Married To The Male Lead’s Father

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

The Qiong Lin Banquet was held in the Royal Garden of the Royal Palace. When Jiang Ningbao and Ding Guo Gong arrived, the Royal Garden was very lively. Apparently, many ministers and their families had arrived, and the palace eunuchs were busy going through it.

Ding Guo Gong has a bad temper. He has a fixed position, far away from other ministers. When Ding Guo Gong appeared, all the ministers present were silent and watched him to his exclusive position.

Xie Jingyi was the commander of the Imperial Guard and did not attend.

Jiang Ningbao sat on the seat on the side of the women’s family, surrounded by her princes and famous ladies, and upwards were the women’s families of the royal family.

Among the ladies of the public princes, Jiang Ningbao’s facial features are exquisite, her face is full of charm, her eyes are twirling, her eyes gleaming, especially after she gave birth to twins, her temperament is even more old.

All smiles touched people’s hearts, and this stunning color overshadowed the famous ladies around her.

The famous ladies sitting around her no matter how good they are, the smiles on their faces are stiff, and they also bring out a trace of grief, I hope to be far from Jiang Ningbao.

Gonghuo people greeted Jiang Ningbao very warmly and were very enthusiastic. He turned to Jiang Jinbao, Jiang Jinbao’s elder brother Jiang Jin, and asked politely about Jiang Jin’s preferences. There was a straight-forward lady who was obviously a military official.

“Ms. Xie, I don’t know what kind of girl Xinxiang Zhuangyuanlang likes. My girl, Fang Ling, is fifteen. She has a beautiful appearance, she knows how to be reasonable, and she is straightforward.”

The Duke-in-law’s wife said she also pulled the young girl who was blushing and flushed around her.

To tell the truth, this girl’s appearance is beautiful, and she still wears makeup. She has no makeup. It is estimated that the appearance is so-so. It falls into a group of young girls with beautiful appearance, which is very unremarkable.

Jiang Ningbao’s brows and smiles were light and soft, and her voice was gentle and sweet.

“Ms. Qin, the elder brother’s marriage is his responsibility. I will not interfere in the elder brother’s marriage. As long as it is the girl my elder brother likes, I like it.”

Jiang Ningbao is expressing his attitude deliberately. The eldest brother is now sweet and sour. There is a brother-in-law of Ding Guo Gong. Needless to say, in the future, Qing Yun will definitely go straight. Most of these husbands will definitely come to sell their daughters.

Jiang Ningbao thought that she wanted Fu Yuning to be the sister-in-law’s matchmaking move. Now that she wanted to come, she was too taken for granted, and now she will not ask her brother’s marriage again.

She believes that the eldest brother will definitely find a good girl as his wife.

The public husbands who raised their ears and listened were secretly disappointed. The young lady of Ding Guo looked at his young age, but he was able to stabilize things.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the front, Jiang Ningbao looked up, it turned out that King Qin came with Yang Side Princess, Princess Qin was pregnant, and she should have a baby in the house.

Immediately afterwards, King Jin and Princess Jin also came.

The two powerful princes faced each other, as if the tip of the needle was against Maimang.

Yang Shuqing deliberately dressed up to attend today. She wore a dark red embroidered jacket with dark clouds and water, her skin was white like snow, her face was cold and glamorous, and she was burning.

She looked coldly at the princess Jin of Yongronghuagui, and the hatred and killing in the eyes flashed away.

The corner of Jiang Ningbao’s mouth was slightly ticked, and King Qin could not get on that position. Yang Shuqing wanted to take revenge on Princess Jin, fearing that there would be no chance, especially today’s Qiong Lin Banquet, they would see the healthy and healthy, the emperor Qian Yuan and the two pregnancy who no longer cover Palace concubine.

I really look forward to Yang Shuqing’s reaction.

Yang Shuqing looked away and looked in the direction of the women’s family, just in front of Jiang Ningbao’s eyes. She smiled coldly at Jiang Ningbao.

At this time, the two princes were not good at making trouble at Qiong Lin’s banquet, they just separated after a confrontation.

After all the people are seated.

All the scholars who were admitted to Jinshi came under the leadership of the eunuch.

The leader was Jiang Jin, the new champion in the third year of Qianyuan.

Jiang Jin had a jade crown on her head, dressed in a dark red brocade brocade, a black belt with a waisted beam, a starry eyebrow, a straight nose and thin lips, a beautiful and elegant, elegant and calm walk, and had the demeanor of a noble son.

Numerous female relatives and boudoirs mostly set their eyes on him casually or inadvertently.

The same is true of the seats of the officials opposite.

It can be said that Jiang Jin alone has taken away most people’s eyes. If in the past, everyone’s eyes will be focused on Tan Hualang, who will make this year’s Tan Hualang no matter how handsome or talented he is.

The Jinshi who joined Jin Jiang or the fellow Jinshi secretly smiled bitterly, even Tan Hualang’s demeanor was covered by the champion Yuan, let alone them.

“Zhuang Yuanlang is so handsome!”

“It would be nice if Zhuang Yuanlang was my son-in-law.”

“You want to be beautiful, don’t you look at your girl’s appearance as a champion?”


Jiang Ningbao’s ears are bright and clear, listening to the whispering words of the princes around her, with a smile in her mouth, and her brother Jiang Jin’s eyes inadvertently met. A pair of extremely beautiful eyes are full of pride. Her elder brother is the most handsome and best.

Yang Shuqing looked at this scene coldly, her eyes casually glanced at the opposite business movement, and the eyes were full of the must-go Changhua County Master, and she was hooked, and Yang Shuqing’s mouth showed a strange smile.

This lord is the daughter-in-law of Prince Rong, with a beautiful appearance, decent behavior, and an excellent reputation.

However, Yang Shuqing, who has had a lifetime of experience, knew that this Changhua County master was debauchery and had already lost his virginity. He had a secret passage with a handsome guard in Rongwang Mansion.

At the same time, the owner of Changhua County is extremely jealous in private, hates the most beautiful and delicate woman, her maid.

At this time, Jiang Jin was surrounded by several family children, including the Xie family, the mother of Qi Guogong’s family, and the uncle’s cousin.

When Emperor Qianyuan was not here, everyone was communicating.

On the female side, Jiang Ningbao was surrounded by many ladies, all of whom were very enthusiastic and diligent.

The Qin and Jin kings across from An An sat on the spot and took a drink. There were no moths out there. Who told Ding Guogong to sit in the distance?

Jiang Ningbao was chatting with her husband on one side, and occasionally looked up to the opposite side, facing Ding Guo Gong far away, and a soft smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, just like a peony flower blooming, gorgeous and beautiful, which made people unable to look away.

Husbands couldn’t help but admire this scene.

“Mrs. Xie, your relationship with Ding Guo Gong is really good.”

“One person, one person, one person for two, it is really enviable.”

“Mrs. Xie is so blessed that she has not only been favored by Ding Guo Gong, but also gave birth to twins in one fell swoop.”


The ladies said that they really envy Jiang Ningbao’s blessing. Ding Guogong’s situation is special. This kind of love is unique and cannot be inserted or snatched by other women.

Who doesn’t want his husband to be single-minded.

But all this is just delusion.

Even the most enviable Princess Rui, Lord Rui actually has a concubine room.

Jiang Ningbao pursed her lips and smiled, a faint blush appeared on her beautiful face, apparently embarrassed by the praise and envious eyes of the public.

Girls: “…”

They also envy Ding Guogong’s wife.

Which young girl doesn’t hold the heart of spring, Dingguo Gong is tall and handsome, has high weight, and is only close to Dingguo Gong’s wife. Who wouldn’t envy or look forward to such a unique favor?

Suddenly, a sharp, high-pitched voice sounded.

“The emperor is here!”

“The Queen Mother is here!”

“The concubine is here!”

The imperial garden quieted down instantly. Not far away, a group of eunuchs and court ladies surrounded a bright yellow figure, and the grandmothers and ladies in the back surrounded the queen and the concubine followed.

The hundred military and military officials, the emperor’s honor, and all the jinshi and women’s families sat down and bowed their heads to salute.

Emperor Qian Yuan strode to a high position and sat down next to him, the Queen Mother of Grace and Grace, and the gentle and beautiful Queen Mother underneath. Emperor Qian Yuan glanced at the group of people underneath, and said in a deep voice: Qing is flat!”

After everyone got up and stood, Emperor Qian Yuan spoke lightly.

“This year is the Qionglin Banquet which will be held once every three years. The talents of the whole country will gather together. Everyone toast to congratulate all jinshi and the first, and hope that the Da Yue Dynasty will have these rising stars and be more prosperous!”

Everyone shouted.

“Emperor Shengming, May the Yue Dynasty flourish!”

“Sit down.”

Emperor Qian Yuan smiled slightly and motioned for everyone to return to their seats.

After the people returned to their seats and sat down, they thought about looking at the emperor and the two maidens. At this point, the civil and military officials were surprised and their faces changed slightly.

Especially King Qin and King Jin, who had unbelievable faces, their eyes dark and unclear, exposed the green muscles of the hands holding the wine glasses, obviously their hearts were already rough.

Yang Shuqing’s eyes were shocked. She rubbed her eyes fiercely. It was true that she was right. The abdomen of the queen and concubine did swell. Her right fingernail was pinched into the palm of her hand, causing a burst of tingling.

how can that be?

No, this must be fake, they cannot all be pregnant.

There is also Emperor Qian Yuan. If she read right, she did not see a trace of morbidity. Just as Emperor Qian Yuan was full of breath, could Emperor Qian Yuan recover?

Yang Shuqing was shocked and angry, and his face was dull. He only felt that there was black before his eyes. The resentment in his heart was not mixed with anger and despair.

Who is it, who has broken her good deeds?

Emperor Qian Yuan took into account the reactions of all the ministers below, especially the two younger brothers of King Qin and King Jin. When they saw their unbelievable expressions, the corners of their mouths slightly raised.

“Emperor, may I ask whether the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother are pregnant with the Dragon Sis?” As the grandfather of the Queen Mother, the left minister stood up and asked respectfully.

All the ministers and princes gathered together to hold their breath.

Emperor Qian Yuan smiled slightly: “Yes, the queen and concubine have been pregnant for more than five months. Last year, I was healed by a folk doctor, and now my body has recovered.”

“Congratulations to the Emperor’s Dragon Rehabilitation, congratulations to the Queen Mother and concubine Queen Mother!”

Under the leadership of the left phase, everyone with different thoughts showed surprise together, congratulations continued, and the scene was full of joy.

The protagonist of Qionglin Banquet has long been forgotten.

Jiang Jin, the new champion Zhuang Yuanlang, didn’t care at all. Those who had been secretly drawn into the past by King Qin and King Jin after he had entered Jinshi were not in a good mood.

King Jin and Qin Wang Qiang smiled.

The two have been fighting each other for so long, but the bamboo basket is empty, and it is strange to be happy. Especially the emperor recovered as early as last year, but it has not been announced. It is cold to see them fighting for the position of the emperor’s brother.

King Jin and King Qin couldn’t help but be shocked, and his back became cold.

As the brothers of Emperor Qian Yuan, they knew the prince who was sick and weak since childhood, and they were clever and clever. They also stood behind the Dingguo God of War of the Da Yue Dynasty. After that, the Emperor Qianyuan was pulled down.

Many ministers regretted that the emperor had recovered last year. If they knew it early, they knew they wouldn’t prevent their girls from entering the draft. It is too late to say anything.

The general elections have passed, and there will be no more general elections this year.

Can only go the other way.

At present, only Xianpin is not pregnant, there are very few concubines, and the harem is empty. Can they send their right-in-law to the palace…

There are no fewer ministers with such thoughts.

They no longer wanted to marry their daughters to Xinke Zhuangyuanlang.

The female ladies over there who had illed themselves from the draft after seeing themselves sick said that they would not regret it if it was a fake emperor, and all regretted it.

Many ladies show their minds to be concubines in the palace.

For the first time, Jiang Ningbao saw this famous emperor of the Great Yue Dynasty, Emperor Qian Yuan was young and handsome, calm and calm, with a wise eye, and at first glance was a Ming Jun.

While everyone focused on the emperor, Jiang Ningbao quietly glanced at the girly girls around her, silently writing them down, and waiting to go back and tell the elder brother.

Afterwards, Jiang Ningbao was finally willing to turn her attention to Yang Shuqing.

At this point, Jiang Ningbao was shocked.

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