Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 75.5 – He’s back again! [Omake]

[A short flashback to Leo's ten days stay with Moana on the sea]


It's been five days since Leo tasted Moana's cook and she has been cooking the same thing over and over again for him.

After eating dinner made by Moana who seems to be desperate for something.

Thankfully, once she ate the dinner and saw Leo retreating back to his room, she also did the same and slept soundly, leaving Leo awake in the ship.

"I should train for a bit. Don't wanna get rusty." Leo muttered to himself and with this goal in mind, he left the room and climbed back up to the deck.

For the next few hours, Leo was either doing push-ups, pull-ups, running and even lifting heavy barrels, making them serve as his dumbbells.

Everything was just peaceful and fine until Leo's sharp senses sensed something up in the sky.

Normally, Leo would register this presence as a simple bird however, Leo's heart was screaming something at him, as if this presence was familiar to him.

Not only that, he also senses the presence approaching the ship, it was as if the presence was falling?

"Falling?" Muttering in confusion, Leo looked up in the sky, only to be met with a two pieces of 'cake' falling to his face.

'Wait. This isn't a cake. It smells fucking bad!' Upon realizing, Leo quickly used his strength to lift the 'cake' away from his face and finally saw its true appearance.

"Sorry 'bout that, hope my ass wasn't that smelly." Hearing this familliar and annoying voice, Leo's face twitched slightly.

Adjusting his vision, Leo saw the familiar appearance of the robed man in the alley on Valley of Peace, when he was still patrolling as the Black Panther.

"How the fuck did you get here? And did you just slam your ass on my face?" Angered, Leo grabbed the neck of the robed man and was very close in snapping it.

"Daddy chill." As if there was no threat to his words, the robed man was calm and even had the audacity to utter a famous line.

"What the hell!?" Leo cursed out of confusion, then to his shock, the robed man managed to slip away from his grip and landed back down on the ground.

"I'm apologize." The robed man nodded his head in seriousness before bowing.

"Apologize? Apologize for what?" Leo got confused. He was surprised to see such an annoying guy apologizing to him.

"For what happened to Ken! Don't you remember him?"

"Ken? Who the fuck is even that?" Leo was more confused, why does it feel like the man in front of him is just here to annoy him again instead of sincerely apologizing.

Oh how right he was.

"Ken Deez Nuts fit in yo mouth! Hahaha! Too-da-loo motherfucka!" And without waiting for Leo's response or even to watch his reaction, the 'Deadpool'-like man jumped out of the railings and landed deep inside the ocean, making a loud splashing sound for some unknown reason.

"....Ocean, make him suffer." Leo muttered lowly, which was loud enough only for the ocean to hear.

Soon, a blob of water rose from the ocean near him and looked at Leo with a confused gaze.

"He's a very annoying guy, trust me. If you're not careful you might also fall as his victim." Leo answered and the ocean nodded.

Sure enough, the blob of ocean slowly swam towards the direction of the swimming robed man who was quick to notice the ocean's movement.

"Ohh?~ you're here to catch me? I'm sorry officer ocean, but I ain't letting you catch me just because my robe is black!" Then to both Leo and the Ocean's surprise, the robed man flew out of the ocean without wearing anything on his lower part.

And then...


"Haha! Take my piss you little shit! That's for the little kids you drowned just because they can't swim!" And soon after, the robed man fell back to the ocean and slowly sank deeper and deeper, never to be seen again.

Meanwhile, the blob of ocean just stared at the wide sea with an unknown emotion swirling over him.

Soon, the Black Pearl ship caught up and now Leo and the blob of ocean were left staring at the far distance, their thoughts unknown to anyone but themselves.

"Yawn! What's going on? I heard weird sounds out here?" Coincidentally, Moana woke up and approached them while yawning before asking.

"....Nothing happened." Leo answered without a hint of emotion in his voice. As if he had just been in a very tough life and death situation, while the blob of ocean just nodded its head in agreement.


[Just a short omake for one of the $15 patron, a small oc that is requested, you can also see him in the first omake, chapter 17.5. Anyways, this is just an omake and will not interfere with the original story. If you also want your own created character to have interaction with the mc or anyone, you know what to do *Wink*]




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