Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 102 – Record Beater?

Leo was expecting to see a wide building with either two or three stories high, open windows with several Superheroes training inside.

However, that doesn't seem to be the case in this.

Instead of those that he mentioned above, the so-called 'Gym' in front of him looks more like an Institutional Building.

The building is very tall, probably around 20 stories tall or maybe more. Its unique design made Leo think he was in some kind of rich university instead of a Gym.

"Are you sure this is a Gym?" Leo asked Syndrome for confirmation.

"It looks deceiving at first but once you get inside. Trust me, you'll think of it more like an advanced laboratory full of technology! It's a place of dreams for people like us!" Syndrome's eyes twinkled, clearly showcasing that the people he's referring to include him.

"Really?" Leo raised his eyebrow.

"Come, come." Syndrome gestured to him while rushing inside.

"Excuse me! Coming through!" Swaying through the crowds, Syndrome slithered around like a snake.

As for Leo, due to his tall and slightly muscular stature, caused everyone to step aside to give way to him 

'Ah, this feels good~' Leo's lips rose slightly out of satisfaction.

Thankfully, it's still quite early in the morning, so there weren't that many people aside from the Gym's staff members.

"Let's go, usually the Pack-A-Punch is crowded but from the looks of it, we're lucky and there are less people today. We don't have to struggle in a very long line!" Quickly grabbing Leo's hand which surprised him, the both of them showed up in front of the desk where a man blowing bubblegum stood with a bored expression.

"Reason for visit?" The man asked in a monotone voice.

"Hi! Me and my dad here wanted to test our Superpower Possibility. We had a hunch that we had Superpowers." Even though Syndrome looks like he can handle this just fine, however it confuses Leo on why Syndrome wore his hood and refused looking into the man's eyes.

"Hmmm....." Suddenly, the man squinted his eyes at Syndrome and leaned forward, as if trying to recognize him.

"Kid, you look quite familiar. You remind me of that annoying kid that keeps coming here every week just to test out if he has superpowers, which he clearly doesn't have." The man spoke, his hand trying to reach forward to remove his hood.

Leo's sharp senses quickly sensed that Syndrome was now sweating heavily out of nervousness.

"R-Really? But it's my first time here, S-surely you got the wrong kid. Haha~" Syndrome awkwardly chuckled.

"Oh really? It's your first time here but you know about our function Superpower Possibility?" The man raised an eyebrow while pressing on.

This time, Syndrome became more nervous at being exposed.

Feeling bad for his predicament that he doesn't know how he got himself in, Leo decided to help the kid.

So, with a pat on Syndrome's stunned head, Leo spoke up in a gruff and scary tone.

"Good morning, good sir. I don't like seeing you ganging up on my son like this. He's a very good child, it is indeed his first time here and as for how he knows about the Superhero Possibility, we just heard it from his classmate in school. Does that clear up your confusion?" While speaking, Leo also activated the function of his Hades Ring, inducing fear into the very bones of the man in front of him.


Suddenly freezing, the man shivered, his eyes bearing the greatest fear one can be seen in a human.

"Y-Y-You can g-go now." The man gulped his saliva and gave the two of them a small ticket each.

"Thank you." Leo smirked as he thanked the man before taking the tickets from his hand and gave Syndrome the other one.

"....Thank you." Syndrome muttered while looking down, clearly embarrassed to be handled like that.

"Don't worry, son. As your dad, it is my duty to protect you and guide you." Leo answered with the same gruff and scary tone.

"Alright haha, funny. You can cut it out now." Syndrome rolled his eyes and faked a laugh.

"Fine fine. Now show me this Pack-A-Punch and I'll show you what true strength is." Leo arrogantly said, holding his shoulder with his other hand as he rotates it several times, showing off his muscles that can be seen through his tight fit shirt.

Syndrome simply ignored this and told him.

"How about appreciating the view inside?"

Hearing this, Leo finally raised his head and scanned his eyes around.

'Holy shit. Is this really the world of The Incredibles? How come they never showed this in the movies?' Leo gasped in surprise, his eyes widening upon seeing technologies that are out of this world.

Treadmills that look like they are attached to the floor. Televisions that don't look like televisions but a glass panel.

There's even a section in the room where lifts and dumbbells can be seen.

The dumbbells also don't look close to a dumbbell. Normally a dumbbell is black and metal, however in this case, the dumbbells are gold plated and very shiny, as if lifting it would declare you the new king of England.

'This is definitely not a Gym.' Leo's face twitched slightly.

"The Pack-A-Punch is up there! Let's go." Grabbing Leo's hand again, Syndrome led him towards the elevator.


Pressing on the upwards button, they both waited for a few seconds before the elevator opened.

Seeing that they're alone, they both entered and Syndrome excitedly pressed on the 6th floor.

The sliding door of the elevator closed and they both stood silently.

At the same time, someone from the third floor pressed on the elevator and they now stopped on the said floor.

The moment the door of the elevator opened, Leo's eyes widened in surprise at seeing a familiar person.

"Didn't I tell you not to meddle with those greedy dogs, Justin my darling?" A snarky tone entered Leo's ears as a very short woman with short black hair that compliments her black outfit walked inside the elevator, following behind her was a man with a hunchback, tiredness evident in his eyes.

"But without their investments, I don't think this Gym would last long, especially now that the government is receiving multiple complaints from the civilians towards Superheroes." The tired Justin, replied after a moment of breather.

"Then we sell this Gym! I'd rather focus on my costume designs than harness potential Superpowers. Every single person that visits the Gym only adds to my headache!" The short woman that doesn't even reach Leo's knees, complained more loudly, ignoring both Syndrome and Leo who just awkwardly stood on the side.

Well, more like Leo who is standing awkwardly as Syndrome was looking at the short woman with excitement and happiness welling up in his eyes.

As if he had just seen his greatest idol in the world.

"Oh my god, it's Edna Mode. The most famous and greatest weaver of superhero costumes in the world! Except for Super Macho Man, she designed all the costumes of the superheroes today!" Syndrome grabbed Leo's sleeves and pulled him towards his height level, whispering to his ear, which unfortunately or fortunately for him, was heard by the short woman, now known as Edna.

"Hmm? And who are you two supposed to be? Ugh, let me guess, you both are here for the Superpower Possibility? How boring and typical." Edna made a snarky remark and rolled her eyes before ignoring them once again.

However, Syndrome was oblivious to this, so he commented.

"Actually we're here to beat Super Macho Man's Pack-A-Punch record!"

"Super Macho Man? Beat his record? Hmp, good luck then. There's a reason why he's the number one Superhero of Metroville and why he's the only Superhero who refuses to not wear a cape! What's even worse is that his cape is attached to his mask! Hmp, I can only imagine what his death would be like someday, hopefully tomorrow." Once again, with the same snarky tone, Edna sarcastically replied, showing his hate on the Superhero only because of wearing a cape.

"My da-I mean, my friend here will definitely beat his record! You should have seen how he rescued those civilians and defeated those bank robbers this morning!" Syndrome puffed up his chest in pride, as if he was a proud father over his son's achievement.

'Kid. Stop yapping your mouth in front of anybody!' Leo resisted the temptation of fucking his morals and put the annoying kid in front of him out of his misery.

"Bank robbers? This morning?" Edna raised an eyebrow and confusedly said, shifting her head to her assistant, Justin.

Taking this as a signal, Justin quickly opened his tablet and tapped a few times before showing them to Edna.

"Let's see. Metroville saved by an unknown vigilante? Presumed Superhero based on an animal, Black Panther? Super strength, invisibility, sharp reflexes, sharp claws, sharp eyes, sharp mucles- ehem. I've seen enough." Coughing slightly upon the end of the article she's reading, Edna threw the tablet back to Justin, who scrambled to catch it due to the element of surprise.

"So, you're vigilante, darling?" Edna stared at Leo's eyes and asked.


"And can I ask something about that suit of yours that you used?" Edna smiled while asking. 

Meanwhile, Leo felt something wrong about but still, he nodded his head.

"THEN WHY DO YOU HAVE A CAPE! DO YOU KNOW HOW CRUCIAL IT IS TO NOT WEAR A CAPE!?" Much to the surprise of Leo and Syndrome, Edna yelled at him on the top of her lungs.

As for Justin, he just sighed in defeat, as if this is just his everyday life.

"How about we make a deal." Recovering herself, Edna proposed.

"What deal?" Leo squinted his eyes and asked.

"If you indeed bear Super Macho Man's Pack-A-Punch record WITHOUT the suit, I'll be willing to become your personal costume designer! I'll upgrade and tweak your fancy costume and bring it to a level you have never seen before!"

"And if I don't?"

"You will give me your costume and I'll 'personally' change its design." Edna said with an evil smile.

"How about it, Record Beater?"


[More like Meat Beater. Buh-dum tss!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 103 - Edna Mode]

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