Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 68 – The Great Pretender is a bad man?

"Duke and... Prince Hans? What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Leaning forward while his knuckles resting on his chin, Leo's eyes scanned the two figures in front of him with keen interest in his eyes.

"Kingpin....I came here to confirm something. I heard that you struck a deal with the Arendelle Kingdom. Do you know what you are doing? We are not supposed to deal with our rivals! You broke our deal!" Duke pointed his finger at him, accusing him with a threatening glare.

Prince Hans also nodded his head in agreement, looking down on Leo with a smug face, as if he was imagining himself to be above Leo.

"We? There's no 'We' in my business, Duke. Only me. I built my empire myself, it just happens that I decided to do it inside your Kingdom. Now, put your finger away before I slice it off." Leo's eyes squinted, his aura suddenly exuding a dangerous aura.

"Y-You...." With a shivering tone, the Duke cannot hide the burning anger in his eyes, meanwhile beside him was Prince Hans who decided to step forward.

"You have no right to speak to royalty like that! Our two Kingdoms can kick you out of our respective Kingdoms and you will have no say in it!" What Prince Hans said was the truth. With Prince Hans being the Prince of Southern Isles while the Duke being the Duke of Weselton, both of them have enough influence to kick his business empires our of their territories.

"Oh really? How dare a failure prince speak as if he has achieved something. You both might forget this but let me remind you. Even if you want to kick me out of your Kingdoms, you would be unable to do so. I have already planted myself deep inside your territories and with a small move of my finger, I could overthrow your economical states. I'm sure your small dot brains of yours could comprehend the words I just said. Think wisely." Flashing a dangerous grin, a pressure was suddenly exuded from Leo, instilling fear on the two royalties.

Fear can be seen plastered on their faces as they shivered thanks to the pressure that Leo released, combined with the words he just said.

Leo was right, all it took for him was a single year to establish several connections and even blackmail materials against Kings, Queens, and Royal Nobles of all the Kingdoms where he established his business.

And how can a mere Duke and a failure of a prince shake the foundation that he built?

So, he opened the drawer of his table and brought two stacks of folders before slamming them on the table, with the folders having the Duke and Prince Hans's respective names.

"Pick it up." Leo pressed.

Gulping their salivas, Prince Hans and the Duke skeptically grabbed the folders with their names on it before reading the contents.

All it took was a single minute before the bloods on their faces were drained.

"Y-You can't do this." Prince Hans stepped back, realizing the mistake of coming here.

Meanwhile, the Duke was frozen in shock, his hands shivering while holding the folder containing all of his wrongdoings and sins that he committed.

His dealings with bandits, small girls locked up in his Manor's basement and even traces of his attempt to overthrow the King of Weselton Kingdom is written in the folder in a very detailed manner.

Meanwhile, Prince Hans was the same, he read several pieces of evidence against him blackmailing innocent people, mostly girls and also his attempt to gather support to kill his brothers and become the heir of the Southern Isles Kingdom.

"Now, I'll give you both a chance so we can forget this ever happened okay? Just a little compensation should be enough right?" Grinning like a madman, Leo watched as the two failed royalties nodded their heads like pecking chickens.

"Good. Duke, surely we can 'negotiate' the land that I had my eye on. A million gold coins is quite expensive and will leave a hole in my pocket. So how about we remove the million?" Smiling to himself, Leo saw the Duke's face blacken, only the both of them knows that the land he was referring to was the largest land of Weselton that is under the Duke's jurisdiction.

"I-I...." While the Duke was hesitating to answer, Leo's nails found themselves knocking on the surface of the table, or more specifically the folder containing the blackmail materials against him.




"My patience is running thin, Duke."

For every beat of Leo's finger tapping on the folder, the more sweat trickled down on the Duke's forehead, until finally, the old man gave in.

"Okay fine! I'll send you the paperwork tomorrow! You monster...." The Duke yelled in despair, muttering the last sentence to himself, which was unfortunately heard by Leo.

"I'm gonna ignore how you just called me a Monster. Now, as for you my dear Prince Hans." Leo then shifted his attention to the failure and his stare made the prince look away out of fear.

"My compensation is quite 'simple'. I just need a few of Southern Isle's military officials to be replaced by my own. The higher the position the better. Who knows, maybe someday, you'll find yourself sitting on that throne that you yearn with my help. So?" This time, Leo's finger found itself in Prince Hans's folder, each tapping gives more pressure to the prince.

"It will be done in no time. Mark my words." After saying that, Leo grinned and clapped his hands.

"See! Wasn't that hard, right? Now off you go now, oh wait before I forget." Just as the two who have been craving to leave Leo's office were about to leave, Leo's voice stopped them in their tracks.

"Have you guys paid the entrance fee in coming to my office?"

"Entrance fee...." The Duke gritted his teeth, knowing such thing doesn't really exist, Leo just made it up to insult them further.

"How much." Both the royalties silently prayed in their hearts that Leo won't be too cruel and ask large amounts of fee from them.

"Well, how much do you guys have?"


"That went better than I expected. Spreading those rumors around their Kingdoms paid off." Leaning back to his chair, his heavy weight almost broke its spine, Leo was humming to himself in a happy manner. 

Knowing the attitude of those two, Leo purposely allows them to know about his dealings with Arendelle, their unofficial rival Kingdom. Now, his prediction came true and he was able to blackmail them successfully.

"I'm such a genius." Leo can't help but praise himself. He then checked all of the Quests that he finished during the entire year.

[• Quest Title: Blind but not Blind

Main Quests: Hone your senses by training like Daredevil for 30 days. Train normally but this time, with a blindfold. [Completed!]

Reward: 0.5% of Daredevil Template/day, 100 Reputation Points/day. [Claimed]

[• Quest Title: Kickstart!

Main Quest: Kickstart your Underground Business by choosing 3 out of 5 Businesses below... [Completed]

- Slavery -

- Drugs and Substances -

- Illegal Smugglings -

- Gambling -

- Weapon Manufacturing and Distributing -

Reward: 15% of Kingpin Template, 10,000 Reputation Points, Permanent Bridge Ticket, Following rewards depending on choice: [Claimed]]

[• Quest Title: Build your Empire

Main Quests: Expand your business by delving another one of the previous five choices... [Completed]

- Slavery -

- Weapon Manufacturing and Distributing - [Chosen]

Reward: 5% of Kingpin Template, 5,000 Reputation Points, 5 Gacha Tickets [Claimed]]

[• Quest Title: The King of Business

Main Quests: Expand and put at least 5 Kingdoms under your influence [Completed]

- Weselton Kingdom -

- Southern Isles Kingdom - 

- Northern Isles Kingdom - 

- Zaria Kingdom - 

- Arendelle Kingdom - 

Reward: 10% of Kingpin Template, 10,000 Reputation Points, 1 Golden Gacha Ticket [Claimed]]

And then there's the new Quests that just popped out recently and haven't been completed yet.

[• Quest Title: The Daredevil

Main Quests: Starting with Arendelle, vanquish at least 10 of the nearby bandits and 3 corrupt nobles under the guise of Daredevil.

Bonus Quest: Destroy one of Kingpin's illegal smuggling warehouse.

Reward: 10% of Daredevil template, 10,000 Reputation Points, Indestructible Daredevil spandex suit.

Bonus Reward: Stick's training manual]

[• Quest Title: The end of the line

Main Quests: Expose Kingpin's corruption and bring his evilness to justice.

Bonus Quest: Secretly take over his entire Legal Business.

Reward: 15% of Daredevil template, 20,000 Reputation Points, an Ice Princess's gratitude

Bonus Reward: A new template]

[• Quest Title: Melting the Frozen Heart

Main Quests: A few days from now, Princess Elsa will be crowned as the new Queen of Arendelle, however something unforseen might happen. Make sure she succeeds in her ascension and helps her forget her problems.

Reward: A woman's warmth.]

" many Quests." Leo silently complained under his breath, though as soon as he finished reading the last Quest, his eyebrows raised in suspicion.

'Hey Genesis, what do you mean by A Woman's Warmth?'

[Finish the Quest and you'll know.]

"Pfft." Leo rolled his eyes at Genesis's trying to be mysterious persona.

"At least give me a hint."

[Hmm....It's something you've never had for your entire life.]

"A photo with Ryan Reynolds?"

[....If that's what you think it is, have it your way then.]

"Hey...Jeez, I was just joking. I know what it means, I'm just fucking with you. And besides, how can you be sure that'll happen?"

[Trust me, I just know.]





[Next Chapter: Ch. 69 - Who is the Daredevil?]

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