Making It in Night City

Chapter 46 – On the Road to Recovery

Gus, the Aldecaldo's ripper doc, came inside after hearing the commotion, immediately pried Panam off of me, and started doing tests. The next few hours were a flurry of movement and activities, and I was only somewhat aware of the goings-on since my body was exhausted and blinking in and out of consciousness. Thankfully, it seemed other than losing an arm and a leg, my body was in good condition and on the way to recovery.

From what I could gather, I was unconscious for four days, and it was really touch and go for a while. When Panam found me, I was halfway through death's doorway already, and it was a minor miracle that I didn't bleed out right then and there. Gus said that the only reason I was alive was how quickly the people who found me started giving me medical treatment and the supernatural rate at which my wounds stopped bleeding and closed up. I guess those investments in health and survival skills did pay off.

While perks like Regeneration and Epimorphosis had saved my life, it seemed even my game-like abilities had limits since I didn't regenerate my lost limbs. They also didn't help in keeping me out of a coma. A combination of my body being put under extreme stress and the repeated blows to my head caused everything upstairs to shut off in an attempt to save itself.

And my noggin really was the big issue. My brain activity was almost nonexistent when they brought me back into camp and hooked me up to a monitor. There was then a sudden increase and consistent signs of thought, and it seemed like I would wake up anytime. But then the graph showed the spikes get more infrequent and weaker over time.

It was shocking to find out how similar what was happening in the real world coincided with what I was experiencing while unconscious. The initial flatline must have been when I was wading through the void. The following spike would then be when I first fell into that strange digital world. And finally, the decreasing activity should represent when the darkness started taking over again.

It got so bad at one point that Gus had to break the bad news to Panam that it was improbable that I would make a comeback. She cried for a while before doing the Panam thing and coming to my bedside to demand that I return immediately. As funny as the idea of my authoritative girlfriend yelling and getting annoyed at my unconscious body was, I do think it helped me.

I was convinced Panam talking to me was the final push my subconscious needed to decide to return instead of giving up. Obviously, I told Panam about what had occurred in my mental prison and that, in my last moments, it was her that broke me out. She huffed and puffed, acting as if it was ridiculous that anyone would doubt her incredible powers, but I could see that she was thrilled that it was something she did that saved me.

By the time Gus and a small team of medics gave me a thorough check-up, the moon had risen, and night had come. My trachea and larynx were still damaged, so talking would be difficult for the next few days. I also had to rub a special cream on my wounds and have my dressings changed daily to prevent an infection. Besides that, I just had to be careful and not overexert myself while recovering.

I was then discharged, and Panam wheeled me out and into her tent. My waking up had kicked up a big fuss, and waves of people came over to say hello. People I both knew and didn't know paid their respects to me. Cassidy was even considerate enough to keep his promise of a drink and brought over a nice cold beer, which was immediately confiscated by Panam because 'people recovering from a concussion shouldn't have any alcohol'. Bummer, I could have used a Broseph.

Even Saul made sure to show his face. Sure, he was awkward, but that's what Saul was like. And I imagine he had a lot on his plate right now, so I gave him a pass. And to be fair, he acknowledged and thanked me for all that I've done for the clan over the last few months and that I've been recognized as an official member of the Aldecaldos, even though I might not subscribe to the lifestyle.

Honestly, I was glad that my indoctrination into the family was a quiet and private matter. Something big like the announcement V got in the 'Star' ending was just to cringe for me. Saul discussed his big-picture plans for the Aldecaldos and said he would appreciate my continued support. Of course, I promised him I would still help whenever possible, and he left after thanking me one last time.

By the time Saul left, it was very late into the night, and no more nomads came to see me. Panam helped me into her bed and got in after turning off all the lights except the one next to our heads. While lying on my side, looking at Panam reading a book, I decided that now was better than never and asked how the raid went.

"So, how did everything go with the raid."

Panam looked at me before sighing and pooting her book down.

"Honestly? Better than we could have ever hoped. Only six people got seriously hurt, you being the worst case. But we did still have three people die during the attack."

My heart sank. It probably wasn't anyone I knew, and we went into this knowing it was a probable outcome, but it still hurt to see that it happened.

"I'm so sorry, Panam. Were you close to them?"

"Not really, but it still hurts. It was two of the younger guys and an older woman that was a part of our scout teams. It sucks, especially since we could have used the help to take over the badlands. But three is way less than we expected, so that's good. Saul also promised to care for the families, but it's not like he would have done anything else."

We sat in a slightly uncomfortable silence before Panam changed the topic to something more positive.

"Anyways, the raid was very successful. After you left, the Vets and I managed to flatline all the Wraith top dogs. It didn't take Saul and his team long to break the rest of the Shiv gonks. The ones that didn't die or tuck tail and run quit fighting and surrendered. Despite some people calling for execution or worse, we decided to be lenient and took all their belongings before kicking them out into the badlands."

Well, I guess it was good that the Aldecaldos decided not to stoop to the levels of the Shivs and showed mercy. Of course, the pessimistic side of me worried about potential retaliation. I guess we'll deal with it if it becomes a problem.

"With all the weapons, kit, chrome, vehicles, and cash we found, Saul thinks we made at least one million eddies, maybe even two. That's the most creds the clan's ever seen at once. Even if we don't do anything, it'll feed us for at least a year or two."

"Any big changes yet?"

"Not really. Most of the things we want to do are still being planned, and I'm sure you'll learn about them soon. The only thing new is that we decided to build a dedicated medical area. Gus and the medics didn't have the right tools or capacity to care for all the people who were hurt when they returned, so we spent some good money buying life-saving equipment and building a small clinic. That room you woke up in was actually brand new."

The room I woke up in wasn't the most impressive hospital room, but it was very impressive for being in the badlands and having been built in a few days. It just goes to show how good the Aldecaldos were at construction when they put their mind to it.

She then looked back down at me.

"I know everyone has said it already, but you really did change our lives. I know it sucks right now, but your family now and the Aldecaldos will make things right. That you can bet on."

The intensity of her gaze and the confidence in her voice gave me warm fuzzy feelings, and I smiled, feeling relaxed. The pain I felt while fighting Caesar was literally mind-breaking, and losing my right arm and leg was easily the worst thing that's ever happened to me, but I was sure things would be OK.

Honestly, in the world of Cyberpunk, where artificial body parts were not only possible but the norm, this wasn't too much of a setback. Hell, I might even be able to get a slight upgrade.

"Thanks, Panam. *Yawn*"

A yawn came over me, and I stretched while opening my mouth. Feeling that I was pulling on the very last bits of both my physical and mental reserves, I snuggled into the bed before opening the cover.

If you are reading this, it means that you are reading a novel stolen from the original author. If you want to support me, the original author, and read ahead for free, you can find me on scribblehub under SPS4.

"I'm beat. Come here and let me snuggle you."

Panam, happy to oblige, grinned and slid right into me. I draped my one good arm over her and pulled her into me. I enjoyed the feeling of Panam's body against mine and soon let her warmth lull me into a deep slumber.

Three chapters in two days? What did you do to the real SPS4!?


So you guys might have noticed that I've been responding to comments a lot more. This is an active attempt to try to increase my engagement with you guys. While on break, I thought about what kind of community and relationship I wanted to cultivate with the readers and decided I needed to reply more. I wanted everyone to feel comfortable and be able to feel heard when giving any critique. The input also helps me further refine the story and my writing.

That said, I am normally introverted, so none of this comes naturally to me. As another step toward getting better at interacting, I decided to do a Q&A. If you have any questions or things you want to know about, leave a comment, and I'll answer them in a special section in the next chapter. I'll post the chapter either at the end of this week or at the beginning of the next one.

I'll try my best to answer as many questions as possible (though I doubt there will be so many that I can't get to all of them), but the cut off is when the next chapter is posted.  Anything goes. Suggestions, requests, it doesn't have to be about the story. But, obviously, keep your questions somewhat reasonable. The only thing is that I hate spoilers, so I will be vague about future details.

Thanks and later.

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