Making It in Night City

Chapter 55 – Michiko Arasaka

Our little entourage then walked through the entrance Zaburo was holding for us, with V taking the place of Zaburo so he could catch up and lead the way. The man's gait revealed that there was more to him than just being a simple elder. His back was straight, his steps measured and consistent, nearly silent. It was obvious that this was a professional we were dealing with.

We followed him through the hotel's hallways before entering an elevator that took us to the 72nd floor. When the door slid open, we were greeted by the opulent dark marble walls that looked chiseled out of one mountain-sized rock. Placed throughout were artworks and statues, each with a dedicated light shining on it, making the place look more like a museum than a meeting area. The theming was generally black and red, making me think this entire floor was dedicated to Arasaka. 

"Please, this way."

Zaburo exited the elevator first before gesturing with his arm for us to follow him to the left. Since we were long past the point of no return, we all exited the lift and went with him. As we followed him down the hallway, Takemura, who was at the back, slowly walked through our group until he was next to me. 

Ever since Zaburo's entrance, Takemura seemed on edge. He confirmed the older man was the cause moments later by whispering conspiratorily to me. It was risky for Takemura to try communicating with me this way, but we didn't trust having digital communication, so this was his best bet.

"I advise caution. Kenichi Zaburo has been Michiko's hidden guard for decades. If he is making an appearance for us, I suspect our host knows more than they are letting on."

I frowned, unsure how to respond to such knowledge. A bodyguard's nature is to be low profile, so researching Michiko hasn't revealed anything relevant about her security. I didn't know any lore about Zaburo as well, but considering that my first foray into the world of Cyberpunk was with 2077, that isn't too surprising. Even though I don't have any intel on Zaburo, Takemura's caution alone warrants a more serious attitude.

Right as I was about to respond, however, our guide stopped, turned around, and responded directly to Takemura's apparently not-so-sneaky whispering.

"It is good to see you still have a healthy dose of skepticism, Takemura San, but there is no need to worry. I assure you Michiko Sama has no desire to bring harm to you or your acquaintances. She has agreed to this meeting because our desires are mutually beneficial. And do not worry, this entire floor has been cleared, and we have ensured that nothing will leak of what happened here today."

Damn. This day really wasn't going to go as planned, was it? Why can't things just work exactly the way I want? I guess Takemura's worry wasn't unwarranted. If Zaburo knows one of our identities, it's safe to say he also knows everybody else's. My moment of panic didn't last long and was quickly replaced by trying to read further into the situation.

If Michiko was looking to lead us into a trap, there's no reason for it not to have ended on the landing pad. That meant that despite knowing who we were and likely also knowing why we were here, Michiko was still willing to hold a meeting. Of course, that introduced a new question. 

Undoubtedly, having Yorinobu gone benefited Michiko, but was having proof of his crime and potentially toppling him worth all the risk? Or did she have something else in mind as well? While it bodes well that Michiko was willing to gamble on an encounter with us, I am also intrigued by what her big picture looks like.

Since Zaburo was willing to be so forthcoming in this exchange, I figured it would only be right to return the favor. Taking off my glasses and mask, I pocketed them before smiling and introducing myself.

"Well met, Mr. Zaburo. My name is Dakota Rogers. You can call me Basil, though I reckon you already know that. I look forward to our conversation with Mrs. Arasaka."

Zaburo focused on me, and I felt his steely dark eyes scrutinize every little detail about me.

"Hmm, yes, Basil, the 'anomoly'. Your involvement is most peculiar." Not elaborating any further, he turned back around. "We have been sidetracked for long enough. Come, Michiko Sama is just ahead."

I followed after Zaburo after looking back and giving everyone a simple nod. V looked uncertain for a second before she trusted my judgment and also took off her disguise. Everyone followed our examples, and afterward, we quickly caught up to Zaburo. I didn't notice it until now, but the entire floor was empty, and the only sound was the clacking of our shoes against the marble floor.

We eventually stopped before a pair of unassuming doors and the end of the hall, the only identification being the number '208' on the wall above it. Zaburo pushed the doors open, showing a large room sharing the same black and red aesthetics. Far from what I would call a business-appropriate conference hall, the room had an enormous square light on the roof, shining light on a TV that almost spanned wall to wall, several comfortable-looking sofas, A few glass tables, and even a private bar. Opposite of the TV was a wall to wall window that gave an amazing view into the Arasaka Waterfront.

The only person in the room was behind the bar, pouring red liquid from a bottle into a martini glass. The woman had navy blue hair shaved on both sides with the center styled over the top and flowing down her neck. Her eyes were silver, indicating cybernetic implants, and her lips were colored golden. To complement the bold colors, she wore a golden backless dress with fur sleeves that revealed considerable cleavage and significant parts of her underboob. The chic and trendy aesthetics made it evident that this was no bartender, but the one and only Michiko Arasaka.


Michiko leisurely finished making her drink after glancing up to see the source of the intrusion. She walked out from behind the bar before lounging on one of the couches with her legs crossed. She took a small sip from her glass, placed it on the table in front of her, and motioned toward the other seats across and adjacent to her.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable. If you'd like a drink, the bar is fully stocked. Sadly, privacy dictates no workers, so you'll have to serve yourself."

"Don't mind if I do."

Hellman made a beeline for the bar, where he grabbed a European import beer from the fridge before popping the cap off and downing half of it. The man sighed in satisfaction before looking back and seeing me stare at him with one eyebrow raised.

"I believe it is fair to say that the day has already been derailed. It is unlikely that I will be of any impact in the ensuing negotiations, so I'll busy myself with some alcohol instead."

I guess Hellman either finally learned to accept his lot in life and relax or threw caution to the wind after all the pressure finally cracked him. I'm betting on the latter. He's probably right, and since it doesn't hurt anything, I'll let him be. Everyone else soon found their own place to sit. I was across from Michiko, with V next to me, while Evelyn plopped on the couch adjacent to our host. Meanwhile, Zaburo walked to a corner, and his silent form faded into the background.

"First, thank you for sending Zaburo to bail us out on the landing pad. Things could have gotten real hairy if he didn't intervene."

Michiko dismissively waved her hand that was draped over the top of her couch.

"Don't mention it. Meetings must happen for anything good to come of it, after all. It's important to help my interests along."

"And sorry if I come off as skeptical, but will the employees we interacted with be a problem?"

Michiko simply smiled, though I noticed it didn't reach her eyes.

"They won't if they know what's good for them."

A shiver was sent up my spine, and I was reminded again from all my digging that the woman across from me was incredibly dangerous and a very good schemer. Taking her word for keeping everything below ground, I mulled over the best approach. My prior plans were hinging on Michiko not knowing what we were up to. I probably should have known better, especially considering she owned a PI firm.

Initially, I would have Hellman explain how Yorinobu got his hands on the Relic prototype, and then Evelyn would explain her role in stealing it. Afterward, V would regale how she witnessed Yorinobu kill his father, and Takemura would collaborate on the story. Instead of doing that, let's see how much of the event Michiko knows.

"Let's get the basics out of the way. I'm sure you're already aware of everyone here?"

"Hard not to. The story goes that Takemura helped Valerie and her chum break into and hide in Yorinobu's penthouse. And when Saburo sent all the security out, Valerie and her partner came out and killed him."

V and Takemura bristle from the false accusations.

"Michiko Sama, you must know how preposterous those claims are. My loyalty to Arasaka and Saburo Sama has never wavered. The stor-!"

"Calm down, Takemura. Let me finish."

Takemura's honor doesn't allow him to bear the false accusations any longer, and he speaks out. However, his impassioned speech is stopped midway by Michiko.

"Of course, if you dig deeper, the story falls apart. Suppose you were, say, a high-level executive in Arasaka. In that case, you might be able to come across an internal memo moments after the incident that says my grandfather was poisoned, not assaulted, and Takemura wasn't mentioned as the perp anywhere. The source being Yorinobu himself. Strange how my uncle might have made that mistake, considering that there were clear signs of strangulation on my grandfather's corpse."

I stayed silent, keen on letting Michiko monologue to see how much she knew.

"Security kills an intruder, and Arasaka ICE flatlines another netrunner, but one gets away. Then, for whatever reason, instead of putting out a public notice for Valerie, Yorinobu tasks Takemura with finding her. After this, the details are blurry, but when Takemura was looking for Valerie, an Arasaka elite hit squad got dispatched, targets only known to Yorinobu. Almost as if my uncle wanted to cover something up."

Michiko reaches out for her drink on the table, which now has water sticking to the outside from condensation. She continues after taking another sip.

"If you were to believe the conspiracies, it was Yorinobu who killed Saburo so he could finally take over the company. The mercs were just there to do mercenary things, probably to klep something valuable. Yorinobu only suspected his paid lover was involved initially, which was all but confirmed when she went underground and couldn't be found anymore. Of course, that still leaves you."


"Why does a random citizen, whose fiancé just ditched him, start getting involved with the seedy underworld of Night City. Being abandoned by someone you thought loved you and your business collapsed is tough, but it doesn't explain the behavior change. You went from a barely functional blue-collar dorphhead to helping the Aldecaldos push out the Wraiths and leading a rag tag group of Arasaka's most wanted. Not to mention insisting everyone call you 'Basil'. And now you're trying to get wrapped up with the Arasaka business. V and Takemura want to clear their names and presumably get revenge on the way there. But you're completely uninvolved, so why get involved?"

I guess it would be weird looking in from the outside. Admittedly, I didn't do too great of a job explaining my apparent sudden change in behavior. Though, to be fair, it's not like 'Dakota Rogers' had many friends left, and any of the new people in 'his' life were asking questions. It's clear that something smells off to Michiko, but it's not like I also have a reasonable explanation. 

"I have my reasons for doing what I'm doing."

"And what reasons, pray tell, does a person like you have to warrant contracting the Queen of Fixers to look investigate me and Danger Gals?"

Damnit. she knew.

I was mentally bashing my head against the wall. Of course she knew! She's he CEO of an investigation and security firm for crying out loud. There's no way Michiko isn't at the very least adept at counter espionage. Who was the leak? Takemura? No possible way. I didn't tell him until this morning and he wasn't the type. Rogue? Impossible. She wants Smasher dead more than anything else, she wouldn't jeopardize the meeting this way. It is possible she wasn't as careful as she thought she was while getting this information however and someone along the chain tipped Michiko off. If it wasn't for the fact that I had lore knowledge, I'd be doubting the voracity of the intel by now as well.

Michiko smirked, seemingly able to see into my mind and analyze my thought process. I can't help but hate that she's playing me like a fiddle.

"It was the 'Afterlife merc' that 'used to be' a detective at my firm. Best way of controlling what information people find on you is having the leak work for you to begin with."

That makes sense. In fact, I'm not sure why Rogue wasn't more careful about her sources, the merc must have been working for Rogue for a long time if the fixer didn't smell something fishy. I don't know what to do in this situation, where the other side has caught me red handed. Apologize, I guess?

"I'm.. Sorry for trying to snoop."

"No you're not."

Got me in one. Her public persona of a carefree socialite is nowhere to be seen. It's definitely all bullshit.

"You're right. No, I'm not. I'm sorry I got caught. But even you have to admit that it's just standard practices."

Michiko raises her glass and swirls it a bit before taking another sip.

"I guess."

I swear. At least this is proof somewhat that Michiko is willing to work with us. She wouldn't risk letting anyone know about, probably, her greatest secret. Though I suspect if me or Rogue ever tried to leak this information, we would find that all our sources disappeared or became no longer trustworthy. That still doesn't answer the why though. Why would she willingly let us know?


"Ah! Now isn't that the million dollar question?"

Michiko put her drink back on the table before getting up and walking over to the large window, the only sound were those of her heels clacking as all of us had our attention drawn to her.

"Do you know what it's like to be a teenager that has the hate of a nation focused on you?"

"No, can't say I do."

She raises her left hand and inspects her fingers. Not sure for what reason, as they are implants and I highly doubt they are in anything but pristine condition.

"It's... a lot. Having you're entire life upended and threatened. People calling for your expulsion from the only home you've known, and facing the possibility of living with family that you've never met who might even hate you for your heritage. Even if I was pure Japanese, my mother's American heritage would have caused nothing but issues with Grandfather back in Japan. A kid in that situation can make some very, VERY, dumb decisions."

This was the first time I think I've seen Michiko anything but confident. It would be a stretch to say she's not in control right now, but definitely more... vulnerable.

"Kress made me a simple offer. Me and my mother gets to stay in the states and finish my education, but in return for the governments sponsorship, I would have to work against my very own family. My mother was racked with guilt and sorrow after my father died, and I chose what I thought would make her the happiest and keep us safe. Was I ever wrong about that."

"My mother died a year after I graduated. Even though half the reason why I took the deal was no longer with me, I still had to fulfill my side of the bargain. The N.U.S. sponsored the creation of Danger Gals, and you already know everything else."

That's some much needed context, but it still doesn't explain the why.

"As much as I feel for your plight, you still haven't told us why you leaked that information to us. What do you get out of this?"

Hearing that, Michiko turned around and all that vulnerability was gone. Back was the competent and calculating power player that ran one of the most successful and popular detective agencies, alongside being an Arasaka board member.

"Because I want out, Basil. I have enough of having my strings pulled, and I want my life back. I have to constantly live in fear of what might happen if Arasaka finds out my backstabbing, or if the government decides I've outlived my usefulness and tie up loose ends. I don't even feel safe enough to have children, for crying out loud."

And then it clicked. Why she started working against Militech and the government. Why she accepted being the head of the Hato faction. Why she went back to her maiden name and took a position on the board.

"You want Arasaka to be your safety umbrella."

Michiko grinned again. This time less predatory and more as if she found a playmate.

"Precisely. The Gals have always been loyal to me, which is why they've been willing to do some dirty work against Militech and the N.U.S. That being said, I would be an idiot if I thought there weren't plants in my organization."

"So you need someone capable and unaffiliated to start taking over the load. And hey, if this unaffiliated party happens to want something from you, even better. And it's not like you lose anything on helping us out. You already know that we want Yorinobu gone, which is also ideal or you, since it avoids a war with Militech and keeps the environment stable and safe."

"That and I just like my Aunt more than my uncle. Yorinobu is such a bore. If you help me run counter itelligence and hits against Militech and the gov, I'll help you convince Hanako and replace Yorinobu. Deal?"

That... honestly wasn't such a bad offer. And as much as I wanted to shake on it immediately, there was also another reason why I was here.

"We'll help on one condition."

Michiko raises an eyebrow, clearly not expecting me to not agree immediately.

"And what might that be?"

"Have you heard of Soulkiller?"

There was a momentary pause, and I swear I saw a flash of anger followed by confusion. It was replaced so quickly by Michiko's usually composed demeanor that I was second guessing myself if it actually happened or not.

"I may have heard of such a thing. Why are you bringing it up?"


I gave the merc a look, who took it as her que to start talking.

"What we were trying to klep from Yorinobu was a Relic chip for an unkown party Evelyn lined up for us."

V nodded in the direction of Evelyn. When Michiko looked over, Evelyn simply responded with a short wave.

"When we got found, the AV shot up the container and the only way to maintain the integrity was to slot the chip inside of Jackie, my... accomplice. He then put the chip in me right before he bled out."

The pained look on V's face as she remembered the death of her best friend was tragic. I could tell she was hurting, but she toughed it out and continued.

"Long story short, the chip saved my life after I got shot in the head, but in return, the engram on it is overwritin' my consciousness. The damn thing is basically killin' me, and no one knows how to stop it."

V finished her story. I couldn't quite get a read on Michiko at this point, as her poker face is impeccable, though something told me she was more familiar with Soulkiller than she was letting on. Regardless, she clearly wasn't going to expose what she knew right now, so I just decided to giver her my counteroffer.

"Here's the deal. We'll help you with your N.U.S. problem, and in return you help us fix whatever is going on inside V's head and get rid of Yorinobu. Militech and the gov get's weakened, V stays alive, and Arasaka with Hanako at the helm becomes the shield you need to start living your life again. Deal?"


I let out  a breathless sigh through my nose when I heard her agree. Getting Michiko on board was a huge milestone for us and should make the rest of the process much easier. Michiko reached out with one of her hands and I got up to shake it. Her metal skin was smooth and cool to the touch, and it almost felt like I was shaking hands with a porcelain statue. We separated after a few seconds and each headed to our own seats.

"Now that we have a deal between us. I do have a pressing matter with Militech that needs immediate attention."

Of course she does.

"Hit me with the detes."

Michiko's eyes glowed blue for a second before my phone buzzed, and I was notified that I had received a text. Of course she has my number. A picture popped into my field of view from my connection with my phone. It was that of a woman with purple hair, pale skin, and yellow eyes. But it wasn't those things that caught my eye. The most interesting feature was the fuzzy cat ears on top of her head.


"That's Violet Riggs, one of my best detectives in Danger Gals and part of the Puma Squad. We lost contact with her while she was looking into something for me. Her last known location is a warehouse in Pacifica. The place is operated by Militech and the N.U.S.A. as a safehouse for their covert operatives in the area. I can't use Arasaka's or Danger Gal assets to get her back or I risk exposing myself. She was tasked with finding clandestine plans in the area, so getting her back intact is of utmost importance."

Seems easy enough. Except the part where it was a Militech and government safehouse, which was surely heavily guarded and monitored. But I'm sure our ragtag team of mercs and misfits will figure something out. Probably.

"Consider it done. And what about our Yorinobu problem? As much as I like saving damsels, I can't walk out of here empty-handed."

"Yorinobu still doesn't trust Arasaka, so he plays his cards close to his chest. He's been hiring contractors as muscles, including his old gang, the Steel Dragons. I'll get a base of operations set up in Tokyo so you can get to work on seeing what kind of data you can pull from the organization. I'll start working on getting everything ready while you get me my detective back.

"Sounds good. Is that all?"

"Hmmm... The only thing left is what to do about the N.U.S. and Militech. My current agreement is to keep an eye out for any movement in Arasaka, which I have been trying to give away as little as possible already. Obviously, we don't want to give away anything that might hurt us, especially since that'll put me and Hanako in a difficult position if this plan is to work. But I also can't just stop giving information or provide bad intel, since they'll be able to tell something is wrong sooner or later."

"Simple. Relay solid intel on Yorinobu's faction. If they act on it it only helps us. Not like we'll be keeping the old administration anyways."

Michiko smirked and I swear I saw a little twinkle in her eyes. No doubt the dangerous woman's imagination is running wild with ideas on how to screw over her uncle and Militech at the same time.

"Devious. I like it."

Thinking that our relationship is now on relatively good terms, I allowed myself an eye roll at her acting.

"Don't act like you wouldn't have done something similar if I didn't bring it up. Anyways, are we good to call the meeting done for today? We help you get your detective and you get us set up in Tokyo"

"Yes, for now. More details on my missing detective will be sent to you shortly. In the meantime, I'll dig into Soulkiller and see what I can find on reversing the process V is experiencing."

"I know it's obvious, but time is of the essence in that regard."

"Of course, you have my word that I will personally look into it. If that is all, Zaburo will escort you off the premises." Michiko said while motioning for her bodyguard. "I hope this is the start of a beautiful, mutually beneficial relationship, Basil."

Seeing the meeting coming to an end, everyone got up and started putting on their disguises again.

"I'm sure it will be, Michiko. I'll let you know when we have any updates. It was a pleasure meeting you."

I then got a quick jab in the side and saw that it was V who did so. After getting my attention, the merc then pointed at Hellman.

"Oh, and before I forget. What would you like to do with him?"

I pointed at Hellman, who's been basically useless so far and getting absolutely shitfaced on the free alcohol. Hearing the conversation turn to a weird topic, Hellman turned and focused on us.

"Hmm. I'll hold onto him. Zaburo will put him in a secure room and show you out to make sure you can leave unmolested. Good luck, and until next time."

Clearly unhappy with the arrangements, Hellman opened his mouth to protest.

"You cannot be serious! If I stay with Arasaka, someone will eventually find me. You can't just lea-!"

Before he could finish, Zaburo jammed a small black object into Hellman's back. There was the sound of taser and Hellman jerked a bit before turning stiff and collapsing to the ground. Groaning from the pain and alcohol impairment, Hellman stayed on the ground unmoving.

"And what about me, Michiko Sama?"

Takemura being the loyal Saka hound that he is immediately deferred to the highest ranking Arasaka member in the room instead of the group he came in with.

"Keep working with Basil and V. They'll need a guide in Nippon as well. I'll probably send you there first to get everything ready."

Takemura simply bowed at those orders.

Showing physical prowess not matching that of his appearance, Zaburo picked the man up and slung him on his shoulder in a fireman carry before walking toward the door. Once the old bodyguard got there, he opened it and motioned for us to follow.

"Please, this way."

Minutes later, our group was flying away from the Konpeki towers in the Surveyor.

"That weren't pretty well."

V, who was sitting next to me, said.

"Yup. More twists and turns than I would have liked, but we're in a pretty good place right now."

"So, what's next?"

"Next, we go looking for a missing cat called Violet."


Man, I rewrote this and the last few chapters so many times. I'm pretty happy with where they are now, and it serves as a good lesson in planning out my writing before hand instead of just winging it and potentially having some serious story issues later on. And yeah, badass catgirl private eye. Canonically a real thing.

I had a different picture for Violet before, but I decided to use the picture for Mouse, a character from the tabletop world, instead. For the two of you who own the Danger Gal dossier and play the table top, I want to make it clear that these are two completely different characters. They look the same, but are not the same. I had a more grounded vision for her appearance, but I couldn't make the character I wanted in the character creation or find a representation of her I was happy with so I decided to just go with Mouse.

Moving on, I'll be out of the country for two weeks, give or take a few days. After that, I might go quiet for a while to get my life sorted now I'm out of college. There's still 6 chapters loaded and ready to go, so you guys will have at least 6 more weeks of releases. 


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