Making It in Night City

Chapter 32 – Y Is for Yandere (R18)

(Warning! Description of Rape)

It was a usual night in NC. A rainbow assortment of neon lights deluged the concrete jungle, and a cacophony of car honks, corpo ads, and people yelling assaulted Tabata Yumi's senses. But despite Night City's best attempts at distracting her, she maintained a laser focus on her target. She was in her hunting mode, and her prey was a group of boisterous Tyger Claws about thirty paces ahead of her.


At a glance, one could be forgiven for thinking that Yumi was also a member of the Tyger Claws. She was of Japanese descent, carried a katana, and had the trademark dragon and koi tattoos prominently displayed on her skin. Just never let Yumi hear you compare her to the Tyger Claws, or she'll stab you in the guts and rip your face off your skull.

Yumi was indeed once a proud Tyger Claw member, but now her visual similarities were a source of great shame and anger to her. Yumi got her first introduction to the gang lifestyle in her freshman year of high school. She fell in puppy love with a loud senior who always drove a red motorcycle and skipped.

At first, she didn't know he was a part of the Tyger Claws, just that he seemed to be the person with the most freedom in the world. Everywhere he went, he got preferential treatment. The people on the sidewalk gave a wide berth when they saw him coming, food vendors gave him free meals, and jewelry stores even gave him small gold and silver gifts. Yumi knew none of it was normal, and she had doubts about her boyfriend's legitimacy, but she was so intoxicated by the experience that she didn't care.

Yumi's suspicions that her boyfriend had ties to the underworld came to light when a young food stall worker refused to comp their meal one day. Her boyfriend beat the poor man within an inch of his life, constantly threatening the worker and his family with the Tyger Claw's retaliation. She learned that day that her boyfriend was a Kyodai or a leader of a small gang that operated around her school.

Most people would be scared or disgusted with that revelation, but Yumi was the exact opposite. Being young and dumb, she wanted all the benefits of being a part of the Tyger Claws and ignored everything else. Sure, she might have to punch some teeth out, but what's a little violence compared to a life of decadence?

When Yumi voiced her desire to become a criminal, her boyfriend readily agreed and let her into his world. Yumi took to the crime life like fish to water. She even gained some perverse pleasure whenever she got violent with someone. Occasionally individuals would stand up to her, only to be beaten down by her and her posse. The cycle of violence and dominance created a constant feedback loop, and Yumi fell deeper and deeper into the hole. But all good things come to an end.

Yumi and her boyfriend continued their relationship after he graduated, and by the time she was in her senior year, her boyfriend was up for a promotion. The regional leader of Watson, or Shateigashira, liked her boyfriend's work ethic and wanted him to work directly for the Shateigashira. Yumi's boyfriend happily accepted and took her to his confirmation ceremony.

The gathering was more akin to a party than anything ceremonial. Drinks flowed freely, and the guests had expensive food constantly brought to them. Everything was going well, and Yumi was enjoying herself until the unannounced main event occurred. One might wonder, how can the main event be unannounced? Well, it was only unannounced to Yumi.

The Shateigashira of Watson was an old man that's been a part of the Tyger Claws since the early days of the gang. The few times Yumi met him gave her nasty vibes. Apparently, those feelings weren't unfounded, as he's known for being a massive sadist and pervert. By abusing the authority he had in the organization, he was able to get away with a variety of gut-wrenching crimes. Unluckily for Yumi, he had set his eyes on her.

One of the requirements for being promoted was sacrificing his girlfriend. The old man said some bullshit about forgoing all his connections and dedicating his life to the Tyger Claws. Yumi being told that she would take her boyfriend's role as the local gang leader was all a lie to keep her close before the ceremony.

The promotion then turned into a living nightmare for her. The Tyger Claws in the building didn't even have the decency to drug her, instead choosing to break all her limbs so she couldn't run away. She remembered yelling until her throat was sore, trying to get her boyfriend, attendants, or anyone to help her. But it was all in vain, and she was repeatedly forced upon for almost an entire day. Whenever she thought she was close to losing consciousness, someone would kick her in the ribs or stomp on her head, keeping her awake through pain.

Once they finished with her, they just grabbed her body and tossed it off a bridge and into the water. Through uncanny luck, Yumi managed to stay afloat and washed onto the shore alongside piles of garbage. It was the first time in her life that she felt the force of the world bearing down on her. The treatment brought upon her was not dissimilar to how she used to crush others in her way. The irony of having thought she was better than everyone else but ending up having her body broken and dumped around literal trash was not wasted on her.

The path to recovery was long and arduous, and often Yumi considered just giving it up and everything with a quick bullet to the head. But every time those intrusive thoughts invaded, she managed to find the rage and thirst for revenge that kept pushing her forward. Changing one's appearance was easy in Night City, but Yumi kept her tattoos as a reminder of what she once was, what happened to her, and how she would make it all right again.

The first thing she did after finishing healing was track down her ex. She found him one night at a local strip club in the VIP room, being entertained by several girls. The look on his face when he saw her walking into his private room was something she had savored for days to come. She gutted the man like a fish and separated his head and limbs from his body. The satisfaction she felt from ending the one who betrayed her was so good that it was borderline orgasmic. What had happened to her apparently didn't stop her sadistic streak from raring its ugly head. By the time she was done, the room had looked like something out of a horror gore film.

Yumi wasn't done there. She wanted to kill the Shateigashira that orchestrated her downfall, the other regional leaders, the small bosses, the big bosses, and everybody in between. Yumi wasn't going to quit until she tore apart the organization brick by brick. By the time she was finished, she wanted the Tyger Claws to be nothing but a smoldering pile of ashes.

After she killed her ex, she started hunting the other underlings of the Shateigashira. And that was what she was currently doing. The group she was following wasn't high up on the ladder, but one of them reported to an associate who handled the money for the Shateigashira. Yumi hoped that following them would hint at where she could find the accountant. She's been stalking the group in vain for the last few days and was beginning to think it would be better to torture them for information.

While Yumi was debating whether or not just to kill everyone and kidnap the man with what she wanted to know, the Tyger Clwas turned off the main road and into an alley. Yumi followed them but stayed far enough to avoid being made out. The Tyger Claws walked through the path and into a small pedestrian square. The area was filled with food stalls and vendors who sold trinkets and toys.

All but two of the Tyger Claws spread out, choosing to harass a different shopkeeper. The two that stuck together made their way to a stall that sold sushi and takoyaki. The small booth had two workers, one younger and one older man. They were both immediately culled by the gang's presence and kept their heads down while talking to the Tyger Claws. Whatever the conversation was, the Tyger Claws didn't like what they heard since they soon got violent and grabbed the two workers.

The two workers were pulled away from their stall and made to kneel at the center of the square. This was a sight that was all too common and one that Yumi was intimately familiar with. It wasn't long ago when she often found herself being the one getting violent with small businesses.

Things escalated quickly from there. One of the Tyger Claws said something to the younger man before shooting them in the head. The supersonic crack of the bullet drew the attention of the surroundings, and several screams could be heard. Yumi was jaded by violence and the plight of the commoner. She only cared about revenge, so the passing of some random guy was unimportant to her.

The older man was next in line, and as the gun was pushed into his forehead, another gunshot rang. But this time, it wasn't the Tyger Claws doing the shooting. The head of the Tyger Claw that performed the execution snapped to the side, and a red flower bloomed from the part of the skull where a bullet exited. That was followed by another shot, killing the other Tyger Claw closest to the older man.

Watching the second Tyger Claw member actually angered Yumi since he was the one who probably had information on the accountant. More shots were fired while the Tyger Claws dwindled. With each passing second, Yumi became increasingly frustrated because she couldn't find who fucked up her plan. That was until she caught a slight shimmer in the air, followed by the unmistakable sight of a muzzle flash.

The shimmer would rapidly change location whenever another bullet flew through the air. Whoever was doing this had an optical camo implant and was fast. Fast enough for Yumi to think that it was the work of Sandevistan. Six shots from different locations in four seconds, and all of them landed on the head. No one could do that without enhancements.

Her frustration somewhat died down while the massacre occurred. Watching the survivors yelling and freaking out tickled her sadistic tendencies, making her appreciate the brutal efficiency in killing that was being carried out. Yumi finally got a look at the culprit when there was only one Tyger Claw left. It was a bit of color where it wasn't meant to be, which then expanded until a large man with a katana and coat stood behind the remaining gang member.

The man calmly holstered his revolver and walked towards his target. The female Tyger heard the footsteps and turned around to see who it was. The second she made eye contact, I watched the man pull his katana out and perform a simple Hidari Joho Giri. The move lacked refinement but was backed by brutal force, allowing the blade to easily cut through the woman's throat.

Yumi could feel her heart rate pick up, which went into overdrive when she saw the cold glare the man gave the dying Tyger Claw. The female Tyger stumbled toward the man, but he just kicked her back and cruelly watched as she bled out on the floor. Seeing how good the man was at killing Tyger Claws and how rough he treated his last target triggered something new in Yumi.

Yumi fixated on the man, watching him use his phone to take pictures of the corpses and record the older man saying something. He was probably getting proof to fulfill an NCPD contract, which Yumi often did as well. If you're going to kill Tyger Claws, you might as well get paid by the state for it.

Something else strange happened after the man took the pictures and recording. The stall operators were too busy running away or being thankful they weren't dead to notice the man walking around and picking up the Tyger Claws' weapons. Once he picked them up, he made them disappear as if by magic. Yumi thought her optics were bugging out or she was going crazy, but the man repeated the act several times.

Before she could figure out what was going on, sirens blared from a distance. That startled both the man and Yumi, and she left before she got entangled with the cops or got found out by the mysterious swordsmen. Yumi sprinted away and towards her home, making sure to weave through back alleys and side streets, which was a habit she picked up to shake any tail that might be on her.

Once Yumi got to her apartment, she quickly opened the door and slammed it shut. She turned from the living room and rushed into her bedroom. One look at the state of the room, and one would immediately conclude that something was wrong with its owner. Food wrappers, empty bottles, and clothes covered the floor. The walls were in a similar state, but instead of trash, it was plastered with pictures of people. Some had red strings connecting each other, while others had a big red circle and cross striking through the heads of the subject.

Ignoring the chaotic décor of the room, Yumi threw herself onto her bed. She was panting loudly, which could have been from running, but Yumi knew it was something else. She wedged her finger under her pants and slowly slithered her hand toward her sex. Yumi's flower was dripping wet, which was both exciting and alarming to her.

Yumi hasn't gotten sexually excited since what happened to her at the ceremony. She had just assumed that her experiences had made her completely asexual. That she was now damaged goods, and that losing the ability to get horny was like how a rebuilt shattered cup was always missing a few pieces. But now that she felt the heat between her legs again, she couldn't help but stick her fingers into her honeypot and feel exhilarated at her returning sexuality.

While Yumi's thighs rubbed together and the fingers on her left worked their magic, her right hand reached up and groped her breasts. Things picked up quickly from there. She alternated between mauling her tits and stretching her nipples while her other hand moved in and out of her lower lips so fast she was beginning to chafe. She imagined the mysterious man pushing her up against a wall and thrusting into her like wild animal. 

If you are reading this, it means that you are reading a novel stolen from the original author. If you want to support me, the original author, and read ahead for free, you can find me on scribblehub under SPS4.

Slamming her body so hard it was like he was on a mission to break her into pieces. Until finally he bottomed out and flooded her eggs with his baby batter, impregnating her like the sow she was. It didn't take long for Yumi to blow right past her limits and for her body to start convulsing from the pleasure of having her first orgasm in almost a year.

Yumi's body arched as it rode the high of cuming, eyes rolling up so far it threatened to stare into her mind. The pleasure was overwhelming, and her tongue lolled out while drool spilled from her mouth onto her face. Her brain became mush from the sensory overload and was eventually forced to shut down. Her body collapsed onto the bed like a puppet with its string cut, and she lost consciousness. Yumi's face looked like someone that was fucked silly while high on drugs, utterly unbefitting of self-respecting women. But it was also the biggest and most genuine smile she's had in a long time.


Author's Note


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