Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 60 – The Great Pretender’s encounter!


Arriving at the entrance of Lao's village, the Dodge Challenger was met with various animals, some were boars while some were pigs. Most of them hold various weapons.

"Quite a welcome we got here." Leo chuckled as Lao was embarrassed by the attitude of his fellow villagers.

"I-I'm sorry for this. They probably don't kno-." Before Lao could fully apologize, Leo stopped him.

"It's okay. I understand. You should go out there and convince them not to attack my carriage." After Leo finished his words, Lao nodded his head and was about to get out of the car when he realized something.

"Uhm...How do I get out?" 

"Just pull that thing over there." Leo answered while pointing at the door's handle.

"This?" Lao asked before pulling what he assumed to be what Leo was referring to.


With a slight sound, Lao saw the up, before pushing it.

"Awesome." In the backseat, Po was also curious how to open the door, so he has been watching their interaction.

He also wanted to try and open the door, but unfortunately, there are no doors in the backseat, so he could only let Leo open up the front seat and give him passage out through the same door that Lao opened.

Once the three of them were out, Lao was already convincing his fellow villagers about the metallic 'monster' that they felt threatened, especially after hearing the car's loud engine roaring from a distance, which became the reason why they were wary.

"Guys it's fine! The two Dragon Warriors have arrived at our assistance! We'll finally be saved!" Lao was raising his hand and jumping while speaking out loud.

His words seem to have taken effect as now everyone has dropped their small weapons and a loud cheering happened with some even breaking down into tears.

'Seriously, there should be a concept of police here or something. These guys shouldn't rely too much on Kung Fu masters, it'll just make them weak and more dependent on us. And the more the weak depends on the strong, the arrogant the strong becomes.' While saying this, Leo was reminiscing about his life back on earth, the reason why he came to this conclusion was because of the government. Look at what happens when people rely too much on them, they become unable to stand for themselves.

Most people can't even protect themselves from those who wish them ill thanks to their over reliance on those who they expect to protect them.

As someone who learned the hard way, Leo views society in a different perspective. Most people say and blame the government whenever the latter does anything they don't like. Calling them corrupt and such when the real one who should be blamed are the citizens themselves.

It is the civilians that gave the government power, the power that they now abuse and use against their own. No one should be blamed for corruption but humanity itself.

Not just the government, the same goes also to the rich capitalists. People gave them wealth and when the capitalists became rich enough, the people would start to complain.

Capitalists can't prosper without the existence of the poor. And the same goes for the poor, they can't deny the capitalists as without their existence, they won't live long. Without the latter, who would give them jobs? How would they earn the money to live?

In Leo's eyes, the society back in his world is balanced and fair. There is no error in a society, it is just perfect as it is.

"...-eo?.....Leo? Leo!" Suddenly waking up from his deep thinking, Leo realized that everyone was already staring at him, it was Po who had been nudging him and trying to snap him back to reality.

"Sorry, I was engrossed in my thoughts." Leo apologized.

"Ohh~ you also daydream, me too! Anyways, Lao has been trying to tell you that we can stay in his home. Your carriage can also rest there." Po repeated what Lao was trying to tell him earlier when Leo was drowning in his thoughts.

"I see. Thank you Lao. You both can go, I'll just follow you in my carriage." Obviously, Leo can't store the Dodge Challenger in his inventory considering how many onlookers are looking at the vehicle.

Leo doesn't want to be branded as some kind of evil sorcerer or some shit. After all, in this world, only Kung Fu exists, not magic and sorcery. If he suddenly showed something that is out of this world, there would definitely be an unfavourable consequence.


After arriving at Lao's house, Leo and Po were suddenly met with an elder boar with a long white goatee sitting in the living room, drinking what Leo assumed to be coffee considering the name of their place.

"You two must be the Dragon Warrior. I can't believe the Jade Palace is so considerate to actually send not one but two Dragon Warriors. I am in debt!" Standing up with Lao helping, the elder boar failed to bow his head despite his best efforts.

"Father, you shouldn't stand, your bones might truly give out this time." Lao worriedly helped the elder boar sit back down.

"Lao, mind introducing us?" Leo asked the young boar, behind him Po was immersed in the delicious smell that was coming out of the kitchen.

"Right, this is my father, BaoBao. He is also the Chief of the Land of Caffeine." Dropping the bomb, Leo raised his eyebrow, not expecting the boar that he almost killed earlier turns out to be the Chief's son.

"So you're the Chief's son? I read in the letter that you were beaten by this 'creature' how come you look fine?"

"That....was actually my elder brother." Sitting down on the ground, Lao looked saddened.

Predicting that there would be an unskippable cut-scene where Lao would narrate where and how the issue started, Leo also sat in front of them.

"It all started when 10 of our scouts were attacked by an unknown creature. According to them, this 'creature' was fast, agile, strong and finally, very tall! After the 10 scouts came back with injuries, my father, the chief sent 10 of our best warriors along with my elder brother, the Chief Warrior in our village to the place where the scouts were attacked."

"We didn't know what happened to them as 10 days had passed and they're still not back. So we sent a few warriors to find them and finally managed to bring them back to the village." At this moment, Lao was clenching his fist and was on the verge of tearing up.

"When they were brought back, not only were our 10 best warriors unconscious and beaten, but my elder brother was the most injured among them, until now, he hasn't woken yet."

Watching how the father looked also helpless, Leo felt bad for them. Beside him, Po was the most who felt pity on them.

"That's it! You guys don't have to worry anymore! I'll personally defeat this 'creature' myself! Leo, let's go!" Without waiting for Leo's response, Po already ran outside under Leo, Lao and BaoBao's puzzled eyes.

"Where is he going? We haven't even told you about the location yet." Lao asked and without even answering is question, Po came back running with an embarrassed smile, scratching the back to his head.

"Uhh, where is this place?"

"Sigh." Sighing with a shake of his head, Leo shifted his attention back to Lao and with just a look, Lao was immediate to know about the meaning.

"I have it marked on the map. When we sent that letter to the Jade Palace, I already prepared this along with our bags." While Lao turned around and was about to fetch the map and the bags, Leo noticed something in his sentence.

"What do you mean 'Our'? The creature is likely dangerous based on what you said. You're not coming with us." Leo shook his head and disagreed.

"What? Wait! I need to come! Please let me come!" Lao kneeled on the ground and begged, which made Leo sigh while Po confused.

Leo then looked at the chief, hoping that the father could somehow hold his son back, however he was met with the elder boar sitting peacefully while sipping on a coffee.

"....Don't blame me if you die then. You're out of our obligation." After answering, Leo turned around and walked outside, following him was Po.


After Lao was out of the house with a huge bag and a furled map on his hand, they were finally set on their journey.

"Aren't we gonna use your carriage?" Just after walking outside the entrance, Po was already walking tiredly.

"No. The place is not quite that far. It's just a 10 minute walk." Leo replied with a shake of his head. Actually, the real reason why they're not using the car was because of its limited fuel. Who knows when he'll get fuel for it. So for now, he'll limit the use of the car until he rolls a fuel can from the Gacha.

Just like what Leo said, after 10 minutes, they finally arrived near the marked place on the map.

"We're near now. Here's the plan. Lao, you stay back and keep a distance away from us. Po, since you want to take this 'creature' down yourself like you said earlier, then I'll give you the honors of fighting it face to face with little assistance from me. Now, let-" Before Leo could finish his word, his virtual senses 'saw' a tall figure rushing towards them with an unstoppable momentum.

"Po, he's targeting you first!" Quickly reacting, Leo pushed Po just in time as a kick landed on the same ground.






[Next Chapter: Ch. 61 - The Great Pretender and the unexpected fighter]

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