Man of Archives

Chapter 1

"It's time to get the hell out of here!" shouted the gray-robed wizard loudly. He burst into the holy of holies of my workplace, namely the library of our small guild. “The Black Rabbits attacked us!”


"What?" I yelled, jumping up quickly. At the same time, I was trying to hide an artifact made from human bone in my pocket. Nobody has to know what I was doing with it.


In the next second, the door, along with most of the wall, was simply torn out by a powerful blow. Rumble. Books began to fall to the ground, and shelves tilted, threatening to overwhelm everything. The mage picked me up and pulled me along.


But it did not help.


In the next moment, I barely managed to notice a large boulder flying over me like a shadow. With a bang, the familiar magician who was pulling me fell down. Turning around, I saw that his head had just been blown off by that stone. Blood flowed out in a stream, creating a large puddle from the pressure.


"You can't get away," said a tall magician with black tattoos on his face, entering through the hole in the wall. His expression was cold and unfriendly. He was a resemblance of danger in this particular situation. Why do I have Archive Magic without being able to use any combat magic? My magic is so limited that it doesn't even enhance my body. The attacking mage continued, not knowing my thoughts: "Although it doesn’t look like you need to run anymore."


“Shit,” I cursed, trying to get up.


"Are you ready to give your blood to our god - Zeref?" he exclaimed dramatically. "Are you ready to bring the moment of true greatness closer?"


The mage advanced slowly. I tried to crawl away, but nothing worked. Above the man's hands, a huge stone, the size of a large house, began to form. And this stone looked directly at me. Threateningly.


"No?" he asked pitifully. "Well… well, so be it."


The next second, the stone fell on me, and then there was darkness.


Flash on my left! Flash on my right! Flash in front!


After, there was a long sensation of falling, which almost instantly stopped with a painful push in the chest. For a second, I felt like I was in deep water. Seeing nothing around, I worked with my hands and feet, trying to surface. And I did it.


With each subsequent stroke, the pressure decreased, and the pressure in my ears was not so strong anymore. But that didn't mean it was easier for me. Not even for a second. My body began to protest against the way it had just been taken advantage of. The pain was more than impressive, but I kept moving no matter what.


In an instant, I felt like I broke through some tense surface. The next second, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.


Well, well, well… I realized that not everything was as good as I would like it to be. With a slightly silly look, I began to look around, realizing that I was definitely not in my hometown in Fiore. The first thing that caught my eye was beds. They were made of some kind of iron tubes connected to each other.


Further, I saw stone walls and large windows through which the sun's rays broke through. Each bed had cabinets for storing personal items. I looked around at what seemed to be my cabinet and saw a small stand with some kind of piece of wood and several transparent containers with multi-colored liquids inside. Probably potions.


I frowned, trying to figure out where I was. This was definitely not my guild's hospital room. The Gray Wolves, the guild I belonged to, was a weak guild with about thirty wizards. We worked only in the vicinity of our city, never going beyond it. And we definitely didn’t have such a ward for patients. In others, they would simply put me out of my misery if I somehow miraculously survived the fall of a stone on my body.


So… something else happened. But what?


I closed my eyes, plunging into a slight semblance of meditation, and immediately activated my own magic. It turned out to be much easier to do this than ever before. It took much less energy than I was used to. Instantly, a screen with a query string appeared in front of my eyes.


My Archive Magic was quite useful when working with all sorts of documents, books, and other printed publications. In order to work with some document or book, you need to place it inside the Archive before that, of course, by scanning it. When a book is scanned, it is stored inside the knowledge base. After that, you can run an analysis that will check all the content and produce a short version. That is why I spent a lot of time in various libraries. This was my only chance to get stronger.


In addition, the Archive could analyze the body and give out quite useful information. In the search bar, I set the command to analyze the body. I felt a slight warmth that went through my whole body and even through my hair, and then I realized that a new document had appeared in the database.


Mentally moving myself to this base, I froze in surprise. The database was now pristine, except for the newly created document. Were all the books I scanned gone? What the heck! There was also quite a lot of knowledge that I received from the guild library and other places in both legal and not-so-legal ways.


Now I have to restore everything. It's good that I have a lot of knowledge in my head, and pulling it out to form it into books will not be so difficult. But then I moved on to the only file, which I analyzed to get compressed and general information. I don't need to know how many red blood cells I have now.


The analysis and compilation of information was completed quickly, and I opened it and began to study it. The first thing I realized was that I had a different value in the name string. Closing the document window and leaving the Archive, I began to carefully examine my own body. And it was really different from my previous one. Instead of a normal adult body, I had the body of a teenager. Even a little facial hair hinted at it.


What is this? Reincarnation? Most likely... I have studied some books that I was lucky to get for my own use, and I understand very well that reincarnation is possible. There is a directed reincarnation, when the soul of one person moves into the body of another, and there is an undirected one, which occurs due to an unforeseen situation or a magical anomaly. It seems that in my case, there was an undirected reincarnation.


Other than that, I seem to have moved to another world. I also read about the existence of other worlds, but the information I received was incredibly superficial and did not inspire confidence in its truthfulness.


It was not difficult to accept this situation. I have never been a person who was strongly attached to one place and would gladly travel if I had enough strength. There were many dangerous places in Fiore that it was better not to step into, being a weak magician. The Rune Knights certainly made an effort to keep the main paths clear of monsters, but they couldn't always keep up with their work.


To sum up, I found myself in a different world, in a different body. And now it's time to return to the study of information about myself and think about what I will do next.


The study of the document was somewhat delayed, since along with the analysis, several shelves appeared with the knowledge of the past soul in my body. But that's not what worries me now. I was worried that my Archive Magic had become stronger as it had absorbed the soul that this body was native to. Due to the amplification, my magic had expanded its functionality.


And this extension was so helpful! Now I don't have to directly hold or see the book to scan it. I can simply specify in the search bar what type of knowledge I am looking for, and my magic will set a query in the information field and download the desired book for analysis.


This is an incredible improvement, because by being in places where a lot of information is collected, I can gain knowledge that would never have been available to me or would have cost too much. I felt like starting to upload knowledge, but I pulled myself up and continued to study the information already about my body.


My name is Timothy Jody, and I am a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At the moment, I am a fifth-year student who was just preparing to take a local exam for a diploma. As I was able to understand, the guy in the body before me did not think he would be able to pass the exams at a sufficient level to become a scholarship holder to continue his studies at Hogwarts.


For me, it is not even a question. I have to pass this exam no matter what. I can't just leave this place without filling my Archive shelves with knowledge. It wouldn't be the smartest decision. To do this, I will have to give all two hundred percent.


I am currently in the local hospital as the previous owner of the body suffered a nervous breakdown while preparing for the exam. The Archive is the best for this, as I can look for information in the books themselves and then simply copy it to paper in the form of an answer. Perfect cheating.


The practical test might be a little difficult for me, as I have never used local spell types, nor have I worked with a tool like a magic wand. So, the first thing I will have to do is pass these exams and only then think about what to do next.


The exams have a fairly simple name, namely the Ordinary Wizarding Levels examination, or OWLs for short. This exam lasts almost two weeks and covers all the subjects that the student was supposed to study in these five years of study. Based on the results of this examination, it is decided whether the student will continue his studies or not, and in what form education will take place.


Students know how important it can be, but they still don't put much effort and time into getting to the very top. For me, this is not just a whim, but an opportunity to become stronger and get a better education.


Taking the wand in my hand, I did not feel anything special. I waved it several times, trying to get used to this artifact. After that, I asked in the Archive search for the simplest spell to test my abilities. That spell was Lumos.


“Lumos,” I tentatively whispered the name of the spell and made a gesture with my hand after I read its short description and instructions for execution.


At the tip of the wand, a snow-white light with slight bluish shades lit up. Glare went on the walls, the bedspread, and other things. I even had to squint my eyes a little so that the light would not hit them so hard.


"Nox," the next spell extinguished the light on the wand. "Marvelous."


I almost let out a scream of joy. In the past world, I couldn't use any artifacts, not even the simplest ones like lamps. I couldn't find the reason, but now... with this magic wand and this body, I can finally practice magic! I just need to practice some spells for the exam and try to get high scores somehow.


The door slowly opened, and a middle-aged woman in a simple robe with a white cap entered. The white cap had the school crest and a few additional symbols. After analyzing the woman who entered with my magic, I found out that this is Madame Pomfrey, the head nurse of the school, who treats all students and other people that might need help and who are in school. She, of course, has assistants who help with other light tasks.


"Mr. Jody," she said as she approached. "I see that you have already woken up. This is good."


She raised her wand, and a few green lines came out of it like a web, entwining my body, and then pulling back into the magic tool.


“Welp, you can go back and study for exams,” she said. “I advise you to drink the potions on the nightstand.”


"Thank you," I nodded. "What day is it today? I hope I didn't miss the OWLs?"


“No,” she said with a calm and neutral expression on her face. “There are two more days before the exams. You can prepare a little more.”


"Thanks again," I told her.


Without further ado, I took the potions and slowly drank them one by one. A wave of warmth passed through my body, giving a feeling of flowing energy. The second potion worked like a light feather in my head, increasing my concentration. The third potion also somehow helped, but how exactly, I did not understand. But oh well. This is magic.


“You can be free,” she said after I was done with the potions.




I got up from the bed, took my wand, and put it in my pocket. My clothing did not feel pleasant. It felt like they had not been changed for some time. The first step is to take a shower and change. And then with fresh strength, start my studies. I think it will be alright.


I went to the bedroom of my own House, while continuing to get acquainted with the information from the books. So, I am a student of Gryffindor House, one of the four local Houses. This is something like a children's version of the guild. Each house has its own Head of House, who is also a professor. If translated into functions that I understand from the past world, then the Head of House is something like a Senior Mage. The Head of House has subordinates who manage the house. The Heads of Houses report to the headmaster of the school. The headmaster is something like a guild master.


Fairly clear division. My position in the local hierarchy is a student.


The door to the Gryffindor House is guarded by a gatekeeper in the form of a picture of a plump woman. It was called that - a picture of the Fat Lady. She asks for a password from each student or group of students who wish to go inside.


I lingered for a few seconds, feeling the image stare at me. A weird feeling, to be honest. But this is magic... And everything is subject to magic, even time.


"Password?" she asked, withdrawing the hand holding the glass with red liquid.


After quickly analyzing the information in the Archive, I found the answer.


"Blood Hunt," I told her.


“The password is correct,” she nodded and waved her hand.


At the same time, the painting began to move aside, revealing a passage to the living room of the Gryffindor House. The first thing you could see was the fireplace, which was now not burning. It is no longer winter outside, so there is no need for additional heating.


Carefully walking inside, I almost immediately found myself in a place where the students were mostly sitting with their textbooks. All students were preparing to take exams, but my classmates, seventh-year students, and first-year students, were especially worried. The first years are worried, as this is their first exam at Hogwarts, and they have absolutely no idea what to expect from them. Others have government exams that will influence their lives.


“Hey, Tim,” a short, black-haired guy called me, waving his hand.


It was Adam Stone, my friend and comrade, with whom I mostly stuck together. From the same ordinary muggle family, in which there were no wizards.


"Hey, Adam," I nodded while approaching.


“I see you have already been discharged,” he said, pushing the book aside. “You should know how sick I am of learning these formulas.”


“I understand,” I nodded. It was because of this that Timothy ended up in the hospital wing, and I appeared in his place. “How is it going?”


“Oh, don’t ask,” he said, picking up the book again. “I wish I could pass those damn exams… I’m going to die from this.”


"Don't worry," I decided to support him. "We'll get good, and everything will be fine."


“And this is from a man who spent two days in the hospital with a nervous breakdown,” he chuckled.


"Yeah," I smiled too. “Okay, I still need to clean myself up.”


“Yes, go, go,” he nodded, and then covered his nose. “You smell… not very pleasant.”


I saw that the students I passed looked at me suspiciously, and then covered their noses and waved their hands. It seems that the smell from me was atrocious. I quickly ran into the room and immediately found my own bag with things. Taking clean and fresh clothes, I went to wash.


I didn't spend much time in the shower. After tidying up, I threw the dirty clothes into a small basket under the bed, into which all the students throw their dirty clothes. Once a week, it disappears, and the clean folded clothes appear. If I'm not mistaken, the local magical creatures, who are called house elves, are engaged in this type of work.


The first exam, which will be this Monday, is Charms. It consists of two parts. The first part will be a theoretical exam on all the material that has been covered in these five years. No one knows in advance what questions will be on it, since every year the commission draws up new ones. The second part will be a practical test, where the student will have to demonstrate three spells from the drawn ticket.


It will be a rather difficult day, but I think that I will be able to prepare well.


The next day, Tuesday, there will be a Transfiguration exam, which is not much different from Charms. Also two parts, theory and practice. On Wednesday, there will be an exam in Herbology. Also two parts, theory and practice, but in greenhouses. Thursday is the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam. And again, it is divided in half, theory and practice. The last exam in the first week will be Potions, which again consists of two parts.


Then there will be two days off that can be spent on rest or preparing for the next round of exams. Each student, when they go to the third year, chooses two additional subjects. Timothy followed his parents' advice and took Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. These two exams will consist only of theoretical parts, which is already much easier. And the last required exam will be the History of Magic. And again, only theory.


In general, I will have to work hard to pass all the exams with the highest score.


Why do I need to pass all the exams with the highest score? The thing is that the sixth and seventh courses are not compulsory and, therefore, they are no longer free. You have to pay money for education, which Timothy's family does not have, like many other students. There are several ways to continue learning. You can get a scholarship from Hogwarts, you can sign a contract with some magic guild or the Ministry of Magic, or you can pay for your education.


The most difficult and at the same time the most rewarding option is a scholarship from Hogwarts. To obtain it, a student needs to pass all exams with the highest score, both theory and practice. After that, all other exams must also be taken with the highest score. It is not easy, but as a result of this, the graduate has the largest choice of areas for study. After graduation, he will be able to go to almost any job, anywhere.


Signing a contract limits the possibilities since after graduation, it will be necessary to work for the benefit of the one with whom the student signed the contract, whether it be the Ministry of Magic or some magic guild.


I don't even consider paying for myself. That is like that funny situation that happened in the City of Era in my home world. The Magic Council said, “We don’t have any money. But you hold on." But everyone knows… they are filthy rich.


Only forty percent of students from all houses, or as they are also called, faculties, will continue their studies at Hogwarts. The rest find themselves in the real world and will be left to their own wits. Life will not go well for them.


My goal is to stay in school for another two years by any means possible, ideally through a scholarship. I don't really want to sign a contract with others. In the past world, I already got burned once that I was forced to study the archives of black magicians for a whole year, despite being promised access to interesting knowledge. Archives were about some weird crap, that never came to be helpful.


"Adam, are we going to the library?" I asked my friend.


He tore his lost gaze from the book, and a second later realized that I was asking him something. As a result, he shook his head.


“What library,” he breathed. “I don't even have the strength to get up. My head is just ringing with all this information. And I even took a Mindfulness Potion.”


"Where did you get it?" I asked immediately.


“You know you can always find something at the Weasleys,” he said, nodding at the red-haired guy from the seventh year who was talking to the seventh-year girl.


“Ah yeah, for real, for real,” I nodded.


It was Charlie Weasley. Rumor was that he signed a contract with a certain reserve that breeds magical animals. He already knows where he will work after graduation, which makes everything easier for many people. It is possible to buy a lot of things from him, as he can get almost anything from the outside world.


"Excuse me, Charlie," I said to the student. He immediately looked at me. "Do you have any more Mindfulness Potions?"


“Yes,” he nodded. "The price is the same. Three sickles for one potion."


"Then I'll take five," I said after a moment's thought. I should have calculated my own finances in advance. But oh well.


Mindfulness Potion is a great potion if you need to learn something quickly and for sure. It is used by every student in the school. Everyone is trying to save money to buy something similar for themselves before exams.


“One second,” he said.


Charlie disappeared for some time in the room for students. About a minute later, he returned with a small bag. He placed it on the table and opened it, showing that there were exactly five potions, just like I ordered. I quickly counted out the money, feeling that the purse began to physically feel less weighty. After, I left the living room of the house and went straight to the library.


Along the way, I looked around with great interest. The school is truly a masterpiece of magical art. I think that even the God-chosen Magicians from Fiore would look at all this art with open mouths and eyes shining with admiration. Pictures, ghosts, moving stairs, and other strange things that could not be explained by anything other than magic. Many things I can't even figure out how to repeat using only the knowledge of Fiore's magic. Marvelous! And I want to study and understand all this.


The library that was open to students was large. There were huge shelves, many books with a variety of knowledge. I slowly walked between the shelves with pleasure looking around. All this will be in my Archive and analyzed for further use and subsequent study. My treasure…


But I will think about this later, when all the exams are passed. If the situation is not the best, then I will have to absorb all possible books asap. There will be a lot of work.


Hiding in a corner, I opened a book on Charms and at the same time slowly sank into meditation. The search bar flashed before my eyes again. Without hesitation, I decided to test the new possibilities of my magic.


I typed in the line: “Charms. Collection of Books. First to Seventh Year. Preparing for OWLs”


A loading symbol appeared, and then hundreds of books flashed in front of me that had this kind of information. The books flew around me, flying in close so I could see them, and then they flew away. Finding the right book was easy enough. It was not just a book, but a thick hardcover tome. It measured from my hip to my foot. A huge book with a lot of information.


I gave the order to upload the book to my Archive. A little time passed, and I began to feel tired, as if I had run a fairly long distance without a break. As the book loaded, I opened my eyes and began to breathe deeply. My heart was beating incredibly fast and loud. There was a feeling of cotton wool in my head, and in my mouth, it was like... as if I had drunk some kind of cat urine. It seems that I did not calculate my strengths a little.


For about thirty minutes, I was resting and recovering, hiding behind a book. When my heart calmed down and my mind cleared, I again plunged into meditation. In my Archive, there was a loaded book on one of the shelves. Now I needed to give an instruction for analysis and then expect the result.


The analysis took an incredibly long time. A little over five hours. During this time, I managed to go through several chapters in the book on Charms and even do some test tasks, all by myself in the real world. Practice tests could easily be found in the library.


Before dinner, I again plunged into meditation and reactivated the analysis. Now everything went much faster, as the information from the book was combined with information in other books that I had received before.


Dinner was held in the Great Hall of the school. It was an amazing room with an incredibly complex illusion of the evening sky. I think I could have created something like this in the previous world if I had the ability to do magic. Word Magic with Illusion Magic and a few artifacts would do me good. But oh well.


All students continued to study even while eating. Some at this time practiced some spells, which added some turmoil. During the preparation for the exams, the confrontation between the houses instantly subsided. Nobody wanted to become the center of discontent. Even the Slytherin students, who are mostly the children of wealthy and powerful parents, didn't really stick out at this time.


There were only a few professors at the main table. The headmaster was absent, as were many others. But I am sure that the remaining teachers, if necessary, will be able to impose iron discipline.


"How is your study going?" I asked Adam, who was sitting over a book and swaying a little, showing his concentration. Sometimes he interrupted this action to bring the spoon to his mouth.


"Huh?" he asked, then waved his hand. "Fine. Don't talk to me right now. I trying to study."


Bruh, that was a little bit rude.


I did not interfere with him and also continued to study a book on Charms. Immersed in meditation, I realized that the information unification had already been completed. Mentally tuning in, I asked for the necessary information in the search, and almost instantly, without any delay, I received a good answer from the book. Wonderful!


Absorbing information from a book in the Archive is hundreds, if not thousands, of times easier. I only need to read something once to remember it. This is one of several positive aspects of the magic of the Archive.


I will study the information in detail during the summer vacations, when the exams are over. I will need to read it several times from cover to cover to better understand it. I'll also need to practice spells, but if I can understand how they work in practice, then everything will become much easier. With these thoughts in mind, I turned back to the book on Charms in my hand and continued to read it. Instantly, additional explanations and detailed information from the Archive flashed in my head. Incredible. With such opportunities in absorbing information, I will definitely be able to realize myself.


After dinner, there was still an hour before lights out, so I decided to head back to the library to get a book on my next subject. The Transfiguration book turned out to be much larger, which was somewhat dangerous, but I was determined to get everything. I went back to my room in the Gryffindor tower and collapsed onto the bed. There, I plunged into meditation… again. The book was still there, which hints that no matter where I am at Hogwarts, I can get books. This already opens up some interesting possibilities. I downloaded the book, managed to run the analysis with the last of my strength, and then passed out.


In the morning, I woke up with not the best feeling, but the resulting book was worth it. It was as tall as my shoulder, and there was an incredibly huge amount of information there. What I had before is nothing compared to what I have now. It looks like it will take me a very long time to read all of this. But luckily, I have a search, so I don't have to worry about theory. But here's the practice...


After breakfast, I went to one of the free classes to practice some magic for the Charms practical examination. Other students also do this, but they like to gather in small groups to test themselves.


"Adam, how about working on the spell?" I asked a student.


“I need to learn the theory,” he said with reddened eyes. “My practice is pretty good.”


“Ok, good to know,” I nodded.


So I went to practice the spells alone. Charms that were familiar to the body went quite simply. Muscle memory remained, and it was not so difficult to restore it. Using the Mindfulness Potion, this process was much faster. Unfamiliar spells were hard to master. Fortunately, the book had images with wand movements, so it was not difficult to work them out.


But that wasn't what made me happy. I was incredibly delighted by the magic itself and the opportunity to see the results, how this magic affects the world around. Watching the chair fly up, the bowl fill with water, and the feathers burn—all this was previously unavailable to me! I could train like this for a very long time if it was possible. After a lot of practice, I had to rest and study some more information on the charms that I used.


I will need to find a way to quickly become stronger. But I will think about it later. When I felt that my energy was restored, I returned to practicing spells again. Then there was lunch, after which I again returned to magic, but this time I was engaged in Transfiguration.


Reading books, absorbing information, and transfiguring things was incredibly interesting and even fun. Yes, Transfiguration itself gives much less freedom to beginners, but if you work hard and know the limits, then the sky will be the limit. In some ways, the rules of this section of magic resemble the rules of Word Magic. The same tight formulaic limits.


After dinner, which I spent reading a book, I returned to practicing Transfiguration again. In the evening, before going to bed, I downloaded a book on Herbology, which turned out to be much smaller than the books on Charms or Transfiguration.


In the living room, you could see alarmists who furiously reread notes and books to prepare as best as possible for the exam. Some were on edge and barely holding back tears. For them, it was a huge stress that there was nothing to relieve. Calming potions dispersed very quickly and immediately came into use.


If someone overdid a Calming Potion, then that person could be found in a corner or on the floor with a blank thousand-yard stare. A terrible overdose of potion. The good thing is that there are no other particular side effects. Poisoning in the world of magic is not the worst thing that can happen to a wizard if he takes potions incorrectly.


Let's just say that the general mood even scares me a little.


"You ready?" Isolde Marigold asked me. She was a blond witch with whom I talked sometimes. She is from the wizarding family and one of the few who kept her cool.


“Yeah, I guess so,” I nodded. "And you? Are you ready?"


“Of course,” she said confidently. “I started preparing for OWLs last summer. My father hired several teachers for me…” the girl boasted.


Well, yes, Isolde Marigold belongs to a fairly well-known family of wizards who are known for the fact that people from this family have always been in good standing in the Guild of Charms. I am sure that she will easily find a teacher to deepen her knowledge.


She approached me today, as I was the only calm guy among the other fifth-year students.


"Oh," I nodded respectfully. "Then you probably don’t have to worry about the outcome."


“Yeah,” she chuckled.


Guilds in this world are different from guilds in the past. These are organizations of one branch of magic that can confirm the knowledge of their members. In addition, all guilds are international, although there are always competitions between different countries. Each country has its own department of the Guild, which can be contacted.


Guild structures of this world are quite simple. Graduates of Hogwarts after the seventh year can easily get the title of student. After that, in an average of two to three years, students become apprentices. After the apprentice comes the bachelor, then the master, the magister, and the archimage. Obtaining each rank is associated with hard work and great knowledge. Archimages are the very pinnacle of the Guild's power, which can influence all decisions of the organization that they are part of.


To get a contract from a certain guild, a student needs to pass an OWL in the guild subject with an Excellent grade. So having received Excellent in Charms, a student can get a contract from the Guild of Charms. The same goes for Transfiguration, Potions, and other guilds. This is a good option, as it allows the Hogwarts student to get the opportunity to continue moving forward in life and reach new heights in magic.


Among the teachers at Hogwarts, almost all are masters of their fields. So the Head of Gryffindor House and at the same time the professor of Transfiguration is a confirmed master of this direction. Without a rank confirmed by the guild, becoming a teacher in a magic school in any country is almost impossible. Assistant professors are all bachelors and no less.


The headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, is a Magister of Transfiguration, Magister of Charms, and Magister of Battle Magic. He is an incredibly powerful mage who could have attained the rank of Archimage if he wanted to. But he already has so much political power so with a new title nothing will change for him.


Isolde went to one of her girlfriends and began to help her. The girl she helped was grateful for this, as Marigold was able to explain complex material in simple terms. I'm sure she'll pass her Charm exam with an Excellent.


Watching the wizards for some more time, I realized that it was time to go to bed. Before the exam, it is especially useful to get enough sleep and recuperate. Adam and the other fifth-year guys were in a bit of a panic and were trying to write some cheat sheets for themselves. But, for some reason, I'm sure that magicians have long developed methods of dealing with such scumbags. I don't know what the penalty for cheating is, but it can be severe.


"Can you guys help?" I asked them.


"Yes," Matt nodded.


Matt was from a family of ordinary wizards. His father and mother were wizards, unlike his grandparents.


“Check me on the topic of Alluring Charms,” he asked and handed over his own notes.


You don't need to ask me twice. I quickly asked questions and listened to the answer. If he was wrong, then I gave him time to read the correct answer. After that, I asked the same again. If the answer was correct, then we moved on to the next question. If not, then everything was repeated again.


After that, he showed his own charms, but they broke down from excitement and fatigue, which added to that excitement and fear even more. I had to force him to drink a Calming Potion and send him to sleep. For the other guys, it was like a signal to hang up. It seems that they were waiting for the first one to give up, thereby immediately creating an excuse for themselves that they studied longer than anyone else.

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