Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 91 – A Queen and a Princess’s kiss!

"Leo, you're back?!" Elsa said in surprise, standing up to hug him.

"Yeah. Just got back." Leo responded kindly with reciprocating the hug.

Meanwhile, Iduna and Anna just watched their interaction in silence.

"What about Argon? That bandit?" Elsa asked.

"Well. Let's just say, he won't bother us or anyone anymore, forever." Leo gave Elsa the look as he replied.

"Did you...." Anna voiced out from behind. Sensing the hidden meaning in Leo's words.

"It would be best for you to not know." Leo smiled, not giving a full answer.

"That doesn't matter, girls. Since Leo already assures that the man won't bother us anymore, let's forget about him and put it in the past. What's important now is the present and the future." Iduna interrupted, changing the topic while giving Anna the 'look', sending her a message.

"I see you guys have already talked about it. Mind filling me in?" Obviously, Leo noticed the look that Iduna was sending.

"Leo....." Elsa inhaled and exhaled heavily as she prepares.


"Do you....mean it?" Elsa asked, her eyes staring at Leo's, as if wanting to see if he's going to lie or not.

"Mean what?"

"What you just said earlier. That- that you-."

"Like you? Yes. Yes I do. The only reason why I can only tell it to you now was because I was hesitant about confessing, knowing that you don't know who I truly am." Leo bowed his head, looking down on the ground, avoiding Elsa's stare.

"How long? I mean, how long has it been? This feeling."

"From the moment I laid my eyes on you." Instead of looking at the ground, this time Leo was looking straight into Elsa's eyes.

Hearing Leo's answer made Elsa smile genuinely, she felt as if she was flying over the moon!

However, that soon vanished when the thought of her sister dying if she didn't get her true love's kiss.

"How about my sister? Do you also love her?"

"Wha- what? What do you mean? What is this? Some kind of test or something, or your kink?" Leo, who was already immersed in the moment, choked in his own saliva after hearing Elsa's next words.

Even Anna, who has been silent all this time also blushed while Iduna simply just shook her head.

"No! That's not what I mean! And it's not a test. And I don't have that kind of kink!" At the same time, Elsa also panicked, turning into a blushing mess.

"What I meant to say is about the curse! In order to break the curse in Anna, she must have her true love's kiss! I love you too, Leo. I truly do, but I love my sister more."


"I understand if you don't want to have two women, and it pains me to let you go, so if you also love my sister, I'm willing to back out and-." Not hearing Leo's callings, Elsa continued in her rumblings, not noticing Leo's calls.

"Elsa!" Leo repeated, but this time louder and combined with a shaking grab, which thankfully finally woke Elsa up.

"W-what?" Elsa blinked in surprise.

"Only an idiot would reject having more than one girl, especially if both are willing. I'm not that kind of idiot. I like you both, although my love for Elsa weighs more but I'm willing to be considerate and perhaps balance it out by getting to know more about you, Anna." Leo said with a dignified face, as if he was left with no choice and what he's doing is not an act of selfishness, but of heroism and justice.

[Fucking Shameless.]

'Shut up, Genesis. I'm doing this for the greater good. Anyways, prepare the curse breaker.'

[What curse breaker?]

'The curse breaker, the one I drew from Gacha?' Leo said, slightly sweating, as he had a bad feeling about this.

[You mean the curse breaker that you used to remove your curse in your Devil Fruit?]

'....Oh shit.' Leo cursed, finally remember it just now.

"Then let's kiss now!" Now that she heard the acceptance from Leo himself, Anna didn't bother anymore and quickly dove in for the main course.

However Leo quickly placed his hand in front of her, stopping her from jumping in on him.

"W-wait, just stop for a second."

"What, why? What's wrong? Should I brush my teeth first?" Anna, whose face looks like a duck due to her lips being ready for the kiss, was flabbergasted. Did Leo not want to kiss her? Does her breath smell bad?

"No no. It's not that." Even Elsa was confused. Although she was shocked by Anna being so direct, she didn't stop. The earlier to break the curse, the better, even though she wanted to be the one to first kiss Leo, but for the sake of her sister, she'll gladly let her have it.

Leo already admitted it earlier anyways, that he loves her more.

"So, what's the problem?" Anna asked, Elsa leaned in to listen.

Meanwhile, Iduna has already left the room a while ago. She's already a married woman, this kind of thing is no longer an interest to her. So she might as well as leave and give privacy to her daughters.

"It's just our culture, we uhmmm pray to our god first before kissing someone for the first time. It's kind of a tradition, so I wish to do it before the kiss...." Thankfully, Leo managed to make up enough reason to give himself a little bit of time to solve his current problem first. 

"That's a thing? Seriously, what kind of tradition is that?"

"A complicated one."

"So....are you going to pray now?"

"Now? No, not here. I need to be alone. So I hope you guys don't mind stepping out for a while?" Leo awkwardly smiled, scratching his cheek while deep inside his heart, he was already praying to all kinds of god out there for the sisters to buy his lie.

"O-Okay. It's fine. Anna, let's go." At the same time, Elsa also felt like she needed to talk to her sister about her being so blunt about sensitive things such as kissing a boy, opposite of their gender.

"What? But I also want to pray with him." Although complaining, Anna didn't resist and allowed herself to be pulled by Elsa out of the room.

Once Leo senses that they're now a few meters away from the room, he quickly stands on his two feet.

'Genesis, how many Gacha tickets do I have?' Leo asked urgently.

[106 Normal Gacha Tickets and a single golden Gacha ticket.]

'What's my chances of getting the curse breaker again if I draw 100 Gacha tickets?'

[I'd say....80%.]

'Dammit. Is there a way to kick it up to a hundred percent?'

[....Perhaps I could, I can influence it for a bit, so your next draw will be the one you're looking for.]

'Then please!'

[Oh my dear Leo, there's no such thing as free lunch in this world!]

'Are you seriously doing this to me now?' Vexed, Leo's eyebrows twitched.


Hearing no response, Leo's lips quivered before finally giving up.

'Fine! What do you want?'

[Great! It's just a simple matter really. I just need your permission.]

'Permission? What do you need my permission first, I'm not your mother.' Leo replied confusedly.

[No not that kind of permission. What I meant to say is that I need you to allow me to decide for your next universe destination.]

'....Although I don't mind, you won't bring me to the Marvel Universe or worse, the DC universe, right?' Leo asked, just thinking about those kinds of universes that are way out of his league, made Leo shiver in fear.

[No. Sorry to break it to you but after so many reincarnators being thrown in those worlds, their respective gods decided to barricade their universes. Though it's quite different now as transmigration or reincarnation to other worlds were banned after the war resumed.]

'Wait, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by war?' 

[So, do you allow me to choose or not?] Realizing that Genesis leaked quite confidential information, Genesis quickly changed the topic, bringing the subject back to the previous one.

Obviously, Leo is not an idiot to not sense this, so he didn't dwell on it anymore and answered.

'Fine. I'm allowing you to choose my next world.'

[Andddd thank you. Now, whenever you're ready, just draw.]

Sighing in relief, Leo then rolled the Gacha. However since the next draw is already confirmed to be what he wanted, he just rolled one Gacha ticket.


"What's taking him so long to pray? When I pray, it only takes me 5 seconds before getting bored and ending it with 'Goodbye' or 'See you later'." Outside the room, Anna and Elsa were leaning on the wall, with Anna complaining as usual, it's kind of her habit to complain about things but she actually never means it.

Maybe it's just her way of initiating a conversation?

Finally, the door opens and they see Leo come out.

"Sorry for the wait."

Once inside, Leo and Anna both sat on the floor while facing each other.

"Actually Leo. Me and Elsa talked about this earlier and I agreed to make her have the first kiss." Anna embarrassingly scratched the back of her head, while Elsa blushed.

As for Leo, he was mentally massaging his temples.

"Let's just get this over with."

After changing positions, Leo was now facing Elsa instead.

"I didn't think this would be how my first kiss would go, but as long as you don't mind, I won't mind it too." Elsa said, however Leo didn't reply to her as his eyes never left her, or more specifically her lips.

As if some kind of force was influencing her to move, Elsa slowly inches towards Leo before closing her eyes, giving Leo the initiative to lean for the kiss.

Not wanting to leave her hanging, Leo pushed his body and finally collided his lips with Elsa's.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 92 - The Broken Curse!]

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