Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Worse Than Trash

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Feng informed Bing Ruolan of his decision to get a weapon from Green Edge Town.

Bing Ruolan’s eyes lit up upon hearing those words and with a faint smile she said, “I’ve actually done quite a bit of research on weapons, so let me accompany you as well.”

“Err…” Luo Feng’s reluctance was revealed on his face. Upon noticing it, Bing Ruolan pouted her lips and scowled.

“You know that it’s rude to reject a girl’s invitation, right?”

“Fine then.” Luo Feng chuckled bitterly as he nodded his head.

He liked the sound of having a beautiful lady like Bing Ruolan at his side, after all.

Seeing as he had accepted her offer, Bing Ruolan’s revealed a delighted grin, with her eyes formed into the shape of crescents.

With that, Bing Ruolan exited the courtyard with light and graceful steps. “Well then, I’ll need you to wait here for me. I’m going back to get a change of clothes.”

A few steps later, Bing Ruolan stopped abruptly. With her mesmerizing blue eyes directed at Luo Feng, she muttered in a soft tone, “Also, stop calling me class representative in the future. It sounds a little weird…”

“What should I call you then?” Luo Feng asked in a startled manner.

“Just call me Ruolan.” Bing Ruolan hastily spat out the words, and immediately after she turned around and left, with her ears glowing a flustered shade of pink.

Nevertheless, her emotions had gone unnoticed by Luo Feng, as he had only regarded it as just a simple matter of nicknames.

Following that, Luo Feng retreated back into his room, put on a set of ordinary clothes and pocketed the remaining silver tickets from his procurement of the pills. Then, he returned to the courtyard.

After waiting for a while at the entrance, he could hear Bing Ruolan’s voice echoing out from a small alleyway.

Luo Feng spun his head around and he was stunned by what he saw.

Bing Ruolan had donned a full set of blue apparel. The pale blue added a spice of liveliness to her and when coupled with the skin-tight leggings that further amplified the beauty of her long, slender legs, she gave off a pure, refined feel. She was as elegant as a lotus, and it thrilled the hearts of those who spotted her.

“As expected of one of the top three beauties of the Outer Institution, the Jade-legged Goddess…”

After experiencing that short moment of surprise, Luo Feng’s expression reverted to normal. By the time Bing Ruolan had approached him, he poked fun at her and asked, “Ruolan, who are you dressed so pretty for?”

As this was the first time Bing Ruolan had ever accompanied a male student, she was feeling extremely nervous. Her palms were already all sweaty, and when Luo Feng took a jab at her, all she could feel was her face becoming really hot. Due to this, she lowered her head and pushed Luo Feng forward. “Hurry up and move!”

“Hey, don’t push me!”

“Blame yourself and all your yapping…”

As the two made their way out of the institution, they chatted with one another, and along the way, they met a number of Silver Moon Class students.

These students had all gone wide-eyed upon seeing the affectionate interactions between both of them. They all showed expressions of disbelief.

After all, be it in looks or cultivation, Bing Ruolan was Silver Moon Class’ shining star and as such, she had plenty of admirers.

However, she had totally immersed herself in her cultivation and there was a faint coldness to her whenever she interacted with others. Due to this, she gradually came to be known as the Icy Goddess among the male students of Silver Moon Class, as she was extremely difficult to approach.

As such, the first thing the students did upon seeing her walking side by side with Luo Feng was to rub their eyes throughly, especially since Bing Ruolan was smiling radiantly.

However, once the students had ascertained that the situation before them was real, they gave Luo Feng all sorts of looks, ranging from envy to suspicion.

Nevertheless, Luo Feng paid no mind to these looks. After all, he had already forged an iron heart and mentality during his cultivation at the cliff, and due to this, he was not bothered at all.

The two had already gone through two streets when suddenly, a clear voice rang out before them.

“Hmm, isn’t this our beautiful class representative? Where are you headed to?”

A teenager around the age of fifteen walked towards Bing Ruolan’s direction from the crowd before them.

The teen was wearing a Silver Moon Class uniform and had dashing looks but his only downside was how pale he was. His eyes were trained on Bing Ruolan and there was a fervent feel to them. However, his gaze had accidentally wandered off to Luo Feng, and when that happened, a flash of coldness sparked within his eyes.

“That’s Nan Fei!” A Silver Moon Class student beside them had identified the teenager before them. It was Nan Fei, whose abilities were only just below Bing Ruolan’s within the Silver Moon Class.

“Hehe, Nan Fei has been pursuing the class representative all this time, but his efforts have always been in vain. I bet he’s feeling extremely jealous after seeing our class representative being this affectionate with Luo Feng.”

“That’s not the extent of it man. Yesterday, I saw Luo Feng pushing the class representative into his own courtyard with my very own eyes, and Nan Fei was also there when it happened. When I looked at him, he was practically green with envy. Buckle up, cause we’re about to witness a good show.” The surrounding students whistled as if they were watching something exciting.

Bing Ruolan stared at Nan Fei who was standing before her. With her delicate brow scowling, she declared, “Nan Fei, if you have no business with me, then please step aside. I have things to attend to.”

“Hoho, class representative, you’re heading to Green Edge Town, right? Well, I have nothing else to do today, so, I guess I’ll be accompanying you there,” Nan Fei’s expression had not changed in the slightest as he suggested warmly.

“No thanks.” Bing Ruolan rejected him outright.

The corner of Nan Fei’s mouth twitched, but he refused to budge.

Feeling annoyed, Luo Feng fixed his gaze on Nan Fei and stated, “Nan Fei, Ruolan has already told you that she has a matter to attend to. What part of that do you not understand?”


Nan Fei’s eyelids twitched.

The only time Nan Fei had heard anyone addressing her that way was from the mentor herself. Once, in the past, he had attempted to address her in the same manner as well, but he was immediately rejected. However, at that moment, there was not the slightest trace of anger coming from Bing Ruolan.

A sea of jealous flames began to spread within Nan Fei’s vision.

Had the person beside Bing Ruolan been anyone from the Inner Institution or even the geniuses from Golden Sun Class, he might have accepted the situation. However, the one beside her was Luo Feng! A person who was far inferior to him! This was something that he could not accept.

Not wanting to waste any more time bickering, Bing Ruolan tugged at Luo Feng and said, “Let’s leave, Luo Feng.”

Luo Feng nodded his head and walked past Nan Fei along with Bing Ruolan. However, just as they were about to leave, a low rumbling sound could be heard.

“Hoho, I can’t believe that scum like you who’s been played on the palm of a woman’s hand would dare to act this pompously before me!”

Luo Feng slammed down and turned around to glare coldly at Nan Fei. A thick coil of murderous intent surrounded Luo Feng.

“Nan Fei, hurry up and apologize to Luo Feng!” Bing Ruolan frowned at Nan Fei.

“Why should I? Isn’t it the truth? After all, he and Lin Xiaoxiao…” Nan Fei shot a scornful look at Luo Feng and spewed rivers of words to defame Luo Feng when suddenly, his vision went dark.


An intense sound rang out in the middle of the street.

The street had gone eerily quiet, as those who were spectating the scene had now gone wide-eyed in disbelief.

Luo Feng had flung a smack on Nan Fei!

“Do my eyes deceive me, or did Luo Feng really just smack Nan Fei?”

Nan Fei was currently in the middle phase of the Strength Boundary, and, within Silver Moon Class, his strength was second only to Bing Ruolan. As such, he was very well known.

“Hey guys, look! Luo Feng’s cultivation level is also in the middle phase of the Strength Boundary!”

“Holy cow! How did he advance this quickly?!”

The crowd cried in surprise as they noticed the aura that Luo Feng emitted.

After all, Luo Feng’s cultivation was only at the middle phase of the Energy Boundary back when he faced off with Lin Hui. It had only been a month since then, but Luo Feng had already advanced to the middle phase of the Strength Boundary during this time. The speed of his cultivation was practically logic-defying!

Nan Fei rubbed the scorching-hot left side of his face as he stood rooted in his spot. He could not believe that Luo Feng had just hit him.

Nevertheless, Nan Fei was jolted back to reality upon hearing the surrounding gasps. Now that he had just been pummeled in front of the woman he had a crush on, his chest was practically on the edge of exploding with rage. With eyes seething with rage, he glared at Luo Feng and shouted, “Luo Feng, you piece of trash! How dare you attack me! I’ll murder you!”

“Raging Lava Fist!”

In a flash, the muscles on Nan Fei’s right arm expanded into the size of huge pythons. Like a giant boulder, he charged at Luo Feng, releasing a violent gale that caused the surrounding students to squint.

“It’s the Yellow Rank Lower Class, Raging Lava Fist! Nan Fei’s already cultivated it to the Success State! Luo Feng’s done for!” A student who was well-versed with Nan Fei’s abilities yelped.

Luo Feng remained nonchalant in the face of a charging Nan Fei. He seemed to be unbothered by him.

After all, he had already defeated Li Yunhao who was in the later phase of the Strength Boundary back when he had just reached the Strength Boundary, and at that point, his abilities were a league higher than he was before. As such, what sense would it make for him to fear Nan Fei, who was only in the middle phase of the Strength Boundary?


By the time Nan Fei was in Luo Feng’s proximity, two air dragons appeared by Luo Feng’s side. In what seemed like a blink of an eye to the audience, Luo Feng had already vanished from his spot.

‘Not good!’ Nan Fei’s fist had struck nothing and he was extremely irked by it. Just as he was about to use his Light Body technique to retreat, a fierce gust of wind slammed into him from his right side, causing him a great deal of pain.


Another ear-shattering slap could be heard as Nan Fei was pushed backward by a dozen yards. As he did so, he also spat a mouthful of bloody saliva, which contained several of his broken teeth.

“What amazing speed! What kind of Light Body martial arts is this?” The surrounding students roared in admiration.

Bing Ruolan observed Luo Feng’s figure with her beautiful eyes as she thought, “Could this martial art be…”

She had seen Li Yunhao of the Golden Sun Class displaying his Light Body techniques before, but even then, it was not as fast as Luo Feng’s current speed. Moreover, Li Yunhao was ranked top five within the Outer Institution for Light Body techniques!

Nan Fei was severely battered this time around and had yet to regain consciousness even after a long pause. By the time he had awakened, it was to his surprise that Luo Feng was standing right beside him!

“Swift Steps!” Without even thinking, Nan Fei immediately activated his Light Body technique. Like a slithering snake, Nan Fei fled to the side to escape.

“Trying to escape?” Luo Feng sneered.

Although Luo Feng’s Soaring Dragon Steps was only in its second level, it had already far surpassed the normal Yellow Rank middle class martial arts. Furthermore, Nan Fei’s Swift Steps was only a fundamental technique, and as such, Nan Fei was as slow as a tortoise in Luo Feng’s view.


In a flash, Luo Feng had already caught up to Nan Fei and grabbed onto his sleeves.


Nan Fei slammed onto the ground with a force so great that the entire street quaked.

‘Gack!’ Nan Fei’s face turned a ghastly pale, and he spat a mouthful of crimson blood.

Luo Feng placed his foot on top of Nan Fei and coldly remarked, “Nan Fei, you called me trash. So, now that you’re below my foot, what does that make you? Something worse than trash?”

A shred of humiliation flashed past Nan Fei’s eyes. Through his bloodied teeth, he vehemently declared, “Luo Feng, mark my words! I’ll return the humiliation you’ve dealt me today tenfold!”


Luo Feng raised his eyebrows and glared down viciously at Nan Fei. “You intend on exacting revenge?”

“Luo Feng!” Bing Ruolan could sense a terrifying aura emanating from Luo Feng’s body, which caused her heart to skip a beat. She thought that Luo Feng was about to carry out an action that he would regret.

“Don’t worry.” Luo Feng waved his hands. He plucked Nan Fei off from the ground, and with a smile, he said, “It’s fine as long as I don’t do any lasting damage, right?”

“Luo Feng! You! What are you trying to pull?!” Nan Fei’s hairs were standing on end, and his voice was shaky. Nevertheless, the only answer he got was another loud slap.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack…

Luo Feng held Nan Fei with his left hand and unleashed his artillery with his right hand onto Nan Fei’s face. A cacophony of clear tones that the slaps made were distinct and instilled an unease amongst the hearts of the Silver Moon Class students.

In the beginning, Nan Fei struggled against Luo Feng. However, he soon realized that his efforts were in vain.

Luo Feng was like an impossibly tall wall in front of him, one which he had no way of climbing over!

Fear began to bubble up within his heart and when coupled with the searing pain of the accumulated slaps, Nan Fei broke down a moment later. With tears in his eyes, he cried, “Stop hitting me! Luo Feng, I was wrong! Please, stop hitting me!”

Luo Feng held back his hand and narrowed his eyes at Nan Fei, asking, “Didn’t you want to exact revenge on me? In that case, how could you be wrong?”

“I was wrong! After all, what can you expect from a hog but a grunt? Luo Feng, I beg of you, please find it in your benevolent heart to spare me!”


Luo Feng tossed Nan Fei onto the ground and coldly declared, “Eat all the nonsense you want, but never spout nonsense1! Nan Fei, in consideration of our relationship as classmates, I’ve decided to spare you.”

“Yes! Yes, Sir! I’ll never spout nonsense ever again!” Nan Fei kowtowed to Luo Feng.

Even though Nan Fei was acting like a bumbling pig, no one held any ill thoughts towards him.

After all, Luo Feng’s dominance had caused the surrounding audience to quiver in their boots, and if this was the extent of pressure they felt, what about Nan Fei?

“Scram!” Luo Feng waved his hand.

Nan Fei immediately crawled back up. While doing so, he accidentally locked eyes with Bing Ruolan, and during that moment, a hint of humiliation could be detected from him. Not wanting to stay any longer, Nan Fei then disappeared within the crowd of people.

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