Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 14: Is all my fault

When I found that I still had about 9 hours until the end of (incapacitated) I decided that I should go out again and start making as many rations with [Flakes Creation] as I could, the flowers of this region seemed to contain bad and strange effects, but I thought that if maybe I mixed all the nectar possible I could create a generic honey. I needed to get out, I owed it to Hans, if I hadn't stood there like an idiot watching the two of them fight and run away like Hans asked me to, I could have hidden and Hans could have tried to run away from the termite, so neither of us wouldn't have been in that situation.

It's all my fault, I'm an idiot, a complete stupid and ridiculous failure.

I refused from the moment I opened my eyes to accept this new life, I grabed to my old self and simply denied what was happening around me, I ended up thinking of this world as i were a VR game, where my actions didn't matter, I thought I was a "protagonist" of this world, that the world around me would smile at me as in the stories I read, but that didn't happen, since this life began all I did was wander, I kept thinking that I could act as I wanted, that wouldn't be consequences for not following my Bee instincts, I thought that as long I level up I could detach myself from this fate of an insect. And yet, here I am I've been here for several days and I couldn't get a level, Hans my only creation had to suffer alone all the difficulties that appeared because I refused to create more drones to help him, Hans was nothing but a loyal companion and friend, supporting me and thinking of my good, and yet I continued to treat him as an outsider, as if his opinion and desires didn't matter as long as my needs were being met, I refused to create helpers before we left the safety of our old home, I refused Hans idea of creating a hive so we would be safe, I refused to provide the help Hans needed when he begged saying he couldn't guarantee my safety on his own and all Hans ever did was just bow his head and willingly accept, while I sent him to his death.

I couldn't force myself to look at Hans, I was ashamed, so ashamed now, he always just wanted my prosperity and all I did was refuse his ideas because of my selfishness and fear of creating a colony, and it wasn't me who paid the price for my stupidity, it was the poor Hans.

"Forgive me, please forgive me..."

As I prepared to leave the small shelter, I used all the [Honey of a saint's tears] to create a small orb of crystallized honey Flake and wrapped it in a small corner, this small orb was the only thing I could provide to Hans, for his injurys to heal the wounds I caused him. After packing up everything I left the shelter to go get rations for Hans, I first tried my plan to use the nectar of the strange plants that had around me to create a generic honey, but to my great disappointment I ended up creating something new.



[Common Poison Honey]

A common honey created from several poisonous flowers, when consuming it gain the effect (poisoned)

Quality: Bad



Each flower around me was not exactly great poisons, they had strange effects like causing belly pain, convulsions, sleep, bleeding, paralysis and etc, but it seems that by putting all the nectars together instead of losing the effects that each nectar carried, the [Create honey] mixed them all together and created a real lethal poison!

"No! There are not enough common flowers in this region to create a significant amount of food!"

Maybe if I used part of this strange flowers and another part of common flowers I would get the common honey that I wanted so much, for a while I tried to join and combine mixtures in different quantities but the result always ended in a similar way



[Toxic Honey]

Made by a low-level bee, this honey is made with poisonous flowers, when consuming it gain the effect (Bleeding)

Quality: Bad


There was something wrong with those flowers! Didn't matter the amount that I use if only a little nectar of suspicious Flowers was added to the mixture the honey would become poisonous and useless for consumption


Was it some kind of cursed land? I could find common plants that produced only common honey, but their quantity was much lower than the poisonous flowers, and they would not be enough to feed Hans, everything seemed to be poisonous, the only reason I was not poisoned by the nectars of the flowers was that when swallowing this nectar it didn't exactly go to my stomach, it went to a kind of bag in my chest that could serve as temporary storage, and if i really swallow something I couldn't spit it back easily has the things I have inside this special bag.


I started flying in search of a nectar source that wasn't polluted by whatever is in that damn forest, but it proved to be difficult mission, now that I stopped to analyze, it seemed that everything in this forest grew with poisonous properties, the few things that were not really poisonous contained strange effects, such as sleep, fatigue, heat, itching and things like that, I could try to create a honey with flowers that contained effects such as (sleep) or (fatigue) that would not cause any harm to Hans, but I wanted to get out as quickly as I could from this forest, the termites should still be around, I was just lucky not finding any yet, I remember in their description its said that they lived in live trees so I couldn't really look at a tree and know if it would start gushing termites in my direction.

"Please! God, Buddha, Midori! Anyone who can listen, help me! You mysterious force that threw me here! You owe me!"

I kept flying, looking for more than just one or two solitary flowers that i could work with, but nothing, I found nothing.


I was losing hope, my strength was already running out, and I found nothing, Hans would wake up and all I could do as look at him as he wither to death.

"Please... I beg you... Help me."

I felt like My Will was going to break, I haven't found nothing but poisonous plants and small clumps of common plants, I didn't find any [Saint's tears flower] and this seemed like a dead end, Hans would die and it would all be my fault, the cute little larva that was born just over 2 days, that didn't even have the opportunity to live properly would die miserably for my mistakes.

While I was thinking about leaving and going back to face Hans death, I smelled a putrid smell, smelled like death and rot, as if trying to drive anyone away, but I could feel, in the middle of the carrion and the horrible stench a sweet and soft smell of nectar!

I ran in the direction of the rotten smell, it served very well as a beacon, the closer I got the more i feel the unbearable stench, but I was sure! I had smelled sweet nectar mixed in the rot! It could be my mind playing tricks on me, trying to ridicule me by giving me false hope but it was all I had at that moment, when I got to the source of the horrible stench, what I found was simply... Monstrous, a plant with the texture of meat, circled by corpses of mutilated and rotten animals, there was no sound other than the buzz of my wings, dry and rotten blood stained the ground and leaves of the mysterious plant, I tried to analyze it and was surprised what I saw.


Name:N/A Species: Corpse-eating flower of Venus
Level: 29 Type: Plant Mana: --------

A Man eating flower


Apparently in this world plants could also grow and become horrible monsters, this plant had grown and was now the Hunter instead of the prey, it didn't seems to have eyes, or anything like that, but when I got close I could clearly smell the sweet nectar that I had felt before, this man-eating plant, which had a pollen with the smell of rotten meat, was also responsible for producing a sweet and soft smelling nectar!

Was it a trap?

Like the orchid that emitted an irresistible-smelling nectar to try to lure me into a death trap?

I didn't think that would be it... Orchidia hunted insects to survive, it was their main food source, this monster flower seemed to feed on... things bigger than me, much bigger. And the orchid emitted a smell that tried to seduce its prey at all costs, while this monster flower seemed to emit the smell only to atract pollinators, and I was a polonizer!

I slowly approached the giant flower, while aiming at the small tubes full of nectar that grew all over the stem of the mysterious plant, to get the access to the tubes full of sweet nectar I would need to crawl myself in the horrible smelling polen, but I guess getting stinky was nothing compared to poor Hans who was almost dead.

Suddenly halfway through, the large man-eating plant abruptly turned towards me and opened its leaves revealing frighteningly human eyes, it looked at me directly, as if was calculating if I was a threat.

That's it, killed by a man-eating plant...

But to my surprise when the strange plant spotted me it emitted a rustle of leaves as if it were happy, and then gathered itself up again and began emitting an even greater putrid stench as it shook its stem containing the precious nectar tubes.

Of course, now that you're moving it seems a lot less suspicious.

I decided to believe my instincts, which I almost never did, and continued until I landed on the stinking polem of the strange flower, i was still alive, this is a start I guess?

As I made my way up the nectar tubes, I could swear I almost threw up at the stinking pollen, it was just horrendous! but when I arrived in the precious tubes what I had there was not the nectar I was used to.... So far the nectar from the flowers I ate looked like ordinary nectar, a transparent and sweet liquid, some had slight strange colorations but these were the most different nectar had found. But now in front of me, there was a tube with a deep pink color, so pink that I couldn't see through, emitting a slight pink vapor but it wasn't hot, this nectar looked like juice and it sure wasn't the ordinary nectar I was used to!

"I think a man-eating plant is anything but common..."

I decided that I had already gone too far to return now, already inside the man-eating plant, covered with stinking pollen and with a purpose to fulfill, if this plant wanted to kill me it wouldn't let me get that far.

Or just I was simply so pathetic that she didn't even bother to consider me a threat...

When I drank the "nectar" of the monster plant, I couldn't describe the taste anything else but as delicious! It tasted like strawberry milk with banana, and it gave a slight sensation of numbness in the mouth, after filling my chest with nectar I tried to create some honey with this nectar to discover its properties



[Corpse-eating Venus honey]

Created by a low-level bee, it has a very high nutritional value and is capable of causing the effect (Fast growth), consuming large amounts of this honey can cause the effect (Addicted)

Quality: Great



So, I must admit, this honey is amazing! In addition to its different coloration, which is a transparent pink, it seems to nourish even more than [Boungain Honey] and still causes this effect of (Fastgrowth), what would this effect do? Would they be an xp bonus when killing enemies?

But what the hell do you mean by (Addicted)??!?!

OH of course!, a monstrous plant wouldn't give such a thing for free! It seems to offer many benefits, to try to get your victims (Addicted) as fast as possible! What is her purpose?!?

So what? I have no idea! Perhaps it is just to ensure that there will always be loyal pollinators, but it can also be a strategy to attract a larger number of prey, instead of feeding on a single solitary and worthless Bee it enchants her with a tasty and highly precious nectar, so later the Bee naively bring all his brothers to serve as food for the monster flower!

But i didn't care! If that monster flower decided not to eat me because her thought I could bring an all-you-can-eat buff later, she will end up sitting and waiting!

Now it's official, there really is something very wrong with this forest! Everything that grows here has some relation to poisons, even this monster flower that seemed to be my salvation could still corrupt its prey, which was a kind of long-term poison, could this be the matter of {Affinities}? I knew they existed, but I couldn't see them clearly except if there is something in the description about the affinity, if this affinity theory is correct then does it mean that this whole forest has an affinity with {poison}? And if so how does it happen? How does an entire forest acquire Affinity? Did the plants become poisonous because of the affinity of the forest, or did the large concentration of poisonous plants in that area create an environment with the {poison} affinity?

I don't care one bit!

This wans't important right now, the important thing was to feed Hans, the description said that it would cause the (addicted) effect only if it is consumed in large quantities, so I think I can feed Hans without problems with this strange nectar until we get out of this damn forest!

I start creating several crystals of honey flakes with this strange nectar, and try to see its description



[Corpse-eating Venus crystalized honey]

A diet focused on nourishing the body made with honey, is able to meet the needs of a bee for days, if consumed causes the effect (Fast growth), if consumed in large quantities causes the effect (Addicted).

Quality: Great


Okay, nothing strange here... And what would you achieve by using that nectar to create wax?



[Sticky Wax]

This bee wax is extremely sticky, and has an extremely slow drying speed

Quality: Great


Damn it! This has a lot of potential! could I create a trap with this? If I soaked a wall with this wax and poured some honey into a nearby hole, I could theoretically create insect traps! it would be a safe way for Hans to gain experience!

What would i get from the pollen of that plant?

Damn, now I'm curious, the nectar of this flower didn't give me ordinary honey, nor ordinary wax, so it means that it was not a rule written in stone that honey would create normal wax, pollen hard wax, leaves rough wax, and petals colored wax, high-level plants could create totally unique things! So what would come out of this stinking pollen?? The thought of eating that shit made me sick, but the addition of the sticky wax was a hint that there might be something very special behind that stench.

I decided to hold my breath, close my eyes and swallow without chewing, the potential ultility of this wax made the stench a stupid complaint, and when I saw what came out of my mouth I couldn't help but shudder in disappointment,



[Hard wax]

This beeswax has a natural stench, when it dries it becomes highly resistant

Quality: Great


I don't know if I feel relieved, or disappointed, on one hand it doesn't have many ultities besides scaring away those who don't like stink, and attract butchers, but it also seems to be harder than ordinary hard wax, I think I'll just stay with the Pink nectar, just the idea of having to live in a place that has this smell makes me nauseous.

I ended up staying inside the monster flower for quite a while, triying to get used to the stench, in the meantime I created dozens of flakes of this strange honey and sticky all of together with the sticky wax, the wax was so sticky that putting everything together was very easy, and soon I had a ball the size of my abdomen made entirely of super nutritious food, I didn't know how much Hans would need, so I decided to take as much as I could and after feeding Hans I would throw everything else away, when I thought about going out, I had the idea of covering the ball with sticky wax and smelly pollen, it would be a good way to divert attention and maybe the plant would be happy to see me coming out with a big ball from her polem.

I leave with some difficulty from inside the man-eating plant, accompanied by a large ball of disguised food, after placing the large ball on my back I started to leave as quickly as I could towards Hans, I had gone too far, and now ishould have only a few hours until he wakes up, when I leave the area of the large monster plant I could see out of the corner of my eye thar she rustle in approval with my departure, maybe she was happy for the sight of the "polem ball" or just anxious with the idea of me returning with hundreds of snacks, but so what? unlucky for her, I would never come back here, not even with the full potential of sticky wax.

"Hans wait for me!"

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