Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 6: Analyze


After creating a small egg container, I was curious to know how long this egg would take to hatch, maybe I could analyze it?


Name:N/A Species: Solitary honeybee
Level: 0 Class: Soldier Mana:N/A
+ Information

Incubating - 5 days

This individual is still in incubation, at the end of the timer will emerge.


OH? I can really see his status, and nothing has been hidden, is it because I am the progenitor? Or because he is of a lower level than me?, or the result of [maternal conection] skill? I needed to figure out a way to gain an ability to analyze... if there are one at all, all this lack of information are eating away my insides, and more importantly 5 days? what should I do during this time? Honey was out of the question, I didn't have the strength to go through all that work and process just to get some bee vomit.

I think I should try to level up my skills to the maximum, from my experiences with [basic flight] I could evolve a skill by doing an activity related to it for a long time, but it would be good to gain some skills... preferably offensive skills to compensate for all ultilitary skills, now that I think about it, there are offensive skills or all skills just aid in crafting activities?.. I think it's unlikely that there aren't skills that are used for fights, simple as they are like an ability to cut hard things, or powerful poisons skills, they fall under both ultility and offensive, So the question was if it would be possible to learn a skill like [Laser beam] that was purely offensive, and if there is a way, how the hell do I learn these types of skills? I already know that practicing gives you skills. But no one can just keep a ugly glare at someone until they release laser Beans through their eyes to gain the ability of [Laser beam].

Could it have something to do with mana status? I don't own any at the moment, and I have no idea how to unlock it either, but it would make sense if we have offensive spells instead of offensive skills, I could learn offensive spells, since Magic should be more malleable than those skills, but what if they aren't? what if the magic of this world is not as malleable and useful as described in anime and manga, what if it is just a useless status that does nothing, and what if I had a limited number of skill slots? while I'm here trying to figure out ways to gain new skills I have no idea if there is a limit, what if there really as a limit, and I'm accidentally crippling myself by learning useless skills that can be easily imitated with practice?



I started to wonder so much about the skills that when I realize it's getting dark, man that must be the effect of the [worried player] trait? I always wondered why i always contradicting myself about the pros and cons of anyting, and I don't remember rambling and wondering so much about things i'am not suposted to know about!, I would always rather try to learn about what I don't know than stay in the "What if" but since I got here, I keep trapping myself in my own mind and rambling about questions I don't have how to know!

And that trait [Conserned player] seemed to be the culprit!

[Conserned player]

You think too much, and always think the worst, even the wise become useless in the face of indecision.

Wisdom -75% Speed -5


Precisely! it's that thing that makes me question every step I take, Ugh.. I Must have some way to get rid of [traits]? because if I keep rambling on about every question that boggles my mind I'll never move from this place! but what if they cannot be eliminated, and if those [traits] are pieces that form the whole person and are eternally bound-


What a useless fucking trait! It only serves to annoy me! But it seems that I can be aware of when i'm too rambling, like a person with ADHD who can notice that they have forgotten something, I can notice when I am rambling too much, so the most important thing must be to keep the mind focused on a goal.

And the goal now is: Level Up or gain a new skill

First, I would like to try to gain a skill related to analyze, this one seems to be useful, but it may also be that there is not even the ability to analyze, and it is something that all creatures can do, but there is the barrier of level differences...

And here I am rambling again! I'm going to analyze several things for 1 whole day and see if I win something with it, if I don't win that's it! End of the mystery of the ability to [Analyze]. I angrily leave my little hole and fly to the small field with flowers that look like sunflowers to analyze the things around me and see what I gain from it.

When I landed on the large, strange-looking flower that gave me delicious snacks, the first thing I did was try to analyze it.




A Grand Boungain flower.



The description didn't seem to give me any useful information other than saying the name of the flower.




A Fairy Moss





I continue my crazy frenzy of analyzing and i ended up discovering several species that I had never seen before




A Lilly Flux flower






Name:N/A Species: Big woodlouse of the deep
Level: 2 Class: ----- Mana: ------
+ Information
Name:N/A Species: Farmer Worm
Level: 5 Class: ------ Mana: ------
+ Information


A Older Acer of Mithril








A Fairy Lily poppy


Name:N/A Species: Dark Rat
Level: 4 Class: ----- Mana: -----
+ Information


Soon I make several interesting discoveries, the tree in which I am currently is a [Older Acer of Mithril]l! Meanwhile, when i try to analyze some big animals i am always blocked, and I cannot see more than the levels of small creaturestheir, species name and life points, and by the way how can a [Farmer Worm] have more Hp? Than [Dark Rat]?! some kind of System play, or did that worm bet everything he had on life points? And speaking of those points, how did I earn them? it depended on my species and as I evolved they were distributed automatically, or did I need to choose where to use them? And what about with these names as [Big woodlouse of the deep]? the only thing I can think of are the famous evolutions! like pokemons, after reaching a certain level these creatures must evolve into higher life forms, and that is why a [Farmer Worm] appears to be stronger than a [Dark Rat], so would this also happen to me? if I reache a limit level would I need to evolve?

As I process all the information I have accumulated from this analysis I realize the most important point, I did not get that ability to analyze! I looked at all kinds of things that were in front of me, so much things! Even stone and they give things like that.




A rock



Which made me realize that I could analyze basically anything, and I would receive a description about it, but when I analyzed animals I did not receive descriptions of them! all I received was they [Status], if I could analyze they descriptions like I do with this stone, I could know more about they weaknesses and strengths, but I get nothing more than the basic [status] screen! which brings me back to the ability to analyze, I refuse to believe that such a useful and promising skill does not exist! Since much more complex skills like [Memorial Memory] are at stake!

I keep analyzing everything around me, everything! from stones and sticks on the ground to anything that moves in my field of vision, I analyze so much that I soon get a headache with so much information, The Sun that when I arrived was shining in the sky, now was going away, I didn't move from the place, occasionally drinking the nectar of the [Grand Boungain] to satisfy my hunger, when the last sunlight was going away, my dream became more and more impossible and distant, I felt that it was time to give up, and then...
It happened!


[Skil]: {Analyze} has been learned and can now be leveled up to level 10



It exists! it really exists! and she's finally mine!!


{Analyze} Lv 1


Can analyze objects



Serious system!? After everything I've been through, that's the description you give me for something I had so many expectations for!?! The most important thing is its ultility, and how I can use it, [analyze] please don't disappoint me, I have so many expectations for you!

I look at the Little purple flowers that grow on the moss, the [Fairy lily] and try to see if something new appears to me!



A Fairy Lily poppy, have a delicious nectar.



I believed so much in this ability [Analyze] and that's all it gives to me!??! Information I already knew!


Alright... To be fair it's only Lv1... it may be more useful in the future... yeah that's it, for sure I didn't waste my day on something useless.

When I return disappointed to my little hole, I see the small pot of bee vomit, and the small pot that served as a nursery for the little soldier egg, I tried to analyze the honey and see if there was anything special on it.



[Boungain Honey]

Created by a low-level honey bee, it has high nutritional value, but is not very tasty

Quality: low


Hey! Now you will also judge my work!? just for you to know, i make it from the guts to the heart to create this low quality honey! And you tell me it's worthless honey!?

At least it confirmed my theory that honey is more nutritious than Pure nectar, if I needed to start making honey to feed the soldiers I'd be so fucked up!

Since it's already night and I don't have much more i can do, I used what's left of nectar on my chest to create some wax and put it between the small cracks that it has inside the hole to create a "safe room", I was also thinking of creating a door to the small crack, I could use some leaves to create a curtain and wax to keep everything together, if I pass the wax on the leaves they should become waterproof right? The wax is waterproof! so if rain I would have some protection, and speaking of shelter enhancements, a fire would be very welcome! this hole is cool serious! But it's pitch black when the sun goes down, and I don't feel comfortable with the idea of "waking up with the sun and sleeping with the Sun", I need to find solutions to my housing problems! and I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I have about 4 days left before this soldier is born, so I can prepare myself physically and emotionally for the arrival of my son? Servant? Creature? As strange it was to call the Little Egg a son, I couldn't help but feel the connection between us, maybe effect of the [Maternal bond] but for sure that was there!

After thinking about my plans for tomorrow I curl up in a bunch of leafes that I call a bed and try to sleep, having to deal with the failure that was the skill [analyze] was.

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