Manifold Mirror Mage: Legendary Magic on a Common Budget

Chapter 6 - Headmaster

Gio looked up at the crown molding of his incredibly plush room. He walked over to his desk and looked out the window. A dizzying view awaited him, looking down to the tops of clouds. Through a hole in the cloud cover, he could see the Gold and Silver Rings sprawled out beneath him. He caught the edges of some of the smaller, esoteric rings interspersed throughout the panorama. His geography was top of his class but turned around as he was, he was having a hard time identifying the scattered landmasses.

The only ring he could identify was the Wax Ring, flying above the clouds in the distance as it was. He had heard stories in the past of the infamous Wax Ring and its harpy denizens, largely untamed by the crown. One day, he’d go there himself, but for now, he was content to explore his room. Opening the desk, he found a sheaf of clean, crisp paper and mundane ink. He also found a strange stick of what felt like some sort of pigmented… gel? It looked like it would make a fine mess, but to what end, he was unsure.

With no watch to check the time, he looked around the room for a wall clock. Evidently, not included in the apex of luxury was any sort of timekeeping apparatus. Or a door, for that matter. Not allowing himself to panic, Gio looked to the massive mirror he had come through. As soon as his eyes met his own in the reflection, writing appeared in the mirror.

Gio looked at the interface, gently putting his hand on the mirrored surface. The screen rippled slightly at his touch.


Rearrange Accommodations

View Schedule

Attend Events

Rearrange accommodations? Pressing the screen, a sub-menu appeared, and a small layout of his room appeared like a blueprint.

Available options: Bathroom, Extra Closet space. Additional Furniture, Floor space, and Features may be made available at a later date, or earned through academic achievement

You’re telling me I can make this palace BIGGER?! This room is like… three times as big as my room back home. I can actually get on the ground next to my bed, and like… stretch out. And academic achievement? Interesting. I guess I should place my bathroom somewhere. Did they not place the bathroom in the room to force us to use the mirror? Clever.

Placing his bathroom on the wall next to his mirror, Gio had certain questions about what people were talking about when they said “modest” accommodations when discussing first-year campus life. The door that melted out of the wall opened up to a pristine room, with a bigger mirror than the standing mirror in his main bedroom. There was an elegant waterspout, a commode, and a combination shower/ bathtub situation. Gio couldn’t remember the last time he had taken a proper bath. He was tempted to take one right now.


After a luxurious soak, Gio dried himself off with perhaps the most plush bath sheet he had ever experienced. In a room where he could ostensibly change where the doors appeared, somehow the fact that the towels were twice as long, was nearly as magical.

Approaching the mirror, Gio was uncertain of what he should do next. An aptly timed growl from his stomach decided for him. Selecting the Manse, and then the Pearl Cafeteria options, caused the surface of the scrying plane to ripple as the door to the Manse opened.

Swinging the holographic representation of a door outwards, and into the abyss, Gio looked around into the starry atmosphere.

The whole of the Manse is coordinated by a lich, right? So am I in a mana construct right now? I can’t perceive any changes to my internal mana structure… I can’t wait until I can cast Detect Magic.

Stepping out of the Manse, Gio found himself looking out into a sea of clouds. The flooring beneath him was a type of polished marble, with flecks of some sort of nacre, or pearlescent substance. Looking behind him, there was a row of mirrors. As Gio watched, a student flashed his badge, opening a door to the Manse.

I see. So realistically, we’re not going to be doing a whole lot of wandering around the campus, I take it? Seems like a good way to keep us out of the notoriously dangerous parts. If I didn’t know any better, I would almost feel reassured, but Uncle Paulo disillusioned me out of that this summer.

Following the massive wall of windows to the other side, Gio came to an area with a balcony, overlooking dozens of rows of sturdy-looking wooden tables, each polished to a nearly reflective sheen. The pearl theme continued, with several spots on each table appearing to take on the pearlescent qualities of petrified wood. The lighting in the balcony area was a little bright for Gio’s taste, having several skylights right underneath the now afternoon sun.

Walking down the balcony, several students were eating at the tables, ordering from some sort of glassy obelisk with shifting images, and a few were standing in line to order from a counter. Instantly reminiscent of his summer job, Gio was drawn to the counter. He looked for a menu anywhere, but couldn’t find one.

Getting the attention of the student in front of him, Gio asked; “Excuse me, Is there a menu that I don’t know about?”

The student turned around, looking slightly annoyed. “Huh? Oh, Mary is a [Professional Chef].” and turned back around, as if that answered anything. Before Gio could ask a follow-up question, the line had advanced, and that student was now ordering calamari with cheese on it, with a side of coleslaw. Gio wondered if he even wanted to talk to that student… ever again. Once it came time for Gio to order, he decided to see what the limitations of the counter were.

The woman behind the counter regarded him with a radiant smile, her incredibly voluminous hay-blonde hair pulled back into a particularly fluffy ponytail. Even Gio’s self-trained mana sense could tell that this person was powerful.

“Hello, could I please have an order of spicy chicken udon? And a small side of vegetable tempura,” he asked.

The woman let out a boisterous belly laugh, with her hands on her hips.

Swinging a white cloth over her shoulder, she bellowed out; “lad, do you know how many cheeseburgers I’ve made today? You may absolutely have an order of spicy chicken udon. My only question is, how spicy?”

Gio pondered for a moment. “I am tempted to say “the spicier the better,” but we have that speech later today so I’d like just enough to feel the heat for now.” Gio articulated.

“A wise choice if not a safe one. Here you go, but I hope that you return for a spicier bowl sometime soon. My name is Chef Marie Bain, you can find me here most days, all day.”

Gio didn’t even see Marie step away from the counter, but he was handed a tray with a huge bowl of spicy udon, and a heaping pile of vegetable tempura. Choosing an empty table, he dug in.

Gio found that he couldn’t pick between Sam and Marie’s udon. Both were good, but different in their own way. Marie had a better handle on the spice, but Sam’s broth had a richer character. The vegetable tempura, however, completely eclipsed Sam’s with absolutely no competition. By the time Gio was done eating, he still had two hours to go until it was time for the speech. He decided to just go unpack a little.


Choosing to arrive a reasonable 20 minutes early to the commencement speech, Gio stepped out of the Manse and into an incredible open-air coliseum, hewn out of what looked to be a grey-blue stone that sparkled in the sunlight but was cool to the touch even in the direct sunlight. The auditorium was set up with the school colors: Silver, blue, and white. Gio filed into the auditorium, as did thousands of other students from mirrors lining the walls over the proceeding moments.

At precisely the 20-minute mark from his arrival, holograms sparked to life above the air, and a rush of wind began to sweep through the stands. A magnificent fanfare of horns and percussion filled the air as a whorl of cartoonishly puffy, cushion-like clouds began swirling into form, directly at the center of the stage. The cotton-like clouds began to solidify into milky white stone, forming a great podium before the cheering students, and descending from a vortex in the middle of the sky was a figure bedecked in robes that sparkled as if blue fire at night. Her shining black and grey hair swam through the air in bewitching patterns. Lightning, fire, and great torrents of light and mana issued forth from her hands, creating a powerful show of force. The theatrics were working on Gio, and he was moved to cheer. At the pedestal beneath her, an inquisitor in a featureless black mask and non-descript black robes blinked into existence. “Students of the Crystal Ring Academy, I present to you your headmaster, Eudoria Vespertine."

Resounding calls of cheering and applause rang out from the very full stands. Headmaster Eudoria delicately floated down to the podium, the inquisitor having disappeared while Gio wasn’t looking.

“Thank you, student body. Please be seated. I am your headmaster, Eudoria Vespertine. You may refer to me as Headmaster, or Professor Vespertine if you advance far enough to receive lectures from me directly. I have served as the headmaster of this college for four hundred and sixty-seven years, and I have been a member of the faculty for years more still. I have seen fire, and I have seen rain. I have seen worse days than any of you may imagine, and I have seen this school recover and bloom once more. Allow me to make one thing very clear to all of you. This proud academy is not tame. We all stand here today at the very literal vortex of some of the most powerful, the most truly legendary of magics. Students have died at this school, and more will die in the future. I say this not to strike fear into your hearts, but instead; respect. Respect for yourselves, yes. But also respect for your instructors! Respect for the school. Respect for the courses you will take, and respect for each other. Above all, I demand that you respect magic in this place of all places. This school will kill you if you let it. As you all know, the Manse is the conduit by which we move through this place safely. You can, and you will, find ways to circumvent the protection offered to you by the scrying plane network. I urge you to realize that we stand atop an infinite dungeon of magic and madness, forged by unknowable intellects in ages past. We know that gods have died upon the grounds of this school because we have killed gods to secure the little safety we have.”

The Headmaster waved her hand, and a neat platoon of masked inquisitors appeared behind and in front of her, each wearing a featureless mask in either blue cobalt, gold, a shineless black, or silver.

“These are the inquisitors. You have all met with at least one already. They do not exist to harm or threaten you, but rather to protect the interests of the school at large. Masquerading as an inquisitor should be impossible, but as I have previously stated- we exist atop an endless labyrinth of magic and madness. Nothing is truly impossible here. But! If you do manage to bypass the preventative measures, masquerading as an inquisitor will always result in expulsion. Accede to all requests an inquisitor makes, with absolutely no exceptions. I promise you with the entirety of my title that the inquisitors will not seek to do you harm, so long as you do not seek to harm others.”

The Headmaster coughed, and a bouquet of flowers shot out of her mouth, slapping one of the inquisitors loudly in the back of the head. A peal of laughter erupted from the audience, and she cracked a smile.

“But enough of all that dour business. We exist atop a labyrinth of magic and madness!” the headmaster shouted, lightning erupting from her fingers and arcing into the sky. “The things you will learn within these halls will challenge you and your beliefs. You will be tasked and burdened truly, but I will challenge you thusly; LIVE! BREATHE! FIGHT FOR YOUR HAPPINESS! I have seen countless students broken upon the wheel of their own expectations. Find time this school year to figure out how you learn. Make friends. Explore magic safely. This academy is lucky to be host to an incredibly diverse student body, so challenge yourself to have new ideas! Conquer your preconceived notions! I will leave you with this little nugget of wisdom. “Your time here is what you make of it”. It’s a devilishly simple expression, but it holds a lot of hidden meaning. You are the architects of your destiny. With that being said, it’s getting late and this old lady needs to go to bed, so welcome to Crystal Ring Academy!”

Beginning to float in the air, the headmaster’s eyes crackled with light as her robes once more alighted with blue flames. She spoke, rendering the power manifest into the air into a system interface in real-time.

<”By the power vested in me, I offer the students of this fine school the opportunity to study here, by accepting the Class [True Mage Apprentice]. Accept if you dare!”>

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