Make your face white with moonlight [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 30

When Ludwig gritted his teeth and woke up, his body still had waves of soreness and nausea.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw the big luxuriant tree above his head and the blue sky between the branches and leaves. It took a moment for his chaotic brain to remember what happened before.


Ludwig sat up abruptly, a little dizzy from going so fast.But he didn't care about this discomfort, but looked around nervously——

One, two, three, four... twelve.

Including the three who had already been sacrificed, a total of twelve knights were all crooked or lying or lying on the ground.

However, there is a figure that should be together is not among them.

Ludwig suddenly panicked.

"Collins? Collins!"

He got up and shouted loudly, and asked the Jinjiang system anxiously in his mind: "Where is Collins? Where is he?"

"Host, don't worry." The system reassured him, "His signs of life have not disappeared, and I can feel that he is nearby."

Ludwig breathed a sigh of relief, and followed the system's induction to look for him, but he didn't see anyone: "There's there?" He was talking, but he felt something hooking his ankle .

Ludwig looked down and met a pair of big round eyes.

It's a small animal.

It has a body covered with red scales, a slender neck, a streamlined body, a long tail, powerful limbs, and a pair of small wings on its back.

It turned out to be a dragon.

It looks like a typical Western dragon, but it's too small, with only long arms, and it doesn't look like the mighty and huge dragon that the bards sang.

Cute is cute, but Ludwig was in a hurry to find Collins and didn't have the heart to admire this cute creature, so he gently kicked it away and continued to press the system in his heart.

However, the dragon's tail entangled itself relentlessly.

"...Host, according to the monitoring, the soul fluctuation of the one on your ankle meets the 'time' item in the record."

Ludwig froze.

He lowered his head slowly, and met a pair of big, watery, cobalt blue eyes.

——I don't know why, but I always feel that these eyes are full of grievances.

What's the situation?

"Host, according to monitoring, Shi Chen... or Collins, his blood has been purified with the help of the magic potion you provided earlier. He just forcibly used the keel for large-scale space magic. While the magic power was overdrawn, the remaining power of the keel spontaneously matched The fusion of the dragon bloodlines caused him to return to his ancestors. This phenomenon will be resolved when he completely digests the power of the dragon bones. And it can be said that this is a good thing, which means that his bloodlines will be further purified and his strength will be improved."

Ludwig breathed a sigh of relief.

Anxiety was swept away, and looking at this silly and cute little dragon again, my mood suddenly changed.He bent down with a smile, picked up the little thing that was clutching his ankle wrongedly, put it in the crook of his arm, stroked its smooth back with his palm: "Collins?"

The other party feebly nodded his round head, and then arched his head in his arms, looking ashamed to see people.

Ludwig couldn't help laughing, he just thought he was so cute in this state.It's a pity that the time is wrong, there are still a lot of troubles to deal with, and there is no time to play with the dragon, so Ludwig can only hold it and walk back to the place where the knights are lying not far away, wake up everyone one by one, and die solemnly The three knights held a simple and solemn funeral, and then rectified, cleaned up their wounds, and set off again.

This time, Ludwig suffered such a big loss and lost a loyal knight, and his teeth itch with hatred.

There was no assassination in the original world line.This may be the butterfly effect brought about by his time travel, and it also made him realize at a heavy price not to rely too much on the world line.

It's just that Ludwig still doesn't have the capital to face the Dark Holy See. Fortunately, the Dark Holy See has always been the number one enemy of the Bright Holy See, so he doesn't need to rely entirely on himself.

As soon as he returned to Bigland, Ludwig immediately let the surviving knights serve as witnesses and wrote a letter to the Central Holy See, detailing how he was hunted down by the dark forces.

Thousands of years ago, the Dark Holy See was considered to have been completely wiped out.

As soon as Ludwig's summons came out, the Central Holy See was shocked, and immediately sent people to check the place he said, and found traces of dark magic from the curly blackened grass leaves and branches.

The dark forces came back from the dead, which shocked the entire high-level of the Holy See of Light.The Pope didn't care, and several cardinals made a decision almost immediately, sending people to investigate the hiding places of the dark Vatican remnants.

Ludwig took advantage of the situation and wrote a sincere letter, saying that he had already noticed the signs of darkness before, and suspected that these people had infiltrated into the lower-level Holy See and nobles, so he started the previous action to deal with the corrupt clergy.The assassination proved that his suspicions were correct. He must have cut off the tentacles of the dark church to annoy the other party and cause the murder.At the end of the letter, the tone humbly and sincerely expresses the hope to gain the understanding of His Majesty the Pope and the trust of the Central Holy See.

The pope was obsessed with cultivation and acted absurdly. Even the reappearance of the dark church just responded "Understood, you guys deal with it"—compared with the nobles who were offended by Ludwig before, there were two bright cross grasses. It is ironic to come forward to reprimand—this letter naturally did not reach the other party.

It was the seven cardinals who sat around the round table and read Ludwig's letter together. They only felt that the logic was smooth and reasonable-if they hadn't noticed something was wrong, which high-level Holy See would have nothing to do to clean up the scum at the bottom?It's nothing but bullying a few civilians.

If it was because of the discovery of the power of the Dark Holy See, it would make sense.

So the dissatisfaction with Ludwig, "I have nothing to do" and "not being social" is gone.

Because of this, people who originally thought that the Pope was dissatisfied with Ludwig and could take the opportunity to make trouble couldn't move anymore.

On the other side, the Dark Holy See was caught off guard by the sudden carpet-like search of the Bright Holy See. After finally settling down, they had to start fleeing again.But even so, some were caught by the Holy See with a keen sense of smell, and the loss was not small.

Ludwig used the system to keep an eye on the Central Holy See, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Without the attention of the Central Holy See, he can let go and do his own thing.In Bigland, he was number two behind Cardinal Hyman.However, the Central Holy See has been in constant turmoil recently, so Heyman is still staying in the Beckett Empire.

—that is, now.

Here, he is the boss.

Looking at the recent summons, Ludwig curled the corners of his mouth, and brushed his fingers lightly along the direction of the scales on the long-armed **** lying on the table.

"If you don't do anything, I'm sorry for such a good situation."

He almost had to thank the stupid pope.

The dragon under him struggled out from under his palm, raised his head and looked at him in bewilderment, subconsciously let out a yo-yo cry from his throat, and realized what he had done the next moment, and suddenly froze.

"Don't worry, Collins." Ludwig patted the dragon's head and neck enjoying, "Since you have to become a cub, you have to get used to the shrinking of your brain."

Those big cobalt blue eyes closed in frustration, and his body spread out on the table, pretending to be dead.

Ludwig laughed.

Ludwig replicated in the Principality of Bigland what he had done in the imperial capital to clean up the scoundrels and corrupt clergy.This time, there was no one to stop it, and it went on smoothly.The ethos of the Principality of Bigland is clear, and his prestige is also rising among the people for a while.

For a long period of time, farmers and poor urban commoners continued to send their only good things to the Holy See, saying that they would dedicate them to the most honorable Son of God.

"...But even if this is the case, it will be difficult to change the fundamental status quo of the Church of Light." The system muttered to him, "We have no control over the other countries, and Claude's Dark Church will still have a great market. "

"You don't have to worry about that." Ludwig smiled, "Tong, I've heard of Amway...ah no, the Reformation?"


"I am standing on the shoulders of history." The boy pulled a piece of parchment, and wrote elegant cursive characters smoothly on it with a special quill dipped in magic ink.

The Reformation.

"Although ancient Western historiography is not very good, I still understand the simple and crude principle called 'Justification by Faith'." Ludwig smiled and flicked the parchment in his hand, "The Holy See is now The biggest enemy is not the dark Holy See, but the internal erosion, which is why I am not in a hurry to clean up the dark Holy See, but clean up the light Holy See. But the fundamental way to make this Holy See not corrupt... is to let him not decay Otherwise, even if I kill the pope, what use is it?"

Just as he was talking, the heavy wooden door squeaked.

There is only one person who can come in without notification.

The Son raised his eyes, with a warm smile on his brows: "Collins, how is today?"

"The mission went well." The person who came closed the door, stomped his feet to shake off the snow from his boots, and looked over with cobalt blue eyes.It has been more than two months since Ludwig returned to the Principality of Bigland, and the time has passed from the autumn harvest to the middle of winter.

The Holy Son spent a lot of time rectifying the Holy See here, while Collins spent all his energy on improving his strength and recruiting people.

His current magic level has been upgraded to the sixth level (magister), and the knight level has also reached the fifth level (Rose Knight).The purification of dragon's blood made him more energetic, and his strength was far superior to the masters of the same level, even Ludwig, who had great mental strength and rapidly growing strength, couldn't match it.The purified blood allows him to transform into a dragon shape - although now it is only a calf-high one.

At the same time, Collins also registered with the Red Dragon Mercenary Corps, recruited a large number of masters, and constantly challenged high-level reward tasks. He became quite famous in a short period of time, and now he has received countless orders. He is almost better than Ludwig, the saint The son is still busy.

"It's a good thing to increase the experience and level of the mercenary group, but don't work too hard." Ludwig paid attention to a few words, tapped his finger on the parchment in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "They... How credible are your people? Can I meet them?"

"Brothers who have been born and died together many times, of course it is credible. Do you want to see them? You can do it anytime! My Highness, you must know that many people were even attracted by you at the beginning, because I am close to you, so I am willing to condescend to join a The newly established mercenary group."

"No. I'm not talking about that." Ludwig shook his head, "If I want to do something that goes against the Holy See, are they credible enough to keep secrets instead of reporting?"

Collins looked a little surprised.

Ludwig looked back at him silently.This is the first time he has revealed his less-than-Son side, but he trusts Collins to accompany and support him unconditionally.

Sure enough, after a short moment of stupefaction, the young man quickly burst into a smile in his cobalt blue eyes: "My lord, you are really unexpected."

"Are you surprised?"

"That's right." Collins nodded, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief with a happy expression, "It's all right now, I have to remind myself all the time not to show contempt for those fat-minded priests of the Holy See. It seems I don't have to."

The two looked at each other and laughed, like children who have done bad things together and shared a little secret.

"So, what do you want to do? My dear Highness?"

"What do you think is the reason why the Holy See has always had the most wealth and is so powerful that nobles and kings have to give in and apologize?" Ludwig didn't answer directly, but asked him instead.

"Faith." Collins replied without hesitation, "They claim to be the agents of the God of Light, monopolizing the channel for all believers to communicate with God. All believers have to obey the orders of the Holy See."

The Holy Son looked at him with some surprise and more pride.His time, without the memory of the original world, was able to pinpoint the core of the problem.

"You're right. So, what I hope is that belief can become everyone's own business." Ludwig pushed the parchment in front of Collins, on which some items were written in smooth handwriting, such as " As it is written, the righteous will live by faith【Note】” and so on.

As Collins read, his eyes gradually brightened.

"If such a belief can really be popularized, what capital does the church have to say that it is the same?" He praised earnestly, "My lord, you are truly amazing."

"It's not my idea." After Ludwig's previous life, he knew better than to steal the wisdom of others, and quickly explained, "This is the idea of ​​an outstanding priest, but it's a pity that it was suppressed by the Holy See and finally fell silent. .I don’t remember his original words, so I had to sort the thoughts out.”

Collins nodded, thought for a moment, but then worried: "However, although the God of Light has not performed miracles for 2000 years, if he rashly revises the creed he has approved, if he offends the gods, he will be in trouble."

Ludwig paused.

This is the difference between this world and his world.Here, magic is real, and so are the gods. The Holy See of Light is an organization recognized by the God of Light. No wonder it still stands tall even if it is so decayed.

If the religious reform here cannot explain the source of the magic of light, it will be impossible to succeed at all.

The people of this world believe that their devotion is in exchange for the blessing of the gods and the granting of magical abilities.However, judging from the information given by the system, this continent itself has a huge source of magic. On the contrary, the God of Light and other gods who left the continent coveted the magic power of this continent, but they could not visit it in person because of the suppressed level here, so they had to Use the Holy See to extract the magic source of the mainland.

They reward believers with a little bit exposed between their fingers, so as to deceive these believers for a long time, so there is a saying that "the more pious the belief, the more likely it has magical potential".

Even the disappearance of Dharma saints on the mainland has a lot to do with these so-called gods. During the Battle of the Gods in 2000, in order to eliminate each other, the God of Light and the God of Darkness plundered a wave of mana on the continent, draining almost half of the continent, which resulted in no spells being released for the next 2000 years. St.

Whether debunking the truth would offend the gods is not a question.After all, the God of Light and the God of Darkness have long since died together.It's just that the battle back then was too tragic, the communication channel between the gods and the mainland was cut off, and the creatures on the mainland didn't know the truth for a long time.

The boy didn't hide anything, and told Collins these secrets without reservation, and the latter's expression changed.

In the end, the young man who was burdened with dragon's blood let out a long sigh: "We have been deceived for thousands of years..."

"But fortunately, these gods can no longer affect the mainland." Ludwig patted him on the shoulder, "How? Nowadays, the so-called belief is just to give people a spiritual support, so there is no need to have so many worries. The God of Light has fallen, so we can use his banner to guide the people to no longer blindly endure the oppression of the church."

He also thought about revealing the truth to the public, but not to mention that he would be immediately targeted by the Holy See and denounced as being deceived by the devil, even ordinary people would not believe such a truth.For them, no matter how hard it is, as long as they believe that they can atone for their sins and finally ascend to heaven to be redeemed, it is enough to support them to endure their current life.And if they learn that the so-called gods are just using them, they will probably collapse completely.

So what Ludwig has to do is to continue to maintain people's belief in the "God of Light" - anyway, the real God of Light has fallen, and it's good to let it be an empty, hopeful name - but no longer Let the church monopolize this belief.

Confirming that Ludwig will not mess with a god, Collins reported absolute enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the idea of ​​the other party's religious reform: "Since there is no fixed idol in the faith, of course we can use the banner of the God of Light. Now in Bigland, the Vatican has been watched by you, and they are obedient, and the Central Vatican has Cardinal Hyman to help mediate, so you can do whatever you want."

"I knew you would agree." Ludwig exchanged a sweet and tacit look with him, "What I hope is to cultivate a new light belief, believe in light and heaven, believe in goodness and flowers, but not follow blindly It will become a new sect... I think it can be called Bright Protestantism. However, you also know that those ordinary people who respect and fear priests will believe whatever I tell them But those who have seen the darkness of the bright Holy See may not be willing to listen to me—and these people are the focus of my struggle."

Those who fear the priest listen to him today because he is the holy son of the Holy See.But selling dog meat under the banner of the Holy See will be discovered sooner or later. When the time comes, the two sides will turn their faces. I am afraid that many of these people who have easily believed in him now will turn around and return to the "orthodox" embrace of the Holy See.

And those who see the filth of the Holy See of Light, but still have hope for the Light, are the supporters he really desires.

Collins had a very good understanding with him, and immediately understood: "Such a person probably doesn't believe in the teachings of the Holy Son, but the gossip circulating in the bars and alleys... I understand, so you hope to learn from me." The mercenary group begins."

The young man of the Dragon Clan stretched out his hand and gently pressed the Holy Son's lips, showing an overly handsome smile: "Since it is what you want, then leave it to me. As I said, I will always follow in your footsteps."

"—From now on, I am the first and most loyal follower of your Protestantism. My Highness."

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