Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 12: Accepting reality

"Well, about that... i didn't think I'd need more than a hand or 2 you know?"

Or in the case of bees 4 hands or 6...

He looks at me with a confused look, as if I just said something stupid.

"Mom! I cannot guarantee your safety and the safety of the nest alone, and I cannot continue hunting to level up if you are not protected!"

"Of course you can! You don't have to live attached to me! Just do the same thing you did today! I was alone here the whole time and had no problems at all!"

"Wait... Mom, am I the first drone to be born?"

"Yes! First and hopefully the only one!"

"That... It's wrong... I should not be born until there is a pre established nest..."

"What do you mean by "I should not be born", you are already born! And what does it matter if I have a nest or not? And more! how would you know "the right way to make a hive"?!"

"I... I just know Mom. And I can feel that you also know that this is not the right way for us to do this."

This little shit, he is using all the information and knowledge I had about bees to guide himself, and now he had discovered that all the knowledge he relied on was not being used by me...

"I know you think I'm powerful... But i'm not mother!, I need all the help and companionship I can have to protect you and our home! There are many dangers around our house that I cannot fight alone!"

The great soldier lowered his head suddenly as if he was looking for something in his memory, I didn't understand what he wanted to do at first, but soon my mind was flooded with images of various strange creatures, lizards, large beetles, larvae of strange shapes, what seemed to be butterflies, birds and something that looked like us, but it was much larger and frightening, I believe it was a wasp. It was clear to me that he was using the [Maternal connection] to send his memories directly to me, these creatures that I just saw were circling the region... I was just lucky that I never came into conflict with any of them.

"But if you manage to level to a high level these creatures wouldn't be a threat!"

"Mom... We are bees... Our strength is not in individual members, we are stronger as groups! I beg you please seriously Concidere the idea of starting the creation of the colony!"

Had I been ignorant? Was it a lack of hardships or simply the result of my denial of the idea of creating a hive? When I think about it, I really didn't do anything during that whole time... I continued Level 1 for more than a week, while this child was already Level 2 on his first day of life, that was because I refused to serve my purpose? The first drone I create is a [soldier] when I should have opted for [workers], I ended up having to work a lot just to be able to feed this soldier, if I had chosen to create the workers would it have been easier to feed them? Even now this single soldier consumed absurd amounts of resources, my saving grace was the [Creation of flakes] that allows me to create super rations, but if I didn't have this ability I would need to work hard every day to feed this soldier, and with the flowers running out of nectar in this region I would need to go further and further to get what I needed.

What if I had raised 2 soldiers as I initially planned?

If I had 2 mouths to feed that need such absurd amounts of resource, I would have no choice but to work until I die, or let one of them starve... Even if I managed to level [Create honey] to higher levels, I found that the efficiency between levels didn't increase much... The biggest example is that nowadays with [Create honey] L v5, creating honey is much easier than with [Create honey] Lv1, but there was no big difference in the amount produced between the 2, I would say that after so much honey created the amount produced by the skill lv 5 increased by about 20% hight that the Lv1, this would not be enough to feed 2 hungry soldiers!

The statistics were piling up against me.

Looks like i had been very optimistic about my situation, I was fine for now, I had gained several [Skill] levels but I couldn't level up myself! essentially I was easy prey for anyone who wanted to eat me, I was just very lucky not to find anything more dangerous than those shameless geckos.

I was trying to live as a human, but being a bee.

"I understand your point of view... I just can't accept this idea of creating a colony..."

"Is it on because of your human memories mother ?"

Did he know?!?!?!

"As I analyzed the memories I had available to familiarize myself with the situation and align myself with your goals i had seen several fragments of a strange being, who I know was a human, and I assumed that you had absorbed the knowledge of some human and were using it as your guide."

So he doesn't know, he thinks I absorbed this knowledge from a human being, he doesn't think I'm a human being in a Bee body. Does this mean that bees have the ability to absorb memories? or is it simply the interpretation he had while analyzing all the information?

"...Yes, these memories are important to me, and I'm trying my best to hold on to them and not get lost."

"But what does this have to do with the construction of the colony! Raising a family will not distance you from your memories."

"It's complicated.... It's not my memories that stop me to create one... colony is more related to my moral concepts..."

"So it's because you're repulsed by the idea of being my mother? and do not want to become the mother of an entire colony?"


"I'm not disgusted with the fact that I'm your mother! I just don't feel safe with the idea of being the mother of so many intelligent beings."

"But what would be the problem with that? Our family would be bigger and we could help each other in difficult times!"

This guy is definitely insistent! Should I just create some members for the hive? I don't exactly have to start creating dozens of eggs like this guy seems to want, but I could accept a small group of soldiers and workers to help me with the tasks, not a whole swarm!

"All right! How about we do it like this? Will we leave tomorrow to find a new place to live, and then I create 2 workes to help me?"

"2 workers won't be enough mom! We would need at least 10 to begin the creation of a colony and a soldiers group for the colony!"

This guy! I try to lend a hand and he wants the whole arm!

"Let's start with 2! You got it! and after seeing they capabilities we will see what we can do!"

"...Yes, mom."

"Now, I need a name for you, I can't keep calling you "it" or "you" and "soldier.""

"I have no problem with being called that way mom!"

"But I have problems with this!"

"If it's your wish I have no problem with whatever name you choose for me!"

All right! Now, what should I call a super muscular soldier Bee? I think I should use something similar to my name in my past life, I don't know, a way to honor my human self.

Hanna, Henry, Hen, Hinno? Hans, Hans!

Hans seemed like a good name for me!

"What do you think of Hans?"

"For me it's fine as long as you're happy."

What a great opnion... I would have liked if he had that same spirit when he went to defend the idea of creating a hive...

"All right! Now Your Name will be Hans!"



You named the [Solitary honeybee - soldier] as [Hans].


"Now Hans, let's go to sleep, tomorrow we will go after a new place, would you have any preference for a place?

"I believe that any place that has large quantities of flowers would be good"

Of course, what a great help Hans!

"All right, sleep and get plenty of rest, Good Night Hans."

"Good Night Mother"

When I go towards my small bed, Hans the Big Bee turns around and immediately comes out of the small hole, I was confused where he could be going, there was not much space here, but it was still enough for him to sleep.

"Hans wait!"

Before it comes out completely through the crack Hans half-turns and stares at me

"Yes mother?"

"Where are you going?"

"I will sleep at the entrance to make sure nothing happens to you."

"You don't have to do that! Sleep here, it's too dangerous to stay out at night!"


"No but! If you want you can sleep near the entrance, but Inside, No arguments!"

"Yes mother..."

As I watch the big guy nestle near the entrance, I am pleased with the fact that at least I always have the last word, it seems that my drones would not refute my ideas or decisions unless they were dangerous.


At dawn I have a question to answer... my honey tank was still almost full, and it would be a waste to leave it all behind!

"What do you think Hans?"

"We could turn everything into [Crystallized Boungain Honey] and take it with us was provisional rations"

"Yes this is possible, but I can't transform all this amount of honey at once, I would need to do it little by little and we would end up with several small balls flakes that are difficult to move"

"Then... Could we leave it behind?"

"I'm not going to waste all this! Don't worry I had an idea how we can move everything, first we will do what you said, turning everything into [Crystallized Boungain Honey], then I just need to use a little more honey to put all the crystals inside common wax, then you can carry them to a new place."

"Ingenious mother!"

"Hmm? It's not a big deal, it's just a matter of finding a specific use for [skils]."

"I would never think of such a method mom! I believed that wax could only be used to build, I never imagined that we could use it to transport food!"

Was that really impressive? Would it have something to do with the status of [intelligence] and [wisdom]? or simply my human memories? After all, it didn't seem special to think of solutions with the resources I have available, but Hans only thought of a single possibility that would end up taking a lot of efort, would this lack of creativity of Hans be the result of a lack of [intelligence] and [wisdom], or one of the characteristics of the [soldier] class?

"All right Hans, I'll start processing all that honey, in the meantime go out and try to level as much as you can."

"Are you sure? I could stay and protect you..."

"Protect me from what? choking with honey? Leave it and go at once, when everything is ready I will give a touch on our link"


After Hans left I took a small breath and looked at the honey tank, it had about more than half, which would make about 16 small flakes balls of honey, I would create 12 of these and the rest I would use to create the wax block.


After 1 or 2 hours, in front of me had a small ball of wax with tiny honey flakes encrusted inside, I tried to analyze it to know if it had anything special besides the strange appearance.



[Food wax block]

A wax block that contains special rations, the food inside the block rots 50x slower

Quality: Great


That's incredible! it's the first quality [Great] thing I've ever created! Is this the combination because the honey crystals I used are of [good] quality and the wax also has [good] quality? And this description says that while inside the wax block the flakes rot much more slowly, bur those flakes already rotted very slowly, with the addition of the wax block this basically became atronaut's food!

Now that everything was finished, I gave a litle touch in the link a had with Hans and waited for him to come back, and speaking of him, in the meantime he managed to kill something called [Highland silkworm]



Your soldier killed a [Highland silkworm], you gained 2 Xp


After a few moments I began to hear Hans buzz, and soon The Little Giant came through the crack and soon knelt in front of me.

"Is everything ready to go mom?"

I look at the little hole I've called home for the past few days and feel a bit of sadness, even though it wasn't that grat it was still my home, the place I worked tirelessly to make what it is today, but now I had made the decision to leave, I knew this moment would come, since I started tidying up this place I already knew it was only temporary, but I couldn't help but feel sad for the change.

"Yes, Hans, everything is ready, take the wax block and let's go."

After getting out of the small hole, followed by Hans who had a little trouble getting the wax block out of the crack, I looked at the sun above and the environment around me, this place was my refuge and I would like to leave my mark before leaving.

"One moment please Hans"

I fly at some small flowers that grew close to the roots of [Older Acer of Mithril] and I take some pollen to create a little [Common Hard Wax] with the rest of honey that I had in my chest, after gathering a small amount I climb to a protected part of the large tree and use what remains of honey in my chest to create a little bit of special wax to write a message on the tree.

Thank you for everything.

"Come on Hans, we need to find the best place possible!"

"Yes mother!"

Hans flies quickly in front of me carrying the big wax block, as I flew towards the north, I don't know why I chose the north, maybe it was the sight of a grove in the middle of this sea of forests, bu I had the feeling that it would be a very promising place.

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