Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 203

Chapter 203


Dilaina embraced Arsen, aghast. The unconscious child’s body swayed limply. She wiped his face, a mess from coughing up blood, with the back of her hand and sobbed continuously. His whole body was cold and stiff, like someone about to die.

“How, how is this? How is Arsen like this? Huh?”

At the mother’s wailing, the doctor wiped away cold sweat. Although he didn’t know the reason, Arsen had gone to see Gale and had been harmed as a result. The guards reported that Gale had grabbed Arsen and thrown him.


“Lady Dilaina, please step aside for a moment.”

“This, aaah! Gale, that bastard!”

“What are you all doing? Hurry and escort Lady Dilaina!”

“This way, please come this way, Lady Dilaina.”

The attendants barely managed to support Dilaina and separate her from Arsen. Ever since entering the she had lived watching the grown princes, fearing for her life. The days of surviving by the Emperor’s side to protect her son flashed by.

But in the end, Mariv and Gale were harming her sons. Gale harmed Arsen, and Mariv harmed Jin……

At that moment.


“Your Highness Arsen!”

“Is His Highness a little better?”

“Lady Dilaina, I heard the news. Is it true?”

“Oh my, oh, with that small body, what is there to find fault with. Tsk tsk. His Highness Gale is truly cruel.”

Officials rushed in, causing a commotion. They assessed the situation, seeing Arsen lying on the bed and Dilaina sitting on the floor.

“Lady Dilaina. Is it true?”

“…Yes. It’s true.”

Gale had harmed Arsen, and Dilaina had confirmed that, but the officials understood differently. They thought it was a definitive answer that Arsen was indeed a mana user.

“It’s a joyous occasion. Joyous. We’re saved now!”


“We mustn’t miss this opportunity. Let’s execute His Highness Gale right away. He attacked Arsen, a mana user and a strong candidate for succession, as a traitor. Isn’t this equivalent to two rebellions?”

“Exactly! He has rebelled against Variel twice!”

“I agree. Let’s kill him immediately.”

“I heard that Ian has stationed barbarians. It will be difficult to break through with force, so we must push with justification. Even Ian won’t be able to easily refuse.”

“No, wait a moment. Everyone……”

Dilaina hesitated in confusion. Arsen is a mana user? She had always been with him, but she had never noticed any signs of it. She wished someone would explain it clearly, but the officials were only listing plans to behead Gale, getting carried away among themselves.

“By the way, isn’t the Ministry of Magic even sending healing mages? His Highness Arsen has fainted like that, so this is not right.”

“They seem to be too busy protecting their own puppy. What was it called? Didn’t that swordsman Beric come half-dead and gather all the healing mages?”

“There’s a rumor that he clashed with Hayman outside.”

“That’s right. I heard an arrest warrant was issued.”


“Ian Hiel, the Minister of Magic, is entering!”


The officials who were chattering about Ian were startled and covered their mouths. What if he heard? Although the attendant had given a signal, he was a mage. He was someone who could make his voice heard throughout Variel from where he sat, so one never knew.

“Ian, Ian.”

“Why are you all gathered here?”

“No, well, we were worried because we heard His Highness Arsen had collapsed. Ahem.”

There were familiar faces everywhere. With the same mouths that had pledged loyalty to Jin just a few days ago, they now worried about Arsen’s well-being. Ian smiled and entered. The doctor recognized Ian, stood up, and greeted him.

“Ah, Lord Ian.”

“His Highness’s condition?”

“In my opinion, there are no major issues. He did cough up blood, but, well, I don’t know. In any case, it would be best to continue examinations over time. He seems a bit fatigued.”

He coughed up blood, but there’s no physical problem? Then it’s definitely an abnormal reaction.

At Ian’s nod, the healing mages parted to the left and right and examined Arsen. They checked his pulse with their fingertips and muttered.

“If the body can’t handle mana, it can bleed. Previously, you experienced that too, Lord Ian.”

After confronting Mariv, Ian had also coughed up blood. What Arsen had shown was merely an ‘opening’, but given the child’s fragile body, it was a sufficient possibility.

“We want to take a closer look by injecting mana into his body. Lady Dilaina. Please give us permission.”

“The, the healing mages?”

At the officials’ question from behind, Ian frowned. It was an unspoken warning not to add any nonsense. No matter how much he was up against Arsen, as the Minister of Magic, he had to do what needed to be done.

“I, I grant permission.”

When Dilaina nodded, the healing mages exchanged glances with Ian. It meant they would carry out Ian’s order.

‘Inject mana and see how he reacts.’

Those with mana react in some way. This was true not only for mages but also for swordsmen. Just as Ian had released mana to discern Beric’s identity, this time the healing mages would do the same.

Zzing. Zing.

The moment the two were about to inject mana into Arsen.


Arsen, with his eyes closed, caught the mage’s wrist. It was like sleep-talking. The only difference was that his physical reaction was surprisingly fast.


“Arsen, Arsen! Are you coming to your senses?”

The child called out to his mother, squeezing his voice. Dilaina pushed the mage away and hugged Arsen. A lifeless gaze. Arsen stared blankly at the ceiling and muttered.

“When Gale was trying to harm me, Ian was complicit. Give him to the beast. I’m scared, Mother.”


As soon as she heard those words, Dilaina raised her eyes and turned to Ian. Her momentum was considerable, as if she would rush at him at any moment, but Ian nonchalantly countered.

“When His Highness Gale deliberately attacked, it was troublesome. That’s why I issued the no-contact order, isn’t it? I don’t know for what reason you entered, so if you give me an answer, I will also have something to say.”

Didn’t he enter Gale’s residence to kill him? From Gale’s position, he only tried to kill someone who was trying to kill him, so there’s no problem at all. And the one who violated the safety guidelines was Arsen, so Ian also had no responsibility for this incident.

“No, no matter what, His Highness Gale went too far! This cannot be overlooked, so I request his immediate execution!”

“That, that’s right. His brutal nature is a disgrace to the Imperial Family!”

“Ian, dismiss the barbarians, no, the Cheonrye tribe you have stationed, and execute Gale at once.”

The officials pressured Ian, thinking this was their chance. They attacked with bloodshot eyes, a pitiful sight. Dull people who think that if they rely on the power of numbers without considering the consequences, it will be enforced. What enlightened them was a very small refusal.

“I do not permit it.”

“What? Why?”

“Don’t tell me you’re defending His Highness Gale?”

Ian took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It had only been about four hours since the city gates had opened. While Beric was being disgracefully torn apart and Arsen was seeping through that gap, countless people had come and gone through the gates.

“The closed city gates have just opened. The people of the Empire, who were anxious about what might happen to the Imperial Palace and Variel, have just been reassured and are entering. And in the midst of this, we’re going to execute His Highness Gale? Do you think it makes sense?”

“No, well, no matter what……”

“No matter what, no means no. Given the current situation, all procedures must be respected. And above all, isn’t the trial of His Highness Mariv scheduled four days from now? The execution will take place at the same time, so we’re going to execute His Highness Gale first? There’s no such thing as rushing like this.”

But if you really want to do it, go ahead. However, he would oppose it, and this would someday become a flaw in their administrative power. That’s what Ian was saying.

“And a week from now, we will hold a simple mana confirmation ceremony. Lady Dilaina. Please keep that in mind and take good care of His Highness Arsen.”

“A week from now?”

“Since he claims to be a mana user, it is the Ministry of Magic’s duty to respond. We have requested the Light of the Oracle. We will proceed simply as soon as it arrives.”

As soon as he heard the words “Light of the Oracle,” Arsen frowned. He clung to his mother and whined with a tearful voice.

“Mother. I don’t want to do it.”


“It hurts when I use mana. That’s why I couldn’t tell anyone until now. It’s not that I was trying to hide it. I was worried that this might be a burden to you, Mother.”

If he’s a mana user, it would instantly turn the tide, so why would he think that? When Dilaina stroked the back of the child’s head in puzzlement, Arsen added.

“Look. Isn’t Ian’s attitude much sharper now that I’m a mana user? Even Gale tried to kill me. Mother. I’m scared.”

Look at this? Ian slightly raised his eyebrows and looked down at Arsen. It would be advantageous to prove that he is a mana user right away and establish his position, so why is he acting like that?

“Unlike the New Year’s party, only a few will attend. The Light of the Oracle reacts even to the smallest power, so there’s no need to consider it a strain.”

He’s caught. The more Arsen tries to avoid it, the more Ian will push. When the priest arrives with the Light of the Oracle, Jin’s misaligned fate will also be straightened out.

Ian made sure Arsen couldn’t escape.

“Or, Your Highness, did you perhaps use tricks with lies?” ƒгeewё

“Reckless and impudent! Ian!”

“Watch your words! His Highness is a mana user!”

“Falsely claiming to be a mana user is a grave crime of blasphemy against the sacred, fraud, and given His Highness’s status, deception against Variel. Your Highness, it’s not too late, so if you have something to say, please do so. I will personally listen.”

It was a mockery disguised as kindness, and Arsen glared at Ian, keeping his mouth shut. Dilaina also frowned, finding it insulting.

“Your Highness?”

The conviction that it’s not mana. Even if it is mana, Arsen is a person who will disappear from history, so there’s nothing to fear. Either way, there’s nothing for Ian to be wary of.

Instead of answering, Arsen hid in his mother’s arms, and Dilaina stepped forward and dismissed Ian.

“For now, please leave. Arsen’s physical condition is not very good, so rest is the priority. Take your mages with you as well.”

Since Ian’s intentions were unclear, even the healing mages couldn’t be trusted. It was a resolute order of expulsion. The mages bowed at the waist and left the room. Ian was the same. He carefully observed the officials again and warned.

“It’s a week from now. Your Highness.”

So take good care of yourself. Ian bid farewell and disappeared. The officials also moved to the next reception room to discuss countermeasures.

The bedroom that became quiet in an instant. Arsen, still in Dilaina’s arms, asked. frёeweɓηovel.coɱ

“Mother. Were you surprised?”

“A little.”

“Actually, I found out not long ago. I wasn’t trying to hide it. I was worried that this might be a burden to you, Mother.”

If he’s a mana user, it would instantly turn the tide, so why would he think that? When Dilaina stroked the back of the child’s head in puzzlement, Arsen added.

“Look. Isn’t Ian’s attitude much sharper now that I’m a mana user? Even Gale tried to kill me. Mother. I’m scared.”

“It’s okay. Arsen. I will protect you.”

“What if Gale comes to kill me?”

What if? What if he comes this way? Arsen’s voice strongly echoed in Dilaina’s mind. She was overwhelmed with compassion and couldn’t hold back her tears.

“It’s okay. Mother, Mother will take care of it. I’ll make sure Gale can’t harm you, I’ll take care of it.”

Dilaina whispered, hugging Arsen. Unlike the mother’s affectionate expression, Arsen’s eyes were devoid of light. He was gauging the week Ian had warned about.

‘A week……’

If it’s the nearest temple, it shouldn’t take that long, so why did he say a week? Arsen frowned, tapping his fingernails. If this continues, things might get a little difficult.

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