Marigold – A LitRPG

Interlude: Temple of Dawn – Chase


Targaryen Marquisate - South of The Empire


A large, intricately woven rug covers the wooden floor, its deep reds and golds enhancing the room's regal ambiance. The crackling fire in the ornate marble fireplace adds a comforting warmth, the dancing flames casting flickering shadows across the walls. The only other sound is the steady scratching of a quill across parchment, occasionally interrupted by the soft rustle of paper as the man sets one document aside and picks up another.

In the midst of his tireless work, the great oak doors open, and a well-dressed butler enters silently. "Your Excellency, the envoys from the Temple of Dawn have arrived and request an audience," the butler announces from the doorway.

The sound of the quill stops abruptly. The man, intently focused on his documents, looks up, meeting the butler's gaze directly. The butler, in turn, glances downward, maintaining his composure and elegance. The man retrieves a small gold pocket watch from his suit pocket, studies the hands with a frown, then returns the watch to its place. "Very well, send them in," he says without looking back at the butler. The butler quickly bows in acknowledgment and exits the room. After a few moments alone in the large office, footsteps approach from the hallway. The office doors open, and a group of people dressed in pure white robes adorned with gold details enters, accompanied by the butler. Their faces are entirely concealed by fabric masks, each bearing a large golden eye at the center. Their bodies are covered from head to toe, leaving only their mouths visible.

"Sir, these are the envoys of the Temple of Dawn," the butler announces.

The group consists of five members—four towering figures, over two meters tall, draped in thick layers of fabric, and one distinct figure who stands out from the rest. Clearly a woman, she is adorned with jewelry in various colors, including chains, ornaments, and pendants. Her robe is made of pure white fabric with golden edges, embroidered with stars and small white beads. She wears large, semi-transparent veils that glisten with a light dusting of glitter.

"We of the Temple of Dawn salute Your Excellency, Marquis Draven of House Targaryn. May the light of the morning guide your path," says the female figure, joining her hands in prayer.

The man at the desk momentarily shows dissatisfaction but quickly masks it with a warm, gentle expression, like that of a kind grandfather.

"What an honor to welcome the members of the Temple of Dawn to my Marquisate. We don't often receive visitors here on the border," says the marquis with a broad smile.

"The morning light illuminates all things, Marquis. The church and the empire will never forget the great work of House Targaryn, which has kept the vile beasts away from lands blessed by the Goddess," the woman responds.

"I am honored by your praise. I am deeply grateful to the Goddess of the Morning for all the support the church has provided to the Marquisate of Targaryn in recent years," the marquis replies, smiling despite the vein pulsing in his forehead.

The envoys seem to sense the marquis's veiled provocation. The four large figures behind the woman shift slightly, but she raises a delicate hand, calming them.

The woman smiles and chuckles softly, a sound almost unnoticed by anyone but the marquis, who is keenly observing the delegation's every move.

"Marquis Targaryn, I sense you may be displeased with the Temple of Dawn for withdrawing some of the acolytes from your temples. But I ask you to understand that the church faces a shortage of properly trained members, and we needed those acolytes for our assault against the demon lord," the woman says confidently.

"I understand the church's difficulties. I just wonder how the Temple of Dawn, which values House Targaryn so highly, could leave the forces that directly combat the beasts of the Fallen Forest without the first aid provided by the temple. Especially since House Targaryn is the last—and only—real line of defense between the forest's beasts and the southern regions of the empire," the marquis says, clenching his fists.

In response, the woman simply smiles, as if she hadn't heard the marquis's words, and continues, "But since the Temple of Dawn recognizes the importance of House Targaryn's work for the Empire, we will send a delegation of 2,000 acolytes from the Temple before the month of Starfall."

'Two thousand acolytes? As if that would help. They're sending inexperienced recruits to the front lines for training and placing all the responsibility on me. Last time, there were 3,000, and more than half didn't survive,' the marquis thinks, his expression sharp.

Acolytes from the Temple of Dawn possess divine abilities—healing, strengthening, blessing, exorcism, and combat skills. They are invaluable in a place where people face death daily. But a single well-trained acolyte is worth more than a hundred inexperienced ones.

'They always do this—send the fodder here. And after they finally learn the ropes, they're relocated elsewhere. Last time it was a "great attack" against the demon lord. Before that, it was to combat dark corruption. What will be the next excuse?' the marquis wonders.

"I doubt the envoys of the Temple of Dawn traveled here just to deliver news that could have been sent in a letter. Could you honor me by explaining the true reason for your visit?" the marquis asks with a smile.

"Forgive me for the late introduction, I am Jasminy, Priestess of the Church of Twilight. I regret that I cannot reveal the identities of my companions, but I can say they were sent directly by the Temple of Dawn," Jasminy replies.

The Temple of Dawn has several affiliated churches and institutions, all of which worship the Goddess of the Morning, but each venerates a different aspect of her. The most well-known branches include:

The Church of Flames, which worships the Goddess as the Guardian of the Sacred Flame. This branch emphasizes her role in nurturing and protecting the eternal flame of life, warmth, and creation. It is known for producing strong paladins with unshakable faith and high morals.

The Church of Radiance, which venerates the Goddess as the Bringer of Light and source of all truth. This branch, known as "The Harbingers of Truth," commands the inquisitors and judges, using divine arts to purge liars and unravel lies.

The Church of Twilight, which worships the Goddess's ability to transition and transform. This branch believes that as night falls, the Goddess changes from the vibrant sun to the celestial moon, illuminating the path through darkness. They possess a unique ability to weaken or cancel magical energy, making them invaluable in detaining or restricting targets.

There are smaller branches, such as the Church of Harmony and the Church of the Earth, but they are less significant within the structure of the Temple.

"The Church of Twilight? That's new. So what brings a priestess from the Church of Twilight to a place like this? What or who are you seeking?" the marquis asks.

'A priestess from the Church of Twilight, accompanied by four mysterious envoys from the Temple of Dawn? This smells like trouble. A delegation of this level isn't here for just anyone,' the marquis thinks.

"Forgive my rudeness, Marquis Draven Targaryn, but I am not permitted to disclose all aspects of my mission. I can only say that the order came directly from the High Priest of the Church of Twilight," Jasminy declares with a delicate smile.

"I understand... But I still don't see how this involves me. If you seek a delegation to aid in your mission, I must decline. The Marquisate's forces are already stretched thin due to a lack of qualified personnel, and we cannot spare anyone," the marquis says, his expression serious.

"I completely understand, Sir Targaryn, but we did not come to ask for a delegation. Instead, we wish to offer you a proposal on behalf of the Temple of Dawn," Jasminy replies.

"Oh? And what might that be?" the marquis asks.

"We've heard that your son, Lord Desmond Targaryn, is both cunning and brave. Since he has ventured so often into the Fallen Forest, the Temple of Dawn wishes to fund an expedition led by your son to the plains east of the Fallen Forest," Jasminy says warmly.

"The plains? Why there? There's nothing of value in those regions. If you want to fund an expedition, why not to the forest's center, where nothing has been documented?" the marquis asks.

"You see, the Church of Twilight sent a small reconnaissance team into the Fallen Forest a few weeks ago. They were supposed to return in three or four days, but guess what? They returned five days ago. When questioned, it was discovered that a group of kobolds from the Bestman lands is living in the forest plains," Jasminy says with a big smile.

"Kobolds? That's unlikely. Are they a large group? How developed is their camp? And why is the Temple of Dawn concerned? It's only a matter of time before the forest's monsters wipe them out," the marquis asks.

"That's where it gets interesting... Normally, we wouldn't care about a few filthy beasts setting up camp in cursed lands. But the reconnaissance team provided me with some peculiar information that caught my attention," Jasminy says.

"Don't leave me in suspense. What is it?" the marquis asks.

"They don't know what, who, or why. But they reported that magical creatures in the forest were purposely following and closely observing them. When they tried to eliminate these creatures, the beasts fled without revealing themselves. After the attack, the atmosphere changed—the hundreds of eyes watching them disappeared, but there was still someone watching them, and they couldn't identify what, and they also said they felt a lot of hostility coming from those eyes - a true Bloodlust," said Jasminy.

"Do you trust this group? Even if it's true, such encounters aren't uncommon. The Fallen Forest is teeming with unknown and uncatalogued beasts. My grandfather, Demerik Targaryen, once swore he saw a white doe made of bones within the forest, but no one ever saw it again. It could very well have been a figment of his imagination," the marquis said.

"Well, I can't speak for your grandfather, but I have great confidence in the man who reported this information to me. It's not surprising to find unique creatures in the Fallen Forest, but what draws the most attention in this report is the interaction between these beasts and the kobolds," Jasminy replied.

"What do you mean? Are they parasitic creatures like the Zombie Centipedes?" the marquis asked.

"I wish that were the case. Unfortunately, these mysterious creatures aren't parasites... They're helping the kobolds," Jasminy said.

The marquis was silent for a moment, blinking slowly before opening his mouth, then closing it again before finally speaking.

"Helping? That's baseless nonsense, Your Holiness. Why make such jokes? Beasts do not help humanoids; they kill and devour them, especially the beasts from the Fallen Forest. Everything in that place is designed to kill and destroy anyone who enters. There's not the slightest chance of friendly 'creatures' there," the marquis said harshly, his gaze cold as it bore into Jasminy.

"Isn't it? When I first heard this, I also thought it was nothing more than a lie. But this information was reported to me by Paladin Gareth Veiled himself, under the Oath of the Holy Light. So, there's no reason to believe it's false or exaggerated," Jasminy stated.

"This... is unexpected," the marquis admitted, crossing his arms and frowning.

A paladin's oath on the Eternal Light is as binding as a vow on their life. If a paladin breaks an oath made on the Eternal Light of the Goddess of the Morning, they would lose all their powers and be hunted by the Temple of Dawn as a heretic. Yet, even so, there are ways around it. If a paladin swears they saw a person die and sincerely believes it to be true, they wouldn’t be punished by the divine light, even if that person is later found alive.

"Are you sure the creatures your delegation encountered were kobolds? It wouldn't be the first time we've encountered skin thieves in the forest," the marquis suggested.

"Skin thieves don’t live in such an organized and peaceful manner. Gareth’s report described the kobolds as quite 'civilized,' so I doubt that's the case," Jasminy replied.

"What about demons? Body stealers and blood demons are known to possess and replace their victims almost perfectly," the marquis countered.

"The demons are too far away to have reached the Fallen Forest. Unless they came underground or by air, there's no way they could have left the Far West and arrived here without being sighted in the last few months," Jasminy said.

"...I'm at a loss. I can't think of any other known creature that could explain this bizarre situation," the marquis confessed.

"And that's precisely why the Temple of the Morning requests the help of the Marquis and Lord Targaryen. My delegation, in collaboration with Lord Targaryen, wishes to purge this threat before it becomes a real danger," Jasminy declared.

"Purge... I understand. But, without wishing to contradict His Holiness's words, wouldn't 'purging' a delegation from a foreign nation in neutral lands give that nation a very solid reason to start a conflict with us?" the marquis asked.

"Of course. But this isn't a common case of conflict between two nations in neutral lands. It's an investigation into suspicious and malicious activities. This delegation may very well be just explorers or colonizers sent by our neighbor, but what if, by some twist of fate, they are being controlled by beasts from the Fallen Forest? As envoys of the Goddess, we have the sacred mission to free their souls from the clutches of these evil creatures," Jasminy replied, a wide smile spreading across her face.

'As if. The Temple of Dawn despises anything non-human. They'll come up with any excuse to eliminate this group of kobolds and blame it on demons or monsters,' the marquis thought.

"Hmm... Please give me a day to think about it. I need to analyze the situation and discuss it with my son," the marquis finally said.

Upon hearing his response, Jasminy simply smiled sweetly and bowed delicately. "I, Jasminy Veiled, Priestess of the Church of Twilight, thank you for the audience, Your Excellency, Marquis Targaryen," she said before heading towards the door. As she approached, the doors were opened from the outside by the servants, and Jasminy and her delegation left the room, leaving the marquis deep in thought at his desk.

A few moments after Jasminy left, the Marquis picked up a small bell beside his desk and rang it delicately. The doors to the office opened once more, and the familiar figure of his butler entered.

"Yes, Your Excellency?" The butler bowed deeply.

"Bring my son here. Tell him it is important and that his presence is required immediately," the Marquis said, not looking up from his papers.

"T-That... It might be difficult, my lord," the butler responded nervously.

The Marquis’s hand, busy with writing, froze mid-stroke. Slowly, he looked up, his ruby-red eyes locking onto the butler.

"What is this? Why would it be so difficult to bring that child here?" he demanded.

"Young master Targaryen is in the County of Ravenfell, my lord. He continues to pursue Miss Seraphine Ravenfell despite your warnings," the butler stammered.

The Marquis slammed his fist onto the desk, causing a small ink jar to topple and spill, papers and documents scattering to the floor. His anger boiled over, his temper flaring.

"That foolish boy! Not only does he disobey my orders, but he also chases after the daughter of a failed earl like Ravenfell. Can he not see that woman is merely using him?!" the Marquis shouted, pressing a hand to his forehead.

"S-Sir, what do you wish me to do?" the butler asked, trembling.

"It's not obvious, you idiot?! BRING HIM HERE AT ONCE! Drag him if necessary! I don’t have time for a stupid teenager’s tantrums; I need to deal with the temple’s envoys," the Marquis commanded furiously.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" The butler quickly left the office.

‘Where did I go wrong with that boy?’ the Marquis thought, his irritation palpable. ‘If only I had other heirs to take over the Targaryen Marquessate... Ugh, if that boy is foolish enough to impregnate Miss Seraphine Ravenfell and give me a promising grandson, there might still be a chance to maintain the prestige of House Targaryen.’

The Marquis turned his gaze out the window. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the courtyard where maids and soldiers busied themselves. Gardeners tended to the plants as a gentle breeze rustled through the estate.

‘I’ve worked tirelessly to make this place what it is. Years of sacrifice and hard work... I can’t let my son’s stupidity and lack of foresight jeopardize the lives of those who trust in House Targaryen. If only my wife were still alive... Perhaps she could talk some sense into that boy,’ he mused, the memory of his late wife’s face haunting his thoughts. The future of House Targaryen weighed heavily on his mind, with Lord Desmond Targaryen next in line. But if Desmond proved unfit, nothing would stop the Marquis’s brothers from vying for the title, and in the worst-case scenario, the Marquessate might return to the crown, placing it under royal control.

His thoughts returned to the mess before him—the scattered papers, spilled ink, and fallen stamps. With a sigh, the Marquis opened a drawer in his desk, retrieving a different bell, this one silver with black lines. He rang it, the distinct sound summoning an older woman in a maid’s outfit. Her gray hair was tied in a bun, and she wore thick, round glasses.

"Did the Marquis call?" she asked.

"Yes. Clean this office, replace the carpet, and request new copies of these documents before my son arrives. Also, prepare me a hot bath and a proper meal," the Marquis instructed, standing up from his desk.

"Immediately, my lord. Would you like anything else?" the woman asked.

"Yes, Anny. Investigate Miss Seraphine Ravenfell. Find out if she’s made any unexpected moves. Also, spread rumors that the Targaryen Marquis is keen on having a grandson. Make sure this reaches the ears of the Earl of Ravenfell," the Marquis said, removing his toothpick and placing it on a hanger.

"Have you given up on separating the young master and Miss Ravenfell?" Anny inquired.

"You could say that. Even if her father is merely trying to tie her to the Targaryen Marquessate, it’s a small price to pay if I can secure a suitable heir for the Marquessate," the Marquis replied.

"I understand, Your Excellency. I will personally see to it that your orders are carried out," Anny said, bowing her head.

"One more thing—look into any unusual activities at the Temple of Dawn. Something about this delegation feels off. Keep a low profile and leave no loose ends. We can’t afford to underestimate the temple’s influence," the Marquis added as he headed for the door.

"Yes, sir. Consider it done," Anny assured him.

Opening the office doors, the Marquis slowly walked out, leaving behind the chaotic room and his trusted servant.

"Very well, Anny. I trust in your skills to deliver satisfactory results," the Marquis said before closing the doors and making his way to his room.



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