Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 100 – How to become a Superhero 101

'Superhero? Should I become a Superhero just to have him agree?' Leo contemplated, weighing the pros and cons of agreeing to Syndrome.

'Well, if I refuse and pay him instead, I don't think he would be that enthusiastic in helping me invent something. So I might as well take this opportunity to have fun in this world also.' Making the decision, he grinned and replied to the still waiting Syndrome.

"Not yet but I will be." As if to prove his words, Leo looked side by side and after seeing that no one was looking on their side, his entire suit changed, donning the upgraded Black Panther suit, 10 the cape.

'If Edna sees me right now, she'd definitely pull the cape out of the suit even if it means choking the hell out of me.' Leo's mouth mentally quivered, knowing Edna's obsession with No Capes policy.

"Woah! How did you do that? What are your Superpowers? You can transform yourself into a robot? A rare type of physical transformation superpower?" Syndrome's eyes twinkled several times while barraging Leo with questions.

"Hold on, kid. Chill down. First of all, this is not a transformation superpower, it's a suit, it was a gift from someone who I won't disclose for some reason. Lastly, my superpower is more strength oriented." Leo calmly explained, hiding some truths and lies in his answer.

"Strength? How strong are you then, compared to Super Macho Man, who can lift airplanes." The boy asked, fanatism almost evident in his eyes.

'Super Macho Man? What kind of a Superhero has that kind of lame name?' Leo secretly laughed in his mind, of course he didn't dare to laugh out loud, who knows maybe this Super Macho Man is Syndrome's favourite superhero before Mr. Incredible.

"Hmm, let's see. If we're talking about lifting strength, then I can confidently lift an entire large ship. But when it comes to explosive strength, I'm not sure yet but this macho won't stand a chance against me." Leo grinned, raising his arm and flexing his muscles which thanks to his tight fit black panther suit outlining every line of his muscle.

"Really? How about you prove it?" Syndrome crossed his arms and demanded, not believing his words.

"Prove it? How am I gonna prove it? It's not like I can fight this macho superhero and become a villain, right?" Leo chuckled.

"No no no, I'm not talking about fighting a superhero. I was referring to the Superhero gym. It's kind of like a new branch of the government in order to locate and determine those who awaken their superpowers."

"There's this one Gym where Super Macho Man is using. It's also the gym where he set a record for the highest score in Pack-A-Punch! Defeat that score and that'll be your proof. Not to mention, defeating that score would also give you the spotlight to easily become a hero." Syndrome finished, surprising Leo by the amount of knowledge Syndrome could fit inside his tiny 5 year old brain.

"You know, for a child. You know so many things." Leo grinned, his words being a hidden compliment.

"Normally I'd say it's because of genes but this time, my answer is because my grandma gave me access to the internet just last year." Syndrome confidentially puffed up his chest in pride.

"Last year?" Leo was even more surprised.

'So he just got access to the internet last year and he's already deep into the dark side of the internet?'

"Yes. Now let's go." Syndrome jumped from the chair and landed on the ground before he started walking away.

"Where are you going?"

"To the Superhero Gym, obviously." Syndrome shrugged his shoulders and replied.

'Calm down, Leo. This is for the Quest. For strength.' Leo calmly breathed in and out before following Syndrome outside.

Of course he retracted his black panther suit. He wouldn't want to walk outside attracting everyone's eyes on him now, does he?


"Are you sure about this, Larry?"

"Of course I am, who do you think I am? You know in high school, they used to call me Savvy Larry."

"Pfft! Savvy Larry."

Inside an old white van, three men in black masks were talking with one another, one particular man named Larry seems to be the leader of the group of three.

"Is there something funny about it, huh!? Do you want me to kick you out of this operation?!" Larry's forehead gained a tick upon hearing one of his companions laughing at his nickname.

"N-Nothing. Sorry."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Now, let's discuss the plans again. You two will head up straight to the counter and demand the cash, while I'll take potential hostages to secure our way out, understand?" Larry explained.

Nodding their heads, Larry smiled in satisfaction.

"Now, go and double check your weapons, we don't want it jamming in the middle of the possible gun fight now, do we?" Continued Larry.

The two goons nodded their heads at the same time and started checking their guns, which consists of Spaz-12 and an SMG rifle.

"Ready? Good! Let's go." Opening the door of the van, the three masked men quickly started running towards the entrance of the bank.

The nearby citizens were quick to notice this and inform the nearby police stations.

Meanwhile, the security guard inside was busy munching on some donuts when his eyes widened in surprise upon seeing the barrel of the Spaz-12 straight to his face, threatening to blow his face into multiple holes if he didn't cooperate.

"Get on the ground now!" Goon #1 shouted, shoving the barrel of his Spaz-12 to the security guard's mouth full of donut bread.

Immediately letting go of his donut, the security guard slowly dropped on the ground and placed his hands behind his head, cooperating without any complaints.

Sighing in relief that the security guard cooperated without causing any hassle, the three masked men finally strode inside.


Firing the SMG rifle into the air, the people inside all fell to the ground while squealing in fear.

"Get on the ground, motherfuckers! This is a mothafuckin robbery!" Larry yelled in a deep and harsh tone along with a different accent from earlier.

"....Why the black accent?" One of his companions asked in confusion.

"Isn't it obvious? To mislead them. They'll think I'm black based on my accent, which will lead the police investigation to investigate black people instead of whites like us. They call me Savvy Larry for a reason." Larry replied in a whispering manner.

"Ohh...." Goon #2 slowly nodded his head in understanding. He then proceeded to do the same.

"On the ground fools! Ain't nobody moving or this baby will find itself up in yo asses!"

Thanks to them wearing masks and gloves, it is almost impossible to determine if they're truly black or white based on the outside perspective of course.

"Go get the cash, fools!" Larry yelled at the two goons who quickly nodded their heads like chickens before approaching the counter in a violent manner.

"Put the money in the bag!"

While the two were busy collecting the cash, Larry wasn't idle.

His eyes were scanning around the area, looking for an easy and effective hostage.

Soon, his eyes laid on a small female child with slightly dark skin and surprisingly silver hair, no older than 6, cowering behind an old woman's back, who seems to be the girl's grandmother.

"You! Get up on your ass and get over here!" Pointing his Glock at the child, Larry demanded.

"No! No! Please not my granddaughter! Take me! Take me!" Realizing who Larry was referring to, the grandmother quickly cried out, offering herself instead of her granddaughter who is now on the verge of crying.

"Get out of my face, old woman!" Shoving the face of the grandmother aside, Larry harshly grabbed the girl by her arms and dragged her away from her wailing grandmother.

"Grandma!" The girl cried out in fear.

"No! Miranda!" The grandmother tried to reach out to the girl now known as Miranda however it was already too late as the little girl was already in the hands of Larry.

"Quiet or I'll blow your face off!" Irritated by the cries, Larry pointed the barrel of his Glock to Miranda's face and threatened.

"Good." Quieting down, Larry smiled in relief.

Now all that's left is for his companions to get the money and get the hell out of here, using the little girl as a hostage.

As for what to do of her once the successfully escaped?

What else but dispose of her?

*Police Sirens!*

"Shit!" Larry cursed, not expecting the police to arrive so early. It's just been 5 minutes since the robbery started.


"Aside from Super Macho Man, there's also Frozone who is rising to fame just around this year. His powers are awesome, identical to his name, he can create ice with his bare hands, he could literally freeze someone to death!" While walking in the streets, Syndrome can't seem to stop his mouth from producing countless words and sentences to the point that Leo almost wanted to cover his ears.

Thankfully he didn't do it as his hearing quickly picked up the sounds of people screaming and the sound of police sirens.

"Something seems to be going on over there." Interrupting Syndrome, Leo pointed at the distance in front of them and said 

"Hmm? How do you know that?" Syndrome raised an eyebrow and asked in confusion.

"Super hearing. Now let's go!" Leo simply tapped on his ears and said before he started running.

"Super hearing. I'm gonna take note of that." Syndrome muttered to himself.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 101 - Gym for Supers!]

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