Martial Artist Lee Gwak

Chapter 43: Relationship Branches Out (3)

Light Novel: Volume 2 Chapter 18

Manhwa: Chapters 44-45

Ki Jinhwi spoke with a serious expression,

“If we don’t correct his dislocated ankle right now, he will become crippled.”

“Can you correct it?”

“This isn’t something I can handle. If the bone-setting is done incorrectly, it could damage the tendons and nerves, leading to permanent disability.”

At Ki Jinhwi’s answer, Lee Gwak looked down at the boy with a grave expression.

The pain must be excruciating, but the boy was gritting his teeth and enduring it without screaming. His lack of screams was nothing but an indication of his strong resilience.

Lee Gwak addressed the boy,

“What’s your name?”

“Cheon, Cheon-wol!”

“Your surname?”

“I don’t have one.”

“Alright, Cheon-wol! I’m going to correct your ankle now, but it’s going to be very painful.”

“I-I can bear it!”

Cheon-wol bit his teeth and looked up at Lee Gwak with a determined gaze.

Lee Gwak nodded and grabbed Cheon-wol’s twisted ankle, causing Seok Yi-cheon to look at him with concern.

“Lee Gwak, are you sure you can properly set the bone? If you do it wrong, it could lead to lifelong regret.”

“Don’t worry. I can handle it.”

To master the Yoga Techniques, one needed an in-depth understanding of the human body. Lee Gwak continued to study the human body even after he mastered the Eight Snakes Art. As a result, he was confident that he could do a better job of correcting fractured bones than most average physicians.

However, his squad members didn’t know of his expertise, so they naturally couldn’t help but look at him with anxiety.


A bone-crunching sound rang out as Lee Gwak turned Cheon-wol’s ankle.

The pain was so severe that Cheon-wol could only gape in shock, unable to scream.


Lee Gwak used delicate yet forceful movements to align Cheon-wol’s bones while simultaneously infusing internal energy into the muscles. This was to ensure that no nerves were being pinched. Fortunately, the internal energy flowed smoothly, proof that the bones were properly set.


Lee Gwak then tore his clothes and tightly wrapped them around Cheon-wol’s ankle.

By the time he finished, Cheon-wol had already fainted. Even the toughest individuals couldn’t endure such pain while conscious.

Lee Gwak looked at the unconscious Cheon-wol for a moment before speaking to Seok Yi-cheon,

“He shouldn’t move for now, so please take good care of him for the time being.”

“Of course. But are you sure it’s okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“Isn’t it risky to bring a stranger into the quarters? The hall leader might not like it.”

“I’ll take care of that.”

“Alright, if you say so.”

In the end, Seok Yi-cheon nodded in agreement.

Ki Jinhwi, looking at the unconscious Cheon-wol, murmured,

“This kid is not ordinary. He didn’t scream once even when he lost consciousness.”


Go Cheon-gwang agreed, astonished.

He couldn’t imagine what kind of life Cheon-wol must have lived to possess such poison and tenacity at his age.

It was not until half an hour later that the unconscious Cheon-wol opened his eyes. The first thing he heard was Lee Gwak’s voice.

“Are you awake?”

“Huh? Yes!”

Turning his head, Cheon-wol saw Lee Gwak and the members of Squad 13 sitting around.

“Your bones are severely damaged. Do not move as much as possible until your bones are fully healed.”

“Thank you. I will never forget this favor.”

“Rest here until your bones are somewhat healed.”

“You’re the squad leader of the Jade Heaven Alliance, right?”

“That’s correct but–”

Before Lee Gwak could finish, Cheon-wol suddenly got up and knelt down. Lee Gwak furrowed his brow at his sudden behavior.

“You shouldn’t be moving yet.”

“Please accept me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I came here clinging to the Ten Thousand Merchant Union, hoping to join the Jade Heaven Alliance.”


“Please accept me.”

Cheon-wol bowed his head to the ground.

Lee Gwak looked at his Squad 13 members with a troubled expression. Ki Jinhwi then suggested,

“Let’s hear his story first, squad leader.”

“Alright! Let’s listen to his story. It seems like he has a reason.”

Even Seok Yi-cheon agreed.

Lee Gwak asked Cheonwol,

“Why do you want to join the Jade Heaven Alliance?”

“I have nowhere else to go but here. I have nothing. No family, no hometown… They were all lost in the war. Please take me in.”

Thick tears streamed down Cheon-wol’s cheeks.

Lee Gwak frowned.

For some reason, his situation was similar to his own.

Lee Gwak looked at Seok Yi-cheon, who seemed to agree as he was nodding his head. Lee Gwak too had also come here to make a living after losing his parents. He thought that at least in the Jade Heaven Alliance, he wouldn’t starve to death.

The difference between Cheon-wol and Lee Gwak was that Cheon-wol’s eyes burned with a desire for revenge.

Unlike Lee Gwak, who lost his parents to an epidemic, Cheon-wol had lost his family and hometown to the Celestial Demon Union. The weight of the hatred he felt was inevitably different.

Lee Gwak watched Cheon-wol for a long time, and Cheon-wol did not avert his gaze from Lee Gwak.

Lee Gwak had to make a decision.

“Very well. I’ll take you in temporarily.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t be too grateful yet. Unless your identity is fully verified, you can’t become an official member. Write down your family and hometown details.”


Cheon-wol replied with a happy face.

Lee Gwak took the details provided by Cheon-wol and headed to the Outer Hall.

In cases like this, a squad leader could directly recruit members. However, they had to pass through strict identity verification.

Just as Lee Gwak had done, Cheon-wol would also undergo rigorous identity verification in the Outer Hall. Until then, he would stay as a temporary member, confined to the quarters.

Lee Gwak stopped by the hall of the Outer Hall to report about Cheon-wol to Maeng Hee-cheon.

“So, you’re saying you want to accept a new member?”

“That’s right.”

“Hmm! We have been slow in supplementing our forces. But are you sure?”

“About what?”

“About taking in a kid who hasn’t learned martial arts. It’s going to take quite a while for him to be able to contribute.”

“We should still try to nurture him.”


Maeng Hee-cheon looked at Lee Gwak with a displeased expression, his eyes fierce like a wolf.

“I don’t know if you don’t realize it because you’re in a safe place, but we’re in wartime. We don’t have the luxury to leisurely nurture new members while supporting the troops at the front. That means, you’ll have to take responsibility and nurture that boy yourself without the support of the Jade Heaven Alliance. Can you handle it?”

“I’ll try.”

“Are you really confident? Teaching the basics and discipline, all that falls on Squad 13.”

“I am… confident.”

At Lee Gwak’s response, Maeng Hee-cheon suddenly grinned, as if his stern expression had never existed.

“Well, fine! Since you’re so determined. But make sure he passes the verification thoroughly before doing so.”


“You can go now!”


Lee Gwak bowed to Maeng Hee-cheon and left. Alone, Maeng Hee-cheon’s smile deepened.

In truth, there was nothing for him to lose in this arrangement.

Now was a time when even a cat’s paw was needed. If Lee Gwak wanted to voluntarily take on the responsibility of cultivating and increasing the power of the Outer Hall on his own, there was no reason for Maeng Hee-cheon to oppose it. After all, an increase in the power of the Outer Hall would also mean an increase in his influence.

* * *

Cheon-wol’s identity verification passed without difficulty.

Seok Yi-cheon took on the task of teaching him the basic techniques of the Jade Heaven Alliance. Being in the Outer Hall for a long time, Seok Yi-cheon was skilled in the basic techniques and was accustomed to teaching others.

Having experience in instructing numerous warriors in the past, he dedicated himself to passing down the knowledge to Cheon-wol.

Cheon-wol was exceptionally intelligent. He managed to memorize the principles and movements of the basic techniques after hearing them only a couple of times. However, as his ankle had not fully healed, he couldn’t practice martial arts directly and instead took on various chores within Squad 13.

Cheon-wol especially followed Lee Gwak around, as he was the one who saved him and welcomed him into the Outer Hall.

Although Cheon-wol addressed him as ‘squad leader’ in public, in private, he called Lee Gwak ‘brother’ and followed him around like a puppy following its mother.

The most significant change in Cheon-wol after joining the Outer Hall was his appearance. In the beginning, Cheon-wol was smaller than his peers and had rough skin, but after having regular and proper meals every day, he quickly gained weight and his skin began to glow.

After a couple of months of this, his appearance changed dramatically. He transformed into a strikingly handsome young man who was admired by everyone.

Once his leg fully healed, Cheon-wol began learning the basic techniques, showing incredible progress that amazed Seok Yi-cheon.

He demonstrated outstanding physical abilities and a sense of balance. While his internal energy was far from perfect, as it took years to accumulate, his mastery of the techniques was as good as any of the other martial artists of the Outer Hall.

Seok Yi-cheon marveled at Cheon-wol’s genius, and even Lee Gwak acknowledged it.

Cheon-wol possessed exceptional martial talent, akin to the prodigies Lee Gwak had encountered at the Steel Blood Hell Training Ground in Mount Shaohua. Moreover, Cheon-wol was incredibly tenacious.

After his recovery, Cheon-wol spent all day in the training grounds, honing his martial arts skills. Despite developing and bursting countless blisters on his hands and feet, he never took a day off from training.

One day, Lee Gwak called out to him.

“Cheon-wol, come with me today.”

“Yes? Alright.”

Cheon-wol didn’t ask where they were going.

He promptly ceased his training and followed Lee Gwak.

The two walked shoulder to shoulder from their quarters to the streets. Lee Gwak took Cheon-wol to one of the warehouses managed by the Outer Hall.

“What brings you here today, squad leader?”

The warehouse keeper who greeted Lee Gwak was an elderly Outer Hall warrior.

“I was told to come here today to collect a weapon for the new recruit. Here’s the order from this morning.”

Lee Gwak handed the warehouse keeper the order he had received this morning. The warehouse keeper read the order carefully and then smiled at Cheon-wol.

“Congratulations! You’re finally recognized as an official member.”

“Excuse me?”

“The fact that you’re being issued weapons is proof that you’ve become an official warrior of the Outer Hall.”


Cheon-wol exclaimed in surprise. He had never thought that receiving a weapon would have such a meaning.

“Which do you prefer, a sword or a blade?”

“I’ll take the sword.”

“A sword? A blade might be easier to handle.”

“I still prefer the sword. If possible, a light one.”

Cheon-wol didn’t hesitate to state his preference. His demeanor could have been seen as brash, but the warehouse keeper actually liked Cheon-wol’s directness and smiled.

“Hmm, let’s see.”

He chose the lightest yet functional sword from the collection reserved for the Outer Hall warriors.

Even though all the swords were made in the same workshop, they still varied in quality depending on the craftsman who made them. The sword the warehouse keeper handed to Cheon-wol was among the best made of the lot.

“This is your sword now.”

“Thank you…”

Cheon-wol momentarily choked up with emotion.

Having lost his family and hometown, he had come to the Jade Heaven Alliance on a whim, but he never dreamed he would become a true member of the Jade Heaven Alliance.

Cheon-wol clutched the sword tightly in his arms and bowed his head deeply to Lee Gwak.

“Thank you, brother. I’ll never forget this kindness.”

“It’s all thanks to your efforts.”

“If you hadn’t saved and healed me, I would have probably died, wandering around Jianghu, so I’m truly grateful.”

“Enough of that!”

Lee Gwak, feeling a bit embarrassed, turned away. This caused Cheon-wol to look up at him and speak out loudly,

“I’ll serve you loyally from now on.”

“Let’s go!”

Lee Gwak shook his head and started walking. Cheon-wol quickly followed behind him, wearing a bright smile.

Cheon-wol held the sword he had been given dearly in his arms.

It was the first weapon he had ever owned.

The cold touch in his hand felt incredibly good.

He gazed at Lee Gwak’s back.

Unlike his seemingly ordinary external appearance, his back looked incredibly strong. It was like a steel tower that would never collapse.

Cheon-wol resolved to never lose sight of the man in front of him and follow him to the end.

“Let’s go together, squad leader.”

With that, he quickened his pace to catch up.

SoundlessWind21’s Notes:

Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you for your support until now <3

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