Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 197

The wind soared even further and higher..

Everyone reflexively stretched out their hands. I guessed that all the questions I had so far were contained in that white paper that fluttered like flower petals and fell like the first snow. The gate opened slowly, but each person was busy reading the extra letter..

It's good.



The castle gate, which had been tightly closed, was suddenly wide open. She had never felt the beginning of the wind in her life, but this time she felt different..

This wind, this wind that orthodoxly drove the carriage, originated from the imperial palace. Specifically, Ian and his Ministry of Magic..

“The gates were opened.!”

“Mariv and Gale start an uprising?”

“What if this is true??”

“What's going on? Both princes were beheaded. Tsk tsk.”

“Aren’t these people bright-eyed? What happened…….”

“Come to think of it, the central nobles heard it the day before the closure. If they participated in the clash, they won't be safe either..”

“Wait, our business partner’s family also went to the palace the day before.!”

“The castle gate was opened? Everyone, stand in line.!”

Ian glanced at the disheveled scene and winked at the gatekeeper. This meant bringing in the carriage first. Five o'clock in the afternoon. Everything went according to plan. Vivianna, who was alone, was out of the plan..

“Get out of the way! will bring a carriage!”

Cheaeng! visor!

The gatekeepers raised their spears and opened the way. The carriage barely squeezed through the gap and entered the imperial palace. Ian asked as he helped Vivianna down..

“Vivianna, are you okay??”

“Yes, yes, yes. I have no injuries whatsoever. Ian, are you okay? What about your husband? Beric said he was safe, but I was worried.…….”

“Romandro is also safe with no injuries. 2 He is coming this way from the imperial palace, so we will meet him soon..”

“ha. Good luck, good luck.”

She pressed her chest and let out a sigh of relief. Ian frowned when he saw the blood stains on the wagon wheels..

“What happened??”

“ah! Berwick!”

Vivianna shouted as she wiped the sweat dripping from her chin. The last time I saw her she looked miserable. If it weren't for her magic swordsman, she would have died a long time ago, so she felt herself sinking and grabbed Ian's sleeve..

“As they were taking out the cover, they were attacked by assailants in black armor. Did you say Barsavera? At that time, the driver came to the mansion to pick up the ring. He helped me, but I don't know whether he is alive or dead. Beric too,…….”

He might be dead. Vivianna bit her lip to hold back her tears..

A monster in black armor. Ian immediately recognized it as a remnant of the Hyman family..

‘I thought the armor couldn't move..’

That is, if it is possible to judge rationally..

Gale, the deceiver, was still alive, and the duke was in an awkward situation in many ways. But then he brings his armor to the front and targets Ian's men? This was a defeat that was eating away at my flesh, and I could see that it was definitely not Duke Hyman's move..

‘Moreover, Duke Hyman's instructions could not have been received separately due to the castle gate being closed. There is a possibility that the order given in advance was carried out without reading the situation..’

It was a mistake to think that Beric would be able to stop it alone even if a few small pieces were attached. Ian kissed the back of her hand..


It was a greeting full of gratitude and apology. Despite the fact that he had no injuries, he had long scratches. Ian hugged Vivianna and consoled her..

“Well done.”

“I'm glad it helped. Aren’t I also a person of Bariel? And one day, I will work for the imperial palace again..”

Vivianna smiled brightly and straightened her hair. She was sure she would be worried if Romandro saw her. She wanted to appear as casual as possible..

“Hey, Minister Ian Hiello? Is that correct??”

“That's right.”

“This is the president of the company that made the extra money! I'm so crazy about business cards. Ah ha! Hey, ma'am?”

Vivianna let out a small gasp at the man's glance asking her to introduce herself. Something's coming, now it's time to go.

“There were several circumstances. However, in the meantime, I took pictures of extras very quickly. As a tribute, how about publishing an exclusive inside report on the three days that took place in the imperial palace??”

Vivianna smiled slightly awkwardly. It may have been the best choice she could have made, she said, given the various circumstances. Ian smiled and nodded his head willingly..

“We advise the imperial palace not to contact other media outlets. There's a lot to take care of right now, so wait..”

“yes! thank you! thank you!”

“Vivianna! baboon!”


As the man bowed his back, Romandro's shout was heard from behind. He rushed over on his short legs and hugged his wife tightly..

“Oh my, Bibi. I missed you!”

“Are you safe? I have a bad complexion.”

“It's because I work day and night. Vivi? Our baby?”

“It's okay. I missed you so much.”

The couple rubbed their noses to confirm their love and breath..

Ian turned around, leaving those two people behind. The imperial palace guards saluted politely and waited for Ian's command..

“In front of the magic tool.”

“In front of the magic tool!”

“Call the healing wizards at Gale's quarters and give them a horse. will go out.”

“yes Please wait a moment!”

This is a loudspeaker magic tool that Ian used to announce the end of the situation at the Ministry of Magic. Outside the wide open gate, a crowd of people gathered like a cloud, looking inward..

The door is open, so can I go in now? Will the people inside come out too? I heard that Marib and Gale clashed, is that real? The loud voices were muffled, but each person's doubts were clear..

“Set it up so it can be heard as far away as possible.”

“Yes, I understand.”

A wizard carrying magic tools carefully adjusted dozens of dials. Even though it may not reach all parts of the center, it will ring without a problem to all nearby ears..

Among them, there will be dying magic swordsmen, and there will also be those who run away wearing black armor..


Ian whispered slowly to the magic tool..

[I am Ian Hiello, Minister of Magic..]

A clear and elegant voice spread through the magic tool to the son-in-law. Those who were talking here and there stopped their movements for a moment and fell silent. I was embarrassed by the unfamiliar feeling of speaking directly into my ear..

“Oh, is it magic??”

“Shh! Be quiet, say something.!”

“This sounds like it's ringing inside my eardrums.?”

Those who guard the stalls with flies flying away, children running around the empty streets, those who are drunk and lying around, and those who go about their daily lives at home. The imperial palace and her immediate neighbors could hear Ian's voice..

[Three days ago, 1st Prince Mariv and 2nd Prince Gale clashed and disrupted the imperial palace. The list of officials and central nobles who participated in this was not short, and His Majesty the Emperor felt very sorry. The imperial palace is the center of Bariel, that is, the center of the world. Those who confuse this will never die in peace..]

“That's right, that's right. The big-headed princes did a great job..”

“please be quiet!”

[Accordingly, the Ministry of Magic subdued the two princes under the orders of His Majesty the Emperor and His Majesty Jin to protect the safety of the imperial palace..]

“Who is Jin Hae-ja??”

“Aren't you one of the twins? I know you're still young. Uh huh.”

[The ban on entering the imperial palace was to effectively deal with this, so the citizens of His Majesty's empire can go about their daily lives with peace of mind. As of the current time, entry into the imperial palace is permitted. Those entering the palace must keep order. and-]

Ian was silent for a moment. Those wondering what to say next also fell silent. A cold and chilling voice is heard soon.

[Those who go against the will of the palace, listen..]

Those who wish to harm Bariel will never be able to crawl out of the depths of hell..

[Put your neck on the line and ask for forgiveness. Otherwise, I will annihilate you and show you what true death is. If you can hide, you can hide. So prove that there is no place in Bariel that is not under His Majesty's gaze..]

Whether it is a noble holding the purse strings of a great empire or a noble bloodline of the imperial family, there are no exceptions for anyone. Those who stand against authority will die. It was also for the safety of the people of the empire. Ian knows countless countries that have collapsed into civil war..

[On the other hand, those who bring glory to the imperial palace will also have glory in their lives. Let your own destiny shine. This was Ian Hiello, the Minister of Magic..]

When Ian gestured to disconnect, the magic tool's light faded. The gatekeepers organized the crowd in an orderly manner and began the process of granting entry..

Ian looked around and put on his robe. The horse was ready, but the healing wizards were nowhere to be seen..

“healing wizards?”

“Looks like it's coming.”

“Then let’s go out first. Tell them to come to.”

Following him, several wizards and guards also grabbed the reins. Romandro asked, holding Vivianna's hand tightly..

“Ian! About me?”

“You and Vivianna are here to see the matter. I'm going to pick up Beric, but those without magic won't be much help. Hurry up and get the healing wizards out..”

“Ah, I see. Please be careful! If Beric, that bastard, dies, please tell me that he dies.!”


Instead of answering, Ian punched the horse's side vigorously and soon ran out of the castle gate. Perhaps because the lockdown was lifted, the attention was not as focused as it was when Beric came out. Ian ran to where he was being guided by his escorts..


“This way!”

“Get out of the way! get out of the way!”

“Oh my, what are you talking about??”

How long did it run? As I entered the alley, the smell of blood hit me. The speed of speech gradually slowed down. Togakdae could not hear anything other than the sound of horses' hooves..

“Hey, wow!”

A puddle of blood filled the front of the building. Although there were many shattered buildings here and there, there was not a single sign of popularity. Ian got off his horse and approached the fallen Beric..



Even the expression “horrible” is too moderate. The left arm was disfigured and the leg was bent beyond the range of joints. All of my skin was chafed and soaked in blood, so I couldn't even tell where the wound was..

The guard covered his mouth at the gruesome sight and placed his finger under Beric's nose..

“Sue, I don't think she's breathing..”


Ian pushed him away and pressed his ear to his chest. Beric's tightly closed eyelids were torn..

“Lee, Ian.”

“Everyone shut up. Don't even make a sound.”

I couldn't hear properly due to the noise outside. You will hear the heartbeat. It will be heard clearly, clearly.

Ian opened his magic and poured it into him. Thump thump, something rings. Ian recognized that it was my heartbeat..




Jiyiing. Jiing.


Ian lightly squeezed Beric's chin and shook him. Yet, it gave endless, limitless magical power. He is the guy who survived being gutted in the desert. He doesn't die like this..


Sweat dripped down the bridge of Ian's nose. She felt dizzy, but she didn't stop. A drop of sweat left a faint mark on Beric's neck..



He winced, his eyelids moving slightly. Ian was surprised and focused his attention on his chest again. Thump thump, thump. I heard a heartbeat with a different beat..

“come to your senses.”

“…it's hard.”

“okay. Try talking and open your eyes.”

“Ian, oh, it really hurts..”

“Okay. wait.”


Other wizards also joined forces and infused magic power into Beric. Beric muttered with his eyes closed..

“…it's annoying. I lost.”

“It's okay because I lived. Do you remember what the heavenly men said? If you don't die, you haven't lost. Since I live, I will always win..”

“right? Ah, but I'm hungry.”

“Good work.”



Beric chuckled, saying that he was finally qualified to eat beef. After saying those last words, he fainted again and did not come to his senses for a long time..

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