Making It in Night City

Chapter 53 – Picking Up Evelyn and Hellman

And so, twenty minutes later, I was barreling down the dusty highways outside of Night City in a borderline monster truck with a sticker in the rearview window that says 'Pussy Patrol'. The embarrassment I felt was palpable.

"*munch* So, what your sayin' is that you think there might *munch* be a chance that Michiko is working with the gov *munch* but there's a bigger chance dat she is tryin' to use Arasaka as a way to get some freedom?" The merc asked with her mouth full of burrito, taking a bite every few words.

"First of all, don't speak with your mouth full." V rolled her eyes at me, and continued to much on her meal, "Second, yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it. I still think she's our best bet, but if her connections run deeper, than that could prove a problem further down the line."

Shoving the last bit of food in her mouth, V drained the remaining of the coffee before wiping her mouth and tossing everything into the brown paper bag and crumbling into a small ball.

"I don't see what you're worried about. Our goal is to get Yorinobu out, right? As long as we avoid a war and I get this engram problem of mine solved, I don't see why we have to stress about Michiko's secret relationships. We just have to stay careful and make sure that she doesn't fuck us. Not like it matters anyways, she's just a means to get us to Hanako."

"I don't know. I just don't like Militech having potentially so much influence over Arasaka. We need them both to keep each other in check. Who knows what kinda shit the government can get up to if they have a plant on the board of directors."

"I'm tellin' you, it's nothin' to worry about. This is just standard corpo shit."

"Hmph. Maybe."

A little while later, we pulled into Judy's apartment complex where it took me a minute or two before I finally parked with incredible difficulty. The lot was packed and also tiny, hardly the ideal environment for a lifted truck built to roam the badlands. There was maybe a foot and a half of space between the two cars on both sides. It was an exercise of finesse to get out, having to suck my stomach in and tip-toe along, careful not to scratch the other car next to me.

Eventually, we wiggled free of the car prison and found ourselves in front of Judy's apartment. Judy opened the door soon after we rang the doorbell/camera and ushered us into her living room. While V and Judy hugged, I got to look around Judy's apartment. The walls were covered with various posters and neon lights. The one directly on the other side of us had paintings of some jellyfish and what I know to be scuba divers.

The place was well furnished, with several chairs, a table with a robot on it, a corner sectional, and even a large fish tank. Directly across the entrance was the bathroom, and I could see a small mountain of clothes Judy probably didn't mean for us to see lying next to the washing machine.


"Hey, Basil. Mind if I catch up with Judy for a few minutes?"

I vaguely knew about Judy and V getting together from our conversations, so I was happy to let the two spend time with each other. V and Judy were probably like Panam and me. They didn't have as much time to grow their budding relationship as ordinary people. Individuals in our line of work just don't have that luxury.

"Sure. I can get Evelyn. Where's she at, Judy?"

"Thanks, Basil. Eve's in the room over there," Judy pointed at the door to the left of the fish tank, "Come on, V, I got something I want to show you".

Judy thanked me before taking one of V's hands and pulling her through the beaded curtain doorway on the other side of the tank. Music then soon began drifting out of the room. While the two did whatever they wanted, I knocked on the door where Judy said Evelyn was. A few moments later, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching the entrance before the door opened a sliver.

A pair of dark green eyes stared back at me before the door opened wider to show Evelyn behind it. The well-manicured eyebrows, freckles dotting her cheeks, and pouty lips were all the same, but Evelyn's hair was now a luscious black instead of her signature blue. Apparently, some dolls could change their hair color to match their patron's taste, and black was Evelyn's natural hair color. Evelyn was undoubtedly pretty despite her normal hair color and wearing a plain white buttoned-up shirt and simple black skirt that wasn't as revealing as her dress from in-game.


"Hey, Basil. Here to pick me up?"


"Alright. Let me grab my bag."

Moments later, Evelyn was outside and plopping a large duffel bag next to the door. She then walked to the fridge and grabbed something from the freezer before tossing it into the microwave. A few beeps later, the appliance was humming, heating up what I assumed was her breakfast. While Evelyn waited in the kitchen, I pulled one of the stools out from under the kitchen island and sat in it.

I only met face-to-face with Evelyn once so far, when I dropped by some time ago to check that Evelyn hadn't bolted and to fill them in on the plan. I did most of the talking then, with Evelyn only speaking when she wanted clarification. Seeing a muted Evelyn, who's not as 'loud' in her physical presence as her working girl persona but still driven and fighting for something, was weird. In the game, she either seemed bigger than life or at literal rock bottom.


The microwave finished heating up whatever Evelyn had put inside, so she grabbed it and brought it to the island. Taking a peek showed that it was some kind of curry thing. Redish brown sauce with bits of vegetables and meats with rice. Evelyn opened a drawer and grabbed a fork before sitting opposite me and digging into her meal.

Well, digging might be too strong a word since what Evelyn actually did was sit with one leg over the other while slowly and gracefully picking at her food. Seeing someone look so good eating a microwave meal was unnerving, and it accentuates why Evelyn was always such an offputting character for me. When you first meet her, it seems she was a well-off type from a corpo family. Then you find out Evelyn is a callgirl struggling like everybody else. She came off as confident and capable, only to end up as a tragically broken toy who took their own life.

While I was thinking about the dichotomy that is Evelyn Parker, she finished her meal. She quickly threw away the tray and brought the fork over to the sink. Trying to break the ice, I attempted to strike up a conversation with Evelyn.

"You doing alright, Evelyn?"

There was a moment of silence, and I could see Evelyn freeze for a split second before deciding how best to respond.

"Hmmm... Well, you're about to take me to meet a high-level executive of the mega-corp run by a man I stabbed in the back and is hiding from, so everything is peachy."

Evelyn placed the cleaned fork on a drying rack and retook a seat. Trying to assuage her worries, I promised that things would be fine.

"I can understand your concerns, but we are not meeting with Yorinobu or anyone close to him. Michiko is a reformist, and she'll see the value in keeping you safe to oust Yorinobu."

Evelyn rested her right elbow on the table before resting her head in her hand. Her eyes bore into me as her left hand's fingers drummed rhythmically on the tabletop while she thought about what I said. When her digits stopped, Evelyn spoke again.

"You know, after you told me and Judy you wanted me to meet with Arasaka, I started planning how to get out of Night City and run away from it all. I would probably cross the border into South California, where Arasaka has less influence because of the NUSA, and begin anew. But every time I tried hashing out the details, I got... tired."

Evelyn sighed, and her eyes no longer looked at me. They were still pointed in my direction, but I could tell that her focus had changed, almost as if she was looking past me at something bigger and more intangible.

"I always wanted to be an actress. The fans, the lifestyle, seeing myself on the silver screen. It all just seemed so perfect. But what could a poor girl from the wrong side of Watson do to get there? Nothing. So I ground myself into dust and reshaped my face, my body, my mind, everything. And yet my dream just kept getting further and further away."

The thousand-yard stare Evelyn had then faded away, and her eyes regained focus.

"Then it came to me that I was tired because none of it was worth it. Everything I had done was for a life I probably wouldn't enjoy. When I realized that, it became clear that I had nothing."

That sounded harsh, and it was a dangerous line of thought to have. When I opened my mouth to argue against her, Evelyn raised her hand, stopping me.

"Did you know V visited Judy a few times? They even went out on two dates. Even from someone like me, I could tell there was something there. That the two liked and cared for each other. Someone or something else to fight for, which I never had. Always trying to climb the ladder to get somewhere that didn't matter."

When Evelyn heard the music coming from the room that Judy and V where in stop, she raised her head before interlacing her fingers and stretching her arms behind her back.

"But that changes now. I'm done running. I don't know what I want from this life, but I know I want to do this. I want to help V. I want Judy to be happy. She's been a good friend, and I want to be better."

I wanted to say something to reassure Evelyn that she would make it eventually or that she was an excellent friend to Judy, but I knew deep down that it would be nothing but platitudes. The fact was that Evelyn was a lousy friend. She was selfish, short-sighted, and so obsessed with wanting to be an actress that it ultimately caused her downfall. But she also wanted to change, and I could see the drive in her eyes to do that. She seems to be on the right track, best to just leave her alone and let her work things out for herself.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I decided to keep it short and sweet.

"I'm rooting for you."

Evelyn replied with a simple smile that looked genuine instead of just calculated. That was when V pushed aside the bead drapes, and Judy walked across them before addressing us.

"What were you two talking about?"

I turned around, and we saw the two walking out of Judy's office. I wasn't sure what to say, but Evelyn cleverly dodged the question by turning it back on Judy.

"Better question is, what did you two love birds sneak off to do?"

Judy crossed her arms before tilting her nose up.

"None of your business."

Seeing a chance to poke at her friend, Evelyn raised one of her brows.

"Oh? Getting defensive, are we?" 

Evelyn then gently patted me on my shoulder before placing a hand in front of her mouth and pretend whispering in a conspiratory tone.

"Must have been something naughty."

Judy took the bait, her nostrils flaring and crossed arms moving to her hips instead.

"It wasn't like that."

Evelyn seemed to enjoy playing the part of the teasing sister, and as much as I liked watching it, we had other things to do. Swiveling to the side, I stood up from the stool and stopped the conversation.

"As much as I want to hear about the smutty BD you were showing V, we do have to pick up another person before heading back to the camp."

Evelyn laughed at me playing along while V blushed slightly.

"I wasn't showing V por-! You know what? Nevermind. Git. Go do what you guys have to do."

Judy made a shooing motion with her hands and quickly ushered me, Evelyn, and V to the door. I picked up Evelyn's bag on the way and started escorting her down the stairs. In the corner of my eye, I could see V and Judy sharing a quick kiss before V chased after us. It didn't take long for us to get to the parking lot.

"You can't be serious."

Evelyn said while scrutinizing the 'Pussy Patrol' mobile with crossed arms.

"Look. My car's getting fixed, and this is the best we could do at the last minute. We won't have to drive long, so just get in."

"Fine. But I'm staying in the car so no one sees my getting out of this embarrassment on four wheels."

Despite Evelyn baring her heart out in the apartment, it was good to see some haughtiness return. 

After Evelyn got in, I also hopped in along with V, and we made our way to El Coyote Cojo in Heywood. As much as I hate looking at this damn truck, I must admit it has perks. Being high meant I could see the traffic ahead of me. It also meant that I couldn't see smaller cars in front of me, but whoever owned this fixed that with a camera. And once I was on the ring road, multiple people got out of my way the second they saw me behind them.

Twenty minutes later, we were pulling into the back entrance of the bar that Jackie's mother, Guadalupe Welles family owned and operated. While V and I got out, Evelyn remained inside the truck, staying true to her word. Once we were at the door, V banged on it three times and waited for someone to open it.

We didn't have to wait for long as Mama Welles soon opened the door for us. When the older woman saw V, she pulled her into a hug.

"Buenos días, nena."

Returning the favor, V wrapped her arms around Guadalupe and hugged her as well.

"Good morning, Mama."

Mame Welles saw me behind V and let her go before greeting me, though not as affectionately.

"And a good morning to you as well, Basil."

"Good morning, Mrs. Welles."

We walked into the bar after greeting each other. The inside was quiet, with the only people present being the bartender, Pepe, and a worker moping the floor. Another reason why we chose to come over in the morning because the bar would be closed, and there wouldn't be any drinkers here to see us move Hellman this early in the day.

"Sorry for asking again, Basil, but do you mind if I get some alone time to pay my respects to Jackie?"

"Sure thing, choom. Take all the time you need."

V then walked over to the left side of the bar where Jackie's Ofrenda was. Reaching into her pack, V brought out a bottle of vodka, probably because it's the main ingredient in Jakie's favorite drink, and left it next to his picture. While V knelt down and quietly conversed with her late friend, Mama Welles walked over next to me.

"I tried to tell her that it wasn't her fault, that Welles men just seemed cursed to bite off more than they could chew, but I can see that V still holds herself responsible."

The game never specifies how long V and Jackie were friends, but other than the Corpo lifepath, it wasn't for too long. Since it seemed this V was the streetkid, they should have known each other for a few months to a year max. While playing the game, I thought it was awfully short for how close they were.

But then I got thrown into this crazy world, and it made sense to me. They must have gone on dozens of missions at that point. High-stress situations and gunfights are a great way to get people to bond. Just look at me and Panam. I wasn't expecting to get so attached to her quickly, but the pressure cooker of life just made it so. And I guess my being predisposed toward her helped. Still, me liking her as a character pales in comparison to the impact of me risking my life for her and her and the Aldecaldos bringing me back from the brink.

"From what I heard, Jackie and V were tight. They trusted each other with their lives. I'm sure V can't help but feel responsible no matter what she does. But maybe getting revenge will help."

"Maybe. It's just... It's just that she's the few I have left resembling family. They're all gone, Basil. I hated that V and Jackie kept taking gigs, but it was better than my hijo getting drawn back into the Valentinos."

V seemed to finish what she wanted to talk to Jackie and stood back up. Wanting to end our conversation before V got here, Mama Welles turned to me to make a request.

"I know it's selfish of me to say this, but V's one of my last reminders of Jackie, and I don't want to lose her too. I know you two are dead set on going the distance with Arasaka, but if things get too hairy, can you please call it off?"

There was pain in her eyes. Pain from losing so many family members. From her husband betraying and leaving her. Pain from the possibility that V will also never make it back. But as much as I empathize with her plight, the stakes were too high for everyone.

"I'm sorry for everything that's happened, but you know I can't do that, Mrs. Welles. It's already risky, always going to be risky, and we can't stop now."

Mama Welles sighed and turned back to the front, surprising me when her expression was not one of disappointment.

"That's what they all say."

She just looked so... exhausted. Maybe I can't promise her precisely what she wants, but I can meet her halfway.

"What's coming up is a meeting with someone who should see things our way, so we should be safe. I won't ever call anything off, but I promise that if V wants out, I won't get in her way."

"Thank you, Basil. You're a good kid."

That seemed to be everything Mama Welles wanted to say, and our conversation came to an end right as V walked within earshot.

"Thanks, Basil, for giving me a moment. What were you two talking about?"

"Nothing important. Come on, you two, I'll show you where we moved that Saka corpo of yours."

Mama Welles brushed V's question off before walking past her toward the stairs to the second floor. V looked at me, tilting her head and asking soundlessly if what Mama Welles said was true. I just simply shrugged a noncommittal response before following after the bar owner.

Mama Welles led us to the second floor, where we entered one of the employee offices. Inside was Hellman, who was currently sitting in an office chair reading a physical book. Hearing his door open, the man peeked from behind his book for a second before returning to reading. Looking around the room quickly showed that it had been lived in.

"We couldn't keep him in our storage room, so we converted one of our offices into a bedroom. Obviously, we made sure that he couldn't use any electronics. But we didn't want him to get bored, so we've been getting him books that he wants."

That was when I noticed a small stack of books in one of the room's corners. Apparently, Hellman was a bit of a bookworm, or he was bored out of his mind. If I was stuck in a room for an extended period and physical books were my only entertainment, I would also be reading a lot.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on him, Mrs.Welles."

After thanking her, I walked over to Hellman, who was still reading and pushed the book down to look at his face.

"Let's go, Hellman."

The Swedish man's eyes looked up at me past his glasses before he put down his book.

"I must insist that we do not proceed with whatever you are about to do. Whatever money you think you can get for me will pale in comparison to the losses you will incur from forcibly breaking my contracts. I can assure you that you are already on KangTao and Arasaka's radar. The best way forward is for you to release me into KangTao's hand. I promise I will keep your identities private."

The man is surprisingly calm for being a hostage for unknown reasons. Say what you want about Anders Hellman, but bad under pressure doesn't seem to be one of them. Doesn't change what we need to do, but I admire the trait regardless.

Grabbing the man by his collar, I yanked him up to his feet before spinning him around by twisting his left arm. Grabbing his other wrist and bringing the two limbs together, I wrapped a heavy-duty zip tie around his hands and cinched it down. 

"There's no negotiations to be made, Hellman. What's going to happen is going to happen. You've been reasonable; don't make a fool of yourself."

V then walked over with a roll of duct tape and covered Hellman's mouth so he couldn't make a ruckus. I winced, imagining what it would feel like when it got torn off and some of his beard came with it. V then tossed a black cloth sack over his head, and we started marching prisoner toward the alley.

When we got to the exit, Mama Welles grabbed V into one last hug and brought her head down so she could give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Are you sure about this, V? It seems way too risky. There's no better way to fix whatever is going on with you?"

"Yes, Mama, I have to do this. But it's not just for me. It's for Jackie, too. He deserved better, and we'll get that piece of shit Yorinobu back for what he did."

"I've seen it before, V. With my own family in children. You think you have to do this, but what if it's not worth it?" 

"It's worth it. It has to be."

"Ok. Ok, Mija. Just promise me you'll be careful."

"Of course, Mama. See you soon."

We both bid farewell to the Welles Matriarch, and I exited the barren alley next to the bar. When I saw no one was around, I opened the door to the rear seats where Evelyn was patiently waiting. She looked up from her phone that she was browsing and immediately went back to whatever was on the screen after seeing it was me. Confirming everything was clear, I motioned for V to bring Hellman out.

After V shoved Hellman into the back seats with Evelyn, we both got into the front and quickly drove east out of Heywood and toward the Aldecaldos. There was a low tension in the car the entire time we were in the city. If Arasaka or KangTao were going to strike, it would be now. Thankfully, nothing happened, and we entered the Badlands, where corpo reach was greatly diminished.

One more night Kenpeki Plaza.


I've added a glossary with pictures for all the characters introduced so far. There is some light spoilers in there, so consider yourself warned. Some female characters might move into the harem category in the future, so the groups are not permanent.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.