Male and Female Reversal High School Pure Love

Chapter 48

48. Muddy spoon (2)


As I listened to Min A-rin’s questions that were ambiguous to answer, the car arrived at the mart I talked about before I knew it, and I said hello to them and left again.

It is 10 minutes from this mart to my house.

I don’t usually come to this place because it’s expensive, but I didn’t expect to come like this.

As usual, I walked a little while bruised and arrived in my neighborhood in no time.

Small buildings and poorly maintained telephone poles with bare wires.

There were holes in the trash bags scattered around the telephone pole, and a cute little cockroach was crawling out of them.

The days are getting longer these days, but my neighborhood is full of unknown gloomyness as if it was already night.

And the unidentifiable musty smell also spread throughout the neighborhood.

Wherever you go, passing by alleys that seem to be involved in crime, you will see buildings that are falling apart.

A villa with a gloomy atmosphere. The traces of vomiting in the manholes around it added to the atmosphere.

Um. This is the house

Isn’t this the fun of living life?

When you enter the building’s entrance, you immediately see a staircase leading to the basement, but the short staircase was much darker than it looked from the outside.

Yeah, what. These are the stairs leading down to our house.

This is why I am not interested in horror movies.

Just looking at the visuals of this staircase right now, it seems that dozens of people are living underground. What is a horror movie?

If you go down the stairs and look at the front of the house, you will see a small space where miscellaneous items can be placed.

Of course, there are no items. I don’t even have anything at home, so I’m going to keep it here.

In addition, there are natives in this space.

A ladybug spider.

If there is an ally of Korea, the United States, then this shaman spider is an ally of our house.

This friend whom I call the guardian of the gate also catches a single bug resoundingly.

There are times when I am happy to see them eat well and grow well.

Even now, there are quite a few bug corpses piled up there.

And finally, after inserting the key and opening the door, you can see our cozy house.

There is mold that can be seen even after cleaning hard, but that’s okay.

I put down my bag and changed my clothes.

Now I can just clean up once, study, and go to sleep.

Today, perhaps because I heard so many unintentional deceptions from Min Ah-rin, my body seemed to lose some strength, but there was no time to feel envy of a life different from mine.


A lot happened yesterday.

Most of them are by Min Ah-rin.

Certainly, yesterday’s girl had some taste.

It was pretty good when I got home.

Except for that barrage of questions.

Anyway, today. Tuesday.

Today’s Min Ah-rin seemed a little better than yesterday.

He still glances at me and makes strange faces or smiles, but he is definitely better than yesterday.

I took classes as usual with Min Ah-rin, who still had a bad taste.

It’s been quite a while since the exams ended, so now I’m going back to class properly.

Of course, the writing that Min Ah-rin was asked to do also resumed.

‘Han Seung-gi… The bet is over….’

‘Wasn’t note-taking separate from betting?’

‘Is that so….’

It’s almost like a zombie.

Like that, time passed today, and the last 7th period came back again.

The last class on Tuesday is home time.

We went to the practice room according to the notice from the tutor and got together with the members of the group we made last time.

… ….

Of course I sat down with Min Ah-rin.

Still, it’s more comfortable to sit next to someone close to you.

Home practice is a fairly simple task, although annoying.

The members of the group decide on a dish they want to make, and the home teacher reviews it.

Once the cooking topic is passed, they share their roles.

Lastly, on the day of the practice performance evaluation, cook and eat.

The unfortunate thing is that you have to prepare the ingredients yourself.

We have a total of four members.

Me, Min Ah-rin, and the only couple in our class.

They aren’t close, but they’re pretty nice.

You always look happy.

It wasn’t too difficult to decide on a cooking topic.

I was thinking of food that could save the cost of ingredients as much as possible, but Min A-rin suggested what okonomiyaki would be like.

Because our couple, Jung Ha-yeon and Lee Sang-in, agreed right away.

The topic that got the consent of the majority was over in an instant until the teacher reviewed it, and I watched the scene feeling a little discouraged and helpless about the cost of materials.

But then, Minah Lin suddenly started saying her strange words.

“I buy the ingredients.”

And the reaction of the couple who heard the declaration.

“Huh? Min Ah-rin? It costs a lot of money. Let’s just share it among ourselves.”

“Yes, Arin. I have some ingredients at my house anyway.”

As long as it’s me…… , No, not good.

Why do you have to be indebted to Min A-rin for something that can be shared with the members of the group?


Seeing him keep glancing at me, it seems like he’s doing it because of me.

Certainly, I’ve only shown that I’m saving too much money.


By the way.

Do you even bother going to this point?

I’m sure he didn’t notice my financial situation.

If you noticed, you would have asked those questions yesterday.

It should just be seen as Min Ah-rin’s unique excessive consideration.

It’s a bit much to say that a friend’s consideration is excessive, but anyway.

I also had the intention of spending money on the performance evaluation.

I have no intention of receiving such a favor.

No matter how much it is, you can’t cover all the cost of materials by yourself.

Also, no matter how much I say, I have an intention to invest at least the amount of money spent on performance evaluation.


“…Jeong Ha-yeon.”

“Me? Why?”

“How would you feel if I cooked?”

“Hmm… I think there will be waste.”

“So. I only prepare the ingredients.”

“Hmm… You’re right. Merchants should only eat the best.”

“Ha Yeon-a…! You’re really…! I’m so touched…!”

Really. What are you doing guys

An opinion passed by majority consent, whether I felt dissatisfied or not.

Min Ah-rin looked at me and started to make a sly expression.

This is real.


I had expected his reaction from before.

Isn’t it a fact that all Han Seung-gi’s ‘best friends’ know that Han Seung-gi saves money to the extent of being strange?

‘Han Seung-gi’s best friend’, ‘Han Seung-gi’s best friend’, ‘Han Seung-gi’s wealth… , Hmm!’ If it’s Min Ah-rin, it’s easy to predict that much.

Isn’t this called big data analysis?

Anyway, that’s how Han Seung-gi’s counterattack began to come in.

“Arin Min, aren’t you spending too much money?”

“hehehe… This much won’t even damage my pocket money.”

“But. It’s just sharing among the members…”

I don’t get pocket money anyway.

Because my mom gives me a card to use appropriately.

You say you’ve recently opened a new business, but you probably won’t get any damage with this much money?

Anyway, these days, Han Seung-gi seems to have changed a bit.

Because it didn’t seem like he reacted as drastically as when we first met about money.

But why did the reaction suddenly change today?

I don’t know what kind of psychological effect there was…… , That doesn’t matter anymore.

Because there are several ways to deal with Han Seung-gi.

That’s how Han Seung-gi started…… Quarrel? I don’t feel that way anyway.

Certainly he was a smart guy, so he didn’t seem to be easily convinced by my opinion.

When I try to convince you with something, I refute it with all my might, but I don’t understand it.

My house isn’t a house I can’t live in anyway, and I think it doesn’t matter if I invest this much in a friend, but Han Seung-gi hates receiving anything from others to the extreme.


Even if he reacted that way.

I didn’t want to skip this time.

If you keep pushing like this, won’t you open your heart someday?

Maybe this will open your heart more quickly.

My ultimate goal is to take Han Seung-gi to a fine dining restaurant.

From noble mtl dot com

Or going out to dinner with the family.

I can’t back down here.

I made up my mind like that and decided to use tactical nuclear weapons against Han Seung-gi, who was making a disapproving expression somewhere.

What is a tactical nuclear weapon?

I discovered a while ago, a way to beat Han Seung-gi 100%.

Even ethically wrong, the same way as hacks.

“Hey, Han Seung-gi. How many things have I received from you? And during the cooking practice, you just have to cook a little more.”

I approached Han Seung-gi with such useless lines.

I put my chest on Han Seung-gi’s arm, wrapping his left arm around his shoulder.

No matter how you look at it, the s*xual harassment of a 50-year-old woman comes to mind.

Honestly, it looks pretty ugly when I think about it.

As expected.

“No, this, what…”

I made Han Seung-gi embarrassed!

I can control my emotions!

Han Seung-gi blushes at my sudden action.

… ….


Really f*cking ugly.




I don’t know what you were trying to say.

Wow, I feel hot in the lower part of my body.

What is it? Why is this again

Anyway, I’m sorry if it ended like this.

An ambassador was also prepared to calm Han Seung-gi’s unknown mind.

“So…, Well, do you want to go shopping for ingredients tomorrow?”

Like this, you’re helping me too, so I’m revealing that I don’t need to worry.

If this is enough, I can get a doctorate degree in victory psychology.


But when I say this.

Doesn’t it feel like asking someone out on a date?

Telling me to go to the mart with a boy is…… , No. No.

Han Seung-gi is not a ‘boy’. Because he’s my ‘best friend’.

It’s not just a day or two that we play together.

“That’s why…! They say it’s over after only 4th period tomorrow! There’s plenty of time left…! You, uh, will be busy!!”

“No, I’m not that busy…”

Why are you like this after going well?

I have a strange idea for no reason!

“Let’s go together. We should help with that.”

“Oh! Really?!”

… ….


I feel good.


B. Min Ah-rin, the only woman who can control Han Seung-gi’s emotions.

She followed today She remembered the gym, and as soon as she got home, she headed to the gym in her apartment complex, and she worked out and kept thinking about it.

What were you thinking?

Of course Han Seung-gi.

No, it wasn’t that she was thinking of Han Seung-gi.

She was thinking of something ‘related’ to Han Seung-gi.

The wish ticket Han Seung-gi gave me a while ago.

It even increased to three.

I’ve already decided where to use one of them.

To make a wish to let you go home.

As expected, no matter how much I think about it, tomorrow seems to be the timing.

Tomorrow is the day when school ends after only 4 periods.

There, a promise to go to the mart together.

It means that we will be together even after school is over.

And, perhaps, Han Seung-gi’s heart wouldn’t have been resolved to the extent of the mart promise.

She must be feeling a little pressure…… I’m sorry but I could use a little of that too.

Again, again.

My hypothesis about ‘Han Seung-gi’s extreme parents’.

Whether or not that hypothesis is true, will your parents be at home when school ends in the 4th period?

From what I heard yesterday, it seems that your mother is running a business and your father is out on some business.

My parents also worked, so I know them well.

There is no way my parents are at home at this time of day.

Although it seems a little strange to go to a house where a man is alone, I am not that kind of b*tch.

So what?

As long as he doesn’t feel pressured.

Tomorrow. Wouldn’t it be possible to know how Han Seung-gi lives?

Honestly, rather than being very curious about things like Han Seung-gi’s personal life, it’s just.

Because I am a person who thinks that close friends should know each other as much as possible.

Anyway, I think the best plan is to use the wish ticket tomorrow.

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