Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 129 – You guys are late!

At the same time as Leo disappeared along with Alejandro, Helen heard a click inside the car.

Knowing what it meant, Helen quickly pulled the car handle, and true to her realization, the car was indeed unlocked now.

Getting out of the car, she then noticed two Superheroes that she had been seeing on the television.

“Frozone and Mr. Incredible?”

Getting their attention, Mr. Incredible was the first one to approach her and ask.

“Excuse me, miss? Are you a new Superhero?” Mr. Incredible asked her with cautiousness. After all, it's not uncommon to mistake a villain for a Superhero due to appearances.

“Yes. My name, I mean my Superhero name is ElastiGirl.” Helen proudly said, crossing her arms as a smug smile took over her face.

“ElastiGirl, alright uhh. Where’s the villain? Did you beat it already?” Suddenly, her smile got strained and she hesitantly said.

“Well, you guys are late. I could’ve beat the villain but Phantom beat me to it.” Despite having the first clash against one of the greatest Super-Villains, Helen was not dumb enough to take the credit, though that doesn’t mean she’ll paint herself in a weak way.

“Phantom…” Mr. Incredible muttered to himself, obviously he knows who Phantom is. After all, he met Phantom on two occasions. The first is during his Hero duty a few weeks ago and the most recent is during the McDonalds bombing.

“Who is the villain? Do you perhaps know anything about it?”

“Incredible. There’s no time for dillydallying, there are victims who need saving. As for you ElastiGirl, you’re a new Superhero, right? Then do your job and help us.” Snapping Bob out of it, Lucius pointed at the victims crying for help, either stuck somewhere or injured and cannot move.

“You’re right. Let’s go!” And with that, the trio proceeded to help around the ruined street.

As for Helen, she was left to wonder why he took Muscular Man and where.


Back in the Laboratory, Leo and Alejandro appeared in a blink of an eye.

“W-Where are we? You have teleportation?” Alejandro then started to look at Leo with more fear in his eyes. Sure, super strength looks cool and all but what truly matters is the convenience and versatility when it comes to Superpowers.

And to Alejandro, teleportation ranks at the top.

He has heard of Heroes and Villains having teleportation powers and all of them left a lasting mark on today’s world.

“Let’s just say, this place will be your grave. And yes I have teleportation, surely you’re not that dumb, right?”

“You can’t do this! You’re a Hero! What will your fans think of you once they’ve heard of this!” Alejandro yelled, using his hands to try and resist.


Only for him to receive a deadly strike to his face.

“You’re too noisy,” Leo uttered and dragged him towards one of the lab’s exclusive places. A jail.

“From now on, your new place is this. And don’t worry, you won’t stay here for long. If luck is upon you, I might kill you early.” With that being said, Leo scanned his fingerprint on the cell and once opened, threw him inside.


“Don’t die, okay? I’ll be back in a jiffy.” With a smile, Leo started walking toward one of the Lab’s equipment.

“Say Red Queen. What do you think is the best way to make the man spill?” 

[-There are various ways to make him tell you everything. I’ll list it out for you.-] 

And with that, the screen on one of the computers lit up and started showing several texts that made Leo giggle like a child.


[We are now live at Metroville City, Blooming Street where a fight between a Supervillain and Supehero just took place. The Supervillain in mention turns out to be the long-time rival of the number one Superhero Super Macho Man, Mustached Muscular Man. We are now trying to contact the said Hero but so far, we have received no response from him or his management team.]

The previously ruined street was now filled with police cars and ambulances as the news reporter was stating her line on the camera.

She then stepped aside to show a new figure in tights.

“What we do have here however is a new Superhero, ElastiGirl, who has been in contact with the Muscular Man. Tell me, ElastiGirl. How does it feel like to be just a newbie and suddenly fight someone in the big leagues?” Pointing her mic towards ElastiGirl, the blonde news reporter waited for her answer.

“I uhm, uhh. I’m sorry, quite nervous.” Upon having the camera pointed at her, the script that she had been preparing and rehearsing in her mind was now in shambles.

“It’s okay. All newbies go through the same. We understand. Take your time to answer.” Thankfully, the news reporter was understanding and gave Helen time.

“So uhm, uhh. I was just on my way to scour the streets like a hero, you know. When suddenly, I saw a smoke in the distance….” For the next five minutes, Helen recounted everything in front of the camera, of course, she planted herself in a good light, unlike getting beaten by Muscular Man, she stated she simply backed away to let Phantom because her fighting style didn’t suit against someone like Muscular Man.

“Where do you think Phantom brought him? Could he be bringing Muscular Man to a nearby prison? Or someplace else?” The news reporter raised another question just as ElastiGirl finished her story.

Speechless and not knowing what to do, Helen stuttered a few times.

“I-Uhh, I don’t know. I mean, maybe Le-Phantom will bring Muscular Man to a personal prison, you know, like BatMale from Gothic City.” Helen smiled awkwardly, thankfully the news reporter was professional in her job and quickly responded to disperse the awkwardness.

“I see, you have a point. Hopefully, Phantom himself will come out again and we’ll be able to interview him personally. Thank you for your time, Ms. ElastiGirl. May you prosper in your Superhero career.” Just like that, the news ended and Leo turned off the television in the Laboratory.

“You hear that Alejandro? They think I brought you to a personal prison of mine like BatMale.” Smirking, Leo approached the glass cell and crouched, watching in amusement as whatever was left of Alejandro started to crawl toward him.

Alejandro’s appearance was no longer recognizable and even his mother might not recognize him.

His charred lips, along with his bleeding mouth that was void of any teeth. His long mustache was no longer there except for an exposed muscle, from the looks of it, his mustache was ‘pulled’.

Even his head wasn’t spared. Instead of his previous curly long hair, the skin on his head can no longer be seen except for an exposed bleeding skull.

Don’t even mention his upper and lower body that was mangled so much that it's a miracle that he’s still alive.

“Should I end your filthy life now? Or should I spare you and leave you here until you bleed to death?”

“Muffhh fhilll meeeaa.” 

“Leave you here to bleed it is.” Leo nodded his head as if understanding the inaudible noise that Alejandro was making.

“Nhuaaooo!” Standing up, Alejandro yelled in pain and despair as he watched Leo’s departing back while the glass slowly dimmed and darkened, leaving him to his own fate.

“Red Queen,” Leo called out while standing in front of the computer.

[-What are your command, Lord Leo?-]

“Publish them all. The videos, photos, and the documents. I want Alejandro’s name and his doings to be known by everyone.” 

[-I understand, Lord Leo.-]

“Oh, and before I forget. I want it to be everyone’s talk for the entire year, make him history since that’s what he wanted.” With that being said, Leo then looked at his Quests.

[• Quest Title: Usurp the Number One Superhero of Metroville!

Main Quest: A man from behind the scenes has orchestrated to plant several bombs across Metroville, taking the villain down along with the true villain!

Bonus Quest: Expose the true villain's plan and face to the public!

Reward: Completion of Daredevil's template, 15% of Jimmy Neutron Template, 100,000 Reputation Points, 10 Normal Gacha Tickets, 2 Golden Gacha Tickets

Bonus Quest: Title: Superhero]

“Any minute now,” Leo muttered as he waited for the confirmation from Red Queen.

After what seemed to be hours of waiting, Red Queen finally responded after just a single minute.

[-It’s all done, Lord Leo. Any moment now, Alejandro’s name will be all over the internet across the entire world. I predict that by tomorrow Alejandro will usurp Hitler as the most hated man in the world-]

“Good job, Red Queen.” Leo grinned and shifted his attention back to the Quest.

This time, he saw the words [Completed] and [Claim!] on the Quest.

‘Claim them, Genesis.’

A single second hadn’t even passed when Leo’s brain was suddenly flooded with hundreds upon hundreds of various scenes of memories, almost overwhelming him.

What made him excited was the fact that his senses increased again but this time, by a large margin, perhaps it is due to the fact that 100% of Daredevil’s template was reached.

On the memories, Leo saw various blueprints, advanced technologies, and even algorithms that could either destroy humanity or help them prosper, it depends on how Leo uses it.

‘Show me my status, Genesis.’ Excitement bubbled in Leo’s chest as nothing beats the excitement of seeing his status progress.


Name: Leonard Skinwalker

Completed Templates:

- Black Panther [MCU version]

- Daredevil [TV Series]

Current Templates:

- Template 1: Kingpin [99.68%]

- Template 2: Jimmy Neutron [24.89%]

- Template 3: None

- Reputation Points: 206,780

- Gacha

- Quest

- Multiverse

- Skills

- Inventory

- Shop]





[Next Chapter: Ch. 130 - Please go on a date with me!]

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