings are of course not reflected by those elegant but alienated rules.

"Haha, it's still the same. Why, little Luther, do you have any news to share?"

Because of Felix's death, the Holy See has been on high alert recently, and Ludwig, as the Holy Son, can't stay out of it, and has been busy with multiple investigations these days.Seeing him coming, Hyman thought it was the keen kid who had discovered something.

However, Ludwig shook his head: "The whereabouts of the person who killed Felix was hidden very cleverly, and I didn't find any traces. However, during the investigation process in the past few days, I noticed a new organization, the Phoenix The association has become somewhat famous among the commoners of the imperial capital."

The Phoenix Association was founded by Claude and the veterans left behind by the Dark Holy See. It is only an organization in the name of helping people in trouble and pursuing justice and fairness, but it will gradually develop into the most indestructible behind Claude. The power of the Phoenix Rebels.

"Although this organization is not very powerful now, when I hear people talking about it, they say, 'The Phoenix Association can seek justice for those who have been wronged, and clean up the clergy with human faces and cruel hearts'. It seems to be very popular."

Ludwig looked at Heyman with some trepidation in his eyes.

"I visited quietly and found that the clergy they targeted did some bullying or even nonsense things, and they were not worthy of the grace of the God of Light. I know that maybe I made a fuss over a molehill, but in the long run, this will inevitably affect the faith of the Holy See Influence. I think... can we take the initiative to punish those low-level clergy who have committed crimes and maintain the reputation of the Holy See..."

Heyman looked at the slightly nervous boy in front of him, but couldn't hide his expectation, and sighed slowly: "My child, do you know what a huge and heavy institution the Holy See is?"

"I know. But..."

"It's too difficult to maintain it, let everyone in it contribute to it, and rely on pure faith." Heyman sighed.He knew that these words should not be said to the child in front of him, and he couldn't bear to let those eyes shining with the light of pure faith be clouded, but Felix's death always gave him an ominous premonition.He is already old, and the hope of the next generation of the Principality of Bigland in the Holy See lies in the young man in front of him——

He has to grow up.

"Those inconspicuous low-level clergy, they may be related to the middle-level or even high-level clergy of the Holy See; or have entangled with the officials of the empire... They are inconspicuous, but indispensable, as tight as vines Earth and earth intertwine with each other, weaving an airtight net...Even if you are the Son of God, even if I am a cardinal, there is no way to clean them up."

"But... can we just ignore it?" The young man looked at him eagerly, "And this will pollute the power of faith in the God of Light..."

"God's decree spreads all over the continent, my child. This little haze cannot cover up the light of faith in people's hearts."

"But if I, the Son of God, can't do anything about this bit of haze, what about the church at a lower level? If there is such a 'little bit of haze' everywhere, even the kindness of the God of Light will inevitably be eroded, right?" In fact, Claude was like this later, drawing amazing beliefs from the most inconspicuous civilians, so that he pushed the huge Church of Light to the end.

The young man in front of him had a pair of too clear eyes, and the sorrow and unwillingness in them were so clear and stubborn.Hyman looked into his pupils, suddenly a little dazed.

...Yes, how many years ago?Did he ever have such a youthful spirit, brave and innocent?

and after?When did everything start to slowly change?

Just like he now clearly knows that the soul of the person sitting on the pope's throne is not worthy of the holy power of light, but he still pretends to be deaf and dumb and is the cardinal at ease?

The old man, one of the seven cardinals who stood only at the Pope's rank, slowly let out a sigh of relief, and he could not tell whether it was a tone of relief or frustration in his voice:

"Then you go. My child. May the God of Light be with you."

With the acquiescence of Heyman, Ludwig certainly did not hesitate to use the tiger's skin as a banner, transferred the manpower of the Holy See under the permission of the authority, and directly led a group of priests and utensils with holy expressions and elegant white robes. The extraordinary knight of light sets out.

Clean up the Phoenix Association?

of course not.Ludwig would not be so stupid as to give someone a handle.With the help of some hints given by the system, he arranged for a careful investigation, punished all the clergy who committed crimes, and deprived them of their priesthood in public.And those who were unfortunately injured, the priests shared the holy water of light and healed them with divine light. Those who were oppressed and robbed of wealth were purged

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