Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: The First Freak

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After leaving Martial Arts Hall, Luo Feng went on his way to Purple Spirit Mountain to cultivate.

Halfway there, he paused and looked ahead with his sharp eyes.

A young man and a young lady were walking in his direction.

The young man wore an Inner Institution’s uniform, which was a white robe with purple sides. He had slanted eyebrows and was standing upright with a fan in his hand. The young man had an elegant bearing.

Luo Feng recognized the young man. He was Duanmu Yu, the youngest genius who entered the Inner Institution at the age of fourteen!

The graceful lady who was with Duanmu Yu was Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao noticed Luo Feng too. The smile on her face disappeared right away and was replaced by a cold look.

Although Lin Hui survived, he became a worthless person. In addition, Lin Hui was expelled from the institution because he used a forbidden drug during the battle!

Naturally, Lin Xiaoxiao blamed it all on Luo Feng.

The distance between the three of them eventually became shorter. Duanmu Yu suddenly stopped when he walked past Luo Feng.

Duanmu Yu looked at Luo Feng, then said, “I recognize you. You’re Luo Feng from Silver Moon Class, the one with a strength of Energy Boundary’s middle phase who defeated Lin Hui at the arena the other day.”

Luo Feng was uncertain about Duanmu Yu’s intention, thus he kept quiet.

Duanmu Yu stood with his hands behind his back and looked down at Luo Feng from above. “You’re not bad. Follow me, I’ll ask someone to send you 10000 taels of silver later for your cultivation resources.”

“Young Master!”

Lin Xiaoxiao widened her hazel eyes as she was shocked. She did not expect Duanmu Yu to think so highly of Luo Feng!

If Luo Feng were to really follow him, it would be tough for Lin Xiaoxiao to take revenge for Lin Hui.

“Why? Do you have any comments?” Duanmu Yu frowned at Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao shivered right away. He always meant what he said.

“I’ll never disobey you, Young Master.” She quickly shook her head and smiled as she did not want to offend Duanmu Yu.

‘This lowly person!’

Luo Feng sneered when he saw how hideous Lin Xiaoxiao looked when she fawned over Duanmu Yu.

Afterward, Luo Feng replied, “Young Master Duanmu, I may be greedy for money, but I prefer earning them on my own instead of receiving them from someone else. I’m afraid I can’t enjoy your 10,000 taels.”


Duanmu Yu raised his brows, then shot a look at Luo Feng. “Are you rejecting my offer?”

“I think so,” Luo Feng answered firmly and calmly.

Duanmu Yu had a cold aura around him.

Nobody had ever rejected him!

Later, Duanmu Yu sneered when he noticed the Soaring Dragon Steps manual in Luo Feng’s hand. “Soaring Dragon Steps? Hmph, trash like you want to cultivate Soaring Dragon Steps? Looks like I was wrong about you, you’re just a piece of trash who doesn’t know your place!”


Luo Feng fixed his gaze at Duanmu Yu.

Duanmu Yu continued speaking arrogantly, “Looks like you’re not resigned to what I said? I’ll tell you now, unless you kowtow to me three times, you’ll never enter the Inner Institution!”

“Is that so?”

Luo Feng was so mad that he smiled instead. He took a deep breath, then looked back at Duanmu Yu proudly. “I can also tell you that not only will I enter the Inner Institution in three months’ time, but I’ll also cultivate Soaring Dragon Steps which you failed to cultivate!”

Since it was pointless to stay there any longer, Luo Feng simply strode away.

Duanmu Yu’s face turned dark. His fan creaked as he watched Luo Feng leave.


Before long, Duanmu Yu’s fan snapped. He scoffed. “Alright! Alright! Alright! I’ll wait three months for you! I’ll make you beg like a dog then!”

Lin Xiaoxiao was secretly delighted upon seeing Duanmu Yu rage with fire.

She knew how influential Duanmu Yu was. His eldest uncle was an elder at Heavenly Sword Hall, thus many Inner Institution students also flattered him!

Moreover, Duanmu Yu was a cultivation genius. At the age of fifteen, he was already at Level Five Meridian Cycle, and was a master in the middle phase of Iron Bone Boundary!

Luo Feng was courting death when he rejected Duanmu Yu!

Luo Feng was heading toward Purple Spirit Mountain’s cliff when someone called him from behind.

“Luo Feng! Wait for a second!”

When he turned around, he saw a chubby young man who carried a sword.

“Li Yuan, what’s the matter?” Luo Feng recognized that it was his classmate, Li Yuan. He had just activated Level Three Meridian Cycle and was one of the students at the bottom in Silver Moon Class. They used to be quite close.

Li Yuan was panting as he ran over. He looked at Luo Feng admiringly.

Back then, the two of them had similar strengths, but Luo Feng became reputable after he defeated Lin Hui who was one of the top twenty in class. They were now as different as Heaven and Earth.

Li Yuan took a deep breath, then asked, “Luo Feng, where did you go yesterday?”

“I went to Green Edge Town to run some errands.”

Li Yuan widened his eyes and looked worried. “You really know how to pick your timing!”

Luo Feng frowned. “What exactly is it? I’ll leave if you don’t tell me.”

Li Yuan quickly pulled him. “Of course I want to tell you something good! Do you know our beautiful class representative?”

“Bing Ruolan?”

Li Yuan who was starry-eyed nodded. “Hehe, I saw her standing outside your courtyard the whole day yesterday! I think she was waiting for you.”

‘Bing Ruolan was looking for me?’

Luo Feng was puzzled. “Why was she looking for me?”

“How would I know? I was only looking at her from afar…”

Li Yuan eventually realized that he phrased his sentence wrongly, so he quickly said, “Whatever it is, it was my first time seeing our beautiful class representative being so anxious. I’m sure it was important!”

“Alright, noted.” Luo Feng nodded, then turned to head to Purple Spirit Mountain.

Li Yuan who was concerned went up to Luo Feng to stop him. “Luo Feng, why don’t you seem interested at all?”

“Why should I be? I don’t have time now.”

“No time!”

Li Yuan twitched his mouth as he was in disbelief. He later commented, “Oh my god! That’s Bing Ruolan! One of the three beauties in the Outer Institution, Bing Ruolan the Jade-legged Goddess! You actually said that you’re uninterested and you don’t have time!”

Luo Feng could not be bothered, so he left.

Li Yuan shook his head at Luo Feng who had gone further away, then called out to him, “You’re wasting God’s gift! Do you hear me! Wasting God’s gift! Why don’t I have a chance like that? The female students in our class won’t even look at me in the eye…”

Luo Feng paused upon hearing him, then turned to reply, “Isn’t it obvious? It’s because you’re not powerful enough!”

Li Yuan froze on the spot as he was speechless.

The moment Luo Feng arrived at Purple Spirit Mountain’s cliff, he sat facing the sea of clouds with his legs crossed.

Subsequently, he retrieved the sandalwood box that contained the Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pills, which gave out a faint fragrance that filled the air.

Inside the sandalwood box laid two drugs around the size of a thumb.

The drugs were crimson in color and had fine patterns of burning clouds. They were also shining in miraculous light.

Luo Feng sniffed the pills.


Heat energy instantly flowed into Luo Feng’s lungs, where his six activated meridian cycles released heat due to the drug efficacy.

“What an overpowering drug efficacy, they prove themselves worthy as spirit pills refined from a Rank Two demonic beast, Cloud Domineering Tiger!” Luo Feng rejoiced.

Looking at the two Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pills, he said to himself, ‘A Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pill allows me to cultivate for ten days! I’m currently stable in the middle phase of Energy Boundary and showing signs of advancing. I should be able to enter the fourth level, Strength Boundary after consuming both pills! When that happens, the meridian cycles in my lungs will be activated, my body will be nourished and toughened. I wonder how much my strength will grow!’

Luo Feng immediately consumed one of the Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pills as he was looking forward to the outcome.


The instant the drug entered Luo Feng’s stomach, he felt the growth of intense heat energy inside. The energy pushed its way through all parts of Luo Feng’s body which resulted in a terrifying amount of heat released from his six activated meridian cycles! Every inch of his body trembled, and vague tiger roars could be heard coming from his body!

“Leopard Fist!” Luo Feng bounced off the ground, and punched like an evil tiger jumping off a cliff! His punch was so awe-inspiring that it seemed like he punched through the air around the cliff.

It was timeless on the mountain, ten days passed by in the blink of an eye.

“Bam, bam, bam…”

The sea of clouds at the cliff was still billowing like an army, and the tip of the cliff that looked like a wolf’s fang was extremely dangerous. With deep focus, Luo Feng kept punching while changing his steps.

Accompanied by a sky full of fist shadows, deafening explosions could be heard continuously like thunder during summer. Among those sounds, tiger roars were also heard!

Luo Feng was just like a ferocious tiger at the edge of a lake. He carried an overbearing aura, so much so that the menacing mountain appeared shorter to him!

After going through three Roaring Tiger Fist techniques, Luo Feng stopped abruptly. His half-squinted eyes released brilliance that pierced through the void!

“Tss, tss…”

His skin writhed like a drum surface, and all 480000000 pores were opened, by which air gushed out like arrows. Consequently, his white robe expanded since it was being blown!

“A membrane layer formed beneath my skin! Level Four Meridian Cycle, Strength Boundary!”

The brilliance in Luo Feng’s eyes then disappeared. He was elated.

Luo Feng initially thought that he would take at least half a month to advance to Level Four Meridian Cycle, yet he succeeded in just ten days. Everything went smoother than he expected.

“Looks like I underestimated my potential.” Luo Feng grinned. He was proud of himself.

Ordinary martial artists usually took three to five months or longer to advance from Energy Boundary to Strength Boundary.

Luo Feng advanced in just ten days!

He was certain that Duanmu Yu was inferior to him.

After all, Luo Feng possessed eighteen meridian cycles in his body! He was one of a kind!

Followed by that, Luo Feng found a sharp rock and pulled his robe aside to stab his stomach with the rock.


The rock shattered as if it hit metal instead, but Luo Feng’s stomach was completely unharmed.

Luo Feng was in high spirits.

“At Level Four Meridian Cycle, Strength Boundary, vitality enters my lungs, my flesh becomes compact, and a membrane is formed beneath my skin. My force and quality of my body have greatly improved. If I can arrive at Strength Boundary’s peak, my skin will become so solid that normal blades and swords won’t be able to hurt me! Nice!”

Luo Feng roared because he was so happy; which could be heard from miles away!

“I wonder how much my force is now.” Luo Feng walked to the front of the precipice as he felt an endless force inside his body.

“Raging Tiger Leaves Cave!”

Luo Feng yelled, then attacked with his right fist.


The Earth and the mountain shook. When Luo Feng stopped, he noticed a hole the size of a house on the precipice, and gravel that turned into fine powder blew away with the wind.

“The force of that punch was probably over 11020 pounds!”

Luo Feng was also taken aback. Martial artists in the later phase of Strength Boundary only had the force of around 7200 pounds, yet his was over 11020 pounds!

“A freak!”

After being stunned for a while, Luo Feng chuckled and commented on his current force.

Luo Feng figured that he probably owed the enormous force to his gift of having eighteen meridian cycles, as well as the Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pill.

Cloud Domineering Tiger was a top-notch Rank Two demonic beast that was similar to a martial artist at Level Six Meridian Cycle. If it were to pounce, it could take down a small mountain on its own!

Since Luo Feng consumed a Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pill, he possessed the energy of a Cloud Domineering Tiger, hence acquired such a frightening force!

A whole day of cultivation later, Luo Feng was drenched in sweat, but he was unbothered. He retrieved the Soaring Dragon Steps manual.

“I can start cultivating Soaring Dragon Steps now…”

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