Making It in Night City

Chapter 34 – The Little Engine That Could



  • Help the Aldecaldos steal the Basilisk tank from Militech

"The Militech convoy is moving the Basilisk in two trucks. They're not expecting any trouble, so the escort is light. We'll halt the convoy at the railroad crossing that intersects the one-oh-one with an old train engine located at a depot down South. When the Militech vehicles stop is when we'll hit them from behind. Any questions?"

Cassidy, the local gun-toting silver fox, took one last drag on his cigarette before flicking it towards his feet and stomping the butt out.

"I got everythin' I need."

Seeing me and everyone else echoing the same sentiment, Panam slapped the table with both hands and pushed herself off her chair.

"Alright then, let's get a move on. Basil, you riding with me?"

"You know it."

The Vets then got up and started making their way toward their respective rides. Since it would be a shame to waste a nice cold brew, I finished my drink before walking up to Panam and following her to her truck. Once everyone was loaded up, we set off and started heading South. It wasn't long into our drive when Panam asked me a question with a slight tremble to her voice, which was uncharacteristic of her.

"SoOoo... *Ahem* Are you still planning on masterminding a coup against Yorinobu?"

"Yup. Don't really have much of a choice in the matter, you know, because of the whole 'Yorinobuu wants to start the Fourth Corp War' thing. Things have been going pretty well, and I'm just waiting to see when the meeting with the Arasaka board member is getting scheduled."

"Well, have you considered what you will do afterward or if your plan fails?"

I opened my mouth to answer but then paused. Panam's question made me realize that I never thought about life after my goal to have Hanako take control of Arasaka.

"I, uh... I never thought about what might happen afterward. If I succeed, I might lie low and live my life just running my business. Of course, that's if things work out. If my plans fall through, I'll probably be dead at Arasaka's hands."

Panam winced after hearing the uncomfortable truth. If Arasaka were to learn what I was trying to do, especially after a failed coup, they would hunt me down like an animal.

"If by some miracle I fail and manage to get out unharmed, I would probably go somewhere that Arasaka doesn't have any influence, probably the N.U.S.A."

A pregnant silence followed after my slightly grim predictions of what would happen to me or what I would do if things failed. Thankfully, Panam interrupted the lull in the conversation before the awkwardness could really set in.

"You know, you could always consider becoming a Nomad. Some people might reject you despite what you've already done, but if we get our hands on the Basilisk and things go well with the Shivs, I'm positive everyone will welcome you with open arms."

I've considered living the Nomad life before but was put off by the uncertainty and lack of accommodations I'm used to while living in a city. Constantly on the move, with inconsistent access to showers, water, food, and clean clothes seemed like a lot to put up with.

"That's a nice offer, but I might not be cut out for that kind of life."

I didn't miss Panam seeming a bit sad after my response, and I inwardly cursed at myself for not having a bit more tack. I put my hand on her thigh and tried to salvage the situation.

"But I think if I lived with the right person, it would be worth it. How about this? After the Wraiths aren't a problem anymore, I'll stay out here with the Aldecaldos and help out where you guys need it. Help you guys transition back into smuggling and see if the Nomad lifestyle is my thing."

That seemed to have done the trick, and a small smile spread across Panam's face. And who knows? Maybe I'll learn to love living life outside of the city. It is pretty tiring living in the constantly bustling Night City.

Our convoy pulled onto a railroad track a while later, and we followed it south toward the station. The first thing to come into view was the main building with the control tower hanging off to the side. Then I saw stacks of shipping containers, and finally, I saw a large yellow train engine connected to white train cars.


The thing was absolutely massive, roughly the size of a double decker bus. The yellow exterior was weathered and covered in dust, with the words 'URAL KAMBINAT' painted on the side. At the front was a pointed nose, and on top of the nose was a large opening for air intake. If I remember correctly, this thing was nuclear powered like a modern submarine. Hopefully the reactor is in good shape and not dumping radiation into the surroundings.


We pulled into the empty lot right in front of the brick building that should be the entrance to the tower. Once we all got out of our cars and grouped up, Panam started throwing out orders.

"Carol, you're on getting access and control to the engine. What do you need to make that happen?"

Carol walked towards the train while fiddling with a tablet.

"I can jump-start the train and hack into its systems, but I'll need the tower to send an authorization code to the train before moving it."

"Ok, work on starting the train for now. Cassidy and Teddy, go help Carol."

Cassidy gave a small salute and pulled Teddy along while following Carol toward the train. Panam then turned to the control tower and took it in.

"The place doesn't seem to have power. Scorpion, Mitch, and Bob, your three go and figure out how to bring the site back online. Meanwhile, Basil and I will figure out how to get inside. Once the building has electricity running through it again, we'll figure out how to send the authorization codes."

"You got it, boss."

Mitch, Scorpion, and Bob turned away and started searching outside the building for clues on how to get the lights back on. I followed Panam as she walked to the entrance and started fiddling with an access panel with a large 'X' spray painted over it. While she messed around with the board, I crouched and examined the lock on the door.

A neat trick I had learned over the last two weeks of fighting crime and exploring the city. Some locked doors could be forced open in the game if you have a high enough spec in Technical or Body attributes. I completely forgot about this feature since I never had the need to break into a building or unlock a door that wasn't mine.

A familiar blue wrench symbol popped up in my vision with the number three next to it when I focused on the locks. The wrench symbol meant that this door could be unlocked with a Technical attribute check, and the number three was what level the attribute had to be at to force the door open. Since my Technical rank is twelve, I had more than enough for this door. Putting my hand on the lock and willing it to open made the symbol fade away while a large clunk could be heard from the bolts.

I grabbed the door by the handle and pulled it open. Once the entrance was wide open, I turned around to a shocked Panam.

"How the hell did you open that door?"

I gave her a smug grin and shrugged as if it wasn't anything impressive.

"Magic. Why don't you go upstairs while I check on Mitch's group to see if the power is back on."

She rolled her eyes at me, much like when I told her that I wasn't from this world, and walked up the stairs away from me. I can't hide my abilities forever. Sooner or later, I'll have to sit her down and tell her the truth about what I am. Hearing, 'Your world is a video game, and I have mystical powers,' from your boyfriend might be a bit of a shock. Hopefully, all these jokes soften the blow, and Panam takes it well.

I found Mitch, Scorpion, and Bob outside the building huddled together near some electrical system. Mitch was standing to the side, rubbing the back of his head and pointing at something. Bob was working on whatever Mitch was pointing at, and Scorpion was trying to pull something loose.

"We got access to the building. How's it going with getting power flowing again?"

"Everything is just Fantastic. We got it all hooked up, and nothing works."

Bob replied with some dry wit, trying to downplay his frustration. But Scorpion seemed to have found the solution as he yanked a small plug out of a socket and whistled.

"Take a look at how burnt that capacitor is. I bet that's the problem we keep butting our heads against."

Scorpion then pulled a new plug out of his toolbox and jammed it into the socket where the faulty plug was. He then pulled a lever from the top position, causing a sparking noise before a low whirling sound replaced it. Some colorful lights came on around the electronics and stayed on. Scorpion then stood up while dusting his hands and looked at me.

"We got power. Go figure out if we can send the authorization code now."

I threw him a thumbs up and walked towards the entrance to the tower. I quickly climbed the stairs, eventually finding myself in the office/viewing room. Panam was leaning half her body out of the window with her eyes closed, just catching some rays and enjoying the gentle breeze. I sneaked behind her before leaning against her and wrapping my arms around her stomach.

She tensed for a second when I touched her, but she relaxed after realizing it was me.

"I take it we have power?"

If you are reading this, it means that you are reading a novel stolen from the original author. If you want to support me, the original author, and read ahead for free, you can find me on scribblehub under SPS4.


"Hmmm... Good."

Panam enjoyed the view while I enjoyed looking at her. We really haven't been able to see each other much lately due to how hectic our lives have been. Hell, I was scared I might have let our relationship cool down too much. But the sense of serenity we could generate right now pushed those concerns away. Still, putting a bit more effort in never hurt.

"Hey, I said I'll stick around for a bit once we dealt with the Wraiths and Caesar, but why don't we also go on another date after as well?"

"Sure, but this time I'll make the schedule. I'll properly court you the Nomad way."

I smiled and kissed her cheeks.

"Can't wait."

We stayed like this for a while before I felt our alone time had gone on a bit too long, and it was time to get to work again. I unraveled from Panam and looked for Carol. Once I found her sitting on the track, I screamed out for her and asked what to do next.

"Carol! Towers running again. What are we looking for?"

"Punch cards!"

That's right. This was that weird moment where you had to look for nineteenth-century tech in a world where you could make a digital copy of someone's consciousness. And it wasn't any surprise that Panam had no idea what Carol was talking about.

"Punch cards? What are those?"

"They're rectangular cards with holes in them. You'd slot them into a machine that reads the holes and converts them into a command. Why don't you look on that side, and I'll see what I can find over here."

We then got to work flipping through documents, opening filing cabinets, and searching through tables. It took a while, but eventually, I came across a drawer on the floor with a black and red card about half the side of a piece of A4 paper. Bingo.

I grabbed the punch card and walked to the window again to tell Carol I had found it.

"I got the card! What next?"

"Slot the card into a reader. It should look like a machine with a small screen and a lever. Once the card is in the reader, make sure the lever is pushed forward."

It took another two minutes before I found the machine Carol was talking about. I pushed the card into the device's only slot and grabbed the lever's handle. After applying some force, the lever broke loose and slammed forward with a *Kerchunk*. Not long after, a slight tremor shook the surroundings, and screeching could be heard as the train moved forward very slowly.

Panam barged into my room beaming and pointed to the rolling vehicle.

"Look at that! It worked!"

I returned her enthusiasm and grinned.

"That it did. What now?"

Panam pulled out her phone and checked the time before slipping it back into her pants and beckoning me to follow her.

"Now we wait."

I'm going to settle into a two chapter per week schedule for the foreseeable future. It's just more sustainable for me and gives me time to work on the original novel idea I've been kicking around in my head.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.