Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 28: Experience

Alright... More one difficult choice, and the fact that I'm not seeing the classes like [Poison bee], [Farmer Bee] or [Pastry Bee] means that once I lose a class one time there's no turning back? I can't choose them again later?

This is bad, really bad, is it like one of those strategy games where your choices mold the shape of your base? Looks like theres always options between production, defense and attack. But thats very unfair! All options have unique uses, and after looking at this list it's obvious what stands out, [Royal cooks] and [Beacons], but if the other options are useless, then why bother to make me choose!?

[Silk Bee], what the hell is they uses? To make clothes? Fabric? Or is it to make webs like spiders? Or is just a weird feature that I can use later?

[Saw Bee] doesn't sound like such a big deal, but a versatile bee that can do both work and fight is really tempting, maybe this saw bee can even dig holes in trees? We could even make a better base with them! But what if the saw bees dig soo deep in the trunk and end up killing the tree?

[Nurse bee] seem able to do the same job Ken is doing right now, only infinitely better, so they are worth it? I would be investing in the future quality of the hive. But on the other hand, Ken already does his job very well... And I don't need a bee that heals the wounded, I already have a royal jelly capable of doing that.

Now speaking of royal jelly, [Royal cooks] sounds promising! Last time I didn't get the [Pastry chefs], so now would be very nice to get someone who can help me in the production of food, the description says that those cooks are the only workers capable of producing royal jelly, but it doesn't mean that they only produce royal jelly, so by choosing these cooks I would be able to delegate all the work to them!

And the lastly [Beacon] this is something I really want! They seem to be the real experts in using [Link] and I could even learn from them! In addition to seeming like they serve as some kind of 'power line', so if I end up causing another blackout these guys will be the only ones harmed and 'burned' instead of the entire colony, it's sad for them, but it's still better than taking down every member of thee colony with me.

But what would be the function of "Transmit and emit"? they serve as email assistants? Filtering what is useful or not? Or could they serve as a 'bridge' for the colony in my place? Because when the workers talk via [Link] everything need to pass through me before, it's a little annoying sometimes, but nothing that really takes my attention, just makes me aware of their messages.

For me it's decided, [Beacon] have to come into the account! Now the question is the other choice...

"Ken! Get Steve here! I need people who can think straight!"

"What happened?"

"I've gained another level in [Laying eggs] and now I'm conflicted about the choices!"

"All right! Psymus! Did you hear?! Go get Steve!"


When Simus left the Nest I just stared at Ken who simply delegated the task I had given for him, those boys really look like me, they are even shameless as me...

"Mom! You called me?"

"Steve! Come here I have a complicated situation!"

After Steve arrived I started talking to him and Ken, so i asked for their opinions.

"I'm not going to share my job with a damn [Nurse]! Who does he think he is! Just because he was born to take care of the others, he think that he can do a better work than me?!"

"W-Well, you would need to take care of him first... and you would have to teach him the way, so you can always say "I'am the only one who taught him everything he knows..."

"To the hell with that! Fucking bullshit!!"

"All right... but what about the [Royal cooks]? I really wanted them...."

"I also agree! Much better tham the nurses, the Jelly seems really important, and if the options that were lost can't be recovered, then it's really essential to get a feeding unit now!"

"But if we think about it, the [Saw Bee] and [Silk Bee] can help a lot in the construction! a Bee larvae can create an entirely new material for contruction, and saw bees can get us things like wood and even cut stones!"

"Steve! I called you to help me! Not to leave me in doubt anymore!"

"Well that's just my opinion, but given that these [Royal cooks] and [Beacon] are pretty rare, then it's really best not leting them pass!"

"All right! So that's it [Royal cooks] and [Beacon]! I won't think more about it, or i cound't end up regretting my choices!!"

After making the choice the new drones were added to the list, I realized they were all still "Nv 1" so how did I get a raising in their levels at birth? Do I need to be at the highest level first? After all, a Level 4 Bee shouldn't be able to lay a level 50 bee....

"Ken! When will we have new Combs available?"

"Well... only when the renovation is completed and we can remove the tank to make more Combs, or when the larvae emerge! So I would say we need 2 days for the new soldiers, and I can't say how long the [collectors] will take..."

"I understand... so that will have to wait."


During the next 2 days the boys continued the construction of the new wax" building " and now they were in the final stages, creating the rooms and raising internal walls, and the workers also began to create a system of pipes and passages made of wax that connected all the buildings, the whole place was very well built, and when the workers finished building the new rooms we would have a super spacious place to build new things.

Once the project of the main building is completed and we get a comfortable shelter for everyone, the workers will start building my laboratory, I asked them to use mud and clay, and that it be done in a branch a little further away, Ken already had some ideas for the place, but it was still a "plan on paper".

As the new soldiers were arriving I spent the last 2 days increasing the conglomerate of honey rations, and processing some potion ingredients, such as powder pastes and special essences.

And now I was in front of a cocoon quite different from the "Commons" that possessed a slightly yellowish coloration and was about 2x the size of an work cocoon.

That was the cocoon of the mysteries [Tracker].

At any moment it will hatch, and the same goes for the soldiers who had begun to make their cocoons, by the end of that day I would have new soldiers and a unit that I do not know what it is for.

While I was thinking about how I could use a [Tracker], The Cocoon of the crawler began to break, and without delay a large bee came out of it, much taller than me, so much so that it was even taller than Hans came out. The bee could be tall, but it was not 'robust and strong' as Hans, he looked more like a tall and thin man, his colors were also strange, having a much duller yellow coloration than me, on his back he carried 6 pairs of wings, 2 more than me, and had large antennae that fall forward.

"Mom... What's my purpose?"

I deserve, the same story again...

"Hello! I'm your mother! Welcome to the world! And well... about its purpose... I have no idea? I don't know what you're good at, so I have no idea what you can do... Do you think you could tell me what you can do? So I could think of something for you..."


While he was thinking I took the opportunity to take a peek at his skills and it seems that these trackers are well advanced classes!


Name:N/A Species: Solitary honeybee
Level: 1 Class: Tracker Mana:N/A
Life: 2.3 Str: 0.4 Def: 0.6
Sp: 17.3 Int: 12 Wis: 7
+ Information

{Mad Chaser} lv 1

The Mad Chaser skill turns the Tracker bee into an unstoppable force when pursuing targets. Fueled by an intense determination, the bee exhibits enhanced speed and relentless pursuit, making it an ideal hunter. When activated, the bee enters a focused state, narrowing its attention solely to the chosen target and increasing its ability to cover ground swiftly.


  • +40% Movement Speed during pursuit. More energy while chasing.
  • Heightened focus on the tracked target. Limit to marked targets: 1

{Perfect disguise} Lv 1

When standing still without moving your presence mixes with the surrounding environment, making you extremely difficult to find.

{Maternal Connection} - locked

You have a deep mental connection with your mother that cannot be broken.

{Last Chance} Lv1

The Last Chance skill is an instinctive response to imminent danger, providing a brief surge in the bee's defenses and agility. Activating automatically in critical situations, it grants a temporary boost in resistance to damage, increased evasion, and heightened decision-making abilities. This skill allows the bee to endure and navigate through life-threatening scenarios.


  • +25% Defense for 1 minute. This skills active it self in life-threatening situations.
  • +30% Evasion for 1 minute. Make decisions more fast in critical moments.

{Unshakeble Will}

Your own self is part of something bigger, and your mind and will cannot be affected by external factors.

+5 Wisdom


Accelerated Reflexes

The bee's reflexes are naturally faster, allowing it to react swiftly to sudden movements or changes in the environment. This trait is particularly beneficial for effective tracking and pursuit.


  • Quicker response times to environmental stimulations
  • Improved ability to navigate trought obstacles during pursuits.

Mad Chaser Instincts

Bees with the Mad Chaser Instinct possess an innate drive for chasing. They exhibit a heightened state of alertness and enthusiasm when engaging in tracking and pursuit activities.


  • Intensified motivation and enthusiasm during chasing, enhancing overall performance.
  • Reduced fatigue and increased stamina for prolonged pursuits.


What the fuck are those statistics?!?!

17.3 speed at Level 1?! How fast is that?

And these skills... [Mad Hunter], it seems to have everything to do with your [class], but what would that be for? To make sure someone didn't escape? And this [Perfect disguise], it looks like a spy thing! But I think that him having to stand still without moving all the time is a very big limitation...

And finally, what the hell is this [last chance]?!?!

It feels a bit like [Royal Duty] but more focused on saving yourself rather than saving someone. But it seems that he is not good at anything other than finding someone, running and hiding, of course it is quite useful, but not in my situation...

"Mom, I believe my job is to find things you want!"

"Huh? "Things" not just people?"

"Yes! Anything!"

He doesn't have the skills to find "anything", but I think with that speed he would be able to find what he wants over time...

"You could find... Super nutritious flowers? A large group of them?"

"I can try!"

I don't have many expectations here, it seems to be very useful, but not for me, I can put it to do some exploration tasks, but it doesn't seem to be able to map the area accurately.

Speaking of which,"he"? I tried to play the intention of a girl when I raised her egg, but he's clearly a male, so why doesn't it work that way? Don't just want a female bee, need something extra? Or is it because of royal jelly? I have no way of knowing...

"I want to ask you something, and it may seem a little strange, but please answer me sincerely... Do you identify as a male? Or a female?...."


"Please just answer!"

"B-Well, I'm male, and I don't feel like a female..."

So it's a total failure, I didn't get a female bee.

"This will do, please eat something and then... try to do what you think is best. Try to stay close, and watch out for -"

Wait a minute...

This guy seems to be a "detective" or hunter, so could I send him to find out the origins of the fires? If he could tell me for sure if the fires he has in the region are just abandoned camps or if they are something else, then I could determine the danger of that region, if there really are sapient beings that are in the area I can use this guy to find out where they live, the areas where they walk, and even their level of danger!

If he found humans or something like them, I could simply forbid anyone to come near them, and if he found nothing I would leave the area free for exploration.

"Listen, some time ago some workers found what looked like traitss of human beings in the area, do you think you could try to find them? To date we have not found anything, but as you are an expert in finding things maybe you will be more successful?"

"Hmmm, maybe, to find and mark a target, I need to have seen it personally first, but I can also try to find this group based on the terrain and abundance of food, but i can't guarantee I'll be able to find anything..."

"Don't worry about it! Just do the best you can! But first of all!"

"Would you like a name? I know you guys don't care much about names, but you're the only [Tracker] I have... I think it would be nice if you had a name..."

"I don't really care about a name, but if it is the desire of the great mother to name me, I will gladly accept it!"

Then what? Tracker? Prosecutor... Travel, Drave? No... Travel, Travis? Trevy?'

""What do you think of Trevy? Sounds cool?"


What a thrill...

"Oh, Trevy! You can eat as much as you want and then go on your mission, if you need anything you can ask Steve or Ken, they are the most responsible here, also if you think you need help to carry out your mission, soon they can go with you to help!"

"It would be much appreciated mother, but as I only intend to carry out a reconnaissance mission I will avoid any conflict and escape if necessary. Then I don't need the soldiers help."

This guy seems to have no qualms about running away, Hans is like "I'll fight to the death!"while this guy is "I'll run away at the first opportunity.".. I think you either die a hero, or you live to tell the story.

"Very well then! Feel free, Trevy."

Leaving the crawler super loud behind, I go to the eggs of [Collectors] and I see that there is still about 1 day left to hatch, I also now have 10 Scout larvae, which are being very well cared for by Ken and his helpers, it seems that cleanliness is something very important here, since Ken and the boys always make sure that no one who is 'dirty' enters inside the tree, they all need to clean themselves and win Ken's approval, another thing that made me a little uncomfortable about how bees work was how they delivery the resources..... Miles group, which mainly helped with the transport of resources to ensure everyone worked as efficiently as possible, had a 'special' way of delivering the honey to other bees.

They would first fill themselves with as much honey as they could, until their breasts were visibly swollen, and then distribute the Honey among other workers via a "kiss", first they would bring their faces closer together and then the "deliver" would cough up a small ball of honey, which then the "receiving" bee would begin to drink, the deliverer would continue pumping honey to the recipient until he was satisfied and then the deliverer would go after another bee that needs honey.

For me it was very strange, and I can't imagine "kissing" any of them to give food, or much less being kissed to get food, but it was certainly effective, the bees saved time and space doing it, since instead of a delivery man having to pour honey into a tank and the construction workers having to go to the tank and drink this honey, the delivery men went straight to the point.

I was not going to discuss how they do things, they certainly do better than me, because seriously, if I alone had to build that building that they did, I would have ended up taking years and doing something horrible, while a group of about only 16 Bees managed to do it in 3 days, of course it was not yet complete, and needed to be furnished, but the whole structure, the resistance, the details, I would never have the talent to do it!

While I was thinking about how everyone seemed to be a professional at what they do, the cocoons started to have small spasms, this meant that the bee will soon emerge, and I started to get nervous, they were not my first bees, but they were the first group of soldiers, and I did a lot of shit with the royal jelly I gave them, I'm a little worried about what might happen to them.

After giving Hans a few mental tugs and waiting for him to arrive I saw him coming quickly, soon he ran up to me and inspected me for a moment.

"Mom! What happened! Why did you give me so many tugs?"

"I'm sorry for that I got nervous! It's just that the soldiers have already emerged and wanted you here to witness the birth of your squad!"

"OH! I understand!"

Hans and I stood there, just waiting for the new group to be born, from time to time we could see an occasional movement, but nothing definitive, Hans had so many expectations in these soldiers that he looked like a little girl who had just won the dream pony. Bright eyes and agitated movements, he waited a long time for this.

'Mom! Aren't they taking too long?!? We've been waiting so long!"

"Hans, how long have we been here? 10 minutes? Wait a while, when they are ready, they will come out."


Without having to wait long, the cocoons began to shake, and from inside soldiers who looked like Hans came out, well, they didn't exactly look like Hans, they were smaller and thinner, but they still had an intimidating appearance and seemed to be more... "Sharp" than Hans.


Name: N/D Species: Solitary honeybee
Level: 1 Class: Soldier Mana:N/A
Life: 3 Str: 5.1 Def: 0.5
Sp: 2.4 Int: 1.2 Wis: 2.1
+ Information

{Powerfull Jaws} lv 1

Yours jaws are extremely hard, and they grip is much more powerful.

{Maternal Connection} - locked

You have a deep mental connection with your mother that cannot be broken.

{Enraged} Lv1

Gain the [Rage] effect, increasing all stats by 15% for 30 minutes, at the end of [Rage] gain the [Confused] effect.

{Strong limbs} - Lv 1

All yours limbs are very strong and can carry 2x your own weight.

{Unshakeble Will}

Your own self is part of something bigger, and your mind and will cannot be affected by external factors.

+5 Wisdom

{Charge} Lv 1

Executes a powerful charge, stunning enemies and breaking through defenses.


[Super developed]

You grew up very well in your youth! And now you can fell the results!

The [Speed], [life] and [strength] are multplied by 2

[Hot head]

You get angry easily and very quickly, your fury can be your salvation or condemnation

  • The [strength] are multplied by 2 and the [Intelligence] and [Wisdom] divided by 2


Damn it! Aren't these guys bad? They don't have the [Trait] of [Perfect Soldier] but they got something else instead, i don't know if [Hot head] is a good trait, but the bonus are good! These guys are Level 1 and already have more attack than Hans! They're basically the heavy weapons, and this [skill] from [Enraged] even looks a bit like Hans [Royal duty], only with a minor bonus, and with minor consequences.

"Boys! Hello welcome to the world! I'm your mother, and this is Hans! He's your big brother, and he is in charge!"

"Hey, what's up?"

"Wow, look at the size of this guy!!"

"It's not "that guy" you idiot! Didn't you hear Mom?! It's Hans!"

"Shut up, Don't bother me!"

"if not what huh? Huh!? You are wanting to die before even sees the light of day you idiot?!"

"I want to see you try!! Come in! You idiot!"

"The 2 suckers, shut the fuck up we are still in the presence of mother!"

"I dont care! If I smash this guy I will show Moma who is the strongest here!"

I think I talked i little to soon... [Hot head] it's certainly not a good trait to have... They look like testosterone-filled teenagers with 3 neurons and looking for something to bang...

"Hans stop them please?"


Hans slowly walked up to the newborn boys who were fighting each other, and simply grabbed the head of the 2 most troublesome one and hit their heads on the ground.



The new soldiers looked annoyed for a moment, but after a bit of hesitation, they tidied up and apologized.

"Forgive me mother, I shouldn't have acted like this in your presence..."

"I'm sorry, I let my anger blind me..."

"All right boys, no problem at all, but please try to direct this anger at our enemies and not at each other..."

"Of course mom! Hans certainly looks like a great leader, and we will learn quickly from him!"

Great leader? He just almost crushed you in the ground... Is this some kind of "love" between the soldiers? A way for Hans to show that he cares about them? Because the only time I saw Hans scream was when he was mad with me, but he shouted at these soldiers like a general, it didn't seem like he was angry with them, he just wanted to teach them...

"Boys, you must be hungry! There is plenty of food in the reservoir, and after eating I want 3 of you to go with Hans to try to climb a little levels, and 1 to stay and watch the workers."

"I'm going with Hans!"

"Me too!"

"I for last!"

"Damn it! It wasn't fair! I was thinking about the food!"

"Bad luck to you! You were drooling and missed the chance!

Damn, these guys are pretty teen assholes.

"All right everyone! No fighting! I want everyone to get to at least Level 2 by the end of the day, levels are not very important now, but it is still important for you to "learn" how to be soldiers!"

"Leave it!"

"I was born ready!"

"Easy easy.."

Soon everyone had left accompanied by Hans, and Ken ran to start cleaning the breeding combs, these new soldiers seemed very "immature" but I don't think they will do anything stupid when they are in a life or death fight...

The boys had gone out with Hans and now I was just relaxing quietly while watching everyone else work, the new workers worked fast and now the building was at about 80% in 1 or 2 days everything would be ready and they could focus on my lab, now all I need is to wait for the [Collectors] and [Scouts] then create some [Cooks] and [Beacons].


'Ahhh.. what a good thing, to be able to relax a little without worrying about problems, I have 5 soldiers now, 5 more on the way, and soon I will do more to get a strong protection, so the boys could expand the entire nest around the crown of the tree, and they can create a laboratory that would make anyone jealous.'

For the first time I came here, I was able to relax, really just relax and-



You earned 14 Xp from your soldiers


Hans has leveled up to LV 5


The individual "Hans" now can evolve.


The individual "Hans" gave you control over his evolution choisces and now you can choose one of the options below


{Evolution options}

[Bee Knight]

The bee knigh is a dedicated unit to protect the Queen, gaining a lot of bonus when fighting in her presence, and several debuffs when fighting away from the Queen

[Warrior Bee]

Warrior bees have a high damage, resistance and life, but low agility and Sapience.

[Shield bee]

Shield bees have incredible resistance and the ability to draw the enemy's attention to themselves, but they have low speed and damage

[Sword Bee]

Sword bees are able to use their own hands as swords and have high agility and damage, but low stamina and health.

[Lancer Bee]

Lancer bees possess a highly resistant and sharp stinger, and possess the special ability to break their stingers to use as weapons. They can also regenerate the stinger over time.


What the fuck is that?!! Is Hans evolving?! And am I the one to choose?!?!


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