Manifold Mirror Mage: Legendary Magic on a Common Budget

Chapter 18 - Once More

Gio prepared to work on a new spellform. Of the many different methodologies for spellcraft, the most prevalent styles are; sigilic spellforms (which lead the pack by miles), followed by Glyphic-pattern spellforms.

Glyph pattern spellforms differ from sigil spellforms in that sigils are like links to an established “intent” of magic, somewhere out in the many planes of existence, forged and empowered by a mage some time ago. Glyphic patterns, on the other hand, are like direct instructions.

According to Mortimer (of the meticulous primer series), the most efficient way to build sigils was to empower a special mark at some matrix of incredible power, therefore burning it into existence across the planes of mana. Gio imagined an old, bearded man being struck by lightning on some dramatic mountaintop, holding aloft a magic symbol, glowing with power.

Since Gio didn’t have access to any endless fonts of incredible raw magic, he borrowed the sigils that were freely available to him, given by generous authors of the many textbooks who wished to share the craft of spellmaking.

Glyphic patterns differed in that; because they didn’t rely on sigils, they required a lot more symbols. Glyphic-pattern spellforms tend to be less powerful than sigil-based spellforms because they are very limited by space. Gio instead had to inscribe his intent onto each of hundreds if not more tiny symbols. The book posits that certain spells that were made with sigils could have only been made by utilizing hundreds of pages, requiring liters of ink and rare materials.

Paradoxically, there are ways in which these two competing standards of spellcraft may outperform each other. In sigilic spellforms, the rarity of the spellform is often based on the exclusivity and power of the primary Sigil(s), whereas in Glyphic pattern spellforms, the materials often play a more important role in the power level and subsequent rarity of the spell.

Gio currently found himself in a position where the sigils he had access to were all very specific, commonplace symbols, however the materials he had access to were constantly improving.

And so, when Gio sat down to craft his first glyphic pattern spellform, he did so with a lot of ink and paper, expecting to need a few tries.


Chandrika sat across from Gio, both of them nursing a cup of coffee.

“How’s your headaches?” Gio asked, looking miserable.

“Really, really bad. I feel like I have Jean radar. I can tell he’s somewhere nearby and to the left of us right now. And I’m sorry to say that I think you’re now pinging it too, but to a lesser extent.” She replied.

“That’s not good. We’ve got class later, how are you gonna make it?” Gio asked, concerned.

“I don’t know. I feel like I’m gonna lock eyes with him and explode or something.” Chandrika replied.

“Well anyways, How did your experiments go?” Chandrika asked.

“Bad, but let’s focus on you for now. We need to figure out what’s going on with your skill.” Gio shot back.

“How would I even do that? I think [Crown of Sage’s Insight] might make me pass out right now. The healers can’t really do anything for me… I hate to say it, Gio, but I’m stumped. I’m gonna go camp out in my room before class and try and get some sleep” Chandrika groaned, withdrawn.


Gio and Chandrika sat in the classroom, explaining the situation to Professor Anaximenes.

“Rika, I’m not certain that you should be ignoring your skill like this.” Professor A said, face dour and trying to provide reassurance to Chandrika. His healing magic thus far had provided almost no comfort to the girl.

“Professor A, I’m really not trying to-”

Jean walked through the door from the Manse, and Chandrika fainted.

Gio and Professor A lunged forward to catch her.

“Mister Jean-Claude, if you wouldn’t mind, it appears that I need you to remove yourself from the cla-” Professor A started.

“NO” Chandrika screamed, eyes snapping open. A trickle of blood escaped her nose. “He needs to stay.”

Jean ran forward, his features painted with concern. “What is going on?!” Jean asked.

“Something is weird with Rika’s skill. You’ve been pinging her for a few weeks now.” Gio explained.

Chandrika’s eyes alit in beams of golden radiance, as she screamed, arching backwards.

“[Phantasmigorical Radiance]” intoned Professor Anaximenes. Chandrika was ripped from the air, as the frozen image of her bathed in golden light was separated out from her corporeal form.

The version of Chandrika held in Professor A’s arms spoke; “Whatever you just did, I can feel that it is temporary. I… can’t explain how I know this, because I’m not sure myself but I think the three of us need to go to the Owl’s Library. Professor A, you need to go talk to Headmaster Vespertine.” Chandrika commanded.

“O-okay. What should I say… to Headmaster Vespertine?” Professor A asked.

“I don't know. Start by explaining the situation, then come find us, maybe?” Chandrika said.

The image of her suspended in the air slammed into the ghostly form that Professor A was holding, and she collapsed once more, losing consciousness

“Gio, let’s take her to the library,” Jean said, picking her up with ease. “On it.”

Professor A put a hand on both of the boys’ shoulders. “Please, be safe… all of you.”

The white-haired man snapped his fingers, marking the words “Class is canceled for today” across the board at the front of the class. A few other students were staring wide-eyed where they had trickled in from the Manse. Professor Anaximenes shouted. “All of you, please go back to your rooms and self-study! Nothing to be concerned about here!”

He motioned in a shooing motion to Gio and Jean.


Running into the library, Gio shouted to the giant statue of the Owl. “Librarian! Something is going on with Chandrika!”

A small owl appeared, in a flurry of feathers. “Oh dear. I wish I could be of more assistance, but the local spirit field has been rather nonresponsive recently. I fear this may be connected.”

“What does that mean, the local spirit field?” Gio asked.

“The higher-plane spirits that make up the collective conscious that weaves the system. Something in the Academy has become unbalanced gradually over the past few weeks. Headmaster Vespertine has been made aware, and the Inquisitors have been rallied.” the owl replied.

“What does that have to do with the library? Chandrika’s skill told her to take us here, but she’s been in and out of consciousness. It’s hurting her.” Jean said, looking down at the girl in his arms. She was shaking, but ultimately unresponsive.

“I have a feeling that I know what we might be supposed to do… but I don’t think that It’s going to be fun. Owl, would you be able to carry her? We might need Jean to be empty-handed.” Gio said.

“I am patently unable to aid in certain- you know what? Place her on my head, and so long as she doesn’t move, there’s nothing that states explicitly that she can’t be on top of me while I move through my domain.” the bird said, awakening the statue.

Jean placed Chandrika’s curled-up form onto the apex of the great wooden owl.

“What are you planning on doing, Gio?” Jean asked.

“I’m going to try the divination technique I used last time. I… I have a skill called [Fledgling Knowledge Seeker] that might let me find something in the stacks. I don’t know what I’m looking for, but this seems like… no, I know that it’s what I’m supposed to do right now.”

The great Owl's head turned toward Gio, it's features unreadable.

“I just need you to defend me from the monsters in the dark parts. It’s probably going to be a long walk, so prepare yourself. Get anything you might need from your dorm while we’re in range of the Manse.” Gio stated, matter-of-factly.


After they suited up, taking a few things with them in their traveling bags, Gio began channeling and circulating his mana.

“[Detect Magic], [Eyes of the Abjurist]... [Cleanse]” Gio said, invoking each spell in turn.

Detect magic and Eyes of the Abjurist instantaneously sank him into the right headspace for what he was about to attempt. The Cleansing spell was more just to deal with the accumulated sweat from the stress, but everything helped.

Gio began breathing in the abundant knowledge mana of the space, incorporating it into his internal reservoir. He began circulating his mana, already straining [Multitask].

Okay. Mana, spirits, whatever… please help me find something to help my friend.

Feeling a slight call to begin moving, Gio fell into a heartbeat-like walking rhythm and walked off into the dark, followed by his friends.

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