Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 126 – ElastiGirl’s flashy entrance!

While Helen was thinking of checking out the explosion and if possible, using it as a way to start her Superhero career, she wasn't the only one thinking about it.

"Explosion?" Bob murmured to himself as he looked at the distance where a dark smoke was rising. Concern etched on his face.

"I should check it out." He continued, proceeding to jump from the window of his apartment and undressing himself mid-air, showing his super suit inside his current clothes.

Upon landing on the ground, he was already in his super suit and soon quickly caught the attention of the nearby passerby.

"Hey look! Isn't that Mr. Incredible?"

"You're right! I'm a huge fan of his! Some say that his strength is almost on par with Super Macho Man!"

"You're wrong! I think Super Macho Man is still stronger! I mean, the guy lifted a plane for Christ's sake!"

"It's not like it's a big deal, the plane he lifted is just a Cessna aircraft. Those light and small planes." 

"It's still a plane! How about you then? Can you lift a plane even a Cessna plane like Super Macho Man?" 

"Oh yeah? You want a piece of me huh?!"

Sensing the tension rising due to his appearance, Bob cleared his throat and gave everyone a small wave before rushing towards his Incredibile, a sleek black vehicle that he bought and personally modified. Of course, he also asked his personal costume designer, Edna Mode for help.

The Incredibile was not only bulletproof and scratchproof, it even had a few of its defensive and offensive mechanisms that could potentially help him in his crime fights in the future.


Revving up the engine, The Incredibile proceeded to sway around the streets, using his smooth driving skills to avoid the heavy traffic.


As a matter of fact, Mr. Incredible and ElastiGirl aren't the only ones who notice the dark smoke in the distance, there's also the Ice Superhero, Lucius who goes by the name Frozone, was riding his Super Bike when he heard the explosion and saw the rising smoke.

"Well Well Well, looks like another good job to me." Grinning to himself, Frozone's visor scanned the smoke in the sky and calculated the distance between him and the smoke.

Similar to Helen and Bob, Lucius also got his Super Suit designed and created by Edna Mode. Hence, his Super Suit is equipped with several functions and technology that surpass common heroes.

"Let's do this!" Pulling the throttle, Lucius revved the engine and the Superbike quickly swerved around the traffic.


"It is I! Mustached Muscular Man! I am back! For more terror and destruction!" In the heart of Metroville city, Mustached Muscular Man harshly landed on the ground, forming cracks in the ground followed by a small earthquake that was felt by everyone around.

As if to prove his words, Mustached Muscular Man grabbed a nearby parked car on the side of the road before throwing it on a bus waiting shed.


"Aah!" Upon the destruction of the shed, the scared civilians all screamed and ran around like headless chickens.


"It's Super Macho Man's rival! Mustached Muscular Man!"

"Giyahahahaha! Show me how strong the Superheroes of this generation are!" Mustached Muscular Man grinned as he grabbed another parked car before throwing it towards a high-rise building this time.


"This is so fun! Another!" Grinning as the building he threw a car on started to explode and burn, he was about to grab another car to throw when suddenly, he was interrupted by a set of elongated arms wrapping around his arms.

"Huh?" Mustached Muscular Man murmured in confusion before feeling a pull on his wrapped arm.

However, whoever was trying to pull him was definitely weaker as Mustached Muscular Man didn't even need to try to resist as simply standing still was enough for him to not budge.

Amused at the Superhero who was trying to stop him, Mustached Muscular Man traced the owner of the long arm and noticed a woman with a curvy figure standing on top of the rooftop.

Though not technically standing still as the Superhero was using the ledge of the rooftop to assist herself in pulling his arm.

"Oh? Interesting?" The muscular Hero was well-informed about the world of heroes and villains and he had heard of a certain superhero whose powers allowed her to stretch her limbs.

"You must be ElastiGirl, am I right?" Despite having his arm wrapped, the Muscular villain acted as if it wasn't there in the first place as he pointed his finger at the stretchy superhero.

"And you must be Mustached Muscular Man, Super Macho Man's long-time rival. What are you even doing here? I thought Macho Man had already sent you to prison this month. You escaped again?" Of course, ElastiGirl would reply and her response differs from her actual personality.

It's like she's an entirely different person when she's wearing a mask, it's like she can let her inner thoughts out once she's behind the mask.

"Chatty are we? And did you really think there's a prison in this world that can hold me? No one except Macho Man can hold me down!" With a final shout, Muscular Man cocked his wrapped arm back, pulling the stunned ElastiGirl towards him.

"Newbie." Muscular Man sneered as ElastiGirl soared in the air towards him.

Raising his other arm, Muscular Man prepared to catch ElastiGirl when suddenly much to his surprise, ElastiGirl's right arm, the one that is wrapped in his own, surprisingly stretched more and punched him in the face.


Muscular Man has no idea why he felt pain from the punch when he could tank bullets and bombs.

Thanks to the punch, ElastiGirl managed to free her right arm from Muscular Man and softly landed on the ground.

"For a little girl you sure do pack a punch." Massaging his hurt jaw, Muscular Man praised.

"Would you believe me if I said even I didn't know my punch is strong like that?" Shrugging the compliment, ElastiGirl replied with a casual tone.

"I was giving you a compliment and this is your response? You're starting to annoy me, Rubber Girl." The muscles on his face twitched several times out of annoyance, as he prepared to resume his assault on ElastiGirl.

"Huh, what a coincidence, I feel the same." Smirking, ElastiGirl responded again but with even more arrogance in her tone.

"Hmph!" This time, Muscular Man refrained from replying and instead, decided to settle it with a fight.

Searching around and finding a large pole, Muscular Man used his bare hands to uproot it from the ground before pointing it toward ElastiGirl as if it were a sword.

"Normally, I came here because I'm looking for Phantom but since you came first and even disrespected me, you should've said your goodbyes to your loved ones."

"Wait Phantom?" Ignoring the rest of his words, the superhero named Phantom was the one that caught ElastiGirl's attention.

Why? Because she knows Phantom formerly known as Black Panther is Leo!

What does Muscular Man, Super Macho Man's rival want to Leo? What did Leo do to attract such a big Supervillain's attention?

"Oh? You have also heard of him? I heard he got famous first for beating Macho Man's Pack-A-Punch record. That's why I'm here, to defeat him for beating his record!"

"…You're here just because of that!? What are you? Seven years old? And it's not like it was your record to begin with!" ElastiGirl, who has been worried and thinking about what did Leo do to make an enemy out of Muscular Man, clenched her fist after hearing the truth and her eyes twitched.

"I-I doesn't matter! Only I can be the rival of Macho Man! Only I can be as strong as Macho Man! No one else!"

"Oh~? It sounds to me like you have some kind of relationship with your rival. I can smell the love and jealousy in the air." Sensing the opportunity to tease the large muscular man, ElastiGirl smirked and crossed her arms under her bosom as she spoke with a sultry tone.

"You!!!" Brimming red in anger, Muscular Man's grip on the pole tightened as he quickly swung it towards ElastiGirl, who backflipped to avoid it.



Several times, Muscular Man kept swinging the pole to ElastiGirl but no matter how strong and fast he gets, ElastiGirl would either dodge them or bend her body in inhumane ways to avoid the pole.

Eventually, Muscular Man, seeing that the pole wouldn't serve him any more purpose, threw it towards a bunch of civilians hiding behind a car.

ElastiGirl's eyes widened in surprise and fear as the flashback of the McDonald incident flashed within her eyes.

Before she knew it, her body moved instinctively and her upper body stretched so fast to catch the flying pole.

Fortunately for the civilians, the pole was successfully stopped by ElastiGirl.

Unfortunately for ElastiGirl on the other hand, Muscular Man used the time that the pole brought to approach her lower body and swiped his legs under her feet, causing her to slip and lose balance.


"Oof!" Harshly landing on the ground, ElastiGirl was about to pull her lower body towards her upper body when Muscular Man grabbed both of her feet and started swinging her around in circles.

Swooosh! x10

For ten consecutive times of swinging her in circles, ElastiGirl was already dizzy and on the verge of collapsing when suddenly, the two of them hears a revving engine from a distance.

Albeit dizzy, ElastiGirl still managed to see who was coming and what she saw shocked her.

"That….Leo's car?" She muttered to herself as her eyes scanned through its windshield and there it is, Leo in his Panther habit suit. 


[You were expecting Bob to arrive didn't you? Muwahaha!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 127 - Leo arrived before Bob?]

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