Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Hannah arrived, presenting a platter of dehydrated fruits. She wore a look of anticipation, her hands folded in front of her, as if she sensed Ian had summoned her with an intent. Ian, meanwhile, was still basking in the radiance of the day outside the window.

Is there anything else you require?

Hannah, how are the younger ones faring?

Ever since they began dining at the restaurant, leftover food had become plentiful. Not just Hannah, but the other kitchen workers also found their pockets brimming.

Because of you, theyre thriving. Its a bit of a whirlwind, going about all day, but, she laughed boisterously. The persistent laughter, fueled by filled bellies and the deepening bonds among her family, was all credited to Ian. All the subordinates understood that he had made provisions for them.

Thats a relief to hear.

Do you need me to carry out a task?

Moving a step closer to Ian, Hannah was resolved not to let a single whisper slip past her. Ian kept his back to her as he declared, Hannah, I need you to deliver a message to Mother.

While speaking, Ian was busy embedding his brooch with magic. This was to prevent their private conversation from reaching Derghas ears. Given that both her and him were effectively illiterate, he had no other option.

Alright. What is the message?

At last, an opportunity to reciprocate! Hannah sealed her lips tight, as if prompting him to issue his instructions. A flash filled the window, but she ignored it, attributing it to simple sunlight.

Inform her to meet me at Fortlogas section 3 park for lunch tomorrow. She should disguise herself.

Is that all I should relay?

Also, tell her that Ive received the funds.

This might be their first point of contact. It would cause complications if Ians mother, under the impression it was a ploy by Dergha, decided not to come. Hannah committed the concise details to memory.

Understood. I wont let there be any errors.

I apologize. I vowed not to involve you in such matters, but the urgency of the situation leaves me no choice.

The day they were waiting for was already the next one. There wasnt enough time to find an alternative solution. Hannah subtly lowered her head, accepting the responsibility, before retreating.

Ill depart now.

Help yourself to some snacks. Consider it your compensation.

Thank you! Master Ian!

Hannah pocketed the dried fruits while Ian remained gazing out of the window. What could be so captivating outside? She imagined the scene beyond the window, resulting in a smile. The only visible sights from there were the barracks and the residences of the soldiers.

Tomorrow, when you and Master Chel venture out, Mr. Deo will be accompanying you.


Ians head shifted slightly, but not enough to reveal his eyes. As Hannah contentedly patted her bulging pocket, she confirmed, Yes. Its quite a coincidence that he has the day off today, despite the night training scheduled, isnt it? They mentioned that Mr. Deo was the only one available. Even though his left arm isnt fully healed, he claimed that it wont hinder him from escorting you two.

What happened to his arm?

You didnt know, Master Ian? He got intoxicated and fractured his left arm a fortnight ago. He said he had a brawl with some rogue, but everyone knows the real story: it was the wall of a pub he battled. Ive lost count of how many times this has happened.

Hannah chuckled as if she found the story comical. Ian also managed to muster a faint smile, yet it was evident that this Deo person would prove to be a formidable adversary.

Even after all that, hes still employed? And tasked with guarding two boys despite a wounded arm?

The insinuation in Hannahs statement suggested that this individual Deora, who had earned Derghas trust, was someone quite extraordinary. Ian casually swiped his hand across the window and acknowledged, Understood. Ill bear that in mind.

Yes. Should you require anything else, feel free to summon me.


The child exited the room with a spring in her step. Only then did Ian, who had been busy concentrating his magical energy, swivel around. His gold-colored eyes returned to a shade of absinthe, and the glow of the brooch subsided.

Hmm, Deora.

While Chel might be an insignificant child, if properly maneuvered, this character named Deora could introduce unpredictability. Ian reclined on the couch, absently toying with the pouch his mother had handed him.

One week and one day.

That was the duration it took for Ian to part from the Bratz mansion. The carriage, dispatched by the fraught manager, appeared exactly at midday, ready to take the two young boys.

Master Chel. Sir Ian, this way please.

Deora was the man leading them. His visage marred by scars, hinting at a tumultuous past. He had an air of such significance about him that one might question if he could comfortably fit in the carriage.

Whether it was deliberate or accidental, he subtly varied his terms of address for the two boys.

Are you traveling together?

Shouldnt we be?

If they sat across from each other, their knees might touch

Ian shot an unpleasant glance and climbed into the carriage. Perhaps it was just his imagination, but the horse seemed to move sluggishly.

Clip-clop, clip-clop.

Only the sound of the horses hooves resonated quietly. Chel and Ian were both silent, each staring out the opposite window. While Chel compared it to being led to a slaughterhouse and wished he were going to school instead, Ian was marveling.


The landscape was distinct, possibly due to the proximity to the desert. Having spent the majority of his life in the capital and the war he had been part of was on the diametric opposite of the land, he, like most nobles, had never had a holiday.

Theres such a place in Bariel, he mused, feeling as though he was venturing through foreign terrain, his excitement extending beyond mere novelty. Despite the differences across the centuries, it was still intriguing.

Do you know of any interesting spots in Fort?

Ian, who had been observing for a while, broke the silence. Chel turned at the unexpected question from Ian, and the man just blinked his eyes.

The central official asked me to introduce the area, so I should at least make a perfunctory attempt. As you know, I dont know anything.

After all, he was just a boy from an impoverished background, barely scraping by.

Isnt that right, hyung-nim? Even so, I dont think introducing the back alleys where I used to live is the right thing to do.

Yeah, youre right.

Although the guests are curious, he cant really show them around. Its a red-light district, after all. How can the legitimate children of a Counts family take their guests there? Its a crazy idea.

Baffled, Deora scratched his nose and responded, Well. There are many taverns, but Im not sure about places where central officials would like to go. The places I visit are always noisy.

Did you forget that Im a minor?

Well. Technically speaking, yes.

Despite Ians rebuke, Deora just smiled shamelessly. The stench seemed to rise from his dark teeth.

What a rather distasteful fellow.

It wasnt just about personal hygiene. The unsettling habit of incessantly playing with the edge of his blade, the foreboding gaze, made him appear less human than he was.

Thats fine then. Well just have to tour the park.

This was Ians true intention. He was laying the foundation for something bigger. He kept in mind the chance that Deora might report back to the count. His rendezvous with his mother was scheduled in the park, so everything had to seem casual yet decisive.

Weve arrived.

Please disembark, young master.

The speed of the carriage gradually reduced, and the coachman opened the door for him.

It was evident that their journey to Fort had led them into an affluent neighborhood. Beyond the finely honed stone road and the rows of trees adorning the boulevard, the prominent Heiman Bank by the roadside was proof enough.

The establishment known as the third sanctuary was responsible for the fiscal framework throughout the Bariel region. Each domain housed at least one branch, and without them, a vast amount of taxes would have to be transported via carriages.


As Deo got off last, the carriage shook significantly. Seeing this, Mack greeted him warmly.

Ah! Young master Ian!

Sir Mack. Thank you for coming to greet us.

No need for thanks. Its even more pleasant to see you in person. Ah, young master Chel as well. You must have had a tough journey.

Even as Mack greeted Ian and Chel, he cautiously eyed the guards trailing behind them. His smile concealed a strong sense of wariness. However, Deo remained unaffected, only twitching his ears slightly.

Please, come in.

They seemed to be using the entire building. Though not as big as the Derghas mansion, the interior decorations finished with luxurious materials were extremely elegant.

Is this an office?

Yes, this is where the government officials stay when they are dispatched from the capital. It is clean and comfortable, and I live here like it is my home.

Everything inside was ready.

With a tray full of food and even wine, it seemed perfect. It didnt seem much different from a meal at the Count Bratzs.

Is the guard also going to join?

Is that okay?

When Mack asked while standing in front of the reception room door, Deo squinted as if he found it strange. Despite being a considerably rude act, Mack only crossed his arms. He was contemplating how to tackle this situation.

Please enjoy your meal and the academic discussions. I just need to be in a corner.

At his words, Ian turned his body around and looked up at Mack. Then, with a very slight raise of his eyebrow, he signaled, He came out of the mansion with us, we cant just have him watch us eat. Can you prepare an extra set of utensils and a wine glass?

Ian deliberately emphasized the word wine. It was said that the man who lived to eat had gotten drunk several times and even broke his arm. Surely, he would die without alcohol.

Mack hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth, We havent prepared any wine.

After all, their guests were just children. In the absence of Count Dergha and Countess Mary, there was no justification for procuring alcohol. Surely, this child Ian must understand that

Do you enjoy drinking?

Eh? Well, it would be a lie if I said no.

Then follow me to the basement. We have a wine cellar there. Choose any bottle that pleases you. I apologize for the oversight; kindly wait while we prepare your place. After all, you are one of the guests.

Is this okay? Mack glanced at Ian and trailed off. It was perfect communication. As the child faintly smiled, Mack caught the hint and prompted Deo, adding, Theres quite a selection.

Its right downstairs?

In the building basement.

Deo sniffed and glanced down at Chel and Ian. There was no danger inside the building anyway. If Chel and Ian stick together, they should be fine for a moment. Plus, its not just anywhere, but the wine cellar of the government office! There would surely be an array of alcohol that people couldnt usually see.

Then. Well. I wont refuse.

Wait a moment. Dgor!

Mack opened the door to the reception room and called for Dgor. He whispered something to him and then instructed Deo to follow him.

Please come in, young masters.

Dgor took over Macks role and guided the guests inside. As always, Molrins gaze was gentle.

Please sit down. I hope the food will suit your taste.

The location was familiar; it felt like Derghas backyard had been simply transposed to this side. They exchanged greetings as they did the day before, and started their meal.

Oh! The school that young master Chel attends is nearby, isnt it?

Yes, its about a ten-minute carriage ride.

If there was anything different, it was the subject of their questions. The two of them poured their attention onto Chel as if to show off. Ian knew it was a clumsy deception, but perhaps it would work on Chel.

Father, they barely talked to Ian, did they? I didnt notice any other intentions. And todays conversation was

He was told to remember everything, so the boy was probably trying to memorize their words in his head. Ian chuckled at the image of Chels foolish appearance. After all, Dergha would check the brooch.

Alright, when will it start?

Ian quietly ate his meat. He was curious as well, as much as Dergha. Why on earth had they pulled him outside? He had a hunch, but it was just a hunch.



At that moment, Dgor spilled a bottle of water. Accurately, onto Chels pants. An old trick, but perhaps an effective one. Ian knew it was a signal.

Oh no! Are you okay?


Chels face turned red reflexively. His thighs were soaking wet, as if he had wet himself. Without changing his expression, Ian calmly put a piece of meat in his mouth and checked Dgors lines.

Do you want to change clothes?

I think you should change.

Itsits okay.

Wait a moment. I will tell the servant to quickly buy suitable clothes. Theres a decent clothes shop in the building next door.

Humming, Ian continued to eat with a calm expression, as if he knew this would happen.

Why dont you go yourself instead? Brother, you dont know the exact size since its not the clothing shop you usually go to, right?

Certainly, if he told the servant, he would come back up and convey that Chel should go himself. He knew it without seeing. Molrin sipped water and stared at Ian.

Isnt that right, Sir Molrin?

So lets stop wasting time and have a real conversation. The boy knew how to speak with his eyes.

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