Making It in Night City

Chapter 9 – Laying the Trap

It was the following morning, and I was sitting on a concrete bench munching down a Burrito XXL, waiting for Panam to show up. Say what you want about dystopian futures, but vending machines with giant burritos are fantastic. Even better, the burritos are good. Though, I suspect that is because it's absolutely packed with artificial flavor. I confirmed my suspicion by looking at the long list of chemicals and synthetic compounds on the back of the packaging. Oh well, at least it tastes good. I ate the last bite and disassembled the packaging for the components.

While waiting for my ride to show up, I started messing around with my new cyberdeck. I took out my business modules and replaced them with more appropriate quick hacks. Ping, Sonic Shock, Reboot optics, and Cripple Movement now occupy the four available slots. All none lethal options since getting more hardcore stuff require contacts I do not have. Breach Protocol also came by default, but since I didn't specify any of my points into the intelligence perks, all it did was make subsequent quick hacks cost one less ram slot.

As I was finishing up tinkering around with my OS, a Thorton Colby with sun-damaged paint pulled up to me. The window rolled down, revealing the dusky beauty on the inside.


"You Basil?"

"The one and only. Like the ride."

She rolled her eyes and leaned over to open the door.

"Shut up and get in."

I got off my bench and got into the old wagon. Panam put the pedal to the metal the second I closed my door, and the Thorton lept off the line.

"Whoa! I don't even have my seatbelt on. Also, you sure this junker can take this kind of punishment?"

That got me another glare.

"Sheesh! I won't bring up the car anymore. Talk about intimidating..."

And kinda hot, but I wisely kept that to myself. Panam must still not have trusted me since she immediately started interrogating me.

"So, how did you know about Nash being a Shiv."

I hoped she wouldn't ask, but she also just got backstabbed by a partner, so the suspicion is justified.

"How does anyone know anything? My info was better than yours, end of."

Fingers crossed, that was good enough, and she'll leave this topic alone. Instead, Panam slammed the brakes, and the car protested by screeching to a halt. She then parked on the side of the road and stared at me.

"Nope, not good enough. You tell me how you know now, or you get out and walk back to NC."

Damn. Bullshitting skills, don't fail me now.

"I've been keeping an eye on the Raffen Shivs for a job. Saw Nash and you talking one night at the Afterlife and recognized him immediately. Also noticed you with your Aldercado jacket on. No self-respecting Aldercado would deal with scavs like the Shivs. And a Shiv wouldn't work with an Aldercado unless they were planning on screwing them. I figured if I helped you out, you'd help me on my next job. You scratch my back, I scratch yours."

Only half of what I told her was a lie. Obviously, I didn't keep track of the Shivs and wasn't in the Afterlife. But the part about helping me with a job was all true. If I want the story to continue as it did, I need someone to help V take down that AV with Hellman in it. Panam is the perfect person for the job, but since I'm helping her now, she'll never meet V and help them get Hellman.

But now Panam owes me one, and I will use that favor to get her to help V when she needs it. This also gives me an in with the Aldercados, who are the best at modifying vehicles and doing various other odd jobs. It doesn't hurt that I have a massive crush on Panam, and this will probably get me in her good graces.

I don't know why I'm so obsessed with the world following the story's events. V's story ends with her life on a six-month timer at best. I also know that any ending sees Arasaka get off scot-free for trapping souls in machines. Am I ok with that? More importantly, what am I willing to risk to see it change? Can I change anything even if I wanted to?

While I was having this conversation with myself, Panam was scanning my face. Probably trying to spot any signs of me lying. After a minute, she must have concluded that she could trust me since she started the car and returned to the road. Happy that she accepted my story, I asked about our plan so far.

If you are reading this, it means that you are reading a novel stolen from the original author. If this is left in by whoever stole my work, you'll know their a big dummy and didn't recognize the massive out of place blank space as hidden white text. If you want to support me, the original author, and read ahead for free, you can find me on scribblehub under SPS4. 

"Did you already reschedule the meeting with 6th street? They know not to show up where you were originally supposed to meet to exchange the cargo?"

"Yup. The new place is the Sunset Motel."

"Ok. So we go to the original meeting place, scout out the area, lay a trap for the Shivs, get your shit back, and delta to the new meeting. Anything I'm missing?"

"I'd like it if we could flatline that gonk, Nash. Fucking up my gig is one thing, but stealin' my ride? That snake got another thing coming if he thinks he can screw me like that."

"Roger. Add 'make Nash pay' to the list."

The focus was back on the road as Panam turned on the radio to 107.3 Morro Rock. The half-hour ride was accompanied by hip-hop, pop, and the occasional Samurai tune. We didn't go to the Nomad camp since Panam had already gone and picked up the kit she needed for the job. Maybe a tiny change was triggered by my getting involved with the story. By the time I saw the outline of a small ghost town, it was three in the afternoon, just a few hours away from the original meeting time. Once we got into the town proper, Panam pulled to the side and parked her car near the old gas station.


We got out and started scanning our surroundings. It was strange being in an abandoned place. The small details, like a used ashtray or a closed sign on an old business, pointed out that life has been here but is now nowhere in sight. What was it like for the last person to leave this place? Did they one day walk out onto the streets and realize they were alone? That the life they have gotten used to was no longer here? At what point can one no longer trick themselves into thinking things will get better, and people aren't coming back. Were they in turmoil or at peace when they decided to finally leave?

And for what? A better life in the city? It's a long shot to call Night City the best place to live. Maybe one day, someone will bring life back into the rural areas, and we can start spreading out and building these communities back up. It may be wishful thinking, but I hope that people who are tired of being chewed up in the bowels of NC can start moving out to find a new life.

Panam and I went over the area and devised the same plan as in the game. Hook the power back up and wait for night and the Shivs to come. Once they are here, power up the lights to distract the group, get the truck and cargo, go to the meeting with the 6th, and profit. The only thing that changed was that I asked for only the power to be brought on in the old brain dance club. Hopefully, most of them will congregate in one place instead of scattering around.

I plan to attract as many people into the club as possible, blow the place to kingdom come, and finish off the stragglers. Panam liked the idea and started helping me get everything ready. The next hour was spent getting the power on, collecting explosives, and dragging said explosives into the BD club. Once we were happy with where we were, Panam grabbed her Overwatch sniper rifle and found a roof to provide covering fire from.


I then went to the switch for the power on a different building and settled in to wait for the Shiv convoy. Checking my phone, I confirmed that we were only an hour and a half from when the meeting was supposed to go down. The sun had set, and the Evening was quickly turning to night. The temperature was dropping, and I could feel myself shivering a little, but I didn't think it was because of the cold.

Was I ready to kill someone? Sure these people were the scum of the earth, the worst of the worst, but they were still people. They probably had families. Hell, maybe even a kid. Was I willing to end a life just so I could get closer to Panam and profit from the chaos? I got a small but very profitable business going. If I keep my head down and work, I can safely retire in a decade or two.

While second-guessing myself, a line of lights showed up east and started to get closer to our position. Panam's voice appeared on our connection and warned of our visitors.

"Heads up, Basil. The party is about to get started."

I guess it's too late to back out now.


Author's Note


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