Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 8: A new addiction?

Sometimes I feel that life likes to play with my misery, because seriously, it is not possible!, after bringing the little walnut that shines home I end up running into a big problem, this won't go through the crack! It is simply too big, I would need to break the shell and take the part that is really important, the Golden nut of metallic appearance, the nut was what emitted the shine light, if I could take it out of this hard shell I would get my long desired lamp!

Determined not to lose to a nut, I fly up to a big rock and start bringing the nut high as I can, to release it and try to win the prize! After what seemed like a long climb, I was getting tired of carrying the pea, so I dropped it at once, letting it fall among the rocks and hoping that at least something would work out for me.

When I fly down towards where the nut fell, I see that its bumpy Shell has been completely softened and was broken!

Turning the shell so that the broken part was put on my vision, I see, inside the shell, the small nut that looked like a Pearl Shining, strong as a lamp!

And finally I had some success! i bring the little nut out of the Shell and realize how much lighter and easier it is to carry, and most importantly, it is the size of my head! then it will definitely go through the small crack!

Flying excited to my small base of operations I am happy to enter without problems with my little shiny nut to the arms, I place it gently in the middle of the room and see for the first time the inside of the small hole clearly, it was very coarse, and had many holes, but finally I had my little light source!

I was so focused on getting a lamp that didn't even remembered to analyze this strange nut!




A berry that has light affinity

Quality: low


Uh? Can things have affinities? I had never seen nothing with an affinity before! how do you gain an affinity?! and how important are they?

Well I think it's more one important information that I have no idea for what is used, only plants have affinities? or all living things? or all things? this was literally the first time I've seen anything with affinity so it must be at least a rare trait....

I give up the idea of continuing to think about something I don't know, I'm not going to succumb to the [worried player], and I decide that I'm going to use what's left of sunlight to enhance my shelter by making wax!

After flying out of my hiding place, and getting a large amount of nectar, I go back to my base and start creating common wax, I opted for common wax because it is easier to work, I just wanted to plug the holes that had in my "house" so the common hax would already do the job, and well, let's face it, drinking a sweet nectar to make wax is much better than eating pollen, or bitter leaves.

After doing the same process of going out in search of nectar, going back to make wax and plugging the holes for a few times, suddenly while I plugged one of the last holes of my base I received a notification



The [Wax making] skill has reached Lv2


Oh!!! what good news! I come out of the hole excited in search of a little more nectar to test what would be the difference between lv1 and lv2, even though the sunlight has already gone, the forest still shines at night and it is easy to find a bright flower at night, when I return to my base, I try again to create wax to find out what the difference is, and soon I discover that the feeling of creating wax did not bother me much as before, it was just a little less, but it still felt more natural, after spitting the small ball of wax, it looked slightly larger, I don't really know, it might just be the mandela Effect, it just seemed bigger to me!

It was not exactly the improvement of the century but I think I created too many expectations for an Lv2 skill

So it would mean that as I level up, it would become easier to create wax, and its quantity would be greater, even if I used the same amount of raw materials, doesn't that mean that the same goes with honey? if I kept making a lot of honey soon I wouldn't feel so bad creating it.

I think this is a problem for the future me, and it has nothing to do with the present me, so it has no problem leaving it for later.

I go back to my little bed of improvised sheets and try to sleep, my goals today have been conquered, and tomorrow I will try to improve my little house even more! maybe create a bed with hard wax and a mattress with torn sheets.

When I wake up in the morning a question get stuck in my mind, could I use honey to create wax? technically it's a plant-based product, so this fit on the skill requirement, and because it's kind of a "super concentrated nectar" could it give me a better quality wax, or a larger amount of common wax?

I stare at the little jar of honey, or bee vomit if you prefer, thinking about the wax question. Clearly there is nothing wrong with that, the description tells me this.


[Boungain Honey]

Created by a low-level honey bee, it has high nutritional value, but is not very tasty

Quality: low


But just to remember how it was done, this will have to enter again through the same hole that he left! When I was a human I ate honey and had full knowledge of how it was made, but now that I'm a bee, the idea of eating my own vomit is still hard to swallow...

I just decided that I have to at least try my creation! it can't be that bad, I just need to stop having prejudices pre-conceived by me, if not, soon this honey can spoil! and by the way it's nice to add to the to-do list a lid for the honey pot.

I kneel before the small pot and honey and take some with my hand, when I look at it a small drop of honey perfectly formed and held in the palm of my hand, looking very inviting, I close my eyes and just swallow it at once!


OK now I have a very serious problem to solve....


It does not even compare to Pure nectar, the taste is much more concentrated and thats not cloying, it has a much sharper aroma and a much more inviting texture! I end up continuing to eat the honey while thinking in my mind about how delicious it is, I eat so much that when I realized the small pot was empty and my hands and face were sticky with honey...

And it looks like I just became the honey-crazy bitch...

As I fly towards the lake to clean myself up, stunned by what I just did, I think that mustn't be entirely my fault right? you know, there's all the Bee instincts in account, and the fact that I still didn't have any food that morning, and that must have been why I went so crazy when I ate the honey,

If I remember correctly the description of the Honey said that it was not very tasty, which seems like a total lie to me, but if thats true then I could create a super delicious honey!?!?

All this stuff with the super delicious honey made me forget that it was nothing more than bee vomit, I ended up accepting the fact that if something is so delicious the manufacturing process should not be taken in concideration!

Arriving at the small lake I wash myself of the big mess I made in me, and take another look at myself, I could say that for sure, I was very strange for a bee.

Even having all characteristics of a bee, bee ass, stinger, wings, many arms, insect eyes, and insect mandibles, I still don't look anything like an ordinary Bee, I walk with 2 legs like humans and I have a posture similar to them too, my face for sure is an insect, but my eyes are in the same places as humans, as well as my jaws, and I even have what seems to be a nose, and you call that a bee? In my world I could even be called a species "fairy", because seriously I looked like a mix of human and Bee, I didn't know if this is a characteristic of my species, or the fact that I was a human in the past life, maybe this little detail had altered my body, but I have no way to really know until I see other bees.

While I was cleaning myself and thinking about my origins, a small noise came from the tall grass next to me, and at the same instant something shot up in my mind.

Shameless gecko!

But what comes out of there is a small louse of harmless appearance, this mental trigger served as a warning long before I even saw what it was, it is probably the effect of the skill [Memorial Memory] coming into action, it doens't seem to be really very useful now that I have witnessed it firsthand...

But that must have their uses for later! and by the way, how do I level this kind of skill? creating several mental points? or triggering a lot of mental points? I have no idea, this kind of skill was too abstract to be sure how to proceed.

Flying back to my house I looked at the little ones [Fairy lily] who had delicious nectar and wondered what kind of delicious honey could be made from it, thinking of the delicious honey I judged that going through a moment of discomfort was nothing if I could feast on the honey. And also, my goal was to see if I could use honey to create wax, but I ended up emptying my stock and couldn't test this theory, so I think it was time for a re-stock.

After filling my chest with lily's nectar, I quietly go back to my little house, and position myself again on my knees in front of the now empty little jar of honey, I try again to use the process to create honey thinking that now that I am prepared for what is to come it would not be so bad, I was wrong, very wrong, it hit me like a brick like last time, and the next moment I was vomiting the golden and delicious liguid...

After recovering for a moment I look at the jar full of honey with complicated feelings about it, on one hand it's the most delicious thing I've ever eaten, on the other, it's vomit, my own vomit!

I think I'd better stop thinking about what the honey pot in front of me actually is, and focus my attention on its description.



[Fairy Lily's Honey]

Created by a low-level honey bee, it is very tasty!

Quality: low


Well delicious you say?? Well I'm so tired of all this work of creating Honey, I think experimenting a little wouldn't do me any harm...

After tasting some of this [Fairy lily's Honey] I found that the honey from before really wasn't tasty as this! this honey had a well-incorporated fruit taste and a taste that cam make you remember it. With a lot of willpower I stop eating coming almost halfway through the pot, so i turn and try to create some wax to test my theories about honey being a viable raw material, and to my surprise it really works! I feel the same weight that I feel when creating ordinary wax, and soon I let out a small ball of ordinary wax, the difference is that I felt that I still had a considerable amount of wax inside my chest! Normally I could only create 3-4 wax balls like this if I used nectar directly, but when honey is used i felt that even using a small amount of honey I could still create 6-7 more wax balls like this!

I try to analyze this little ball of wax to see if there is anything special about it and to my surprise there is!



[Bee wax]

Common bee wax, made with quality material

Quality: Fine


The quality is superior! does having higher quality wax have any substantial advantages or is it just something they put in the description? It may be that because it is of [Quality: Fine] quality it lasts longer or is more resistant, but I don't have exactly how to prove it, inspecting the small ball of wax I realize that it also has a similar smell to [Fairy lily's], I think that if this wild bee life doesn't work out I could become the owner of a candles shop.

There were still about 2 days left for the egg hatch and so my plans now are: create more honey pots!, Create a door, create a bed, and line the entire floor with wax!

Determined to make my little shelter into a comfortable home I go outside in search of more materials for my little personal project.

"It's time to work...."

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